What is the difference between a German shepherd and eastern European: dignity and similarity of breeds, photos

What is the difference between a German shepherd and eastern European: dignity and similarity of breeds, photos

The fact that the shepherds are different are known first of all by kinologists and true lovers of this wonderful breed. Unmistakably, most people will be able to determine only the Scottish shepherd of Collie, which is very different from their counterparts.

But not everyone can distinguish the East European shepherd from German, since these two species are quite similar. Meanwhile, the differences between them are quite significant. Here we will talk about them. And let's start, as is customary in the dog's “top light”, with a pedigree.

The history of the origin of the German and East European Shepherd

  • If we compare the age of both breeds, then, of course, the oldest in the family is the German shepherd. There is a legend that its ancestors became small for many centuries ago Indian wolves, from which the branch of the so -called “bronze dog” went, which became a cross between a wild beast with domesticated.
  • The next branch of the breed was the shepherds of the dog, and many researchers note the consonance and possible general etymology of the words “sheep” and “shepherd”. This may indicate that the shepherd was originally bred to protect the Otara, which is confirmed by the first references to VII century About shepherd dogs, similar in appearance to the German shepherd.
Ancient breed of dogs
Ancient breed of dogs
  • Their qualities were quite satisfied with European livestock breeders, therefore, they did not pay much attention to the purity of the breed, and two main nurseries in which these dogs were brought out were in Germany.
  • In Württemberg, the dogs were much calmer, had a spotted color, were large, and in Thuringia - similar in color with wolves, active, but smaller. The dogs were crossed for a long time, as a result, the dogs presented in 1882 for the first time for public display, and became the founders of that German shepherd, which today is the standard of the breed, which was approved ten years later.
  • The first shepherds of the East European breed became one of the branches of the "Germans". Their further crossing led to the fact that they began to differ more from their ancestors: they had more significant dimensions and mass. Such physical characteristics made them popular “guards”.
  • The breed was officially recognized in 1976, but was still considered one of the variations of German shepherds. After 15 years, after strengthening the qualities of the breed due to the knitting with the "Germans", the communities of this breed began to be created in Russia. The official standard of the Eastern European Shepherd Shepherd was approved at the beginning of our century.

What is the difference in appearance of the German from the East European shepherd?

The parameters of the German and East European shepherds are as follows:

  1. The German shepherd has standing, not very large earsthat focusing up. They are high enough. The ears of East European shepherds are quite similar, except that they can be slightly larger and more rounded at the ends.
  2. Eyes In both breeds, oval, dark brown, the "Germans" are closer to black, the East European shepherd can be lighter, close to nuts (in German shepherds, light eyes are considered unacceptable, such dogs are pushed). Both breeds have a black nose, in addition, at the East European breed it is allowed to have a hump on the nose.
  3. Head The German shepherd is about 40% of the height measured at the withers, the skull and the muzzle directly are the same in length. From above, the head is wider, in the direction of the nose it narrows increasingly, thus representing a wedge -shaped shape. The head of the East European shepherd is also similar in shape to a blunt wedge, with pronounced superfluous arcs.
  4. The German shepherd has an elongated case, with a well -expressed foot, strong and muscular neck, with a straight back, which has a slope in the direction of the tail. The back of the body is below the front. The paws are straight, the rear are more muscular. The East European Shepherd has a more massive rectangular body with a short lower back and a placed pelvis. Compared with the height of the withers, then the case is 17%longer. The dog has a fairly wide chest, the stomach is pulled, the paws are long.
  5. The growth of the German shepherd reaches 65 cm at the withers at the male, 60 cm - in bitches. Weight, respectively - 40 and 32 kg. East European shepherds are higher - 75 cm of male and 70 - bitches, they also exceed in weight - 50 and 40 kg, respectively.

Thus, one of the main differences is the larger dimensions of the East European shepherd. Due to the smaller inclination of the back, it moves less smoothly than the German shepherd. If the dog increases the speed, then the amplitude of movements increases in the East European breed, and in the German-their frequency. Due to this, the former work faster at minor distances, and the "Germans" - at long distances.

East European and German shepherd: difference in character

  • The German shepherd has psychological stability, well obeys the owner, do not show aggression to strangers, children are friendly. East European with a sufficient similarity of character with the German shepherd, nevertheless it is more difficult to train, Often you have to resort to the help of a dog handler. At the same time, the dog is quite balanced, getting along well with the children.
  • German shepherds more active and playful, East European are calmer. Therefore, the “Germans” are more suitable for maintenance at home, East European shepherds are more located to work-the protection of the house and the site. In addition, they perceive the cold better.
  • Both dogs are beautiful watchmen and companions, but when detained, the German shepherd obeys the impulse and at such a moment it is difficult to even glorify the owner, and the East European approaches work deliberately and carefully, controlling the situation.

