English dog breeds: a complete overview with photographs and names. Favorite dog of the English queen: breed

English dog breeds: a complete overview with photographs and names. Favorite dog of the English queen: breed

English dog breeds have been bred for a very long time, and aristocratic. Let's get to know them better.

The British just do not have souls in dogs. Perhaps that is why the lion's share of breeds known to modern man comes from the United Kingdom? Britain was taken out and officially registered sixty dog \u200b\u200bbreeds. There are three more breeds that have already won the love of mankind, but are still not officially registered.

English dog breeds: full review

A large number of breeds bred here can be divided into three categories depending on the qualities of dogs. Due to the peaceful nature of the British themselves, official, guard, and even more so fighting dogs in the UK are not common. Most of the attention is paid to shepherd, hunting and decorative breeds.

Very different both externally and in terms of the character of British dogs unite such qualities as nobility, extraordinary mind, fidelity and devotion. Below we will talk about english breeds of dogs.


Scientists argue that the ancestors of modern Velsh Corgs lived in Wales back in the tenth century. It is believed that the blood of the Icelandic wild dog and the Swedish valhund mixed in the breed. Corgi is essentially small shepherds. They are beautiful shepherds, but, for some amazing reason, until 1890 were not widespread.

The story of the breed has changed dramatically at the moment when someone gave the tiny puppy of Corgi to her majesty to the Queen of Great Britain. Since then, the popularity of the breed has increased sharply and get a little friend who is favorite breed of dogs of the English queen Elizabeth II, people from all over the world dream of, not to mention the British themselves.

The queens of the queen
The queens of the queen

The breed has two varieties - pembry and cardigan. Many write that they are mainly distinguished in height. Pembrochi withers (those same royal friends) reaches 25-30 centimeters and looks more compact. Cardigans are larger and higher.


Differences in the shape of a head are also not so significant that the non -professional can distinguish dogs of one variety from another. But how these four -legged ones really differ is their tails - the pitchbrus’s tail is short by nature, or was stopped in a special way, the cardigans can boast of a long fluffy tail resembling foxes.

  • The advantages of the velsh corgs.In the image of the Velsh-Corg you will acquire not only a faithful friend and ally in various types of games and fun. Of course, the celebrity of the breed brought precisely their cheerful disposition, mobility and tendency to clowning. But the dog is also pretty bold and strong.
  • Disadvantages of English dog breed.The fun, loving and mobility of Corges can become a real problem for a business person who is not at home all day. The lack of attention of the Corgi will make up for a change in character and gnawed property. This is also the reason why dogs are not recommended for people who are difficult to move on their own.
  • How to behave with Corgi? Velsh cargs adore caresses, games and communication with their owner. However, the Corges are very cunning and, if you pamper them too much, they can begin to stubbornly. Therefore, pampering and encouragement should be in moderation. The goodies should also be in moderation. Corgi are prone to fullness - take care of their figure.

It is also important to remember that the Corgi attacks the stranger silently, so it is important to represent the dog of their friends and acquaintances and the first time after acquaintance to follow the behavior of the pet so that there is no trouble.

Yorkshire Terrier

Probably the most starry dogs in the world - the Yorkshire Terriers also come from England. They were bred by crossing the Waterside terrier and Skyerier at the end of the seventeenth-early eighteenth centuries in the county of Yorkshire.

The main distinguishing features of the dogs are a characteristic color (although many representatives of the breed have a non -standard color), the tiny sizes of the dogs (only twenty -three centimeters at the withers and three kilograms in weight according to the standard). The wool of the york is semi -duelous, very soft and straight, although sometimes in the photo it seems wavy.

York will readily divide with his owner and the joy and sadness of this life. But if you are sad, he will do everything to cheer you up. The dogs are very mischievous. Yorki love to lie down on the handles of the owner. For walking the dog, enough an hour - the main thing is that at this time York managed to play.

