How to feed tomatoes during and after planting seedlings in a greenhouse and open ground, dive, during flowering, fruiting, how to make a basic and fuel feeding tomato? How to determine how to feed the tomatoes if the leaves are yellow, purple, small fruits, or they are burning?

How to feed tomatoes during and after planting seedlings in a greenhouse and open ground, dive, during flowering, fruiting, how to make a basic and fuel feeding tomato? How to determine how to feed the tomatoes if the leaves are yellow, purple, small fruits, or they are burning?

This article has recipes and dosage of drugs for feeding tomatoes. They will help the bushes grow well and give excellent yield.


Feeding tomatoes for greenhouse seedlings and plants intended for open ground is identical. The only condition for use is the fertilizers made should only benefit. To do this, it is necessary to observe the correct concentration of the composition, and observe the correct terms of fertilizer. We will talk about this in the proposed article.

How to feed tomatoes during and after planting seedlings in a greenhouse and open ground, dive, during flowering, fruiting: phased top dressing, scheme

Healthy tomatoes
Healthy tomatoes

Open soil.

The deadline for entering The composition of the solution Type of top dressing
  • After landing in open ground, depending on the weather conditions of the region, after 3-4 days. Subject to sluggish and weak seedlings


  • 1 tbsp. urea on a bucket of water
  • Root of 1.5 liters per bush
  • During flowering formation
  • For 10 liters of water 80 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium nitrate
  • The third top dressing is carried out during fruiting


  • 40 g of double superphosphate potassium nitrate for a ten -liter bucket of water



  • 12-14 days after the third top dressing
  • 1 tbsp superphosphate (1 tablespoon for 10 liters of water)
  • 1 m3 10 l


The deadline for entering Compound Type of top dressing
  • 2 weeks after landing
  • 1 tbsp. Love urea stir in 1 bucket of water
  • Root
  • 1-2 l per unit


  • 7 days after the first top dressing
  • 0.5 l of liquid chicken flow per 10 l of water
  • During flowering
  • Along the bed, we dig a non -deep groove and pour ash there. Slim and water
  • During the appearance of color on the third and fourth brush


  • 1 tbsp. Potassium guamata is dissolved in 10 liters of water
  • Root
  • 5 l per 1 square meter
  • During the ripening of fruits
  • 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate and dilute in 2 liters of water
  • We insist the day and mix with 9 liters of water.
  • Flashberry

How to do basic and foliar top dressing of tomatoes?

Healthy tomatoes
Healthy tomatoes
Root Flashberry
  • The useful composition is introduced in liquid form under the root and nourishes the plant through the root system
  • This is the main type of top dressing, which saturates tomatoes with the necessary amount of the main useful components
  • Ways to carry out root feeding tomatoes, there is simply a huge amount
  • The main thing is to withstand the correct combination of the proportion so as not to destroy seedlings of too high concentration
  • The nutrient components are distributed over the surface of the leaves and the stem using spraying
  • The most effective way
  • Use, if necessary, rapid resuscitation of the plant
  • Use the solution with a concentration of nutrients no more than 1%, in order to avoid burn dough

Feeding tomatoes with yeast, yeast with sugar in a greenhouse and open ground: dosages for 1 bush, recipes, tips

Healthy tomatoes
Healthy tomatoes

It is difficult to find the best means to accelerate growth and obtain large fruits than yeast.
To prepare top dressing, you will need:

  1. 2.5 liters of water (without chlorine)
  2. A bag of dry yeast
  3. 1/2 tbsp. Sahara
  • Mixed components are left in the heat until the end of fermentation
  • Then 1 tbsp. The resulting concentrate is diluted in 10 liters of water
  • We make root top dressing, with a calculation of 1 liter per bush
  • The frequency of watering is about 3-4 times during the summer

Feeding tomatoes with boric acid in a greenhouse and open ground: dosage, recipes, tips

Boror lack of Bora:

  • fertilization
  • pollination
  • the appearance of ovaries

For young plants, we use spraying a solution from:

  1. 1 gram of powder
  2. 1 liter of water
  • An adult seedling must increase the concentration by 1.5 times
  • 1/2 l is enough for processing 5 bushes

Feeding tomatoes with iodine in a greenhouse and open ground: dosage, recipes, tips


A good way to feed tomatoes to increase the crop is iodine.

