Ants Reaper: Content and Care. How to care for ants at home?

Ants Reaper: Content and Care. How to care for ants at home?

Instructions for the care of ants with reapers.

Ants are very unusual insects that are distinguished by a hierarchy in the family. In this article, we will talk about the features of the care and content of the ants of the reapers. 

How to get and where to get ants for formicaria?

Ants or steppe ants are one of the simplest in the departure of the species that beginners start. At the head of such a colony is the uterus that lays eggs, and contributes to the growth of the family. 

How to get and where to get ants for formicaria:  

  • Buy a small colony that is sold in small tubes. Usually this is the uterus with 10, 20 or 30 workers. 
  • If you are not ready to spend money on purchasing a colony, you can do as follows. In nature, in the spring, mating of females and males is carried out. These ants, unlike the usual ones, have wings. Later, after fertilization, the uterus fades the wings, descends underground, or climbs under a stone, a dry tree. There begins the process of digging the holes, and laying the eggs. It is necessary to get into the steppe during the mating period, and find such insects with wings. The fertilization of the uterus is carried out only once per life, it works with the accumulated capacity of sperm, laying eggs. Some time after fertilization, males die. Next, the uterus begins to lay eggs. 
  • As soon as you have a uterus, it is necessary to transplant it into a test tube with a moistened cotton, and place a small piece of walnut there, the size of which is equal to a match head, and several dead mosquitoes. This is due to the fact that ants in nature also eat dead insects to provide themselves with protein.

The most remarkable thing is that the whole family consists of a female, males, and working individuals. Workers are female individuals, but with underdeveloped genitals who cannot give offspring. They are cleaning, some are nannies, and are engaged in feeding offspring.There are individuals in such a family who carry out the cleaning, transfer dead insects, the remains of garbage to the allotted place, so as not to clogformicaria Or a nest. It is worth noting that entomologists consider ants the most developed of all insects. It is believed that an anthill is a single whole organism, each in which has its own purpose and purpose. The work is distributed, everyone knows what to do. The uterus lays eggs, other insects feed them, another caste removes and protects the anthill from the attack of other insects.   


How to feed ants at home?

Of course, the ants can calmly exist if they feed them with maca macs, sunflower, however, in the presence of protein, the family develops much faster, individuals have a larger size.

How to feed ants at home:

  • Do not be surprised if the first insects are small. This is understandable, since the uterus on their feeding and growing spends its own forces, which may not be enough. The next generation will be larger, due to additional top dressing. 
  • From time to time, put the grains, and do not forget about the dead insects. It can be small cockroaches, worms, or mosquitoes. Such food can be found in any pet store or ordered via the Internet. Now the content is quite popularformicaria, with the search for food for ants there should be no problems. 
  • Buy food in special stores. A mixture for canaries is also suitable.

Ants Reaper: Contents and Care at home

Your goal is to place a test tube with a uterus in a dark place, and look once a week. After about a month, the family will increase in size. On average, in one month you will see about 30 new individuals. Later, insects will begin to develop much faster, because the uterus will have assistants who will take care of new eggs, feed them and take out garbage. 

Ants Reaper, maintenance and care at home:

  • The development of a colony is necessary to have a cozyformicaria or farms, with a large number of moves. Do not rush to open all compartments at once, freeing them gradually, as the family grows. This is necessary so that the ants do not get lost.
  • Excessive area can cause death, severe stress, which will negatively affect the strength of the family. Ants need constant moisture. Despite the fact that the reapers live in the steppes, where they are dry enough, they still choose the places in which moisture accumulates. Therefore, be sure to put cotton wool moistened with water in the chamber to maintain high humidity. Do not put the farm by the window, on the windowsill, or to the places where there is a draft. Ants live poorly on the balcony. Choose a cozy, shady place where few insects are disturbing. 

Can ants live without uterus?

Despite the fact that the ants are the simplest to care, with the shade of the new uterus, significant problems can arise.

Can ants live without uterus:

  • Yes, however, there will be no new family members, and the inhabitants of the colony will simply live the life that is intended for them. If you want the family to develop, the uterus is a mandatory attribute. 
  • On average, the uterus lives from 5 to 25 years, depending on the type, and the quality of care for it. There are individuals who live up to 28 years.

Ants Reaper: The uterus died, what to do?

There are several ways to cope with the problem.

