What is the essence of IVF? Indications for the use of extracurporeal fertilization?

What is the essence of IVF? Indications for the use of extracurporeal fertilization?

IVF - the ability to have children for those couples who have not dreamed about this before. But how safe is it? On the intricacies of the birth of children from the test tube - further in the article.

If a married couple for some reason cannot have children, this is a real tragedy. Fortunately, today the medical is at the level when you can help in such a situation. An alternative to childlessness or adoption was extorporepical fertilization.

Treatment of infertility by extorporepical fertilization

The extracurporeal fertilization method is used in those couples that, for infertility, cannot conceive a child naturally. Extracorporeal (lat.: Extra - outside, body - body) fertilization is also known under the names:

  • ECO
  • artificial insemination
  • fertilization in a test tube
IVF is a chance for a couple to finally become parents.
IVF is a chance for a couple to finally become parents.

All these names to one degree or another reflect the technology of the application of this method:

  • first, women remove the egg from the body
  • make its fertilization in a test tube
  • contain an embryo in the test tube for a while
  • then they are again introduced into the uterine cavity, where its further development occurs

Important: this method is the ability to overcome infertility and give the opportunity to become parents to pairs

Preparation for extraperational fertilization

  • The extracurporeal fertilization method has been used since the second half of the 20th century, is safe for a woman, man and a possible future child (children)
  • However, it is very expensive, and not all couples can afford this method of conception
  • Nevertheless, all those who decide on such a step should know the main stages of its implementation
In a special center or clinic, the couple is carefully prepared for the IVF procedure.
In a special center or clinic, the couple is carefully prepared for the IVF procedure.

The couple turns to the appropriate center or clinic, where it should pass certain preparatory stages before IVF.

Doctors find out the causes of infertility and the feasibility of an abuse. You can produce it after:

  • ectopic pregnancy
  • inflammation
  • proceedings of the patency of the fallopian tubes

Important: a man does not have contraindications to the procedure

A number of studies of both partners are prescribed, including an ultrasound of the woman’s reproductive organs, clinical tests, AIDS, hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, blood tests for hormones.

A spermogram is provided for a man. In the case of indications (violations of spermatogenesis), special treatment can be prescribed to a man.

Before IVF, the couple passes a number of mandatory tests.
Before IVF, the couple passes a number of mandatory tests.

Before they directly proceed to the IVF procedure, a woman should do an injection with a course of injection or drink hormonal drugs that stimulate follicles ripening. On average, such a course of supervision lasts from two weeks to 20 days.
This is necessary in order to get several eggs and increase the chances of extorporepical fertilization.

Important: if a donor egg is used, then hormonal preparation is not required.

Extracorporeal fertilization technology

  • After conducting studies and preliminary liability of ovulation, follicle puncture is made. For this, on an outpatient basis, ready -made follicles are extracted through the vagina from the ovaries using a special needle
  • The extraction process is controlled by the ultrasound apparatus and is performed with the patient's anesthesia
  • As a rule, several follicles are extracted in order to have several eggs. Then the ooscits are washed and placed in a test tube and fertilized in vitro with the available spermatozoa
  • Sperm is obtained on the same day when they make a follicle puncture to a woman. They also need to be washed from seed fluid and separate the highest quality spermatozoa
The egg is fertilized in a special laboratory.
The egg is fertilized in a special laboratory.

The place of fertilization of the female gamet in a test tube is an embryological laboratory. Modern equipment and special solutions are used.
A few more days (2-6) after the procedure, the embryo is preserved in the test tube placed in the incubator.
At this stage, the child from the test tube is contained in Petri's cups. The temperature is 37 degrees. The CO2 content in the atmosphere is 5-6%. Next, he is ready to move into the uterine cavity.

Important: fertilization from the test tube has many chances of multiple pregnancy, since, as a rule, several eggs are fertilized at once.

Video: True and myths about eco, how are they doing?

Stages of extracorporeal fertilization

Stages of fertilization of the egg.
Stages of fertilization of the egg.
  1. Embryo or embryos obtained by the IVF method are examined for the presence of certain violations of cellular development, inherited genetic pathologies, before it (them) is transferred to the uterus
  2. Transfer of embryos to the uterus. It is produced through the cervix. The doctor uses a special elastic catheter. Two embryos are usually tolerated, otherwise a multiple pregnancy can occur that a woman cannot bear. The transference procedure is small in traumatic, and the woman maintains performance even on the day of the procedure
  3. The onset of pregnancy. After transferring embryos to the uterine cavity, a pregnancy test is carried out after 12 days.
    The likelihood of pregnancy under IVF is 30 - 35 %. At the same time, it is possible to endure the fetus to birth only in 18 % of cases
  4. Childbirth. In the event of successful extracurporeal fertilization and gestation, childbirth takes place taking into account the factor of the cause of the woman's infertility. As a rule, childbirth passes in the same way as with natural fertilization
Embryo's seal.
Embryo's seal.

