Food salt: benefit and harm, daily salt rate for humans

Food salt: benefit and harm, daily salt rate for humans

About what salt is, people learned in ancient times when they collected it from stones on the seashore. She was then worth its weight in gold, was an object of trade and a symbol of fertility. About her greatness is composed of quite a few sayings, proverbs and traditions. Over time, a person learned to extract it from different sources and produce in large quantities, and salt became ordinary food component.
The number of types of food salt is very diverse: extra, iodized, stone, cook, sea, black, dietary, pink Himalayan, red Hawaiian, fine grinding, medium grinding and large grinding. And the areas of its application are also numerous: cooking, medicine, cosmetology, household activities and households.

The benefits of food salt for the human body

Let's analyze the beneficial properties of food salt where they are used and what is their role:
For the body:
Salt or scientific name-sodium chloride, plays a large role in the digestive process and in the acid-base balance of our body.

So, with the help of chlorine, an amylase enzyme is produced, which helps the absorption of carbohydrate -containing products, and gastric juice is formed. Chlorine stimulates the functioning of the nervous system and is involved in fat metabolism. Sodium regulates the ratio of acid and alkalis, thereby maintaining the water balance, operates in the conduct of nerve impulses and muscle contractions. Participates in the transportation of oxygen, thereby excludes the possibility of the formation of blood clots, and amino acids.

Important: with a lack of salt, a person has problems with the digestive system, blood pressure is disturbed, fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath and headaches are observed.
It is strictly impossible to exclude salt from your diet!

Use of food salt in medicine

  • All capelins in the hospital are made on a saline, and this is a regular solution of food salt.
  • Social adherence has the widest use for therapeutic purposes.

Using food salt in folk medicine

  • With colds of the respiratory tract, the nasal cavity is washed with water saline and the throat is caressed. The sinuses of the nose are heated in a frying pan. Make inhalations with bronchi disease.
  • With poisoning, a salt solution removes toxins and compensates for fluid loss by the body
  • With gum and toothache disease
  • With insect bites, itching and swelling relieves
  • In the treatment of osteochondrosis, rheumatism and arthritis
  • With bruises, headaches, etc.

Using food salt in cosmetology:

Salt, as part with other components, is very popular in cosmetic procedures. It is used for the preparation of scrubs for the face, cleansing tonics and masks, acne lotions and for all kinds of baths. This is associated with antiseptic, whitening properties of salt, with the saturated content of minerals, macro and trace elements in its composition, and the ability to eliminate the skin from excess moisture and fat.

Important: both in medicine and in cosmetology, observe the recommended proportions of the use of salt so as not to harm your body

Deviation of food salt for the human body

Important: as already mentioned, the body cannot exist without salt, but its excessive content is dangerous for it.

So what is the harm of baking salt?
- firstly, blood pressure increases due to excessive salt consumption, which can lead to stroke and heart attack
- Secondly, the ducts are clogged and the liquid cannot leave the cells, which leads to the appearance of swelling
- third, salt removes calcium from the body - the main component of bone tissue
-Fourth, an excessive amount of salt weights the work of the kidneys, causing various types of their disease
-Fifth, 3-4 grams of salt per day, everything else is deposited in the tissues of the joints per day.
- At sixth, the habit of sucking food leads to a violation of the sensitivity of taste receptors

Important: the use of salt is contraindicated to people suffering from hypertension, kidney diseases, cardiovascular system, skin, nervous system, as well as overweight representatives.

Daily rational salt per day for humans

Use salt in the right amount!

Important: the daily rate of salt use for a healthy person according to the World Health Organization data is 5 grams (one teaspoon).
The average indicator from 6 to 10 g.

Video: The benefits of salt


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