  • Dilute 5 drops of the drug in 15 liters of warm water
  • Water directly under the root, 2 liters per plant with a calculation

Important: Use no more than 5 drops per 15 liters, otherwise you can harm plants.

Feeding tomatoes with grass infusion and infusion of nettles in a greenhouse and open ground: dosage, recipes, tips

Root and foliar processing of nettle is allowed.


  • Grind nettle, pour warm water and insist for 2 weeks.
  • Every day stir the solution so that it wanders evenly and quickly. If the street is sunny, then you can set a container with a solution into the air. Under the influence of solar heat, the solution will wander better.
  • At the end of the process, the solution will become dark. He will not foam and an unpleasant odor will disappear.
  • Add wood ash to such top dressing. This is a source of phosphorus-potassium substances and beneficial trace elements.

When the solution is ready, you can begin to bring it to the beds:

  • It is not necessary to filter the solution. Dilute it with water 1:10 and pour the soil around the plants.
  • Water once a week. If it rains, then you can water more often.
  • This mixture is suitable for spraying plants, but for this it must be diluted in a proportion of 1:20.

Many gardeners use nettles not only in the form of infusion, they make mulching the beds with leaves and stems. This helps tomatoes grow well, yield increases. Such a solution is an excellent prevention from slugs and snails.

Feeding tomatoes chicken in a greenhouse and open ground: dosage, recipes, tips

Chicken droppings
Chicken droppings

First you need to prepare the infusion: pour half the bucket of the chicken with water. Leave it for 10 days, stir every day. Then you can prepare top dressing from chicken droppings: 0.5 liters of infusion are added to 10 liters of water. Before feeding the plant, pour. The next day, plants will begin to absorb fertilizer.

Start fertilizing the soil before planting:

  • Carry out the chicken litter well in the garden, and then dig the soil so that it falls to the depths.
  • For 1 sq. meters need 3.5 kg of litter.
  • You can also fertilize the chicken by making liquid gruel. Such feeding is carried out throughout the entire time of tomato growth. Per 1 sq. A meter must be made at least 6 liters of the mixture.

Important: Follow the condition of the leaflets. They can see what the plant lacks. When the greens grow quickly, and the stems quickly thicken - this indicates an excess of fertilizers. If you continue such feeding in the same amount, then a large bush will grow without flowering and ovaries.

Also perform feeding wood, scattering it between the beds:

  • This must be done by alternating with feeding from chicken droppings.
  • Also prepare a solution of wood ash (100 grams per 10 liters of water) and spray the plants.
  • Spraying bushes will help stop the process of assimilation of nitrogen responsible for the development of leaves and stems. Ashes gives the plant potassium.

Feeding: Methods

It's important to know: The chicken is toxic. Peat, straw or wood sawdust will help get rid of such an effect on plants.

Of these ingredients, you need to make compost:

  • On the prepared area, lay out theiper layer.
  • Then the chicken layer (up to 20 cm), again sawdust, and once again chicken droppings.
  • Compost should be prepared for 1.5 months, then fertilize the beds.

Advice: To get rid of an unpleasant odor, cover a bunch of earth and straw.

Solution Cook in this way:

  • In a 10-liter bucket with water, dissolve 1.5 kg of chicken. You can’t immediately water the tomato by this solution.
  • Water plants with a diluted mixture of litter during a rain, as described above, or immediately after watering with ordinary water (dilute 0.5-1 liters of solution with 10 liters of water).

This solution perfectly nourishes the plant and helps it grow healthy and strong. Many gardeners use tincture from a chicken for feeding. To do this, mix the following components:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 liter of dry or liquid chicken litter

Infusion Cook in a bucket with a lid. Insist the prepared mixture in a closed bucket for 5-7 days. A fermentation process occurs in the bucket. Then dilute the tincture with liquid in a ratio of 1:10 and pour the plants.

