What is the difference between beer beer? Beer drink: difference from beer, overview of popular brands

What is the difference between beer beer? Beer drink: difference from beer, overview of popular brands

Differences of a beer beer.

Beer is a malt drink made from germinated barley grains, hops, with the addition of water. In this article, we will tell you how beer differs from a beer drink. 

Beer drink and beer, what are the differences?

Initially, in the Soviet Union there was no concept of beer drink. There are no beer drinks in European countries, there is another classification and documents regulating the recipe. For the first time, the term was invented precisely in Russia, as some manufacturers wanted to make their products cheaper, reducing the price by adding or changing the recipe. Thanks to this, in addition to the classic malt, hops, yeast and water, additional ingredients are contained in the composition of the product. 

Beer drink and beer, what are the differences:

  • According to the Russian GOST, if the content of additional products is more than 20%, this is not a beer at all. The fact is that in the Soviet Union, beer, which was prepared not from germinated barley grains, but from freshly glued, was called special or special, but there was no inscription beer drink. However, the malloenes included exclusively natural ingredients, that is, wheat or barley, with the introduction of hops and yeast, for fermentation. 
  • Now, preservatives, citric acid, fruit, as well as taste additives are introduced into the composition, which give a pleasant fruit taste. This is not a beer at all, but a drink. Initially, this name was developed to include ingredients such as fruits in the composition of beer, thereby diversifying the drink. After all, most women prefer beer with the introduction of fruits, which is distinguished by a mild taste, there is no bitterness in it.
  • However, a little later, cunning manufacturers who wanted to make production more profitable decided to introduce taste flavors, and various substitutes instead of fruit ingredients. This turned out to be a kind of concentrate, with a strange composition, it is also called a beer drink. If you see a substance in the bottle that has a classic color for beer, for example yellowish, amber, on the package the inscription beer drink, turn the bottle and read the composition. Most likely, the manufacturer is trying to deceive, thereby giving out a strange substance as a real beer.

What is the difference between beer from a beer drink in composition?

If you are guided by a GOST, then beer is a drink made of malt, hop, water, with or withoutgrain products, as a result of fermentation of beer wort. Beer necessarily contains ethyl alcohol, which arose in the process of fermentation of grain raw materials. It is made exclusively without the introduction of an additional portion of alcohol.

What is the difference between beer from a beer drink in composition: 

  • A beer drink is alcohol products that contain ethyl alcohol formed during fermentation of grain products, with a strength of not more than 7 degrees. The introduction of cereals, sugar, hops, fruits, berries, plants, as well as aromatic and taste additives is permissible.
  • As you can see, the composition of the beer drink is much wider than beer. Although in some European countries, according to our law, beer drinks are still called beer and are branded, as they are made according to ancient recipes, with the introduction of additional ingredients, except for malt, hops and water.
  • According to our law, beer can include exclusively barley, wheat malt, water, sugar, hops, barley, wheat, crushed corn and rice cereals, beer yeast. There can be no other fruit or aromatic additives in beer.
  • However, in beer drinks this is quite acceptable. A beer drink can be filtered, unfiltered, cold sterilization, or non -parturized. Fruits, herbs, for additional taste shades are often introduced into it.

Beer drinks: a list of popular brands in Russia

Below you can find the most common beer drinks. 

Beer drinks, a list of popular brands in Russia:

  1. Issa. Products have been sold in the domestic market since 2010, while the main office of the company is in Turkey. The company produces beer drinks that are peculiar cocktails. The composition also includes fruits, lime, mint. The fortress of the drink is 6-7 degrees.

  2. Garage - This is an alcoholic drink that the company producesCarlsberg. This is a European product that was first produced in the hot states of the United States. This is a beer that was originally mixed with lemon, tea, ginger. The strength of the drink is low - 4.6%. 
  3. Heineken - A product that has a large number of awards. A classic drink, differs with a strength of 4.8%, and is also characterized by a pleasant yeast aroma. During a tasting, you can feel the taste of fruits. And if we take into account Heineken-3, then its strength is 3.3 %, it is characterized by a bright fruit flavor. You can feel the aroma of apricot and orange. 