Differences in the color of German and East European Shepherd

  • In the standards of both breeds, there can usually be three options: black, checer and zone. In German shepherds, a black and Cheracle color has a red and red tan. Gray fell less often, and it serves as a signal for the dog breeders that the pigment is weakened.
  • Zone-gray and zone-red German shepherds are also considered the standard, but such a color is less desirable. Mask on the face is usually black.
  • In East European shepherds, the color from black (including subpalins) and gray to zone-gray (palette-starting with a pale and ending with silver-gray) and zonal red. A mask is also formed on the face.

The difference in the care of the German and East European Shepherd

  • Both German and East European shepherds require regular combing. Usually this is done 3 times a week, but if the molting begins, combing should be daily.
  • The representatives of both breeds, as necessary, brush the ears and eyes, give special bones-tooths to be cleansed to cleanse the teeth designed for the dog to bite them. The claws usually grind on their own, but if this does not happen, they should be cut.
  • Bathing For both German and East European shepherds, it is carried out after 3 months, it is often not recommended to do this.
  • The difference between rocks - in nutrition. German shepherds are recommended to feed natural foods, the basis of which are protein products of animal origin, but at the same time the finished feed of high quality (not lower than premium) is allowed. For the East European shepherd, only natural food is recommended.
  • Both breeds during growing up (by the way, the East European shepherd ripens a little later than German) and need aging in sufficient amounts of cartilage and additives containing hondoprotectors, since shepherds can suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • German shepherds live less than East European ones: their life span is up to 14 years, while “Europeans” are able to survive to 16.
Animal care should be regular
Animal care should be regular

How do German and East European shepherds relate to others?

  • To children East European Shepherds They relate condescendingly and even to some extent patronizing, taking care of them and protecting them from dangers and strangers. German shepherds are happy to play with children, but only until they begin to annoy them.
  • With strangers, both breeds behave quite restrained. They are alert, but do not show aggression if they do not provoke them or if the owner does not give a team about the attack.
  • The attitude to other animals in these dogs is different. The German shepherd is almost indifferent to cats, if they do not begin to lift up, try not to respond to other dogs, they perceive small animals as potential prey. But friendliness and interest in any of the animals “Germans” usually do not show no interest. And if they only suffer relatives, then the East European shepherd perceives another animal with loyalty and calm.
  • Representatives of both breeds are devoted to the owner. At the same time, the “Europeans” perceive only one person in this quality, the “Germans” are able to obey other members and good familiar family, especially if they spend a lot of time with them, playing and training.

What is common between German and East European Shepherd?

As it has already become clear, with all the differences in German and East European shepherds there is much in common:

  1. General ancestors and roots.
  2. Similar color of the wool.
  3. Mind, quick wit, light and rapid learning during training.
  4. Both breeds have guard instincts.
  5. Easily capture the state of the owner and adapt to it.
  6. Brave, hardy and strong.
  7. They are incredulous to strangers, while without excessive aggression.
  8. Do not require special conditions of detention.

What are the pros and cons of the German shepherd?

Among the positive qualities of the German shepherd, they note:

  1. Easy learning.
  2. Mind.
  3. Unpretentiousness in the content.
  4. They are quite loyal to the children.
  5. Good guards.
  6. Devotion to the owner.
  7. The ability to distinguish between the game and work.
  8. Universality as a service dog.
Each breed has pros and cons of
Each breed has pros and cons of

The disadvantages of the German shepherd include:

  1. The need for serious and constant training.
  2. With excessive dressing, the dog can get a nervous breakdown.
  3. Possible hyperactivity.
  4. The need for significant physical exertion, for which the owner can not always find time.
  5. Possible aggressiveness if the dog is incorrectly trained.
  6. The need for "official duties", without which the dog will turn into a room.

What are the pros and cons of the East European shepherd?

The positive qualities of the Eastern European shepherd are as follows:

  1. Calm balanced character.
  2. Mind and understanding.
  3. Patronizing and friendly attitude to children.
  4. Devotion to the owner.
  5. Light dressing.
  6. A great understanding of the teams and their implementation.
  7. The ability to stop in time during the persecution.
  8. Excellent patrol skills.

The disadvantages of this breed can be considered:

  1. More complex care for puppies with a larger size compared to the German shepherd and accelerated growth.
  2. The need for high -quality training.
  3. Stubbornness.
  4. Lack of versatility in official use.
  5. Frequent alertness and incredulity to strangers.
  6. Manifestation of independence.

Which shepherd is better to choose-German or East European?

  • For guard functions The East European shepherd is more suitable. In an apartment, it will be hard for her - this dog is more powerful and heavy, she needs an aviary.
  • German shepherds are preferable if it comes to the fact that the dog will be kept at home. At the same time, it will make up an excellent company in sports and other active classes. German shepherds are also preferable if the dog is started to participate in exhibitions and competitions.
  • If the dog is started to protect a private house and the site, both breeds are suitable, one should focus on the features of temperament and character, which are closer to the owner: the calm of the eastern European shepherd or the energy of German.
  • When choosing a breed of shepherds, it should be taken into account that the cost of the puppies is similar and ranges from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. The German shepherd of the show class, which has imported parents, will cost more.

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