What is the difference between sea food, stone, English, iodized and Himalayan pink salt from ordinary cook: is it different?

What is the difference between sea food, stone, English, iodized and Himalayan pink salt from ordinary cook: is it different?

Salt - we can no longer imagine life without this food supplement. In the head of many, the phrase, which was also said by parents or grandmother, firmly in the head: "The dish needs to be salt and pepper." And, it would seem, salt is the most ordinary product in our lives, but few know that this product is different.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Food salt: benefits and harm, daily salt rate for humans".

Almost everyone heard about sea salt, but how do you react if you find out that there are also English, Himalayan and other types of this amazing addition to food? In this article we will talk about where the salt is extracted, how it happens, how it differs and whether it differs. Read further.

Salted salt: where is it getting it?


Salt, also known to everyone as a “dining room” - this is a product designed to suck food. To the appearance in the form of colorless crystals. It is refined, that is, cleansed of impurities and chopped. Such a product contains from 97 to 99 percent NaCl. Salt is widely used in industry. For example, to obtain chlorine, soda, hydrochloric acid. It is also used everywhere in cooking. It is already hard to imagine your favorite dishes without a pinch of salted crystals.

Where does salt come from? There are several methods.

  • Her people have mined from ancient times.
  • The oldest way can be considered evaporation.
  • Such crystals can be located both in a solid state (layers of salt in the soil), and in the composition of solutions, for example, in water.
  • In the sun, the evaporation process begins: water becomes gas, and salt precipitates.
  • After it is cleaned of impurities, crushed and it is ready for use.

The next method - salt mining in the place of dried lakes and seas. Huge deposits of minerals remained on dried ponds. With the help of excavators, they are broken and delivered to production for further processing, since immediately after mining, salt is unsuitable for use and operation in industry. Such a mineral is called Galit.

Salt caves. Salt layers can be in great depths. For this, they use the mine method of production, which is very similar to coal production. The technique cuts the mine, destroys the layers and the resulting Galits are delivered to the surface, and then to production.

Vacuum method. The method is used if the breed lies deep underground and the mine method is not effective. The well breaks through and poured with hot water, the mineral dissolves and the resulting solution is pumped out. Then he will be boiled, and driven through a centrifug.

After mining and processing salt, it is assigned to the variety:

  • First and second variety - contain impurities, granules up to 4 mm in size
  • Higher variety - the minimum amount of impurities, granules up to 1.2 mm in size
  • Extra variety - salt almost without additives, with sizes up to 0.8 mm sizes

Now let's figure out how different types of salt are different from each other. Read further.

What is the difference between sea food salt and ordinary, simple cook and is it different?

Sea food salt
Sea food salt

The usual, simple table and sea food salt differ among themselves in the method of production, the chemical composition (but slightly) and the size of the crystals.

  • The granules of sea salt contain many impurities, such as: potassium, magnesium, sulfate.
  • This is the reason that the product obtained from the sea is becoming more and more popular due to its greater usefulness.
  • But experts say that in order to use the daily norm of mineral substances, a person needs to consume a lot of salt, but in this case, your body is unlikely to tell you “thank you”.
  • Thanks to impurities, sea salt is slightly different in color from cook, but this effect does not affect taste.

Sea salt is popular with cooks. All because she has a large size of granules, which are melting longer in the tongue and give the dish the unique notes of salinity. But if you cook, for example, soup, then it will not be noticeable. Summing up - in taste and usefulness, table salt is in no way inferior to sea. This is an indisputable fact.

What is the difference between stone salt and sea?

The difference between sea and stone salt is age and production method. Stone salt are crystals that dried up millions of years ago. It is necessary to clean them more carefully, so they are smaller in size. But in general, these two products have no particular difference in utility or taste.

How does English salt differ from sea?

English salt, in essence, is not at all salt. This is a compound of substances such as sulfur, magnesium and oxygen. Its familiar name for ordinary people is magnesium sulfate. It was first discovered in Epsom, England, from where it got the name "Eps". Basically, English salt is obtained by performing special chemical reactions or with boiling. It tastes bitter, so for use it is not the most pleasant product.

  • Epsom is known for its healing effects.
  • Doctors are even advised to take baths with salt, if you have skin problems, there is soreness in the muscle area or you have experienced stress.

Sea salt contains a high level of NACL. This substance also knows its therapeutic properties. It is good to cleanse the skin and promotes its detoxification, but taking such baths is not recommended more than once every 7 days, since sea salt dries the skin very much. Widely used in cooking.

To summarize - sea and English salt are different: composition, taste. English salt is not used when cooking dishes, it is transparent, and sea-muddy white.

What is the difference between sea salt and iodized?

The difference lies in the name itself. The iodized product has a large amount of iodine. It is used to prevent thyroid diseases, namely, hyperthyroidism, which in the advanced case leads to the goiter. With a lack of iodine in the body, hypertrophy of the thyroid cells occurs, which leads to its increase.

The difference between the marine and iodized product is that in the first case, the iodine content is natural. In iodized, this substance is introduced during production.

What is the difference between Himalayan pink salt and sea?

Himalayan pink salt
Himalayan pink salt

Himalayan pink salt is one of the varieties of crystals that are mined in the Himalayas, mainly on the borders of Pakistan. One of the most important mines is located near the pure. A little story:

  • 200 million years ago, a layer of sea salt appeared, which was later covered with lava and was under the thickness of snow and ice, which allowed salt to be preserved in its pristine environment.
  • That is why it is considered the cleanest in the world.
  • The pink color gives the mineral polygalite (potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfate).
  • Compared to sea salt, it has a larger size of granules, which allows it to better reveal the taste of food.
  • It is wet to the touch, while the sea is absolutely dry.

Significant differences in these two salts are not observed. Himalayan salt is used in cooking, salt mixtures are made with it, which also provide the therapeutic effect. It is used to purify air in the room, for this it is enough for you to purchase a special salt lamp.

Based on all of the described above, we can conclude that the salts do not differ significantly. Differences in the color, shape and size of crystals do not affect the taste (with the exception of English). What salt to choose is the case of personal preferences. If you like how the taste of food using sea salt is revealed, there is no problem, use it. I like to relax in a bath with Himalayan salt - please. The main thing is to properly evaluate your financial condition, as some types of salts can cost much more than others.

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