How to go out a sparrow chick at home? When, how and how to feed the scorching chick at home?

How to go out a sparrow chick at home? When, how and how to feed the scorching chick at home?

Instructions for nursing and feeding a sparrow chick.

Sparrows are urban birds, which are a lot of human dwellings, because of lightness with the search for food, and the friendly character of birds. In this article, we will tell you how to go out the Voroshushka chick. 

Can a sparrow chick can come out?

These birds are significantly distinguished from parrots and canaries. Therefore, the food of brothers is not entirely suitable for these chicks, since it does not cover their needs for bone nutrition, as well as plumage. Often, after the homeland, inferior chicks grow, which suffer from rickets, with scarce plumage. This is due to errors in the nutrition and a lack of nutrients that enter the gastrointestinal tract. If you saw a chick that fell out of the nest, do not rush to pick it up. Especially if the baby has a yellow mouth and there is plumage.

Is it possible to go out a sparrow chick:

  • In a certain period of life, parents teach their kids to make food and fly on their own. Therefore, it's okay if the bird is on the ground, and adults sit on the branches and observe the chick.
  • This is normal behavior, so they control the state of their offspring. The chick is on the ground, shouts loudly, opens his mouth and requires food. This is a kind of educational work or training in order to teach the chick to independently catch flies and other insects for nutrition. Parents do not abandon their chick, help him in every way, and feed a long period of time. Such manipulation accustoms small chicks to independently extract food. 
  • Another thing is if the nest of the chicks is destroyed as a result of a hurricane, or construction. You will see on earth several chicks who may die a starvation. However, before taking them, it is necessary to understand that this is a rather complicated procedure. Chicks who have no plumage must be fed every 15-20 minutes with a special mixture. That is, any food that is in the refrigerator can not feed them. We will have to constantly cook nutrient mixtures from certain types of products. 

How to come out a chick of a sparrow falling out of a nest?

After delivering the chick home, it does not need to be fed. Give him a few drops of water. Try to do this with a pipette or syringe, having previously removed the needle. In no case do not open the chick’s mouth by force, introducing the tip and injecting water. The chick may choke. Chicks without plumage cannot drink water on their own, so it makes no sense to put a container with water. 

How to go out a chick of a sparrow that fell out of the nest:

  • To force a few drops of water, it is necessary to put the piston at the corner of the beak, press several times. The amount of water can vary from 3 to 10 drops. After the chick quenches thirst, you can start feeding it. In no case do not purchase food for canary, since it is not suitable for the chicks of sparrow. Kids who do not yet have feathers will not be able to use food on their own. 
  • To remove the feeling of hunger, you can use a chicken egg, or minced meat. Do not use purchased industrial stuffing with fat content. Fat and lard are not suitable for feeding sparrows. It should be pure protein. The ideal option will be chicken, or low -fat beef, it should be crushed and raw. These products do not need to be given heat treatment. It is necessary to roll a small ball, the size of which is 1/3 of the head of the chick. 

How to feed the chick of the sparrow of the Zheltorotik?

Zheltorotik- this is Already not a very small chick, the people are called fits, that is, those who learn to imitate parents and independently get food. In no case should you select the chicks who sit nearby near the trees on the grass and shout loudly, opening their mouths, begging for food. Rodators nearby teach their baby to get food on their own and fly. Therefore, such chicks cannot be taken from the street. However, if they nursed the kids when they did not have feathers, it is necessary to continue to feed them. 

How to feed the chick of the sparrow of the yellow -point:

  • Boil the egg boiled and grate on a fine grater. Take a small piece of chicken breast and chop with a knife. This is best done if the meat is frozen, turning it into chips or dust. It is necessary to turn the greens into a wet mixture, chopping in a blender. Grind carrots on a grater and squeeze the juice. Remove the liquid, leaving only the chips.
  • A low -fat cottage cheese or grated hard cheese must be invested in this mixture. After that, the mixture is mixed, calcium and multivitamins are administered. You can use grated white crackers. It is necessary that the mixture is quite moist, but does not stick to the fingers. This mixture is allowed to be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than one day. Small balls are made from the mass, the size of which is equal to the cherry bone.
  • It is necessary to constantly finish the baby with a pipette. Two or three drops are enough for this. It is substituted to the tip of the beak. You can not finish the chick with milk, tea, juices. Only boiled water or purified is allowed. Water from the tap cannot be given. 

How to go out a sparrow chick at home?

About 8-12 days after birth, the sparrow strives to fly out of the nest. Therefore, it is necessary to move it to a small cage. It is allowed to place in a basket, which is covered with a mosquito net.

How to go out a sparrow chick at home:

  • It is necessary that scattered sunlight constantly fall on the chick. Under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is produced, which helps to process calcium. If you keep the chick in the shade, then these vitamins may not be enough, the sparrow will get rickets. Be sure to the bottom of the box or cells must be poured with soft material. Do not use straw, as the chick may choke. Usually useless wipes are used. You can not use cotton wool, since small fibers can contribute to the death of a bird. 
  • If you mistakenly picked up the gang, it is best to return it to its place. Unlike some animals, there are no smell on the chicks, so the birds cannot determine that the cub was carried away and do not throw it out of the nest. If you return the jaundthrotics in place, parents will be selected. Try not to stand nearby near the chick, so that adult individuals will not notice you or get scared. Try to move to a distance of 30-50 m and watch the baby. Parents will soon fly up to him or he will take off and climb into the nest. 
  • If you have selected a very young chick without plumage, then in addition to feeding, he needs care and heating. Be sure to build a nest on the bottom of which put a heating pad, or several cans with hot water, previously covered with a cloth. Remember that the bottom of the nest should not be too slippery so that the paws of the sparrow do not spread. Otherwise, this can cause joint pathology. 
  • To feed the chick, you need to prepare a nutrient mixture, and roll small balls. Try to raise food up, as parents do in nature. Perhaps then the chick will open his mouth. Due to stress and fear, chicks are afraid to open the beak, so they suffer from hunger. It is necessary to take a sparrow on the hand, stroke and calm a little so that he is used to you. After that, you should stroke the head, and easily knock on the beak. This must also be done on top. The chick will reflexively open the beak, and you can put several balls of food in your mouth. For one feeding, it is necessary to feed approximately 3-4 peas that are equal to the size of the match head. Be sure to give a chick, this will help him swallow food. To do this, just moisten your finger in the water and bring it to cranberries. The bird will open the beak and swallow water. 

