The poor, negative qualities of a person’s personality: a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

The poor, negative qualities of a person’s personality: a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

A list of negative qualities of a person’s personality according to the alphabet, with a brief description.


Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter - A: A list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

Negative personality qualities of a person
Negative personality qualities of a person

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter A is a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Aggressive - A person striving for conflict situations. Such people are constantly doing something provocative, often use obviously false statements, speak in an increased voice, and insult their opponent. In extreme cases, physical strength can be used. Such a character trait can be seen in people who have experience traumatic in the past.
  • Greedy - A person who is constantly trying to achieve its personal material benefit. His whole life is a pursuit of a large bait, which will bring at least a little positive emotions. But most importantly, the feeling of satisfaction will not last very long, and soon such a person will go further to look for a way to get, for example, money. There are many such people, and their goals are different, since the concept of benefits is different, so they can be found everywhere.
  • Gambling - A person who strives for a certain set goal, not paying attention to the risks or warning of others. In the thoughts of such people, there are only dreams of the imminent embodiment of the goals. Often such aspirations are the cause of hopeless situations. The line is clearly manifested in people who lived, or at the moment living, in poverty.
  • Apathetic - A person who does not have inherent to most people, reactions to the world. The reason for this behavior may be the character of a person or a protective mechanism that appeared as a result of some life situations. This feature can become a psychological barrier that does not allow the most simple things. Most often, through the fact that such a person cannot concentrate.
  • Immoral - A person denying generally accepted norms of life and behavior. Such people are constantly crossing certain boundaries that most often do not notice. In their understanding, there may simply be no rules, so they may not understand why people are offended by them, or just pretend that they do not understand. The origins of this behavior usually stretch from childhood.
  • Anarchist - A person striving for complete freedom, avoiding any control. And maybe at first glance such a desire will not bring nothing bad, but often anarchist people defend their point of view in rather cruel ways. Sometimes the complete destruction of his opponent is the only way to get the long -awaited freedom. The character trait inherent in people who lived for a long time within the framework of other people's control and unexpectedly received freedom.
  • Associal - A person who is partially or completely separated from society. Such people do not see great need to interact with others. They usually simply do not have motivation for communication. Sometimes a situation may be the reason for this behavior, after which a person decided that he would better live alone. A disorder of this type is the result of cruelty from society.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter - B: List with a description of how poor quality is manifested

Negative personality qualities of a person
Negative personality qualities of a person

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter b is a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Forgisurable - A person related to his duties is irresponsible. Such a careless implementation of their work can have several reasons: unwillingness to do work according to all the rules, a misunderstanding of the simplest instructions, or a simple desire to finish the work as soon as possible. Such a line can be found in people who have just begun to work in a certain area.
  • Indifferent - A personality in which there is no interest in the world around himself. Such people do not care the majority of events in life, they may simply not respond to the problems of their friends and acquaintances. In such emotionally indifferent people, they turn after a strong stress, which has a different name “emotional burnout”.
  • Irresponsible - Refusal to accept the consequences of their own actions. This usually happens due to moral immaturity, as a person, a person cannot come to the idea that it is time to make uncomfortable decisions himself. During certain situations, such people will be inverted in anticipation that the problem will simply disappear.
  • Faceless - the complete absence of features that define a person as a separate personality. Such people most likely have no interests. They can be called "gray personalities." They can only speak some common ones, and very often uninitiated Robot among people in time. The rest consider such individuals to be boring, and they, in turn, are in no hurry to change, since their greatest fear is a change and novelty in their own lives. Such problems are suffered by people who have not given the right to choose from childhood.
  • Ruthless - Partial indifference to the problems and troubles of people. Such people do not know how, or simply do not want to show at least the slightest sympathy for others. If one of their entourage experiences physical or emotional pain, they can simply ignore this fact. Sometimes such people, in an effort to achieve a certain goal, can deliberately act as inhuman as possible. They see nothing wrong with this.
  • Talkative - A person who constantly needs communication. There is an opinion that such personalities cannot survive without participation in some conversations. Such people are not particularly interested in the context of the conversation or interest of the interlocutor. They do not want a conversation, as such, their real goal is to turn into the center of discussion, as a narrator. Often such a person can simply give the rest of the false information, or tell the secret that he vowed to store.
  • Limp - A person who rarely can go against the beliefs of another person. It is easy for such people to manipulate, because of their own fear, to resist. Such people often simply do not have their established point of view on the world around him, or they are simply not sure what they can talk about it.
  • Mute - A person who holds a mouth on the castle in people's companies. They are often perceived by enemies in large companies, as they accept silence, like a dumb message that others annoy such a person. This happens, but this is not common, most often a person is silent because of his uncertainty in himself or in his knowledge of the topic of conversation. He is just afraid to seem stupid.
  • Thoughtless - The personality, as you can understand, does not like to think about his actions. A person with such a character trait can make many nonsense and mistakes. At best, he will think about what he has done after, when he faces the consequences of his actions. Such a disorder is suffered by people who often avoided punishment, and because of this they often do not understand the price of their mistakes.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter - in: List with a description of how poor quality is manifested

