Dog breed Bishon Frieze: description, food, care, health, character, compatibility with a person, training, photo, video

Dog breed Bishon Frieze: description, food, care, health, character, compatibility with a person, training, photo, video

This article describes how to care for the breed of dogs Bishon Frieze so that your pet is always healthy and beautiful.

Black Busin eyes, thick white wool, playful, attractiveness-all these are distinctive features of the breed of dogs Bishon Frieze. Such a mini dog conquers the hearts of animal lovers with their energy, quick wits and a sincere attitude to the owners. Read more about this breed in this article.

Description of the breed of dogs Bishon Frieze: photo

Bishon Frieze
Bishon Frieze

The breed of dogs Bishon Frieze comes from barbet - these are dogs with very thick hair. They used to be kept on ships so that pets would catch small rodents. For the first time, this breed appeared in the Canary Islands. Then such dog dogs were brought to France. The breed quickly became beloved among the nobles in Europe. The kings idolized the bishons, the duchess did not part with their favorites for a second and carried them with them in the basket, and the children simply adored their guns-pushers.

Bishon Frieze
Bishon Frieze

Bishon-frise is small dogs, but with an excellent and strong physique. Here are the distinctive features of the appearance of such a breed of dogs:

  • Weight from 3 to 6 kilograms, height at the withers no more than 30 cm.
  • The head of the bishons is elongated, and the neck is long, although it is unnoticed by the thick and curly wool. Many owners make their dogs a haircut, thanks to which it seems that the head is round, and there are almost no neck - small fluffs on the paws. But this is only visually.
  • Eyes are similar to beads - round, black. It can be brown, especially, this is observed in babies.
  • The nose has shiny skin in black.
  • The ears are in a hanging state, relatively small - to the middle of the muzzle.
  • On the paws, the dog stands confidently, the chest is wide and rounded, the body is outwardly beautifully folded, the stomach is tightened. The tail usually lies on the back. He should not hang or be upturned.
  • The wool is thick, soft to the touch and fluffy.
Bishon Frieze
Bishon Frieze

Interesting to know: The breed of dogs Bishon Frieze is distinguished by its white and thick wool, which does not fall out and almost has no smell. Thanks to this, bishons are popular and they often become their favorite pets in families with children.

The color of dogs of this breed is strictly snow -white. Other colors and interspersed are unacceptable. Only the color of champagne in puppies can be traced, but not older than 12 months and no more than 10% of the total color.

Bishon Frieze - character: Compatibility with man

Bishon Frieze
Bishon Frieze

Such dogs are characterized by a playful and cheerful mood. They are friendly to a person, balanced and even, if you observe her and look well, you can notice a dog’s smile. If we talk about the nature of these dogs, then the following should be noted:

  • They feel great next to a large company of people, where noise and gam. They love to play with children and love pets, except for small rodents, rats and so on. After all, it was they who were earlier than the prey of bishons on ship ships.
  • They like to actively spend time on a walk, play and run around the green lawns.
  • Easy to train, smart and smart. Thanks to this, they are often used in the preparation of circus and show programs.
  • Bishon will not dominate. He is obedient and will do everything that the owner will indicate to him. But such a dog does not tolerate a rude attitude in her address and violence.
  • Bishons have a good adaptation to any situation.
  • Such dogs are not used as a guard, because of its sweet appearance and small size, but if necessary, the bishop will actively protect its owner.

Important: Do not allow your pet tootor to be left alone for a long time, otherwise he will destroy and gnaw everything that will be available to him from boredom and loneliness.

Bishons get along well with a person. Such a dog will always enjoy the owners and guests, to be friends with children and the first will never climb into a fight with another dog. The hair of this breed does not cause allergies in humans, despite the fact that the dog has thick wool and undercoat. Even allergies and asthmatics get along well next to Bishon. But it is necessary to monitor a clean apartment, often do wet cleaning and comb out the dog with wool.