  • The advantages of English dog breed. Beautiful exterior, curiosity, cheerful disposition, friendliness and ease of training are the main advantages of York. In addition, despite their size, Yorki will protect you as small lions - no stranger will be able to get into your comfort zone without your permission and permission for this small guard. At the same time, as soon as you say the dog that he is his own, he will put all his strength to make friends with him. Yorki are very patient - they are from those dogs who will wait for you all day and will not “please” the gnawed slippers or a torn sofa.
  • Disadvantages of English dog breed. Yorki are very attached to their owner, so that your baby is happy, you can not leave him for a long time. On vacation, York will most likely go with you. Just do not forget, the dog’s head should be over a bag so that he can consider everything around. Yorki are aggressive to other dogs and can attack them, despite the size.
Have advantages and disadvantages
Have advantages and disadvantages
  • How to behave with York?The care of York is not a difficult thing, rather, of moderate severity. Pay special attention to the wool. It is important to be attentive on a walk - mischievous or simply out of jealousy to other dogs, York often chooses an opponent’s unequal, which is fraught with injuries.

English Coker Spaniel

English spaniels is one of the first, bred at the beginning of the nineteenth century, hunting english breeds of dogs. They are magnificent hunters and brilliant partners in bird hunting - hazel grouse, ducks and partridges. Aksas (so briefly call the breed) became popular all over the world almost immediately after their appearance (maybe due to the fact that they are cuties, and maybe due to the fact that the colonialists loved them very much and took with them long -term travels around the world).

The spaniels are distinguished by long, beautiful, soft and silky wool. The tails of the Aksam stop. Dogs of this breed have long ears, good addition and so many colors that anyone can find a dog to their disposition. Dogs of this breed are very sociable, inquisitive and smart. They are always full of energy and very restless. Very attached to the owner.

  • The advantages of English dog breed. The spaniels are easily trained, the main thing is to start training on time. But even if you drag out, your pet will still easily learn all the necessary commands. Aksas easily get along with other home favorites and love children very much. They are great for maintaining the apartment as a favorite of a family due to their small sizes.
  • Disadvantages of English dog breed. Due to their hunting destiny, representatives of this breed of dogs need run, long walks and physical exertion. Dogs of this breed are not recommended for people leading a sedentary lifestyle or do not have time for classes with a pet.
  • How to behave with Aks? Deeply attached to the owner and his family, the doggies do not tolerate loneliness, so that your eared friend is happy to play a lot with him and communicate. You need to walk on the street with them in any weather. They cannot be planted in an aviary or leave on the street. Life on the chain is also not for these dogs. The ears and eyes of your pet need very careful care.

Jack Russell Terrier

These playful dogs, capable of making sure that even the most dull day will seem festive and bright to you. Jack-Rassel, like many english dog breeds - A skilled hunter, a brave defender and a friend of his owner with an inquisitive mind and sensitivity. They are considered one of the best fox hunters in holes and badgers in the world.

Despite their small sizes that allow them to penetrate the holes, representatives of this breed are brave and strong enough to join the battle, for example, with foxes, which are more the size of Jack-Rassel Terrier. The growth in the withers according to the standard is no more than forty centimeters. The weight of an adult can reach eight kilograms. The tails stop these dogs. The wool is short, maybe both soft and hard. The colors vary. Jack-sprayers are very mobile, faithful, gutting with the energy of the dog.

  • The advantages of English dog breed. Dogs of this breed are simply incredibly smart, very hardy, and quickly learn. Caring for a jack-ralsel will not give you a lot of trouble-it will be a great companion on a run or a bike rug. The small size of the dog will make it an excellent choice if you live in the apartment.
  • Disadvantages of English dog breed. Representatives of this breed will give you a lot of trouble with cleaning, as they are strongly fed. They are very active and need a very mobile lifestyle - walks, runs, active games. If you do not have such an opportunity, it is better to look for another dog. It’s good to ride with them for special training for hunting dogs. Sometimes Jack-Rossel love to be stubborn. And they hate loneliness and love to dig holes in gardens and gardens.
  • How to behave with Jack-Rassel Terrier?First of all, you will have to be patient. There is no energy that is in your favorite even in young children. The second important step is to be consistent in training a dog, as well as in the rules established in the house. For example, if it is impossible on the sofa, then you can’t always, and not today, but tomorrow you can because you are lonely and you want to slow it. An inquiring mind will definitely remember how you easily violate your own rules, and it may stop obeying you. Get ready for daily combing - this is a vital part of caring for representatives of this breed.