How much to feed the sparrow chick?

A chick that has no plumage yet must be fed for about every 20 minutes. If this is a yellow -off, then it is allowed to feed at least once per hour. This is how feeding in nature occurs.

How much to feed the sparrow chick:

  • Mandatory try to find food that is familiar to the sparrow. These are small caterpillars, but without villi. Supreme maggots are suitable so that there are no rigid parts that can cause the death of a sparrow.
  • Mosquitoes without blood inside are also suitable. You can use ants. Try to find such food in pet stores. Shops for fishermen will help, where you can easily find maggots and other living insects. 

Do I need to feed the sparrow chick at night?

It is impossible to feed the chicks at night, regardless of age. Their digestion depends on the daylight day, so at night the metabolism slows down, the digestive tract digests what he ate during the day.

Do I need to feed a sparrow chick at night:

  • It is necessary to adhere to the 14-hour cycle. It is necessary to feed in the morning, after sunrise until the evening, when the sun sits down. For example, from 6:00 to 20:00.
  • On a cloudy day, chicks must be watered with special ultraviolet lamps. This is necessary for the normal production of vitamin D and the prevention of rickets.
  • If there is not enough light at home, the shady side, then purchase special lamps. They secrete heat, which will help to develop a bird. 

How to feed a scorch chick with an egg shell?

Remember that birds at a young age require a large amount of calcium, it is best if it is organic. Egg shell is ideal for these purposes. 

How to feed the chick of sparrow eggshell:

  • It is advisable to wrap it to completely remove pathogenic microorganisms. The shell is dried, crushed to the state of the powder. It is in this powder that it is necessary to roll insects that you give feathered.
  • The food that can be given to canaries contributes to the growth of muscle mass, but does not cover the need for the growth of plumage, bones. Therefore, often such sparrows suffer from rickets, and the appearance of a bald spot. That is, feathers do not completely cover the body of the bird.
  • This also applies to other nutrition, which usually feed birds at home. It is recommended to use probiotics, for example, Linex, Lactiala or Lactovit. These funds are sold in bags or capsules, it is also recommended to add to bird food. 

How to get out a sparrow chick: reviews

Below you can familiarize yourself with the reviews of people who have grown sparrows at home. 

How to go out a sparrow chick, reviews:

Elizabeth. By mistake, she picked up the jaundice who was sitting on the grass and shouted loudly. Later they explained to me that this did not need to be done, as these are the raids that are taught to fly. I had a sparrow for several months until I became an adult. It fed it with a mixture for canaries, and also added calcium carbonate, and lactobacilli. At first glance, the sparrow is absolutely normal and healthy. Recently released it, I hope everything will be fine with him. 

Veronica. During a walk with the child, a chick was picked up, which lay on the ground almost without plumage. They were very scared, so they attributed the bird to the veterinarian. He gave recommendations for feeding. I recommended a special mixture that needs to be prepared. The main problem is the need for insect feeding. Therefore, in my refrigerator, with ordinary food, maggots and flies in jars stood. I have a sparrow for 2 months, we are going to release it in the near future. They showed the veterinarian, most likely, the bird has prolors and not everywhere has plumage. This is due to problems in feeding. 

Alexander. I picked up the chicks very small, there were three of them. This happened after the hurricane, so their nest was destroyed. I took everyone home. I never thought that it was so difficult to care for sparrows. This is much more complicated than caring for kittens and puppies. Sparrows require much more attention than a newborn child. They need to feed them every half hour. They constantly lacked water and food, they squeaked a lot. We learned to drink water for a long time on their own and eat. I believe that natural conditions are ideal for chicks, because growing them at home is very difficult. Now the chicks have grown a little, I try to follow all the recommendations of the veterinarian, but one chick has not quite even legs. Most likely, he lacks calcium, although I sprinkle all the food with powder from the shell of eggs. I hope that soon everything will work out. 


From the following articles you will learn about such birds as:

In natural conditions, fits fly a lot, train and learn to control their wings, developing muscle mass. Therefore, as the chicks grow older, you do not need to give them food, putting them in a cage or a nest. Select the time so that before eating, birds fly after you and beg for food. In the same way, it happens in nature, when parents teach their babies to fly. This is necessary for the development of muscle mass. It is necessary to release birds, and give food only after they fly for several minutes. Such manipulation must be done before each meal. 

Video: How to go out a sparrow chick?

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  1. Very interesting and informative! Thank you very much for the article on yesterday, I found sparrows, took off, took myself, put it, and today I put it in place, but it seems to me that his parents did not feed and left themselves, very glad, I feed only some fiery orange a little I try to find worms with a long body with a long body. Eats, drinks, everything is fine, lives again) 🐥

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