It's important to know: You can store infusions and solutions from the chicken all summer, so it is convenient to use them. Having prepared once, you can not worry about the presence of fertilizers in the garden.

Apply a dry chicken when you dig a garden - in the fall or spring. First moisten the litter, and then sprinkle it in the ridges and dig it, deepening well.

Advice: Add a little ash, sand or component components to the chicken. Fertilizer is applied to the soil and left until spring. Under the cover of snow, it will roll well, and in the spring you can start digging the beds.

Not all owners of land have a natural chicken. Therefore, you can buy special fertilizer in granules. Such a litter is more convenient to use as a fertilizer, and it also has many advantages:

  • without an unpleasant odor;
  • there are no helminth larvae and weed seeds;
  • long shelf life;
  • does not take up much space;
  • the granules swell well when the water is added.

Such fertilizer is introduced 100-200 grams per 1 square. meter. Sprinkle the litter in granules with the soil or dig the beds after entering.

Remember: Granular litter causes burns in green crops. Therefore, it should not be added directly to the holes for planting seedlings.

Feeding tomatoes with hydrogen peroxide in a greenhouse and open ground: dosages, recipes, tips

Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide

In order for plants to develop well, water and spray them with the following composition:

  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons peroxide 3% concentration
  • 1 liter of water

Stir the components and spray in dry weather. Regular spraying with such a mixture helps to prevent development or get rid of the fungus if it appears.

Feeding tomatoes ash in a greenhouse and open ground: how to breed, dosage

Spraying ash helps to accelerate the process of fruiting tomatoes. To prepare the solution, use the following components:

  • Wood ash - 2 liters
  • Boric acid - 10 grams
  • Water - 1 bucket

Spray in dry weather - in the morning or in the evening, when the sun will be at sunset.

Feeding tomatoes with milk serum, milk in a greenhouse and open ground: dosage, recipes, tips

Milk serum
Milk serum

Watering tomato should be done rarely, but abundantly. This helps to strengthen the roots. Tomatoes with water receive all the necessary trace elements from the surface of the soil. Excessive watering leads to cracking of fruits and loss of taste. In addition, with an excess of moisture, a favorable environment for the development of the fungus is created.

Perform plant feeding with milk. This will help bring many useful substances into the soil. Carry out such stages of top dressing:

  • The first feeding - At the stage of planting seedlings. When the stems and leaves have just begun to grow, mix 1 liter of milk and a bucket of water, add 15 drops of iodine. Pour this solution with this solution to prevent the development of the fungus.
  • After planting seedlings in greenhouse soil or open ground, the concentration of the solution must be increased. Add 1 liter of milk to 4 liters of water. Pour each hole 0.5 liters of the mixture. Such top dressing is carried out every 3 days. To improve the feeding effect, you can add 10 drops of iodine solution.
  • When the first fruits appear, Top dressing must be done 2 times every week. It is better to alternate several types of top dressing with ash or iodine.

Remember: Do not feed in hot weather. If tomatoes grow in open ground, then for watering, choose the days when there is no rain. Do feeding after watering plants. So useful substances will be better absorbed.

The procedure is performed in the morning or in the evening, so that during the day or night the liquid has time to absorb.

Composure compositions - some tips:

  • Fulfilling processing - Effective method of feeding. Do spraying with a spray gun with a fine nozzle.
  • When spraying, the solution enters the leaves and stems. The result will be noticeable after a couple of hours after the process.
  • When added to a solution of milk A protective film is formed on the surface of the leaves. This is a great obstacle to the penetration of bacteria and diseases.

Important:Do spraying in the morning or in the evening when there is no burning sun. If tomatoes grow on open ground, then before the process starts you need to make sure that there is no rain or wind on the street.

For spraying, a solution with water and milk (serum) is prepared in a ratio of 4: 1. You can also add 15 drops of iodine and 200 grams of wood ash to milk.

It's important to know: Feeding is carried out every day if the plants grow poorly. With good development, one spraying in 7 days is enough. To make the solution better on the leaves, add 30 grams of soap chips to the solution.