Golden retriever

For the first time, the golden retriever was officially registered in 1931. Vedomosti about the origin of the breed is very scarce - they rather resemble the legend.

  • And the legend says that a certain Lord Twitmunt dreamed of creating the best hunting dog in the world and considered it a matter of his life.
  • Then there are two versions - according to one, one fine day on the year 1858 in the circus Twitmunt saw two Caucasian shepherds with a non -standard golden color and acquired them. Allegedly, they became the distant ancestors of retrievers.
  • The second version tells that the lord spent years after a difficult breeding work, which led to the birth of the first retriever in 1865. The breed was recorded in 1901 in Kennel Club as a "direct -haired retriever." According to the standard, the retriever is a golden dog, with soft silky wool, hanging medium -length ears, a strong neck without folds and a wet black nose, a powerful chest, muscular.

The growth of the dog reaches 60 cm at the withers, and the weight - 30 kg. Retrievers have the same golden character as their wool. For him, the family is a very important part of his life, and he loves and protects the whole family, from small to great.

  • The advantages of English dog breed. Retrievers are easily trained, able to get along with other pets. They are beautiful hunters and the same good guards, if necessary. Retrieves are unpretentious and what they always need is your love. To the lack of comfortable conditions, they will be happy to get used to if they feel that they are loved.
  • Disadvantages of English dog breed.Retriever is a dog rather for a private house than for an apartment. He needs movement, and the inability to play and frolic it makes him unhappy. This is a dog with which you need to spend time, engage in active sports (including forcing it to swim), constantly train. Otherwise, the gaze of the retriever will go out and the sparks in the eyes will be replaced by constant longing and acidic appearance.
  • How to behave with retrievs? You need to start teaching a puppy from two months. Retrieves are very smart and active - they can even be taught to dance! There would be time and desire. Give your dog the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle and give her love - these are two key factors affecting the well -being of retrievers.

English setter

This english breed of dogsthey also call the Lewelin setter. English setters are hunting dogs from the coping group. These dogs are owe to E. Laverka. It was he who devoted fifty years of his life, improving the breed through inbreeding. This is probably the most common breed of cops.

Setterers are proud direct descendants of old European dogs. Dogs of this breed are perfectly folded, higher than average height (male reaches sixty eight centimeters). They are elegant in their movements and appearance, very graceful, quick and hardy.

  • Their ears are long, the wool on most of the body is short straight, and on the ears, stomach, tail, chest and back of the paws - long and wavy.
  • Flapping colors from white with black interspersed-to white with dark brown interspersed and even tricolor.
  • English setters are energetic, friendly and good -natured dogs that will be happy to become your friend and will answer love with love. They are balanced.

Living in the family with pleasure spend time with children and becomes a faithful friend. There is an opinion that setters are naughty, but in fact they just have a very stormy temperament.

  • The advantages of English dog breed. The English setter is not aggressive, but it refers to outsiders with a reasonable bit of suspicion. Excellent defender, friend and ally in games for your children. Setterers are especially friendly to children, the rest of the family members also treat love and reverence.
  • Disadvantages of English dog breed. Probably the only drawback of the setter is that he, carried away by playing or hunting, they are able to forget about the teams or let them pass "past the ears." Setterers are not for maintenance in a small apartment, they need spaciousness and constant movement. If you decide to buy a setter, be ready to go to an active lifestyle. Long walks and training are what these dogs are vital.
  • How to behave with an English setter?In the training of dogs, be patient and moderately strict. These dogs have its own, special character and you will have to learn to respect it.

