What is the largest breed of dogs in the world: the top 15 giant abnormally large dogs, breed names, photos

What is the largest breed of dogs in the world: the top 15 giant abnormally large dogs, breed names, photos

What are the largest dogs in the world: overview of rocks with description and photo.

The Internet is full of photographs of giant dogs, which are comparable in size only with horses and other large animals. Many accuse the owners of artificially created photos using photo editors, while others shout that a successful angle is to blame for everything. But this is not at all! Thousands of giant dogs really live in the world, and they are all thoroughbred, exhibited at exhibitions, and some are even recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. In this article, we collected together the largest breeds of dogs in the world and presented in the list from gigantic sizes to smaller sizes.

The largest dog breed in the world: TOP-15

Anomally giant dog breed - English mastiff

So, the best indicator in the gigantism of dogs is preserved for many years behind the breed of English mastiff. This breed a few centuries ago found the title “The largest breed of dogs in the world” and does not give up its positions all this time. It is worth noting that the representatives of this breed are distinguished by a real English disposition: calm and measured, with a beautiful heavy tread, while capable of turning into a bodyguard or security guard of territories in a good -natured animal in a second. Fearless and huge, harsh and strong are ideal representatives of dogs whose roots go in centuries, because the dogs were found about this breed even before our era.

To date the most gigantic representative of this breed is Akama Zorba from La Suzu. She lived a long life and performed at hundreds of competitions and exhibitions. Nobody has grown up her dimensions, but the breeders hope that her descendants will still surprise the world public. The growth of a giant representative was 94 cm at the withers, and the weight category was in the range of 155 kg, and the maximum weight is 155.58.

Average indicators Kobel Bitch
Growth (cm) up to 90 up to 85
Weight, kg) up to 110 50-95

Another giant and famous representative of the breed - Kobel Hercules, which has incredible volumes - 127 kg! He is simply abnormally giant and his best photos were with luxurious bodybuilders. Against the background of a giant dog, even the largest representatives of mankind looked very ordinary.

English mastiff - family photo
English mastiff - family photo

Spanish mastiff

I wonder what the largest breed of dogs in the world? The Spanish mastiff confidently catches up with the English fellow and regularly steps on the heels. These gigantic representatives, in addition to their size and pretty nature, attract attention with their edge, and especially beige-brown color. And, despite the fact that the Spanish mastiffs are still black, tiger and brick-it was the beige-brown who won the love of Internet users.

The Spanish mastiff breed was originally displayed by the breeders as an assistant to the farmer, therefore an impressive size, the presence of a flexible nature, ease in training and, of course, the ability to protect huge territories from uninvited guests were valued in the breed.

Average indicators Kobel Bitch
Growth (cm) up to 90 up to 80
Weight, kg) up to 120 up to 100

Today, this breed is not so widespread on farms as in families with small kids, as well as a mastiff - a reliable fellow traveler of a lonely person, because this is a giant fluffy friend!

Spanish mastiff
Spanish mastiff


Well, if we talk about the Senbernars, they gained mega-popularity thanks to Hollywood films about huge villas, friendly families and their big and good dogs. Of course, Senbernar in a review of the largest dog breeds in the world only in a bronze place, but this breed is probably the most recognizable. The reason is luxurious color, long soft wool and incomparable smart eyes, as well as a unique good -natured character.

Average indicators Kobel Bitch
Growth (cm) 90-95 80
Weight, kg) 100-120 80-90

The descendants of the Senbernars were working dogs living at the foot of the Alps, and when the question of breeding the dog’s breed of rescuers began - they received a good -natured, bold, carrying minus temperatures of the breed of dogs, also able to find and save people in the snow.


Senbernars are powerful, large dogs, characterized by enormous strength and the ability to drag a person for several hours! This is a great rescuer who has love for a person in genetics. Senbernar Benedictine is considered a heavyweight dog in the world And has a weight of 166 kilograms of 400 grams. But his fellow Major F, when he stretched, reached unique sizes - 259 cm! Handsome and nothing more!