Negative personality qualities of a person
Negative personality qualities of a person

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter B - a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Windy - A person who does not know how to answer for his words and promises. Such a person is simply not able to work on one thing a long period of time. She is always in search of herself and her purpose. She has a quick fading of interest in work, hobby or a particular person.
  • Suggestible - A person who easily changes his views under the influence of the environment. She can change her lifestyle, without considering this herself, simply following the instructions given to her. And such a change can occur after a conversation with a person who, as it were, knows more, although this is far from the case.
  • Vulgar - A person who does not see the boundaries of using vulgarity in his life. Such people are inherent in some self -centeredness when choosing clothes, or in the style of communication. If such a person has a choice of what to wear, then most likely the most catchy things will be chosen. During the conversation, he often manifests, and does not see nothing terrible in using various sebaceous jokes.
  • Explosive - A person who does not know how to restrain his emotions. Such a person does not hide his dissatisfaction with the current situation, insanely bad in self -control. One insignificant occasion is enough to cause this person anger. And after that, in the human mind, a certain emotional block interferes with sensibly assessing the situation and solve the problem with a conversation.
  • Arrogant - A person who considers itself the center of its own world. Such a character trait can develop due to education, or simply because of the presence of selfishness. Such a person thinks that he is just better than the rest. It works more productively, life has developed more successfully than others, and how to achieve this, he also knows the best. And he will constantly focus on this so that others recognize that they are worse than him.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter - G: List with a description of how poor quality is manifested

Negative personality qualities of a person
Negative personality qualities of a person

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter G - a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Silly - A person who cannot draw a simple conclusion during ordinary life situations. Often such a person cannot argue his point of view. It can take any anti -scientific theory or science for the truth. Such a person is very easy to mislead and force to do what the opponent needs.
  • Proud - Personality, confident in its characteristics. People with such a character trait can see a persistent faith in the insignificance of everyone around. Such a person will constantly remind of other people's failures, for him the forgiveness of someone's failures simply does not exist. It may pretend that other people cannot have good qualities or skills. For him, there are only their achievements, and only they are important. The proud of his whole appearance will show others how worthless they are in comparison with him.
  • Rude - A person who is not able to adhere to the elementary rules of communication with people. During the conversation, it can constantly be rude, use non -normative vocabulary, or just speak so loudly that the interlocutor will not be able to insert a word. And to do all this he will be as assertive as possible, forcing the interlocutor to feel like a worthless person.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter - D: List with a description of how poor quality is manifested

Negative personality qualities of a person
Negative personality qualities of a person

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter D is a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Two -faced - A person who acts following only his interests. The opinion of such a person changes depending on the situation. They often say about such people that they said one thing, thought about something else, but did the third. As a rule, it is precisely such people who summarize in difficult life situations, regularly lie, and rarely offer their help.
  • Dramatic - A person who is prone to exaggerate problems and their consequences. Such people can even turn into a drama. And it is not particularly important that the problem can be petty, the emotions that have to be worried will not allow you to calmly think everything over. Such a person sees danger literally in everything, even in banal household problems.
  • Small- A person who wants to manage everything that he can in any way. Such a person is not very interested in the needs of the rest of the people around. She will always demand complete submission from each with whom he works or lives. If someone opposes this, he will stop such actions, without the slightest attempt to find a compromise.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality with a letter - a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

Negative personality qualities of a person
Negative personality qualities of a person