Video: Feeding tomatoes with milk

Feeding tomatoes with bread in a greenhouse and open ground: dosage, recipes, tips

Bread for feeding tomato
Bread for feeding tomato

Prepare bread tops in this way:

  • Cut the bread into pieces and dry in the oven to make crackers.
  • Pour the crackers with water, put 2.5 kg of crackers on a 5-liter bucket. Cryups should be completely covered with warm water, even a little more, as they absorb water well.
  • Put the oppression on top and leave it for 7 days.
  • Before use, you need to dilute 3 liters of water.

The second recipe is called herbal tea:

  • You will need grass (ordinary weeds). Cut them and mix them in equal proportions with crackers. The third bucket of the mixture will need the same amount of water.
  • You can also mix a third bucket of soaked crackers with 50 grams of conventional yeast and half a bucket of water.

Such compositions will help saturate tomatoes with carbon dioxide - this is an excellent growth stimulator. And do not go to the store and specially buy bread. Gradually dry the remnants of bread in the oven, and when its right amount is set, prepare fertilizer.

Feed tomatoes with bread correctly:

  • The deadlines are important. This gentle fertilizer can be applied up to 8 times per season. If the soil is low -fruit, then watering plants with bread infusion is necessary every 10 days. And vice versa - if the soil is rich in nutrients, it is enough to feed the plants only 2 times a season.
  • The first top dressing Perform when two real leaves are formed on the seedlings. Before you make bread tops, pour seedlings well, better in the morning.

Remember: Water plants only with warm water. Cold water harms the roots of plants, and top dressing may not be absorbed.

  • Only 1 cup of such top dressing on a pot will be enough for seedlings. Do feeding in the evening when the sun no longer bakes. Pour the fertilizer not under the root, but closer to the edge of the pot.
  • Plants planted in open ground, fertilize also: First pour water, and then with bread infusion. Carry up in the evening or after rain.

Top dressing stops after the appearance of the first fruits. If the top dressing is not stopped in time, tomatoes can crumble.

Fertilizer to make a tomato bread fertilizer:

  • The maximum effect will help to achieve a special scheme for introducing fertilizers. A meager soil should be fertilized not only with bread infusion, add 100 grams of dry yeast to the solution, immediately before fertilizer.
  • In order to get the maximum effect from feeding tomatoes, it is necessary to fertilize tomatoes according to a certain scheme.
  • The very first top dressing of tomatoes It is performed when the first leaves appear. This can be done either two days before transplanting into a separate pot, or 5 days after.

After that, the bread solution is not applied until the second flower brush appears on the tomatoes:

  • After the appearance of the second flower brush, another top dressing is performed.
  • Do subsequent feeding every 2 weeks.
  • Such a fertilizer is very effective, plants will develop and grow well.

You can find another option for feeding plants, but it is better to use the tips and schemes of experienced gardeners. Bread solution is suitable not only for fertilizers, but also for protection from the fungus.

Feeding tomatoes with salt in a greenhouse and open ground: dosage, recipes, tips

Salt for feeding tomato
Salt for feeding tomato

Salt instead of pesticides is a great solution with a fertilizing tomato. Dissolve 50 grams of table salt in a bucket of water. Water the soil under plants with this solution, as well as between the beds. Salt helps to cope with such an insidious disease as late blight.

Important: Do not put a lot of salt for the preparation of the solution, otherwise it can harm plants. Start feeding with salt when the first real leaves appear

Feeding tomatoes onion husk in a greenhouse and open ground: dosage, recipes, tips

Natural products for feeding plants are much better than different toxic products. Onions are used by gardeners as a fertilizer according to this recipe:

  • Put 1 cup of dry raw materials in a bucket of water.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil and insist within 4-5 hours.

Pour the soil under plants with the resulting solution every 4 days.

Advice: After preparing the solution, do not throw away the remaining husk of the onion. It can be used as compost.