English toy terrier

Unfortunately, this breed bred in 1961 is today on the verge of extinction. The fact is that a huge number of similar species have appeared in the world. At the same time, connoisseurs of the English terriers say that not one of the breeds has the same power as these miniature friends of a person.

The ancestors of these dogs are considered old English black and taned terriers. The same dogs were the ancestors of the Manchester Terriers, who became famous in one of the wild entertainment, which the British drove boredom at that time-in rat grass. Bold dogs should have destroyed as many rats in the arena as possible. When after some time these dogs were officially recognized, the breeders noticed that the dogs were different - both in height and by weight. In 1920, they were divided into two breeds, and forty years after this miniature black and taned terriers began to be called toy terriers. It is noteworthy that the American dog breeding club to this day does not recognize them with a separate breed.

An inexperienced dog breeder or just dog lovers may think that the English toy terrier is a miniature Doberman. This compact dog is proportional to, it has a tail of medium length, the wool is short, very thick and shiny. There is black or ebony with tan.

They die out
They die out
  • The advantages of English dog breed. These dogs are very affectionate, devoted and faithful to their owners, who are madly loved. They are bold defenders, and at the same time they are quite compact for maintenance even in a small apartment. Toy terriers do not require exorbitant to the owner of physical activity, although they are very active. The usual walk is quite enough for them.
  • Disadvantages of English dog breed. The dog is very aggressive to strangers and other dogs. So that the puppy does not grow uncontrollable, training and classes should be started at a very early age and devoted a lot of time to them throughout the life of the dog.
  • How to behave with a toy terrier? Toy terriers are too curious so that your pet has always to do something, buy him more toys and walk more often with him on the street.

English bulldog

This is powerful english breed of dogs It was first bred in England and for a long time was used for bullying the bulls in another bloody sight, in the old days popular in the United Kingdom-Boule Based. This is exactly what the name of the breed of the Bulldog in a literal translation gave the name - it means a “bull dog”. It is not known for certain when bulldogs appeared, but the first references to them are dated to the beginning of the seventeenth century.

The English bulldog is a small stocky dog \u200b\u200bwith a brachycephal muzzle and an obvious snack at the lower jaw. The male of this breed can reach forty centimeters at the withers and twenty -five kilograms of weight. It is very difficult to confuse a bulldog with other dogs.

Leaving his bloody past, today Bulldog is a great companion dog. He loves children and understanding their status in his “pack” imitates people in caring for them.

  • The advantages of English dog breed. This is a very kind and cheerful dog gutting with energy. She is very devoted to man with all his shortcomings, advantages, joys and sorrows. The dog is short -haired and small due to which it is easy to keep in the apartment. Serious physical activity is not for bulldogs. An ordinary small walk is enough for these dogs, so they are suitable for both busy people and for those who simply cannot walk and run with a dog for a long time. They are even called a joke “dogs for lazy people” and “sofas-frantic dogs”. Bulldogs are always on guard of the safety of their family and are ready to rush into battle for any of her members.
  • Disadvantages of English dog breed.Bulldogs stubborn dogs. Their stubbornness even made them famous - that is why they became the emblem of many sports clubs. In addition, with a lack of communication with his favorite owner, he can become gloomy and obstinate.
  • How to behave with English bulldogs? Do not seek from the bulldog anything by force, screams or other methods of coercion. Boldog will be happy to agree with you in a good way and willingly let himself persuade.


Another one english breed of dogs, which has gained world fame. This is the average height of a dog with long ears and an average tail in length. Short -haired, with a characteristic three -color color. The height of the big in the withers can reach forty centimeters. Normal weight for beiglies - from eight to fourteen kilograms. The history of Bigley is for certain, it is believed that the hounds similar to the Bigley existed during the time of King Arthur, for example, with his contemporary Pville, a prince from Wales.

