What to do if the dog rumbs in her stomach and she refuses food: 12 main reasons

What to do if the dog rumbs in her stomach and she refuses food: 12 main reasons

Many dog \u200b\u200bowners, having heard the rumbling in the stomach of their pet, quickly fill his bowl with food. They are sure that their dog was hungry, from that sounds are reported.

Well, quite possible. But, meanwhile, this is not the only reason for such a phenomenon, since there can be a lot of reasons that the owners often do not even suspect the rumbling. In its insides, unnatural seething may occur, and this should be an alarming symptom for the owner. But how to understand: is this a natural reaction of the body during the process of metabolism, or did some kind of failure occurred in it, accompanied by storm? We will help you figure it out.

Why is the dog rumbling in the stomach: a natural reason

  • Hearing the uterine rumbling at his pet, you should not panic: it is quite possible that it is - natural manifestation his body. After all, similar sounds are heard from time to time, but when we do not feel any pain, we do not pay attention to this at all.
  • We are well aware that in a healthy organism, when processing consumed food, a similar phenomenon occurs, therefore, we do not immediately run in a panic to doctors. The same thing happens in the gastrointestinal tract of our pets, and most often this manifests itself after the dog eats.
  • The intestines of any living creature is filled useful microorganisms that assimilate substances necessary for normal life. When healthy bacteria do their work, there is no way to do without gas formation, therefore the rumbling arises.
  • If your four -legged friend does not have anxious symptoms in the form of lethargy, or, conversely, unnatural excitation for him, then there is no reason for excitement - everything will pass by itself.
Rumbling may not be dangerous to health
Rumbling may not be dangerous to health

After eating, the dog rumbs in the stomach: anxious symptoms

Visiting a veterinarian should be detected by such anxious symptoms of your pet:

  • if he is restless or languidly behaving;
  • does not show ordinary appetite;
  • shudders when they touch him;
  • at elevated temperatures, its nose becomes dry.

Usually, with rare exceptions, you will not notice all the symptoms at once. Watch the dog’s behavior for 2-3 days, and if the dog’s rumbling in the abdomen and the pathological manifestations accompanying it will not disappear during this time, consult a veterinarian about this.

Possible causes of natural rumbling in the abdomen in a dog

The dog is fed incorrectly

  • The dog eats many products, even those that, it would seem, should not at all arouse her appetite. But its digestive tract is arranged in such a way that it can successfully digest them. However, not every dog \u200b\u200bis the owner of a strong stomach that can digest food, even found by it in the garbage dump.
  • If a gastrointestinal tract Your pet is weak, even because of minor changes in the diet, his stomach can begin to rumble a lot. In order not to provoke this unpleasant phenomenon, you should not feed it: sweets, smoked meats, legumes, semi -finished products, fatty and fried foods.

The dog quickly swallows food

  • Excessively greedy for food, the dog swallows food, almost without chewing. Then, not only the food falls into the stomach, but also a lot of air, swallowed with food - because it rumbles and swells.
  • Then the dog can even start hiccuping and sprinkling.

Dry food - a source of rumbling in the abdomen

  • Dry feed can also become a source of rumbling in the dog’s stomach if it does not receive other food. To in her body metabolism occurred normally, it should receive liquid in sufficient quantities.
  • And her stomach may start rumbling if you start feeding the dog unusual food for her. But in this case, you should not worry-after some time it will pass.

The dog cannot be overtaken

  • Many dogs do not have a feeling of saturation, because they do not work “feet”. How much food will be put - so much it will eagerly swallow it until the bowl is empty. But there is a direct guilt of the owner: your pet should be fed 2 or 3 times a day, and portions should not be too large.
  • Otherwise, the dog not only stuck in the stomach from overeating, and at the same time it also swollen, hiccups and even vomiting can happen to it.
Due to overeating, such a symptom may occur
Due to overeating, such a symptom may occur

The body does not process individual products poorly

  • The dog can suffer from an excessive amount of gases or even diarrhea due to eating those products that are difficult to process its gastrointestinal tract.
  • For example, adult dogs should not be given fat milk - After it, the real “war” may begin in the animal's abdomen.