  4. Velkopopovitsky Goat. This is a Czech brand that is sold in the Czech Republic called beer, but in our country it is a beer drink. Currently, the owners of the company are the Japanese. If you evaluate the taste characteristics, then the dark goat is distinguished by the aroma of cherries, blackcurrant, dark chocolate and caramel. Light varieties are distinguished by a fruit flavor. 

  5. Guinness - This is an Irish drink that is a leader in the European market. In our country, a not very famous beer drink due to a rather high price for the local inhabitant. The fortress ranges from 4-8 %. 

  6. Miller. This is an American product made of malt. The composition contains dark chocolate and prunes. The fortress of the drink is 4.5 %. 

  7. Hugarden. This is a Belgian drink that comes in more than 70 countries of the world. It is not particularly popular in Russia because of the high fortress and decent value. In Belgium, the drink is considered a full beer, but in Russia it was ranked for drinks. The composition contains an orange zest and coriander, which give a drink of an unusual taste. 

  8. Hunting. This is alcohol of Russian origin, the product containsmaltose molasses, sugar. The product is considered not a full beer, but a beer drink.

  9. Polar bear. Just like the previous alcohol refers to drinks, due to the availability ofmaltose Pathos. It differs in low price, the strength of light beer is 5%. 

    Polar bear
    Polar bear

What is better beer or beer drink?

In Russian legislation, beer drinks are recognizedworld Brands:

  1. Lambik - this is Belgian beer, which is made from unprofitable wheat grains. That is why in Russia refers to drinks. 
  2. Scream. This is a fruit beer, which is also produced in Belgium. 
  3. Stout. This is a dark drink made from malt, which is previously fried to brown. In Russia it is called IrishGuinness 

That beer or beer drink is better:

  • Please note that the inscription on the label of the “beer drink” is not always indicated about poor quality. Most likely, the composition simply contains many components that are limited by malt, hops and water.
  • It can be harmless lemon zest, or burnt wheat grains. Do not flatter yourself, always read the composition. It is not surprising that a foreign drink beer will cost more than a full Russian beer.
  • The inscription on the package of the “beer drink” does not mean poor quality at all. Although some unscrupulous manufacturers are still trying to slip a surrogate to the buyer, with the introduction of a large number of preservatives and concentrates. 
Polar bear
Polar bear

What is the difference between a beer drink and beer goat?

Velkopopovitsky A goat is a well -known Czech beer that is popular outside the country in which it was originally produced. Now it is made under a license in Hungary, Poland, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Russia.

What is the difference between a beer drink and a goat beer:

  • It is worth noting that under Russian legislation it is considered a beer drink, as the composition contains fruit ingredients.
  • In fact, it is made from raw materials of the lower fermentation, the recipe was designed in 1874. In many countries of the world, it is quite popular, characterized by high quality.
  • The drink in quality is not inferior to classical Russian beer, despite the fact that the package has the inscription “drink”. 

Miller beer drink - difference from beer

Miller began to produce products, which, after a merger, went into the possession of one US tycoon. The company produces drinks for Africa, North America and Eastern Europe.

Beer drink Miller, difference from beer:

  • In Russia, beer is produced under the licenseMillerholsten, A gold barrel, three heroes.
  • It is worth noting that a beer drink was developed for the Russian marketMiller midnightthat contains chocolate, prunes.
  • The drink is characterized by high quality and lack of concentrates, preservatives. 

We advise you to read interesting articles about drinks:

Often, as part of beer drinks, you can see components such asmaltose Pathoku, preservatives, citric acid, and various flavor additives that can replace malt are reduced by the production of alcohol. 

Video: How does the beer differ from the beer drink?


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