Biggli are funny and joyful. They get along well with other dogs and badly with cats, poultry and other favorites of people. Their beagle can consider for prey and start hunting.

Merry baby
Merry baby
  • The advantages of English dog breed. Biglly loves their master and his family, are insanely devoted to him and love children. An ideal dog for a family with children. At the same time, the small dimensions of the dog do not interfere with the biggles to be bold defenders.
  • Disadvantages of English dog breed. Bigla's nose can captivate him and take it very far from home. Therefore, it must be kept by a good fence and constantly follow it. Another drawback is that the Biggla cannot leave one for a long time. If you leave in the morning, and return late in the evening, the chances of catching your house in the ruin are more than great. To prevent this from happening, buy Bigl a friend-dog.
  • How to behave with Bigl? Bigl is a socialization dog, which must begin at a very early age. Otherwise, your pet can grow up. Learn the biggla to restrain your barking at home, otherwise not only to you, but your neighbors will not be up to fun - Biglieg lovers to get along.

Cavalier-King Chalz-Spaniel

These little spanies won world fame with their good -natured character. Despite the fact that officially this kind of toy-spaniels was recognized as a separate breed only in the twentieth century, their ancestors can be seen on ancient canvases near the kings and their children. These little aristocrats have long been partners of royal and aristocratic families, and, although they are able to raise game in the grove, were used as a decorative home dog. Only relatively recently these dogs have become popular among ordinary people.

The nobility in spaniels is connected with spange, good -naturedness and indefatigable fun. These are small dogs whose weight reaches eight kilograms. Growth in the withers according to the standard 25-35 cm. They are well folded, elegant, have long ears and pleasant, smart expression of the muzzle. They have long, thick and silky wool and many different colors. The tail stops by one third of the length.

  • The advantages of English dog breed.These are balanced, kind, smart and funny dogs that get along well with all family members, even with children. They are excellent training, perceive training as a game. They are perfect for living in an apartment or house. They do not need excessive physical activity - there is enough ordinary walk.
  • Disadvantages of English dog breed. Unaccounted puppies can nibble everything in a row, make puddles somewhere, impose their society to family members and climb into the bed. In addition, these dogs, although they like to pull the exposure to - the guard will not work out of them at all.
  • How to behave with King Chalz Spaniel?Teach your baby since childhood. Do not give him goodies from the table - they are great gluing and prone to obesity. Take the dog in your arms, stroke and communicate with it more often. The owner’s love is the most important for these animals.


This small dog can develop a speed of 60-70 km per hour. It is believed that the ancestors of the Wipputs were brought to Britain by the Romans in 55 BC. Whippets are perfectly folded, differ in developed muscles and strong legs. The growth of the Whippet male at the withers can reach fifty -one centimeters, and the weight of twenty -one kilograms. They have a short and smooth hair, pleasant to the touch and a long muzzle with a smart expression on the eyes.

This is a very delicate, loyal and loving dog that will try to become a close friend of all your family members. They are restrained in relation to strangers. These dogs are very smart, obedient and easily trained.

Ancient breed
Ancient breed
  • The advantages of English dog breed. Wippet is one of the few representatives of dogs who do not like to bark. They are ideal for those who love silence and peace. If Wippet barking, then he wants to draw your attention to something very important. It does not require strong physical exertion, an ideal companion for the elderly. In addition, the terrier's blood fraction in the veins makes the Whippets ideal and bold guards.
  • Disadvantages of English dog breed.With all your obedience and mind, they are very independent, so you will never achieve perfect obedience from them. They are very sensitive to the atmosphere in the house. The tension in it can make the dog of this breed even get sick.
  • How to behave with Will?A lot to walk and do not forget to put on a leash - the Whipple is so fast that the adjusted person to his hunting instinct can run away before you understand that you did not endow the leash. Like other dogs, representatives of this breed do not bow in their master - show your love for them more often.

Video: Education of English Bulldog

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