How many times can I eco make?

Since the onset of pregnancy after artificial fertilization occurs only in a third of cases, repeated attempts of the entire procedure are possible. With repeated IVF attempts, those finished embryos and spermatozoa are often used that were not used before.

Unexplored embryos can be stored in a frozen state for up to 55 years. The number of attempts is determined by the doctor based on the individual characteristics of patients, and their willingness to do this.

VIDEO: Indications and contraindications of eco

Problems of extracorporeal fertilization

Despite the obvious progressiveness of the method of extorporporeal fertilization, one cannot but say about the possible problems associated with it.
These problems can be both a medical nature and ethical and religious.

Pregnancy on the first attempt by IVF may not occur.
Pregnancy on the first attempt by IVF may not occur.

Medical problems IVF:

  1. During the preparatory for artificial fertilization of the period, a woman receives an excess dose of hormones, which can adversely affect her health, and also lead to spontaneous termination of pregnancy
  2. During the puncture puncture to obtain follicles, bleeding is possible
  3. During the transfer of embryos to the uterine cavity, a multiple pregnancy may occur. In some cases, they resort to the reduction of embryos, which may have consequences in the inability of pregnancy of the remaining embryos
  4. IVF can be the cause of anomalies of the development of the fetus and the birth of a child with genetic defects (malformations of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, intestines, hare lip)

Ethical and religious problems of IVF:

  1. An unnatural way of conception
  2. Destruction of excess embryos
  3. The problem of donation and surrogate motherhood
  4. The results of extracorporeal fertilization (as already noted, the successful IVF procedure becomes only in one third part of all cases. As a result of successfully awarded pregnancy, twins and trigemi can be born after IVF, since two or more eggs are often fertilized)

Paid and free eco clinics

  • In Russia, in Ukraine, in Slovakia and some other countries, IVF procedure costs much less than, for example, in the USA or Britain. In Russia, for example, the entire process of artificial insemination can cost approximately +/- 150 thousand rubles
  • As a rule, IVF is held in private clinics, although in Russia there are targeted programs for free IVF. Only a few clinics located in large cities in Moscow, in St. Petersburg, in Rostov-on Don and Yekaterinburg can perform such a procedure for free.
  • Lists of private clinics involved in IVF can be found on the Internet. It is also worth reading reviews there, evaluate the chances of the success of the procedure based on statistics, check the availability of the necessary base and technological conditions, the cost of manipulations and the necessary medicines, reviews about doctors. Private clinics of IVF can be found almost throughout the country's geography.

IVF in Russia, statistics

Some private clinics show the statistics of successful extracorporeal fertilizers higher than we describe medical statistics. This can be explained by different reasons: from the improvement of the skills of gynecologists, embryologists, crumists of conducting artificial fertilization procedures, improving equipment and partings, to ordinary advertising.

As a result, IVF is highly likely to the birth of several babies.
As a result, IVF is highly likely to the birth of several babies.

How and when to do IVF?

  • IVF is carried out for those couples who were desperate to conceive a child naturally due to various reasons, the most important of which is the infertility of one of the partners
  • However, this procedure may have some contraindications.
    Among them are the mental illness of one of the partners, the defects and deformation of the uterine cavity that prevent implantation and attachment of embryos, the tumors of the uterus and ovaries, and the malignant formations of other organs in the history.

VIDEO: Conception in vitro. ECO. Ixi.

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Comments K. article

  1. I had a second ectopic pregnancy and now I definitely don’t have a chance to get pregnant myself ((doctors say to look for a clinic and a doctor and try eco. We live in the suburbs, in principle, it is really possible to go to Moscow for examinations, but how to determine the clinic? What principle to choose a doctor?

  2. Polina, start reading forums, different reviews, communicate with girls, ask questions. The picture will begin in your head, where to go, where to start. I wrote out clinics in a notebook that I met most on the sites, then I began to sign up and go to primary techniques, they are usually free. Somewhere I liked it, somewhere not at all. I did not want stellar doctors, since the prices were inflated and the queues and not the fact that it will turn out the first time. As a result, after all the ordeals, the Petrovsky Gate stopped at the K31 clinic, the attending physician is our Vladimirov Viktor Alexandrovich, a very good specialist with extensive experience. Everything is in the case, no “water”, I really liked it, since I did not need to pity me, I needed a result. And we got it !!! Soon to give birth, I will probably spend the New Year in the hospital. Well, okay, but for Christmas we will already be three)))

  3. We just had all the testimonies for this. It was not possible to get pregnant on their own at all. Then, in order to successfully enter the protocol, the husband began to take spermactin on the advice of a doctor to improve the quality and number of spermatozoa. Well, I was preparing, of course. Vitamins, minerals and hormones, where without them. Everything together gave a positive result. So everything matters.

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