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter E - a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Echid - A person who intends to tries to hurt his interlocutor. This does not always show hostility, most often it is just a manner of speech, but the goal remains the same - to catch a person’s pride. Such people do this most often with the help of ridicule. The most unpleasant, it does not matter to them completely that at such moments their interlocutor feels.
  • Ruffy -a person who is not used to yielding to other people. If one of those around us tries to hurt the interests of such a person, he will inevitably receive a “change”. More precisely, a person will begin to protect his personal space - with sharp ambiguous phrases, mockery, not very pleasant hints.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality with a letter - F: a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter f - a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Greedy - The person who is in constant pursuit of material benefit. Such mania can lead to the terrible consequences. A person refuses to purchase the necessary things, as you need to spend money on this. He can use something more like the trash for years, or save on his health, only for his enrichment. As you might guess, such a way of life can affect a person in a good way.
  • Cruel - A person who enjoys some pleasure by causing moral and psychological discomfort to other people. It can be insults to exert pressure on another person. In the worst case, such a person will use force, sometimes this behavior ends with an encroachment on someone else's life.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter -: a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

Negative personality qualities of a person
Negative personality qualities of a person

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter Z - a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Forgetful - A person who is unable to remember the information you need for everyday life. Such a person can forget how to use a device correctly, or forget the desired code. Such a problem arises most often due to overload with some information, or severe stress.
  • Envious - A person who does not know how to enjoy other people's achievements and benefits. Such people constantly compare their lives with others, and if someone lives better, then immediately turns into an object of envy. Even a small wealth of others can upset such a person. Often he does not feel simple joy from life due to an ephemeral lack. He wants to have the same car as the boss, to build the same bath as a neighbor, but when he simply envies and does not take any measures.
  • Crucified - Constant belittling of their achievements against the background of other people. A personality of this type always denies the value of his own skills and talents. Even in case of success, such a person will not be able to tell the others about him, since this achievement is not so great, but rather negligible in his own eyes.
  • Closed - A person who is difficult to contact other people. Such people try not to spread about what they do, feel what they dream about. When talking with them, you need to try very hard to find out the necessary information. Such people are quite comfortable alone with themselves, they try to protect their inner world from everyone else as best as possible.
  • Boring -personality, communication with which people causes boredom. A person with such a line constantly follows to all a well -known and unknown rules. If you ask him about something, then you will have to listen to a mini-lecture that seems to eat you to sleep.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter - and: a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

Negative personality qualities of a person

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter and - a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Relieved - The habit of demanding the immediate fulfillment of all human desires. He will not evaluate other people's opportunities or pay attention to the time necessary for the execution of his “order”. Such a person cannot control his needs, and at the same time is not going to apply his own forces to achieve them, for this there are people around.
  • Hysterical- a tendency to violent emotional surge in response to external stimuli. Any problem or turmoil that arose in the way causes a person an uncontrolled stream of emotions. He will not do something, thoughts sown in his head will not give a second to make a rational decision. From the rest, this is similar to the extreme degree of panic mixed with anger.
  • Infantile- lack of maturity at a relatively large age. The easiest way to describe this behavior is so - this is a person who, for example, at 40 has characteristic signs of a child. And if an adult is fooling around, this is not always a problem. Infants cannot normally conduct a dialogue, argumentation for them is something alien, and starting a fight due to the non-consent of their opponent is commonplace for them.
  • Impulsive - The habit of acting without thinking in advance. This happens most often due to surging emotions, mostly negative ones. A person blurred by anger can climb into a fight, or make some more stupidity. Maybe after he regrets his act, but at the time of action, neither he nor someone else is unlikely to stop him.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter - K: List with a description of how poor quality is manifested

Negative personality qualities of a person

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter K - a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Conservative - A person who does not accept anything new. This is done intended or not, this is the complete adherence to the old rules that are already outdated or turned out to be false. Such people are stuck in the past, they are not always able to adopt the laws of our time. They are satisfied with the current life, and there is no need to learn to live in a new way, for them a new cultural environment seems alien and completely wrong.
  • Bright -loving - Man, most in the world loving benefit. It is not very important how to get it, but for him this is the main goal in life. Such a person will use others or follow illegal schemes. He will not see something criminal in this, he has only a future profit before his eyes.
  • Tricky- A rather cunning person who exposes the rest of the danger. A calculating personality, constantly pushing others to a rather dubious action. This is done with anger, for revenge or fun. Such a person cannot be trusted just like that, you need to think about every word and action twice.
  • Capricious- A person who is not always able to control his desires. If he wanted something, it should instantly appear in front of him. The possibilities of others and the problems that have arisen are just a trifle for him that he will not even encounter. Such people may want something unreal or expensive, and demand the desired, not sparing everyone around. And if such a person does not receive the desired, then he will remember this moment as the worst sin in life.
  • Side- a tendency to the frequent use of cobbles in their speech. This is most often done in a circle of loved ones and friends, who everyone understands perfectly. But for strangers, such a manner of speech will seem as rude as possible. For them, constant jokes of each other, sometimes passing some boundaries, are simply unacceptable. This form of speech is not for strangers and barely familiar people.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter - L: a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