Excess water leads to rumbling

  • If the dog often drinks water and with a lot, then this can also lead to the fact that her stomach begins to make rumbling sounds, but this is a temporary phenomenon, quickly passing.

Possible causes of pathological rumbling in the abdomen in a dog

The intestinal flora is broken

  • This is also called it dysbiosis, and provoke its harmful bacteria - perpetrators of impaired digestive system functions.
  • Such a disease does not pass quickly, especially - in itself, so the dog will have to be treated with medication and for quite some time.

The dog has worms

  • This, of course, will be an unpleasant discovery for the owner, but, unfortunately, this happens quite often with dogs. In this case, with a rumbling in her womb, the matter is usually not limited to - then the dog may not even touch food, it begins to lose weight, suffer from constipation or diarrhea, tear, her woolen cover loses its splendor, and it weakens right before my eyes.
  • Most likely, your pet will need to be given to cure anthelmintic, But this is certainly about this first consult a veterinarian.

Raising provocateur - infectious intestinal disease

  • Dogs, like people, can suffer from colitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis. If the animal is ill with one of them, then he will not only rumble in his stomach, he may have constipation or disorder of the stomach, saliva stands out abundantly, and its tongue is covered with a white raid.
  • At the same time, she greedily drinks water, and refuses from food, or eats very little.
So the infection may appear
So the infection may appear

A foreign body fell into the stomach of the dog

  • Extraneous objects - and to these you can classify swallowed pieces of a plastic bag, in which meat or fish, large bones that the body are not unable to digest, etc. were previously wrapped. - Also forced to rumble the guttors of the dogs.
  • The fact that in the stomach of your pet is not intended for digesting an extraneous object, you can guess through its unnecessarily active anxiety, and it will most likely have a vomiting reflex, or vomiting itself.
  • It may also say about it plaintous cheekbone from pain, and elevated temperature, the indicator of this is a dry nose. With such alarming symptoms, you cannot do without contacting the veterinarian.

The stomach rumbles with the general intoxication of the body

  • If for some reason the dog was poisoned, then her stomach will no longer rumble, but just seething. In this case, she begins convulsions, abundant salivation opens, she often breathes, and her whole body shakes the trembling.
  • In this case, you need to provide her first aid by taking toxins from the body with the help of drugs. And then, when the symptoms of poisoning disappear, put the dog on a diet.

Rumbling with stress

  • Psychosomatic reason It can also be a source of rumbling in the abdominal of the dog, since due to its experiences, indigestion may arise. Make sure that your pet has a happy life, and your care and affection saving him from internal experiences.
  • You can guess that the dog is stressful according to her seemingly unreasonable whine or excessive prolonged excitement.

How to treat a dog when rumbling in the stomach

  • First of all, follow how the dog behaves, and what is wrong with him: does he suffer from vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, and whether his nose became dry due to elevated temperature. Eliminate swelling in his stomach with the help "Mesima", it will also not be superfluous to drink it with a weak chamomile decoction.
  • By some adsorbent, it is possible to save his body from harmful substances, and the “Espumizan” to remove the gases accumulated in it.
  • By using "SMECTS", an enveloping gastrointestinal tract, you can reassure the irritated mucous membrane, and the intestinal flora is restored by probiotics. But if, even after the medicines received, the dog’s stomach will continue to rumbling, then the trip to the veterinarian with your pet cannot be avoided.
Send the pet to the doctor in time
Send the pet to the doctor in time

Continuity prevention in the abdomen

Of course, it is better to use preventive measures so that the dog does not get sick than then engage in its treatment. With competent prevention, it is possible to prevent pathological rumbling in the dog’s abdomen.

  • In order not to start parasites, it should be given from time to time to the animal Anthelm medicine And arrange a flushing of his body.
  • Do all the necessary vaccinations.
  • Do not neglect scheduled examinations at the veterinarian.
  • The dog’s diet should have only healthy foods that do not cause gases and bloating.
  • On the advice of a doctor to feed the necessary vitamins necessary for her good health.

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Video: What to do when rumbling in the stomach in a dog

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