Pyrenee mastiff

Another breed of mastiffs was taken out in the Spanish city of Aragon. The list has the largest breed of dogs in the world of the Pyrenean mastiff in fourth place, but the complaisance and mind of the dogs of this breed made the Pyrenee mastiff their favorite breed who need a companion. This breed was created as a shepherd, but the Pyrenee mastiffs are excellent guide, nannies and friends.

Average indicators Kobel Bitch
Growth (cm) 70-80 70-75
Weight, kg) 70-120 70-80

Another trump card of the Pyrenee mastphs is the perfect bodyguards. With such a friend, you can leave at any time of the day, because they, unlike people, feel the danger in advance, and also without a single word understand how passers -by are configured.

Pyrenee mastiff
Pyrenee mastiff

German dog

Huge, harsh, fast and dangerous are all about the German dog. The smooth -haired breed especially successfully emphasizes muscles, strength and power. This breed is not in the first place in the list of the largest dogs in the world, but Its representative Zeus is considered one of the highest dogs in the world, His height at the withers reached 111.8 centimeters and when he wanted to drink, he was enough for him how to go to the sink and open the crane with his paw.

Average indicators Kobel Bitch
Growth (cm) from 80 from 70
Weight, kg) 55-90 44-60

The only minus of Zeus was a thin constitution of the body. Because of his parameters and an active lifestyle, he simply did not have time to recover, and the tall dog was very slender, in the weight category up to 70 kg.

German dog
German dog

The German Dog breed, despite all the severity, is very affectionate and needs constant attention of a person. It is worth noting that some individuals cannot live without a host for more than a few days, even if there are enough people in her environment.

We have the most common breed of the German dog in black color, but the breed has bright harlequins, and interesting tiger colors, as well as chocolate combinations.

Tibetan mastiff

In our review, the largest breed of dogs in the world of honor is occupied by the favorite breed of Tibetan monks - the Tibetan mastiff, which is also one of the oldest breeds of purebred dogs. Tibetan mastiffs for a long time served as guard dogs in Tibetan monasteries and were inaccessible to the whole world. Over time, the monks allowed this breed to accompany travelers in the Himalayas, and a little later, the Tibetan mastiffs were transported around the world, and they admired their beauty not only at exhibitions, but also at aristocratic psarny.

Average indicators Kobel Bitch
Growth (cm) 65-80 60-70
Weight, kg) 60-80 42-59

The Tibetan mastiff is not just a huge dog, it is a huge fluffy dog \u200b\u200bthat can accelerate at decent speeds only in order to greet the owner of the first. And already if the owner was in trouble, it is unrealistic to stop the mastifa, he is ready to sacrifice the life of the rack of his master.

Tibetan mastiff
Tibetan mastiff

An important feature of Tibetan mastphs is the pedantry to cleanliness, bordering on cat. This breed will not be able to fall asleep if its wool is not cleaned and combed. It is also worth adding that this breed is one of the most expensive to this day.


A luxurious, powerful Newfoundland breed for a long time was used in the north of Canada as labor for fishermen, and only years later they paid attention to it as a home, family breed, favorite children and a travel companion. Newfoundland is a dream of many, because the breed is distinguished by good -naturedness, a flexible non -conflict and luxurious color from black tones, to a chocolate shade with white interspersed. This is not the largest breed of dogs in the world, but it can definitely be said that Newfoundland is a leader among other dogs in endurance and the ability to drag goods.

Average indicators Kobel Bitch
Growth (cm) 68-76 60-70
Weight, kg) 55-75 42-53

The indispensable Newfoundlands won love thanks to their unique ability to drag goods that are ten times higher than their weight category. The beauty lived in the USA Newfoundland nicknamed Barbara Allens Dark Hans, And in the distant 1989, at the next competition, the champion managed to drag 2289 kg on concrete at the same time, while the dog's weight reached only 44 tog!