Dog training Bishon Frieze: Video

Bishon Frieze
Bishon Frieze

It is easy to engage in the upbringing and training of bishons. Such a dog is enough to learn to react to the most basic teams: "Fu", "to me" and "Throw". Due to the playful nature of Bishon, it can be difficult to accustom to order in the apartment. Therefore, the educational process needs to be engaged from a small age. Be sure to comply with the following rules if you want your dog to be obedient and controlled:

  • Do with Bishon every day for several minutes. Let him perform some tricks and teams. The more he will work out, the less it will be dirty.
  • Choose a nickname puppy And accustom to respond to her.
  • Spend the training on the street. An active game will help the dog learn to perform commands, it will be better to remember them.
  • Do not allow the use of physical strength In relation to his pet. Violence can make Bishon aggressive and naughty.
  • Be sure to show your love in relation to the pet, especially if he correctly completed the command. He should feel a good attitude towards himself and encouraging the owner.

Many owners of Bishons complain that it was difficult to accustom pets to the toilet and cleanliness. It is also difficult to get along with such a dog if you like silence and peace. Bishon can afford to bark loudly, jump on the bed. But, if you correctly train the pet, then it will be flexible and will find a common language with the owner well.

Bishon Frieze
Bishon Frieze

These are the restrictions exist for Bishon and what you should know when it is trained:

  •   Communicate with the dog only in a good mood. She feels everything, and if you are interested, then she will enthusiastically repeat all your teams.
  • Do not scold your pet and don't shout at it. This will not lead to anything good, the dog can become aggressive. Use encouragement in the form of praise and goodies.
  • The sequence is important in training. The dog will not remember all the teams at once. Accustom her to each team, engaged regularly. For example, spend a few days on training one team, but training should be daily.
  • From the first days of the appearance of the puppy in your house, accustom it to the toilet and care procedures. Be sure to pay attention to the explanations for the dog where she can jump and run, and where it is forbidden.

Bishons are excellent to train, they are obedient and always try to please their master. Take advantage of this and then the bishop will be your best friend, and not the destroyer of the dwelling and a harmful dog, which can bite and break everything around.

Video: The dog says "mom." Bishon. The smartest dogs.

Bishon Frieze breed care for a dog

Bishon Frieze
Bishon Frieze

This is a great breed suitable for living in a living room. The dog has no smell, but provided that you monitor its purity and perform wet cleaning in the house. She will become a real friend for the owner and everyone who lives with her in the same room, especially for children.

Bishon adapts perfectly to any living conditions, but without proper care it can still get sick. Follow some dog care rules and she will always feel good next to you.


Bishon has no smell, its wool always shines and will be snow -white, but this does not mean that it does not need to be bathed. This procedure is performed as follows:

  • Bashhona should be bathed once every 7-10 days. But, if you go out with a pet to the rain, then carry out such a care procedure more often. After each walk, wash his paws.
  • Use a special shampoo for animals with white hair for bathing. Different air conditioners and other similar cosmetics will not be superfluous.
  • After the bath, apply a balm on the wool of the pet, which will protect from excessive pollution. Then dry with a soft cloth and a hairdryer with a warm air flow.
Bishon Frieze
Bishon Frieze

Wool care

Bishon's wool and undercoat are thick. Therefore, get it to scratch it every day. This is what you need to know when caring for wool:

  • The haircut should be performed once every 2 months.
  • Comb the dog daily. If this is not done, the stiffs will form and your pet will not look neat.
  • For easy combing, purchase special toolsthat are in every pet store.
  • Tools will also be needed: pudder, scissors with rounded ends, metal brushes, combs, a trimmer for putting in order the area under the tail.
Bishon Frieze - care for the ears
Bishon Frieze - care for the ears

Hygienic procedures

Hygiene is an important procedure for any dog. When caring for a bishop, you need to perform the following:

During estrus:

  • Put on it special diapers that are sold in any pet store.
  • In the area under the tail, cut the wool so that it is no longer than 3 cm.


  • Every day, clean the ears with cotton sticks moistened in a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide (50 ml of boiled water-2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide).
  • Pluck the villi in your ears so that the infection does not fall. Such a procedure is painless for a pet, since this inner part of the ears, on the surface of which hair grows, is almost not sensitive.
  • Inspect your ears for the presence of ear ticks daily.


