After how long after eating you can drink water, tea, coffee: health rules, tips. When is it better and correctly drinking water: before or after eating, warm or cold?

After how long after eating you can drink water, tea, coffee: health rules, tips. When is it better and correctly drinking water: before or after eating, warm or cold?

The article will tell you how to properly drink water, so as not to harm the body and give yourself health.

Is it possible to drink water, tea, coffee immediately after eating?

When diluting the secretion of the stomach with water, the pancreas and the liver must develop another portion of “enzymes” (special secret for high -quality digestion) with renewed vigor. This is quite energy -intensive for the body, because if this is not done, the food can rot, as well as decompose in the gastrointestinal tract, allowing toxins to be absorbed into the blood.

Important: constant drinking cold water during eating is able to give too much load on the gastrointestinal organs. That is why there is a feeling of severity, nausea, flatulence in the intestines, gastritis - in the worst case. You should get rid of the habit of drinking water during digestion. Teach yourself to drink water before or after eating.

Rules for drinking water
Rules for drinking water

After how long, minutes after eating, you can drink water, tea, coffee: health rules, tips. After how long can you drink water after eaten chicken, meat, salad?

If you drink water before meals:

  • This favors weight loss
  • Water cleans the stomach of the remaining particles of the food of the previous trick.
  • Water accelerates digestive processes
  • Dulls a feeling of hunger
  • It favors that a person is saturated with fewer food.

When is it better to drink water:

  • Drink water before meals, preferably in 20-15 minutes
  • Drinking other drinks (juices, frush, smoothies) is best 25-30 minutes before meals.
  • Drinking water after food should be focused on what exactly you eaten (fruits and vegetables are quickly digested, and cereals, bread and meat are slower).
  • If the desire to drink water is very strong, just try to rinse your mouth.

Fact: drinking cold water can contribute to a set of excess weight, as it delays food in the stomach. In addition, she does not remove the feeling of hunger.

The main rules:

  • You can drink water (not cold) 15 minutes before taking any food.
  • Drinking water (any temperature) after eating is best after 2-3 hours (if the food was heavy, if it was light-0.5-1 hours).
How to drink water so that it benefits a person?
How to drink water so that it benefits a person?

The best time to receive water, tea, coffee

The chemical composition of water is significantly different from tea and coffee. Such drinks have a completely different influence on a person, as they are able to saturate the body with the necessary substances. Any tea or coffee is able to bring changes to all body systems. They can also contain useful and harmful substances for humans.

Tea and coffee differ from water in that such drinks can be called a “full meal”, but only “liquid”. That is why take the habit of drinking hot drinks before meals in 20-30 minutes and after eating after at least half an hour. You can drink tea or coffee after eating earlier than water only because these drinks are hot, and therefore can help in digestion of food, and not slow down the whole process.

When can you drink hot tea and coffee?
When can you drink hot tea and coffee?

Drink water correctly: warm or cold?

Important: as already mentioned, drinking cold water is harmful to the digestive tract. While drinking water temperature or room temperature is very useful.

Rules, tips, recommendations:

  • Start a day with a glass of warm water - this improves metabolism in the body and helps to lose weight.
  • Warm water, dripping on an empty stomach, removes toxins from the body.
  • You can improve the taste of warm water (many cannot drink it) can be a slice of lemon.
  • Warm or barely hot water can prevent constipation
  • Eliminates dehydration
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Prevents skin aging

Video: "How to drink water right?"

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  1. Viktok, read at leisure about a disease such as putrefactive dyspepsia.

  2. In the morning and evening, I drink a fat burner flat tummy with a estate of the berries of the Comeri's berries immediately after eating, I drink a glass of water 30 minutes before meals and 20 minutes after eating green without sugar.

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