What is the difference between children conceived with the help of IVF, from conceived and born in a natural way? Pregnancy Eco: How to achieve?

What is the difference between children conceived with the help of IVF, from conceived and born in a natural way? Pregnancy Eco: How to achieve?

What is the difference between IVF children from conceived and born in the usual way? Details in the article.

Children conceived with the help ECO, today is not uncommon. You will not surprise anyone. Previously, it was believed that children “from a test tube” differ from babies conceived and born in the usual way. Currently, this is the only way to have a child for parents who suffer from infertility.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What helps to get pregnant?". You will find the name of dietary supplements, as well as folk advice, signs.

From this article you will learn how children are conceived with the help ECO, from conceived and born in a natural way. Read further.

Patterns of growth and development of the child's body

The children's body develops rapidly
The children's body develops rapidly

A child is a constantly growing and developing organism, having certain periods:

  • Newborn - 28 days from the moment of birth
  • Thoracic - from 28 days to 1 year
  • The pre -school is considered from a one -year -old up to 3 years
  • Preschool - from 3 to 7 years old
  • Junior School - lasts from 7 to 13 years
  • Teenage - from 13 to 18 years old

Each stage has the features of physical and mental development that determine the formation of an adult.

Under the word “development” in physiology, changes occurring in the body and associated with the improvement and interaction of all its systems are indicated. Development in the children's body proceeds unevenly, reminiscent of jumps. This occurs by increasing the mass and size of the body, the growth of individual organs and the physiological development of all systems. The basis for the formation is hereditary information obtained during fertilization.

A pattern in the development and growth of the child's body:

  • The continuity of these processes. Growth and development are two concepts that are closely related. The basis is the ripening, vital activity and reproduction of body cells. An increase in the number of cells, their sizes are directly related to the growth and weight of the child’s body. This affects both the development and improvement of the functions of the body. For example, muscle growth improves neuromuscular regulation that provides motor functions.
  • Heterochrony. Inappropriate and uneven development of the body as a whole. More important life -supporting organs develop first. An example is the heart. It begins to work in the third week of fetal development. Heterochrony also applies to the ripening of all functional systems.
  • "Energy rule of skeletal muscles". This is the dependence of the life -supporting systems and metabolic processes of the body on motor activity and the state of development of skeletal muscles.
  • The law of individual development, which consists in the reliability of the biological system. The internal resource of the body is partially used, but in an emergency, it is able to mobilize reserve capabilities and subsequently restore the spent resource.

The human body is a holistic system. Its formation takes a long time from the moment of fertilization to the maturity of the body. The main and active period of development in childhood and adolescence is considered the main and active. Not only heredity, but also the environment, the conditions of education and training during the age periods, will affect the characteristics of the development of the child's body.

Pregnancy Eco: How to achieve?

Read on our website another article on the topic: “What is the essence of IVF? Indications for the use of extorporepical fertilization ".

A woman and motherhood are two interconnected words. But sometimes attempts to start a child remain unsuccessful. There are a large number of factors affecting this:

  • Medical indications. Transferred diseases, disease in the stage of remission, treatment of cancer and pathologies of the development of the reproductive system of the body.
  • Suspicion or diagnosis of male infertility in a partner.
  • Incompatibility of partners for conception - "Genetic anomaly, autoimmune disorders, closely related marriage."
  • Age - a decrease in the reproductive function of one of the partners.

In this case, it remains only to resort to ECO - Extracorepical fertilization. A complex and multi -stage process that makes it possible to become a married couple to become parents. How to achieve pregnancy with it? Here are tips and nuances:

  • At the first stage-10-12 days-drugs are prescribed that stimulate the maturation of several eggs in the body of a woman.
  • Then the eggs are removed from the ovaries under the control of the ultrasound using a long needle. The procedure is carried out under anesthesia for anesthesia and getting rid of possible discomfort.
  • The fertilization of eggs is carried out in the laboratory. They are connected to spermatozoa or separately introduced into each one. The process is called intracitoplasmic injection.
  • The embryos control are carried out within 5 days. Genetic testing is available - "DNA analysis that allows you to identify the possibility of congenital pathologies or exclude them."
  • Then the embryos are transferred to the uterine cavity of a woman. The occurreed pregnancy is confirmed by blood test on the 14th day.

You should know that pregnancy after IVF occurs in 55% of cases. The younger the patient, the greater the likelihood of a successful outcome. For the onset of the long -awaited pregnancy, several procedures may be required.

Interesting: The cost of one basic eco is approximately 150 thousand rubles (in some clinics higher). Without tests, stimulation drugs, consultations and observations by a doctor.

For certain cases, you can conduct cryoconservervation of eggs, sperm and embryos. Such a procedure is used before chemotherapy, irradiation, before the ovarian removal operation. For the opportunity to give birth to a child at a later age or resort to surrogate motherhood.

Video: Born children.

What is the difference between children conceived with the help of IVF, from conceived and born in a natural way?

Children conceived with the help of IVF, from conceived and born in a natural way - are no different
Children conceived with the help of IVF, from conceived and born in a natural way - are no different

In November 1977, in the laboratory of the English city of Oldem, fertilized by artificially, the egg was transferred to the woman’s body, and after 38 weeks a girl was born. The birth of the first child “from a test tube” caused many controversy. Opponents of the method claimed that the differences are obvious. “Artificial” children will lead to genetic degradation the population of the planet, and soon humanity is threatened with death. Such children will be barren and are at risk of various diseases, including mental.

Years passed, and the first children who appeared with the help of IVF already had their own children, and conceived in a natural way. So, what is the difference between children conceived with the help of IVF, from conceived and born in a natural way?

  • The course of pregnancy after the procedure passes based on the characteristics of the woman’s body and is no different from the usual one. True, the onset of multiple pregnancy with natural conception is difficult to predict.
  • With eco, several embryos are planted at once. And, if everything went well and they have taken root, future parents decide for themselves how many children they will have.

It is safe to say that children born with the help of IVF in physical development are no different from those who were born naturally. In intellectually, they are possibly more developed than their peers, but here, rather, increased care, custody and attention to them of parents play a role. After all, these are the long -awaited children who have not lost hope, who won and passed difficulties and tests.

Video: Children after IVF and ordinary children - what is the difference?

Video: My story. Attitude to IVF - my experience

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  1. I think, while there is at least the slightest chance to conceive without new technologies, without IVF, we must use this chance as much as possible. Undergo a full examination. Sometimes incredible causes of infertility are revealed. For example, herpes bother me. As soon as medical treatment passed, she was able to do without eco.

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