Feeding tomatoes banana in a greenhouse and open ground: dosage, recipes, tips

Bananas for feeding tomato
Bananas for feeding tomato

As a top dressing of tomatoes, not a pulp of bananas is used, but their peel. Here is the prescription:

  • Pour the peel from three bananas with three liters of water.
  • Let the water brew for three days.

You can water the tomato bushes with this water, but before that, dilute the solution with water 1: 1. You can prepare compost from the banana peel. Mix the skins with the ground, pour water and cover with a film. Next year, such compost can be used as fertilizer.

Feeding tomatoes with a mullein in a greenhouse and open ground: how to breed, dosage correctly

Cow man manure is the most effective way to fertilize plants. But such a "raw material" is now too expensive. However, if you can buy it, then be sure to make a fertilizer from the mullein:

  • Pour a bucket of manure with 3 buckets of water and let wander to 10 days.
  • Then put 1 liter of mullein in a bucket of water, stir.
  • Water tomatoes 1-1.5 liters per bush.

Do no more than two such top dressings so that the plants do not fat.

Feeding tomatoes with amber acid in the greenhouse and open ground: dosage, recipes, tips

Amber acid for feeding tomato
Amber acid for feeding tomato

Amber acid is part of different tablets and aqueous solutions. It perfectly stimulates the plant to growth and helps to increase flowering and yield. So that there are many ovaries on your tomatoes, make such a solution:

  • Dilute 1 gram of amber acid into 10 liters of water.
  • Spray every bush with this water.
  • Repeat the processing in a week. When buds have already begun to form, 3 such feedings are enough.

If you use amber acid as a fertilizer, then this will help you protect cultures from diseases and fungi. Amber acids do not have poor effects on people, so this type of fertilizer is safe for humans.

Tomato top dressing with vitamins of group B in a greenhouse and open ground: dosage, recipes, tips

B vitamins help to enhance the effectiveness of plant photosynthesis, activate the immune system and overcome stressful situations. In the required number, these vitamins are produced only in healthy plants growing in ideal conditions. Therefore, if you notice that the tomatoes are growing poorly, their leaves are faded and lifeless, feel free to start feeding with vitamins of group B. Dilute the required amount of vitamin in 1 liter of water or its larger amount and do watering in the morning or evening hours. Here is a dosage:

  • IN 1 - weak roots and no ovaries - 50 mg per 1 liter of water - Water once a week.
  • IN 2 - makes plants resistant to pathogens - 10 mg per 1 liter of water - 1 time a week.
  • AT 3 - shortage leads to a slow growth of the plant - 10 mg per 1 liter of water - 1 time a week.
  • AT 5 - apply that the plant is resistant to stressful situations - 10 mg per 1 liter of water - 1 time a week.
  • AT 6 - produces resistance to cold, stress, exposure to salts and acids in the soil - 50 mg per 1 liter of water - Water 1 time every 10 days.
  • AT 9 - supports a good metabolism - 1 mg per 1 liter of water -Water in 7-10 days.
  • AT 12 - conducts oxygen to the cells of the plant - 0.5 mg per 1 liter of water - 1 time a week.

If you understand that your tomatoes grow in adverse conditions (lack of sun or irrigation), then use the top dressing by vitamins of group B. This will help plants become strong and healthy.

Feeding tomatoes by ammonia in a greenhouse and open ground: dosage, recipes, tips

Ammonia for feeding tomato
Ammonia for feeding tomato

There are 82% nitrogen in ammonia, therefore it is used as a feeding of tomato when growing on open ground and in a greenhouse.

  • Nitrogen is necessary for growth, In this case, the plant will not completely absorb ammonia, but will take as many useful substances as necessary.
  • Ammonia - This is an ammonia solution. It is only oxygen to split it.
  • Compared with other chemical fertilizers, then for their breakdown you need soil and all the processes in it are happening.
  • Therefore, ammonia is much more useful As a fertilizer than organic or chemicals.

When the first signs of nitrogen hunger of plants appear (pale color of the leaves, slow growth, inhibited species), mix 1 tablespoon of 25%ammonia in one liter of liquid.

Important: This is the limiting dose for safe use.

