How is a beer drink different from ordinary beer? What is a beer drink?

How is a beer drink different from ordinary beer? What is a beer drink?

How is a beer drink different from a simple real beer? This product is high -quality and very tasty, many people love it.

When and who came up with this drink is unknown, but he liked it and took root. The culture of the preparation and use of beer has practically not changed, and the new additions used give a special note in its improvement.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Allergy to beer: symptoms, how is it manifested?". You will find out if there may be allergies to beer.

Now manufacturers have learned to cook not only beer -excellent beer, but also make delicious beer drinks. How these products differ from real beer is described in the article below. Read further.

What is beer?


Beer has been known since ancient times, and they were able to cook it in almost every house. This foamed low alcohol drink is known in all countries of the world. Beer is called any malt drink made on a grain basis. What are its species described below. Read further.

What are the types of beer: classification, which beer is the strongest?

There is still no exact international classification of this drink. Although beer and one of the most famous drinks are many of its varieties, it is most often divided into light and dark. In fact, there are several classifications:

By the method of fermentation:

  • High fermentation "El"
  • Nizal fermentation "Lager"
  • Spontaneous fermentation "Lambik"
  • Mixed fermentation "Old beer" is obtained by combination of riding and lower fermentation

By color- It depends on how well the malt is fried, as well as on the presence of dark malt beer in the beer. There are such types:

  • White - Pilzer, Maybok, Weisbir
  • Light-American and Indian, English bitter
  • Red-Dy-El Double Indian, Bjier de Gard
  • Dark - Vienna camp, Dunkenweis, Stout, Porter

Classification by fortress, otherwise by the density of the wort from 7 to 16%:

  • Simple up to 1.5 % about.
  • Detting up to 3% vol.
  • Solid up to 7%
  • Strong from 5 to 14% vol.
  • Non -alcohol 0.6% vol.

According to the raw materials used:

  • Wheat
  • Oatmeal
  • Rye
  • Rice
  • Corn

Video: Beer: Benefit and Harm

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Craft beer: What is it?

Craft beer
Craft beer

Such beer is produced in mini-boards in small batches. It is supplied to restaurants or Pivbars. In retail sale, it is difficult, almost impossible, to find. A feature of craft beer are various additives to ancient family recipes, which makes each batch special, differing in taste and fortress.

Factory production does not allow you to change the recipe due to the features of the process and requirements for it. And for craft there are no firmly established standards. That is why in the bars with private breweries you can find many varieties of beer that differs in color, aroma, fortress. The only drawback of a craft drink is a high price. But if possible, it is worth trying to evaluate its exclusivity.

What beer in Russia is real, natural, high -quality: what is the most delicious plant beer?

All beer produced in Russian enterprises meets three requirements, because it is produced according to GOST - this is transparency, taste and smell. The drink should be tasty, with a pleasant aroma and transparent.

When choosing beer, it is better to give preference to the different. It is real, natural and high -quality. The second name of the spill beer is “living”. It is considered the best and most delicious. And this is so, because there are no preservatives in it. It does not pass pasteurization. Its taste is more bright. Such beer in reasonable quantities is even useful. Nonfiltered drink contains many useful trace elements. Beer yeast is also useful for the body.

The most popular brands of spitting beer in Russia:

  • Zhigulevskoye
  • Golden barrel
  • Three Bears
  • Samara
  • My Kaluga

Each person chooses this drink according to personal preferences. Someone likes darker varieties, others are light. Still others generally prefer a beer drink. How does it differ from beer? Read further.

What is a beer drink?

The phrase can cause distrust of the quality of the drink, but doubts are groundless. This is also a beer, but there are ingredients in its recipe, which are not in ordinary beer.

For example:

  • Lambik. Belgian beer, obtained by fermenting in barrels previously used to endure wine.
  • Fruit beer. He has a fruit taste and smell, because the manufacture uses fresh fruits and berries or juices and extracts.
  • Craft beer It is produced in small batches, in private breweries, according to an old recipe, with various additional ingredients to give a drink an unusual and special taste.
  • Blanche. White wheat beer belongs to the Elya.
  • Beer with exotic additives: peanut oil, taste of dessert with marshmallows and crackers, sea delicacies, adding acute Srirach sauce.

All these beer drinks, of course, types of beer. But in Russian legislation there is an exact definition of the composition of the product. Therefore, in our country they are called a "beer drink."

What is the difference between a beer drink from ordinary beer?

To distinguish a beer drink and ordinary beer is quite simple.

  • The drink is limited to a fortress of 7%, and it can be different in beer and necessarily without taking into account the addition of alcohol.
  • If, in addition to grain, hops, beer wort, there are other components - this is already a drink.
  • The presence of sugar -containing products exceeds 20% - this is definitely not beer.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

What is the difference between cider from a beer drink?

Cider differs from a beer drink with a composition and taste
Cider differs from a beer drink with a composition and taste

Sidr - this drink is obtained from apple juice, quince, pear. Any variety of fruits is not always suitable for its manufacture. For example:

  • Popular varieties of apples: aport, wound, Antonovka
  • Pear: Per and Poire
  • But Aiva uses any

Sugar is added to the juice. To reduce acidity in the recipe, water is allowed. Arming occurs without adding yeast. And for the preparation of a beer drink, special yeast is used. As the main components - hops, malt, water.

The difference lies in the fortress of drinks. Sidr is dry and sweet. There is such a drink into which carbon dioxide is introduced, and it turns out “playful”. A feature is a sediment remaining at the bottom of the glass. This will confirm the quality and naturalness of the product.

Which beer is better to drink and which is considered good and the most delicious - a natural or beer drink?

Connoisseurs of such drinks have their own special preferences. Someone loves classic or natural beer, and someone likes varieties with various taste additions-beer drinks. Which beer is better to drink and which is considered good and the most delicious?

  • For summer, light aromatic fruit species are suitable.
  • For a long evening in a cheerful and noisy company - a variety of a light or dark drink.
  • In the winter cold, sitting by the fireplace, you can drink a glass of strong beer. There are varieties where the alcohol content reaches 70 degrees.

There are many types and varieties of beer, and beer drinks, and in the affirmative answer is that it is better. That is why brewers constantly come up with and select new components for old classical recipes to satisfy the taste of each amateur. It is only important to know a sense of proportion, because beer and beer drinks are alcoholic beverages. When enjoying, do not forget to protect your health!

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