  • This breed of dogs constantly flow eyes. Therefore, clean the muzzle daily with a cotton swab moistened in warm boiled water.
  • You also need to process the eye area with a special tool and dry after all the procedures so that bacteria and infections do not multiply.
  • If the spots near the eyes still remain, then buy professional dog cosmetics: lotions, napkins, powder. It will help to clarify the wool in the eyes and the dog will look more neat.


  • Cut the dogs of the dog once a month. Use special claws for this.
  • If you do not care for the claws of the pet in a timely manner, then it will have an untidy appearance and it may even have a gait.
  • If you do not know how to do this correctly, ask the breeder to teach such a process, or you will have to wear a dog for a specialist to perform care procedures.


  • Bishon's mouth needs to be inspected regularly.
  • The teeth should be white. If you do not see your teeth, and the gums are reddened and swollen, then the dog may have tartar. You should immediately contact a specialist for help.
  • So that there are no problems with your teeth, clean them once a week with a special brush and paste.

Also to prevent the appearance of tartar in a dog, buy her special chewing toys. Sprays for teeth and tablets will not be superfluous, but they must prescribe a veterinarian.

Bishon nutrition

Bishon Frieze
Bishon Frieze

Your pet should have proper balanced diet. Products - natural, meat - hypoallergenic (turkey, rabbit). Here are a few rules regarding Bishon's nutrition:

  • If you give your dog raw meat, be sure to draw chopped pieces with boiling water.
  • Be sure to give raw foods: vegetables, meat, fish, cereals.
  • Divide a portion of food by 2 times - morning and evening.
  • Be sure to chop large pieces of food.
  • If you give Bishon dry food, then you should provide him with access to clean drinking water.
  • It is forbidden to give a pet from your table.
  • Choose only natural foods, without dyes and different additives. Otherwise, the dog may have an allergy and this will affect the health of the eyes. They will flow, leaving red marks on the wool of the face.
  • Together with food, let's bishom of the dietary supplement will be prescribed by the veterinarian: calcium, minerals, and so on.

Make sure that the bishop does not overeat, otherwise your pet can begin diabetes. Its portion of food is not more than 100 grams.

Health of the dog Bishon Frieze

Bishon Frieze
Bishon Frieze

The most common disease in Bishons is an allergy. But there are other ailments that lead to complications and deterioration of the dog’s health. Many diseases are genetic. They are calculated by breeders and in the future the distribution of hereditary diseases is not allowed. Among the puppies of Bishon, such pathologies can be found:

  • Hemophilia
  • Eye atrophy
  • Heart failure
  • Allergic reactions
  • Dislocations
  • Diabetes
  • Renal ailments
  • Skin diseases
  • Dyplasia of the hip joint
Bishon Frieze
Bishon Frieze

So that your bishoper does not have health problems, follow the following tips:

  • Follow the hygiene and condition of the teeth, ears and claws of the dog.
  • Do not allow the dog to jump over high obstacles and play with large dogs. This is fraught with injury.
  • So that your pet does not have an allergy, do not give him chicken, beef and other products that can cause such a reaction of the body.
  • In the cold season, put on the dog so that it does not freeze on the street. You can even buy special boots so as not to wash the paws after each walk.
  • Follow the weight of the pet. Sharp changes in weight in one direction or another may indicate the presence of serious pathologies.
  • Check the pet for fleas and ticks. Be sure to apply special means for protection against ticks especially in the spring.

Advice: If you notice that your pet does not feel bad, immediately contact the veterinarian. The specialist will diagnose and prescribe treatment.

The dog needs vaccination, but you need to be careful, since the bishons are poorly tolerate vaccinations. If after the vaccine is introduced, Bishon refuses to eat, it became sluggish and a rash appeared on the skin, contact the veterinarian. Such symptoms of manifestation of allergies to vaccination can lead to complications and even death.

With proper care, attentive attitude to the pet, the dog Bishon Frieze will feel great and delight the owners with his cheerfulness, playfulness and fun character.

Video: Bishon Frieze - all about the breed of the dog | Breed dog - bishon Frieze

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