As a planned top dressing, 1 tablespoon is enough 25% of ammonia per 3 liters of water. Water once a week and your tomatoes will bear fruit and grow well.

Feeding tomatoes with calcium nitrate in a greenhouse and open ground: dosage, recipes, tips

Calcium nitrate for feeding tomato
Calcium nitrate for feeding tomato

It is important for the plant to increase the green mass, so gardeners feed crops with calcium nitrate. It helps the plant take root and grow well. Start such top dressing when 2 real leaves appear.

  • Selitra is usually used with other fertilizers. For example, when watering seedlings by mullein, add 20 grams of calcium nitrate to a bucket. You can add additional components to this composition: 100 grams of ash and 10 grams of urea. With such fertilizers, water the crops after the appearance of 2 leaves and 10 days after diving.
  • Prepare the solution from the nitrate, and spray the plants:2 grams per 1 liter of water. You can often spray - every 10 days.
  • After planting tomato or directly when planting, you can add a nitrate to the ground - 20 grams for each plant. In autumn, this substance is not introduced into the soil, since melt snow and rain water washed it out of the soil for 2-3 weeks.
  • Когда появились завязи или началось созревание помидор можно подкормить растения селитрой. To do this, add 500 ml of an insisted chicken or mullein and 20 grams of nitrate to a bucket of water.

Thanks to this fertilizer, the soil will become favorable for growth, and the roots of culture will receive more oxygen.

Feeding tomatoes with potassium humate in a greenhouse and open ground: dosage, recipes, tips

Humat potassium for feeding tomato
Humat potassium for feeding tomato

Humates - potassium or sodium salts, which are obtained from humic acid. They are responsible for the processes occurring in the soil. This is a universal organic fertilizer that helps the plant develop well, be green and fruitful.

For the entire season, you need to process plants with this fertilizer up to 6 times. Water crops with a solution prepared according to this recipe: 100 ml of fertilizer in liquid form per 10 liters of water. For 1 square meter, up to 3-5 liters of fertilizer diluted in water is enough.

Video: How to feed tomatoes with the drug "Humat potassium"?

Feeding tomatoes nitrofois in a greenhouse and open ground: dosage, recipes, tips

Nitrophoska is a complex mineral fertilizer.

  • This mixture is vital for all plants, and especially for tomato.
  • The balanced composition of vitamins and trace elements is well dissolved in water, helps plants grow, strengthens immunity, root - these are one of the few advantages of this mixture.
  • You can buy it in any store where everything is sold for gardeners and gardeners.

It will be rational for fertilizer to scatter the mixture directly into the holes so that each bush receives its own share of useful substances. Pour 1 tablespoon of fertilizer into the hole and mix well with the ground. Then plant seedlings. Can water plants with a prepared solution: 50 grams per bucket of water.

Feeding tomatoes by azofois in a greenhouse and open ground: dosage, recipes, tips

Azofoska for feeding tomato
Azofoska for feeding tomato

Azofosk is a “relative” of nitrofoski. It differs only by the composition. There is a sulfur in Azofosk, and in Nitrofosk it is in a sulfate form. The dosage is the same as when using nitrofoski.

Feeding tomatoes by double superphosphate in a greenhouse and open ground: dosage, recipes, tips

Even supporters of organic farming only understand that without phosphorus it will not be possible to grow a good tomato crop. A complex mineral mixture-double superphosphate-this is an excellent fertilizer that contains nitrogen-phosphorus compounds. In this mixture, phosphorus oxide is easily digestible, so gardeners always fertilize the earth where tomatoes grow.

Make superphosphate directly into the ground - in spring or autumn. Dosage-40-50 mg per 1 square meter. For greenhouse plants, the norm increases by 2 times: 80 mg per 1 square meter.