Negative personality qualities of a person
Negative personality qualities of a person

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter L - a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Lazy -A person who does not see the need to strain when he does something. The best pastime for him is a vacation without any responsibilities. For such a person, any work forcing to strain physically or mentally immediately turns into flour and causes disgust. His main desire to live, making the form of employment when everyone else works.
  • False - Personality, deliberately replacing facts. A person who gives knowingly false information does this for his own benefit, or most often to hide his mistakes. Such a feature is often inherent in the personalities who are trying to seem more significant and more correct than they really are.
  • Hypocritical - Haundering good behavior for the purpose of benefit. Hypocrisy is often used to hide its own hostility to a person. Often ostentatious friendliness or admiration for other people's achievements, often to get part of the future glory and yourself.
  • Flattering - A person who constantly praises others in order to get a little self -interest from this. It is done by this method of constant exaltation of some imaginary virtues. In some cases, exposing in a good light of obviously negative actions.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality with a letter - M: a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

Negative personality qualities of a person
Negative personality qualities of a person

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter M - a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Suspicious - A person who sees the threat to himself everywhere. It seems to him that the problems are waiting for him at every step. He may begin to suspect something wrong in every incident, what happened in a day. Such people have painful suspicion.
  • Revengeful - The tendency of planned cruel actions for past grievances. People who could not come to terms with the pain inflicted on them. For them, to make their offender more painfully, becomes the most important goal in life.
  • Spineless - a manifestation of unnecessary softness in difficult life situations. Such people do not want or cannot defend their interests or actions. Their main style of solving problems is to avoid them, or to swim with the flow and do what they say.
  • Slow- A person who is not impressive at his speed. Such people are most often poorly focused on their work, or they began to work in a new sphere. It can also be something like a man’s robot style, he is used to doing everything methodically, while constantly overlining everything. For employers and colleagues, such a person is not very convenient. He does everything too slowly, even if the result is quite good.
  • Mercantile- A rather prudent craving for benefit. A great love for material things, and not so much for money as certain objects of luxury. Such people can come up with for years how to get such a desired little thing. For the sake of their satisfaction, they are ready to go to everything, even, for example, for robbery.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter - N: a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

Negative personality qualities of a person

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter H is a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Impudent - Personality with rather unceremonious behavior. People with such a character trait are accustomed to get everything quite easily. To get the desired, they can often go on the heads. They seem to have no shame, and because of this they do not see the boundaries. Council people often have this feature.
  • Haughty -A person who considers the rest by some lower layer of society. He may think that he is richer, or his social status gives him the right to look at everyone as garbage. Most often, people with great pride suffer from this.
  • Bothersome -Inability to do at least something alone. Such a person constantly needs a partner for entertainment and work. Someone may not like his behavior, but he simply ignores this fact. The reason for this lifestyle is considered a fear of loneliness.
  • Narcissistic - A person constantly praising himself. In any situation, he is ready to embellish his work done, he can engage in narcissism at least all day. For him, there are no close and acquaintances, in most cases the rest of the people are indifferent to him.
  • Intrusive- pretty adhesive personality. Such people will ask for any of your adventure. You decided to go, for example, to nature, they will persuade you to persuade you with you. Just a conversation or something bald, they will constantly try to get up to you.
  • Difficile- A person with whom it is difficult to make contact. Due to life problems or because of character, conversations are given to such a person with difficulty. It seems that every word needs to be pulled out of it. Such people do not complain the rest. For them, such a manner of conducting a conversation is a clear sign of hostility and a dumb message to leave alone.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter - o: a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

Negative personality qualities of a person
Negative personality qualities of a person

