What makes a person a person: a report on social studies, video, conclusions

What makes a person a person: a report on social studies, video, conclusions

From this article you will learn how to become a person with a capital letter.

People and animals are part of nature. And we are close to each other, but not in everything. What is the difference between a person and animals? What is special about man? What makes a person a man? We find out in this article.

The basic concepts that make a person a person

A man makes a man:

  • Development
  • Personality
  • Society
  • Capabilities
  • Activity
  • The ability to innate
  • Creation
  • Spirituality

What do you need to be able to be a real person?

  • Love and respect others
  • To be able to thank others
  • Be able to forgive
  • Protect loved ones
  • Be honest and fair
  • Be responsible for his actions
  • Have a conscience
Folk wisdom

What is the difference between a person and other animals?

What is the difference between a person and other animals?

  • The presence of consciousness and mind
  • A person knows how to speak
  • A person knows how to create an environment around himself, and animals only use things created by nature
  • A person lives to create something for society, and animals exist for the sake of their physiological needs
  • Human needs are changing all the time, but there are no animals
  • Morality
  • A person knows how to think and plan his life, approaches the needs consciously, and animals obey instinct

How does a person make a person development?

A person is inherent in both biological (natural needs, instincts, physiology), and social qualities (the ability to speak, think, create, develop).

Folk wisdom

Developing, a person creates what nature cannot create. To do this, he uses the accumulated experience, tips of mentors. The work of a person is creative.

The most striking examples of such works: written books, known paintings, creation of robots, missiles, space flight and more.

Some animals can also create:

  • Spider - nets
  • Bees are honeycombs
  • Bobra - rowing
  • Birds are a nest

But no one taught these animals - they do it instinctively.

Video: Human Evolution

How can a person become a person?

A person is not born a person, but becomes growing up in human society, and developing intellectually. Human development occurs throughout life, starting from childhood.

What is a person? Which person can be called a person?

  • Has a special nature inherent in only one person
  • He has an active life position
  • He is fully responsible for his actions
Revelation of a wise person

Persons are divided into 2 types:

  • Negative, not particularly developed and vile
  • Positive, kind and sincere

There is no clear boundary between the types of personalities-one person can be good in something, and in something bad or at the beginning of his life-good, and growing up, he may have poor qualities, or vice versa.

What qualities are inherent in personality person?

  • View of the world (realistic or illusory)
  • Character traits (sensitivity, temper, anger, resentment)
  • The degree of responsibility (responsible, irresponsible)
  • Assessment to himself (narcissistic, with low self -esteem)
  • Mental abilities (they can be developed throughout life)

Each person is greatly affected by the society in which she lives.

Video: be a personality

How to become a respected person in society?

To become a person is not enough for a person, you need to make you respect in society. How to achieve this?

Here are the rules that you need to fulfill if you want to be a respected person:

  1. If you want other people to respect you, first of all, respect yourself: go confidently, with your head raised, know your price.
  2. Earmate the respect of other people: become a professional in work, if you promised something-do, strive for your goal.
  3. Respect the people around you.
  4. Try not to make friendship with people from bad companies.
  5. Show sympathy and tolerance to people around you.
  6. Show the initiative at work, at home, try to do what is in your strength to improve your home, office.
  7. Engage in self -development.
  8. Engage in charity.

Video: How to make you respect yourself? How to become morally strong? How to make you respect?

How can a person become better, developing his abilities?

Sometimes they say about a person that he is not doing his own business, if he does not like the work he does. It is very important to find your own business, preferably with the teacher, and develop it.

Revelations of the genius

Video: Development of human abilities

How to develop his activity to a person?

To develop your activities or self -development will be possible if constantly work on yourself. We need to do the following:

  • Have a desire to work
  • Manage yourself
  • Have willpower
  • Draw up an action plan
  • Plan career growth

Video: Man and his activities

Human ability for innovation

Among people who did not make any discoveries, there is an opinion that innovators are talented, gifted people. But the American inventor Thomas Edison, whose account is up to 4 thousand discoveries, said that each invention costs 1% talent and 99% of perseverance.

What is needed to become an innovator, discoverer of something new?

  • Perseverance
  • Not be afraid of new ideas, but to develop them in yourself
  • Do not be afraid to take risks and make mistakes
  • Have a place where you could fully concentrate
  • Always have a notebook at hand, where could you record new thoughts and ideas that have visited you
  • You may not be able to open something new, but you can always improve the old
  • Be curious
Great American inventor Thomas Alison and his discovery

How to become a person of a creative person?

All people are born with any abilities, but not all of them reveal them in themselves.

Quote by the Scottish professor and theologian William Barkelai

How to develop creative abilities?

  • Make a diary and write down interesting thoughts
  • Communicate more often with creative personalities
  • Visit new places that can inspire creativity
  • More often in nature, it has become an inspiration for many famous people
  • read books
  • Watch the famous paintings, listen to beautiful music

Video: 9 ways to become a creative personality

How to develop spirituality in himself?

A person can receive spiritual development:

  • From religious movements
  • Visiting isoteric teachings
  • Foster spirituality

The church, sects and various spiritual practices bring up people of obedient, suffering all the hardships, and believe that evil will be punished by God or higher powers.

Folk wisdom

You can develop spirituality and personality yourself if you follow the tips:

  • Study and reveal your talents
  • Go in for sports
  • Give up bad habits
  • Develop only the positive qualities of your character: decency, honesty, determination, courage, justice
  • Learn to control your emotions
  • Live in good conscience

Video: What is true spiritual development?

So, man makes a person the ability to help other people, sympathize with them, support them in difficult times. Also, all the discoveries that humanity use - everything is created by people.

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