Forewing top dressing athlete: Instructions for use

Healthy tomatoes
Healthy tomatoes

Athlet is a novelty that biologists recently introduced. Helps the growth of seedlings, strengthens the immunity and makes the plant healthy. Used in two ways:

  • Spraying all the leaves that appeared. Dilute one ampoule in 1 liter of water. After spraying, water the plant should be watered only after 2-3 days. The first processing is carried out after the 3rd leaf grows, then after 5-7 days. Three such treatments need to be performed. After that, you can put the bush in the soil. If the weather is bad within 7-10 days after the last processing, and you cannot plant tomatoes in open ground, then you need to conduct 4 spraying.
  • Watering - in 1 liter of water, dissolve one ampoule. Water each bush of 50 ml of solution. After such a fertilizer, the plant is not watered for 3 days. The last time the plant is fed 5 days before planting in open ground.

Thanks to this fertilizer, seedlings bloom well and violently, it turns out to be resistant to different adverse natural factors. You will receive a third more harvest with the drug athlete than when growing tomatoes without it.

Gumi tomato top dressing in a greenhouse and open ground: Instructions for use

Gumi for feeding tomato
Gumi for feeding tomato

Gumi - organomineral top dressing. It helps the rapid and qualitative growth of cultures. It is used in such forms:

  • Liquid (20%concentrate). Dilute in water 1: 100. To prepare a bucket of useful fertilizer, you need to pour in 10 liters of water only 1 tablespoon of a liquid drug GUMI. In this mixture, you can soak seeds, spray young seedlings or water plants in open ground and greenhouse.
  • Powder (concentration 90%). Dissolve 2 grams per bucket of water. This solution is enough for watering 2 square meters of a land plot, and for spraying is enough for 100 square meters.
  • Pasty (30%). Soak 100 grams of pasta in a barrel of water. You can prepare a concentrated solution: 100 grams of the drug per 200 grams of water. When watering cultures, dilute a tablespoon of concentrate into 10 liters of water.
  • Gel "Olympic" - New development of biologists using modern technologies. Dosage when used is similar to paste.

A combination of mineral fertilizers for feeding tomato: Scheme

Basically, when growing tomato in greenhouses, root feeding is used. Feeding of leaves can provoke the appearance of infection. However, many gardeners still use spraying and get a good harvest. But biologists say that this type of top dressing needs to be minimized.

Tomato feeding scheme
Tomato feeding scheme

Fertilizer of tomato in the garden is produced by both mineral and organic preparations and additives. Here are two top dressing schemes near the root:

Tomato feeding scheme
Tomato feeding scheme

Alternately perform spraying and laying fertilizers under the root. The amount of top dressing over the entire growth period can reach 10 times.

Tomato feeding scheme
Tomato feeding scheme

Is it possible and how to feed tomatoes with urea?

Urea, as feeding cultures, is used by gardeners most. To prepare the mixture, mix 1 tablespoon of urea in 1 bucket of water and pour each plant in the amount of 1-2 liters. Repeated tomatoes repeatedly 7 days after the first top dressing. Do not forget about the fertilizer with nitrogen.

What phosphorus fertilizers are needed to feed a tomato?

Before introducing phosphorus to the ground (especially in acidic environment), you need to play the soil. 1 month before fertilizers with phosphorus on the beds, sprinkle lime at the rate of 500 grams per 1 square meter or ash in a proportion of 200 grams per 1 square meter. Depending on the composition, top dressing with phosphorus can be divided into 3 types: mineral, complex and organics.

Superphosphate with phosphorus content:

  •   14% -19% (simple) - For 1 hole 20 grams of the drug - mix with the ground.
  •   50% (double) - 10 grams of the drug, also need to be mixed with the soil.

Diammofos - Apply 20 grams into the hole when planting, or do a liquid solution and water the bushes during flowering (100 grams per bucket of water).

Monophosphate potassium - During the season you need only two top dressing - 15 grams per 1 square meter.

Nitrofosk - Seek the instructions for application and dosage above in the text.

Bone flour - 2 tablespoons in the hole during landing.

What top dressing do tomatoes like: the best top dressing

For the growth and development of tomato in the soil, all the necessary beneficial substances should be: nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and other minerals.