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter O - a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Touchy - A person who has an abnormal negative reaction to ordinary turmoil. The reason for this is excessive egoism. It just seems to a person that the whole world should be at his feet. And no one can say something bad about him, everyone should talk about him only in a positive way.
  • Limited- This is nothing more than a complete faith of man, only in his picture of the world order. He cannot calmly perceive someone's criticism of his views, most likely it will ignore any arguments. Something new or not true, in his opinion, was invented by some unaccounted for.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter - P: a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter P is a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Pessimistic - The tendency to notice only the negative aspects of life. For such people, the whole environment seems to be saturated with despondency and longing. They constantly do not trust what has been said and look for a catch everywhere, see everything in gray colors. Distrust for everyone, and the whole world is the basis of their attitude.
  • Fastidious -Unhealthy craving for any whims. A person becomes scrupulous in not the most necessary moments for this, or behaves like that constantly. Excessive intelligibility in food, clothes, work and so on. The reason for this behavior is spoiled.
  • Vile - A person pushing the rest to unnecessary acts. Such a person is valid for the sake of benefit, or just to have fun. Psychologically or physically, it makes the vile actions of other people.
  • Passive- The personality, accustomed to be away. For example, from questions in choosing clothes and any problems, such a person most often, from childhood, did not solve anything himself. And the habit of simply watching from the outside the whole world firmly “eaten” into his life. He buys and lives, as he was taught. The last person from whom you need to expect any initiative.
  • Contradictory- Personality, basically storing two opposite features. This is a person who is ready to help you with anything and anywhere, but you know that for the rest he can be, for example, a kind of psychological tyrant or simply not the most reliable person.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter - P: a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

Negative personality qualities of a person
Negative personality qualities of a person

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter P is a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Irritable - A person’s tendency to a strong expression of his negative emotions. Such a person will meet the negative to any external stimulus. Often the degree of such discontent does not correspond to the problem that has appeared. The reason for this behavior may be psychological exhaustion.
  • Wasteful - An ill -conceived spending of their funds on unnecessary trinkets. Such people primarily want to enjoy the process itself. Buying itself is not so important for them, they may not even use it. They help themselves feel freedom. As if no material things could become an obstacle to their way to happiness.
  • Indifferent- Complete indifference to the outside world. Most likely because of his experience, this person is not capable of any sympathy or sympathy. It is easier for him to live, without attaching to people, and without showing a bit of kindness.
  • Timid - A fearful and indecisive person. Such people are most often not entirely confident in their own strength and knowledge. They often simply cannot leave their shadow, which they themselves created. To make a mistake or fail for them is not just fear, it is in their view something compared to death.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter - C: List with a description of how poor quality is manifested

Negative personality qualities of a person

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter C - a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Self -confident - A person who overestimates his own abilities. Often causes inadequate and risky actions, due to the fact that he himself thinks, does not need rules and instructions. He already knows what needs to be done, he is completely sure that he is unable to make mistakes. Most often this happens due to inexperience.
  • Weak -willed -A person who does not know how to force himself to do something with the help of volitional efforts. Because of this, a person will constantly fall into trouble. A person with such a character trait simply cannot force himself to confront some kind of temptation. Included to situations when others solve problems that have arisen instead.
  • Secretive -A person who does not love to share something personal. Due to his own fear, such a person, by all possible means will hide any information about himself. Such people are afraid to be incomprehensible or, which happens most often, considers their interests and hobbies not solid enough.

Self -eaters - The habit of considering himself the cause of all the troubles that occur around. Such a person can blame himself for poor work, although everyone else see and believe that he is laid out on the full. This happens to people suffering from perfectionism.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality with a letter - T: a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

Negative personality qualities of a person
Negative personality qualities of a person