Ants Reapers, the uterus died, what to do:

  • Sanding a new uterus. This works with any type of ants, but not with the Reapers. This species is the most problematic, since after the death of the queen, the workers even carry the old uterus in parts, and protect it in every possible way. They are aggressive to new individuals. That is why, just take and pour the old colony into a newformicaria it is forbidden. Members of different families will simply interrupt each other, the strongest family will survive. The main problem is that the new inhabitants of the oldformicaria They can kill the uterus. Accordingly, two families will be left without a queen. You run the risk of ditching two families instead of one. 
  • If you want the family to develop successfully, to disperse a new uterus into the family, which was left without a queen, nit is easy to place the uterus in the arena, close all the holes of the incubator with a metal, steel mesh. Ants will not be able to harm the uterus. Pay attention to how communication occurs. It is necessary that the antennae of ants touch the uterus, they will get used to each other. If there are no ants from the ants, you can open a way out of the incubator. Most likely, the workers will accept the uterus. If there is an open aggression, then the uterus must be taken, because the soldiers will destroy it. 
  • There is another option for sharing a new uterus into an old family. For these purposes, an oldformicariain which there is no uterus, put in the refrigerator. A decrease in temperature will help to reduce the motor activity of ants, they will fall into anbiosis. You need to take a completely new, clean, dryformicaria, Place the uterus in the center of the arena. Further, one must lay out ants, which fell into anbiosis in the arena. Due to the decrease in motor activity and loss of orientation, ants may not understand that this is not an old one, but a new uterus, and will accept it into the family. 

Why do ants die in an ant farm?

Despite the fact that the ants are very easy to care for, there are a number of diseases that insects are subject to. 

Why are ants die in an ant farm:

  • Poisoning 
  • Incorrectly selecteddiet  
  • Parasites and diseases 
  • Violation of microclimate cformicaria  
  • Uterine death and mold mushrooms 

Most often, insects suffer from fungal ailments, as well as parasites. The main signs of infection are high mortality in insects, strange behavior. Often such insects walk in circles or crawl, freezing in one place. Ants die in whole groups. 


What do ants are sick in formicaria?

To save insects, it is necessary to relocate to anotherformicaria, and disinfection of individuals. So that, so that, along with insects, the ailment does not penetrate the new farm, it is necessary to put a cotton wool moistened with the drug in the arenaAntibak 250. A test tube is invested near such a cotton wool. As soon as 20 individuals fall into it, they must be transferred to a new place of residence. Most often, ants die due to disturbance of microclimate. This is facilitated by a decrease or increase in temperature, but a fluctuation in humidity. 

Than ants are sick in formicaria:

  • Ticks. They appear in the form of formations on insects similar to droplets. There can be several such drops on the abdomen and head of an ant. To get rid of the parasite, it is necessary to reduce the temperature and humidity. Of course, this will negatively affect the ants, but the tick is more sensitive to such changes in microclimate than ants. Often, professionals use a predatory tick for these purposes, which destroys the parasite. However, this is also a dangerous parasite, exclusively professionals resort to such a method of struggle. 
  • Fly rider. For soldiers, or Kormils, she does not carry any danger, defeating the queen. Such a parasite is put off in its insides larva. After a while, the queen lays a large cocoon of red-yellow. After a while, the uterus dies. Take a closer look at the uterus before laying the flush cocoon, it increases significantly in size. It is very difficult to fight a parasite, so death awaits such a family. It's time to prepare a new uterus. 

Ants Reaper: Propagation

The reproduction of ants begins in April, it is then that the uterus returns from flying, baking his wings, and climbs into the hole. Before the onset of the summer heat, there are already several working insects that can engage in food production. 

Ants Reaper, reproduction:

  • At the initial stage, the uterus lays eggs, which then turn into larvae and dolls. The doll does not have a dense shell, so you can observe its development. As indicated above, the ants must have a unit in caste and each is doing their own business. Larvae cannot move independently, so they are fed nurses, nannies or nurse. Basically, ants eat ants that grind the soldiers into flour. They differ from the rest of the inhabitants of the farm larger in size, and a massive head.
  • This is due to the fact that they have very large jaws that are able to grind grains into small pieces. The crushed grains are transmitted to ordinary workers, which then grind pieces in flour. The nurse mixes flour with saliva, and feeds the larvae. It is worth noting that an ordinary working female is also capable of laying eggs, but they will also be workers. In order for a female or a male from the egg, it must be postponed by the uterus. Only inside her abdomen there is a sperm stock that is able to produce full -fledged, sexually mature individuals. 

How to grow an ant uterus?

It is almost impossible to grow a uterus at home, this is due to some features of fertilization.

How to grow an ant uterus:

  • Even if informicaria There will be several males and females so that the uterus becomes full, it needs a supply of cells from the male. Insemination occurs only during flying, respectively, insects mate in conditionsformicaria can not.
  • Therefore, it is worth allowing the farm to live without uterus. The life expectancy of workers goosebumps is 3-5 years. You can try to disband the family byformicarias With queens. 
A family
A family

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Moisture excessivelyformicaria No need, as this provokes the growth of mold. Factors such as loud sounds, bright light, or pungent odors, can cause death or diseases of the colony. Try to keep the farm in shaded, calm places. 

Video: How to care for ants?

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