When the seeds sprout, tomatoes need phosphorus so that the growth of the roots of the plant occur. Also, phosphorus elements are needed in order for the culture to bloom well, and the fruits will quickly ripen. Thanks to special phosphorus top dressing, the yield, sugar content and dry substance in the fruits increases. The tomatoes will be tasty and fleshy. Potassium will help the ripening of fruits, and nitrogen in ammonia form - rapid ripening of tomatoes. An excess of nitrogen substances negatively affects the growth of the plant.

Plant tomatoes in prepared and fertilized soil. Bio -appropriation and organic material will help to grow a rich harvest.

How and what correctly feed tomatoes after frost?

Spraying tomato
Spraying tomato

In gardeners, it often happens that frosts are taken by surprise. But experienced people in the country business do not panic and know how to help small bushes remain green with a good harvest in the future. Use growth stimulants. For example, in the morning and evening hours, spray the leaflets of Epin-Exista or Zircon. Do this 3 times with a frequency of 7 days. If necessary, spray more than 3 times, and you will see how drooping bushes will begin to "come to life".

Additional food will help plants. Under each bush, add a small handful of crystalline urea, and a week later - a chicken solution (look for a dosage and recipe above in the text).

How and what correctly in stages to feed the tomatoes weak to grow faster, red?

Feeding tomato
Feeding tomato

Carry out the first top dressing before the appearance of the first leaf. The supply of useful substances from the seed has already been exhausted, in view of which the plant needs to help. Add nitrogen and phosphorus into the soil. These substances are in such drugs: uniflor-Rost, solution, Kemira-Lux-1 teaspoon per 5 liters of water.

After diving, pour the plant with a solution of uniflor-button-1 teaspoon of the drug per 2 liters of water. When planting in the hole, put a little compost, wood ash and 1 teaspoon of superphosphate. You can also fertilize bread, as described above. This will help improve the root system and increase the endurance of culture.

You can also feed the plants with these compositions:

Recipes for feeding a tomato
Recipes for feeding a tomato

How and what correctly in stages to feed tomatoes to be large and sweet?

In order for the tomatoes to be large and sweet, you need to perform complex mineral top dressing. It is necessary to make in equal parts: phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. All this is contained in the popular nitroammofosk - a cheap drug that is actively used by gardeners. Fruits are growing well, if you use fertilizers such as manure and peat. Wood ash is also a great remedy for good growth.

Graph of top dressing:

  • 14 days after the appearance of the first seedlings.
  • On the third day after the transfer to the main place.
  • At the very beginning of budding.
  • After the first fruit is raised.

Then mineral top dressing end. But you can make organics: a solution of ash, infusion of mullein or chicken. Do not forget that with fertilizing natural substances, you need to take a break of 11-13 days between top dressing. Otherwise, tomatoes will not have time to learn all the usefulness.

To make the fruits large and sweet, fertilize the plant with urea. Dilute 1 tablespoon in a bucket of water and spray the bushes. Also, do not forget that the fruits will not be sweet if the plant does not receive a sufficient amount of light. Therefore, plant tomatoes on the sunny side of the garden, and not in the shade.

How to determine how to feed the tomatoes if the leaves are yellow, purple, small fruits, or they are burning?

When tomatoes are fatigue, this is a special phenomenon and arises from overfeeding of plants with fertilizers. In this case, there are a lot of leaves, and the stems are thick and fleshy. In this case, there are few fruits, as well as ovaries. Leaves may turn yellow or acquire a purple hue. If at the same time the stems are not particularly thick, and there are few leaves, then this indicates a lack of minerals. In this case, simply feed the plant with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and it will restore its growth.

If tomatoes are fattening, make such a solution:

  • Dissolve 100 grams of double superphosphate in 1 liter of hot water and mix well. Then add 2 tablespoons of the solution per 3 liters. Spray the bushes with this mixture.

Watch the video of how experienced gardeners get rid of tomatoes.

Video: Are your tomatoes "fat"? Three reliable ways to fix it!

Super top dressing for tomato: video

In the following video, you will see how you can feed tomatoes to get a good harvest. Every gardener dreams of this, but not everyone knows about super feeding.

Video: Super top dressing for tomato during flowering to increase the crop

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