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter T is a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Cowardly - A person who does not know how to resist a particular person or a certain phobia. The personality, under the pressure of his problems that overtook him, does everything possible to avoid them. But at the same time, he does not solve them. This can be manifested by both simple ignoring and fleeing from them. Such a character trait is suffered by people with psychological injuries, which cause different phobias.
  • Conceited - A person who wants to get praise for any actions. It doesn’t matter something good or bad for such a person, he seeks to appear in the eyes of others with an ideal person. Such a person most likely does not distinguish praise and flattery. The main thing is the very presence of kind words in his direction.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality with a letter - U: A list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter U - a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Stubborn - A person who is inclined to follow only his plans and plans. A person of this type, hates when he is ordered, advised or corrected. Even if all this is done with good thoughts, he will with all his might resist such help. He simply cannot calmly accept someone else's, not always similar to his own point of view. The character trait is present in people who were limited in the past in the past, and now they do not want to lose their freedom.
  • Evasive -A person who is not able to directly and clearly speak, or do something needed. Such personalities often cannot be with the rest of the sincere. They will never say something directly, they will, at best, use hints. This feature of character has people who are afraid of condemnation and that they simply will not understand.
  • Quirky- A cunning and sore man. A person who makes a living does not quite legally. The people so often call criminals who are ready to take up any money that brings money.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter –F: a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter F - a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Frivolous - a tendency to constant behavior on the verge of morality. Such people often behave playfully, as if their whole lives are a game for them. It is difficult to talk with them because of the constant ambiguity of what they said. Often such antics are made by the pose by the norms established by morality, and become the cause of the SOR.
  • Familiar - The habit of a person to talk with people in an unacceptable way. A person with this character trait can talk, for example, with his boss, as with a longtime friend. He simply cannot have the right conversation corresponding to their level of relations. At the same time, the interlocutor will feel discomfort, and our hero will simply expose himself to an ill -mannered person.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter - x: a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

Negative personality qualities of a person
Negative personality qualities of a person

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter X - a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Negligent - A person who does not properly perform his work. A person with such a character trait often does not perform his work, due to typical irresponsibility or negligence. Often, after such exits, the rest suffer, but it does not bother him very much. It is inherent in people who most likely hate what they do.
  • Cunning - A person who knows how to quite easily “juggle” facts in his favor. Such a character trait is inherent in rather smart people. They replace and distort the facts for themselves. They do this for any benefit or, in extreme cases, for their own safety.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality with a letter - c: a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

The negative quality of a person’s personality on the letter C is a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Cynical - A manifestation of contempt for everything that surrounds you. Such a person will shamelessly criticize any rules and those alien to him. He may not be arranged by the culture in which he lives, and even more he despises the device of the lives of other people. The behavior is inherent in rather successful people who believe that their achievements give them the right to criticize the rest.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter - h: a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter as a list with a description where poor quality is manifested:

  • Purestick - a tendency to a fanatical degree of cleanliness, which can develop into grudge. It goes so far that a person begins to treat everything that seems dirty and wrong to him. And if at first this applies only to things, then over time it can concern almost every aspect of life. Any action or your whole lifestyle, in the eyes of such people, turns into a terrible crime.
  • Snobby - A cross between pride and arrogance. It is most often inherent in old people. They, looking back at the living of the year, think that everyone knows in life. They will constantly try to teach others and point to their wrong position in life. The rest perceive these personalities, as grunting on all around from boredom, people.
  • Stale -A person who is difficult to penetrate something. There are several explanations for this. Such people have already seen too much, their emotional threshold is higher than that of the rest, or their worldview is radically different from the generally accepted.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter - w: a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

Negative personality qualities of a person
Negative personality qualities of a person

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter W - a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Shkodny - A person who does not always act in the interests of his environment. Such people are used to getting results at all costs, let their actions harm the rest, they will still move to the cherished goal. Schoolness is more inherent in children, but in adults it is often manifested.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter E: a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter E - a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

  • Selfish - A person striving for a comfortable life, not counting with the inconvenience of others. For such personalities, own interests are much more important. The opinion of friends or acquaintances about the lifestyle is ignored. All decisions are made on the basis of gaining the benefit of a native.
  • Egocentric - A man who puts himself in the center of the whole world. Such people simply cannot accept that at least someone in the world does not agree with them. For them, the right point of view is only their personal, while the rest do not even deserve attention. In extreme cases, such people will almost prove their version of the worldview, and at the same time trying to make it the only true

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter Y: a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter U - a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Juddy - The intentional desire to seem dumber than is actually. Sometimes it is done so to obtain your own benefit. Most often, a tendency to crazy and stupid actions for fun. In negative and bad, these nonsense turn at the moment when they cross a certain permitted line.

Negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter I: a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested

The negative qualities of a person’s personality to the letter I am a list with a description of how poor quality is manifested:

  • Sorny - A person who uses a large number of quipes in his speech. This is usually done in order to tease your friend. But people always notice this character trait in moments when a person eats to prick his opponent with words. Often for this, ridicule and poisonous comments are used about, for example, appearance or habits.

Video: Negative qualities of a person’s personality

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