Another advantage of Newfoundlands is high intelligence and the ability to make their decisions without human commands. It is this breed that will independently rush to the aid of a completely stranger or animal, it is this dog that is able to rush from the bridge into the river if he notices a sinking person. Newfoundland is a breed worthy of respect and devotion from us people.


Burbul is a representative of sultry Africa, who with one appearance is able to dominate and suppress others. A strong and brave, smart and cunning burgul is a real friend for those who want to remain under guard of four -haired comrades. Burbul in absentia is included in the list of the largest dogs in the world, but due to the fact that not all cynological federations recognized the breed-this breed does not have the official status of giant dogs.

Average indicators Kobel Bitch
Growth (cm) 65-71 60-65
Weight, kg) 69-90 69-90

The bourgeoor breed is distinguished by grace and plastic, power, strength and lightning -fast reaction, as well as excellent endurance, but this breed requires the same active and hardy host, since the dog needs good care and daily exhausting training, complemented by long walks. The breed of Burbul cannot remain alone, and if it is not busy protecting the territory with the owner, she must calmly dig at his feet.


Moscow Watchtower

Due to the fact that the USSR sought to surpass the entire bourgeois world, in the 50s of the last century, the breeders were given a task. A few years later, the breeders presented the head of the USSR to the head of the USSR - Moscow Watchtower. This fluffy beauty is in ninth place in the list of the largest dog breeds in the world.

Representatives of the breed are contacted and well find a common language, both with adult family members, and likes to drive long games with the children. Also, the dog is hardy, easily trained, is distinguished by excellent characteristics and is a recognized assistant in the protection of courtyards, cottages and farms. In case of danger, it goes to the end, not having fear, opposite their instinct - not to retreat.

The secret of the origin of the Moscow Watchtower seemed to be on the surface, but it seems Soviet breeders left something secret, because after them many tried to cross the Caucasian shepherd with Senbernar and Russian hounds, but this did not give any result.

Average indicators Kobel Bitch
Growth (cm) 75-80 (minimum 68) 70-75 (minimum 66)
Weight, kg) from 60 and above from 45 and above

This breed is very whimsical in care, and also in the breed there are serious diseases. She needs careful attention and high -quality balanced diet.

Moscow Watchtower
Moscow Watchtower


Leonberger is one of the largest dog breeds in the world and appeared thanks to the German breeder Heinrich Essig, who part -time served as the mayor in Leonberger's favorite city. Accordingly, when one dream came true (the appearance of a cherished new giant breed), he embodied another one - increased the recognition of his city, calling the breed of Leonberger's dogs.

Average indicators Kobel Bitch
Growth (cm) 71-85 65-75
Weight, kg) 55-80 45-60

When breeding the breed, Senbernars with Newfoundlands again participated in crossing, and some Pyrenee shepherds were added. The mixture of these breeds turned out to be interesting and brought the quality and characteristics of dogs to a new level.

When breeding the breed, Henry pointed out that the breed lives up to 9-10 years, is very friendly and suppressed in training. If Leonberger starts a family, he himself chooses the owner, but is friends and gets along with everyone. It can remain for a long time without the owner, if there is a familiar atmosphere and a favorite family nearby.


It is worth noting that the breed was displayed as defenders of houses, courtyards and farms. But in the process of excretion, a pleasant bonus was discovered - the breed has high intelligence and it is able to make individual decisions, which is especially good in extreme situations.

Central asian shepherd dog

Real Asians who won their love thousands of years ago and during all this time did not lose their leading positions among the preferred giant breeds in Asia. The Central Asian shepherd belongs to the category of the largest dog breeds in the world, as well as the most common breeds in the territory of Asian countries.

The breed was bred by a natural selection and only a few centuries ago the breed began and bringing it to single standards. Currently, the dog is intended not only for home entertainment, but also as a reliable guard of any trusted territory. The character is flexible and gets along well with families, but its element is endless fields, huge yards, etc.

