What is the difference between craft beer and ordinary spill: popular varieties Craft beer

What is the difference between craft beer and ordinary spill: popular varieties Craft beer

Beer refers to low -alcohol drinks obtained by fermentation from barley malt and other cereal crops, hops, yeast and water. The historical roots of its manufacture go deeper into centuries, and it is still a very popular drink.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to cook beer at home?". You will learn about brewing technology, and you will also find recipes.

From this article you will learn how craft beer differs from ordinary. What does craft mean? Read further.

Craft: What is it, what is craft beer - Craft beer?

Craft beer
Craft beer

In the menu of beer bars and restaurants, you can find a drink called craft beer. The answer to the question of what it is is simple. It is cooked in private small brewery according to ancient recipes. "Craft beer" - This is a handicraft brewer. This is a literal translation from English.

Some prefer to call craft beer as homemade. Since it is made in small breweries and is considered copyright, with only tasteful qualities inherent in it. Masters of brewers, observing traditional recipes, using modern technologies, invent new exclusive varieties. This introduces diversity into the taste sensations of beer lovers and creates popular and fame to the new types of drink among its fans.

Popular varieties of craft beer

The greatest popularity among craft beer is the light and dark Eli - "traditional type of English beer."

  • Light El. It has a pronounced taste of hops with a small bitterness.
  • Dark El. In it, the taste of hops is replaced by notes of malt. The drink seems thick, with a kind of bitter taste.
  • Porter. The drink is dark brown, almost black. He has a light bitterness. Solod is enriched with notes of chocolate, coffee and wine.
  • Stout. The rich dark color of this beer has a taste of fried malt.
  • Sour Ale. It can be described as a light summer drink. There is fruit sourness in the taste.

By visiting the bar and drinking this foamy drink, you can become a fan of a certain variety for life. It should be noted that beer that has a similar name does not always have the same taste.

Popular varieties:

  • American Pale-El. This beer has a rich taste and aroma of American hops. As an addition, floral, fruit and citrus tones are added.
  • Indian Pale-El. The bright aroma of hops is sometimes connected to notes of herbs and fruits. There may be a shade of tarry notes.
  • Barlivine. Another name is barley beer. The taste is dominated by malt diluted with the aroma of hops (American and English varieties). There are notes of citrus and resins. Distinguishes sweet aftertaste from other varieties. The intensity of this taste depends on the duration of the drink.
  • Russian Imperial Stout. The aroma of fried malt with a slight taste of hops and fruits. Enough bitter, with a taste of alcohol. The longer the exposure, the more the taste becomes softer. Solod may taste coffee or chocolate.

What is the difference between ordinary and craft beer? Read further.

What is the difference between craft beer and ordinary, simple, classic, spitting beer?

The difference between craft beer and usual
The difference between craft beer and usual

There is no particular difference in the manufacturing process. Differences are quantity. Factory production produces large batches and eliminates taste experiments. A small brewery, releasing a new experimental beer, thanks to a small batch, easily changes the components in the recipe, improving existing varieties. This is the main difference between craft beer and simple, classic, spillful.

In almost every store you can see ordinary beer - with long -known names, familiar and familiar taste. But craft will surprise with its taste shades every time. Yes, and you can drink it only in a bar or restaurant.

  • Craft beer It has a classic constant basis of the recipe, but a private manufacturer can add components, improving the exclusive variety on its own.
  • For the mass production of any classic variety, registration of each new additive is required, and the beer obtained with it will be considered a new variety and will require registration.
  • It takes time and money. Therefore, classic varieties in factories for many years remain unchanged.

District beer and craft short shelf life due to the lack of preservatives. But the second is much more expensive, since it can be called "copyright". In bottles, it is practically not produced and in stores it is not sold due to relatively small volumes of production. A glass of such a drink can cost a long -standing wine. The development of the production of small breweries will reduce prices over time, attract and surprise its consumer with a variety of varieties and taste shades of your favorite drink.

If you want to try a new variety of beer, visit a bar or pub, where they offer craft in order to personally feel what the difference is actually.

Video: What is craft beer?

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