Average indicators Kobel Bitch
Growth (cm) 70-75 65-70
Weight, kg) 50-80 40-65

Please note that the Central Asian shepherd has a centuries -old natural selection, and therefore very resistant to diseases, unlike artificially bred rocks. This is exactly what made it one of the favorite breeds in Russia.

Another interesting fact about the breed: the dog seems to be massive, stately and clumsy. This opinion is only until you see how the dog behaves during training, games and, of course, in dangerous situations. She is fast, graceful and able to fight to the last.

Neapolitan mastiff

If the rating of the largest dog in the world to add the category of the most cute dog to the rating, then this place will surely take the Neapolitan mastiff, also called Mastino Nedletano. The ancient breed, which was first recorded on the southern part of the Apennine Peninsula, was actively used on the territory of the peninsula as a guard dog, as well as as a guard.

Average indicators Kobel Bitch
Growth (cm) 65-80 60-75
Weight, kg) 70-75 50-60

A gross constitution with soft, plush folds fell in love with dog breeders and is considered one of the sweetest large breeds of dogs.

Neapolitan mastiff
Neapolitan mastiff

The breed is very playful and requires constant attention of the owners. He will get along well in a house with a large number of children.

Irish wolfhound

A photo shoot of children walking with her favorite Irish wolfhounds made a lot of noise on the Web and was actively discussed as fake. But in the world there really is the largest breed of greyhounds, and it bears an awesome name - the Irish wolfhound.

It is this breed of hunting greyhounds that is the only one that is one of the largest dogs in the world, and some of their representatives have truly frightening sizes.

The breed turned out by chance, on the Irish farm in the psarne, the Lord's grass dogs brought the droppings from new giant dogs brought by the Celts. The result was so struck by the local nobles that they began to breed the breed, since she combined a large, strong dog and the perfect hunting pursuer.

Average indicators Kobel Bitch
Growth (cm) from 79 from 71
Weight, kg) 54.5 40.5

Over time, the dimensions of the dogs began to gradually decrease, and it was decided to clean the breed, and today, if the greyhounds do not reach the standards, they are rejected from the breed.

Irish wolfhound
Irish wolfhound

The breed of the Irish wolfhound is dual. The hunting includes instincts, and it turns into an ideal pursuer. In life, the Irish wolfhound is a very affectionate and calm dog who loves to be paired with other dogs and spend time next to the owner. It is recommended for families with children, as wolfhounds can bother in children's games for hours, looking after and occupying the children.


Another ancient giant breed of dogs is Kuvas, and it takes the fourteenth place on the list the largest breed of dogs in the world. I gained maximum popularity in Hungary in the Middle Ages, while I had a royal status, and it was allowed to have exclusively royal persons, as well as close to the written permission of the king.


The life of the breed ranges to 11-12 years, and the dimensions are slightly inferior to the predecessors.

Average indicators Kobel Bitch
Growth (cm) 75-80 up to 73
Weight, kg) 45-90 35-70

Kuvasy are the simplest in care and unpretentious in nutrition, while the breed is famous for the courage and the ability to make individual decisions from a pack, as well as high devotion to the owner.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Probably the most beloved and common breed in the vastness of the post -Soviet space is the Caucasian shepherd. Unpretentious in care, affectionate with loved ones and harsh with uninvited guests. It was these qualities that conquered the hearts of millions of dog breeders.

Average indicators Kobel Bitch
Growth (cm) 73-75 70-74
Weight, kg) up to 90 up to 90

The breed is the oldest and is a native of the Caucasus. A massive constitution and a chic edge create the impression of massiveness and threats, but the breed is very easy to train and gets along well with the rest of the animals.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog
Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Another plus - the largest breed of dogs in the world is perfectly acclimatized in any climate and is able to live in street conditions, both in the heat and during frosts.

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Video: 10 abnormally large dogs in the world

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