What is the difference between Greek yogurt from ordinary, simple: what is it, what is the calorie content of. How does Greek yogurt differ from sour cream, kefir?

What is the difference between Greek yogurt from ordinary, simple: what is it, what is the calorie content of. How does Greek yogurt differ from sour cream, kefir?

What is the difference between Greek yogurt from the simple, to which preservatives are added? This is a natural and healthy product.

If you wanted to enjoy a delicious dessert or a light salad, feel free to choose a dish with Greek yogurt. Gastronomic pleasure will be provided.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Which is better, useful: cottage cheese or yogurt, or kefir?". You will find out where more calcium in cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt.

From this article you will learn how Greek yogurt differs from the usual one, as well as what calorie content he has and whether there is a difference with kefir and sour cream. Read further.

Greek yogurt: What is it, what is the calorie content?

Greek yogurt
Greek yogurt

Although this product is called yogurt, in fact there is little similarity with this type of sour milk. What does it consist of?

  • This product is prepared from milk and high -quality sourdough.
  • After bending, it passes the process of filtering, removing serum.
  • Keeping the light sour yogurt, acquires a consistency of sour cream or dense cream.
  • Together with the serum, the product loses an excess of carbohydrates and, accordingly, calories.

The indicators slightly vary depending on the manufacturer, but on average 100 g of Greek yogurt consists of:

  • 4.5 g of carbohydrates
  • Approximately 3.5 g of proteins
  • Approximately 3.3 g of fat
  • 11 minerals - "most calcium 121 mg"
  • 20 vitamins
  • Lipids and amino acids
  • Calorie content - 66 kcal

Greek yogurt contains 2.5 g of lactose per 100 g, and for suffering lactose deficiency, a safe norm of 12 g. Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus Thermophilus - Types of bacteria contained in the product. They help to break down milk sugar, produce lactic acid. Greek yogurt is little known in our country, but in European countries and in the East he has long won a strong place of honor in culinary recipes.

What is the benefits of Greek yogurt?

Trying a new dish, I want to know how useful it is. So what is this in Greek yogurt if it becomes so popular?

  • The first thing to pay attention to is its low calorie content. Total 66 kcal per 100 g. It is such a product that will help keep the figure in perfect condition.
  • A high calcium content improves the condition of the nails and prevents the development of osteoporosis.
  • Probiotics normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, restore the microflora, cleanse the skin. And this affects the immune system, reduces susceptibility to colds.
  • Those who have lactose intolerance can eat Greek yogurt. It contains minimum level, lactose.

Regular use of the product will make sure that it really benefits. Nutritionists recommend eating this product and men, as it is:

  • Reduces the risk of the development of cardiovascular diseases
  • Supports muscle tone and physical activity
  • Reduces the accumulation of visceral fat
  • Able to replace the protein cocktail, increases energy and helps in building muscle

It is useful for women during pregnancy, since the consumption of minerals in the body increases at this time, and calcium contained in Greek yogurt will help prevent it from leaching from bones, will save from damage to teeth and nails. It will have a beneficial effect after delivery, support the restoration of the body, prevent the development of anemia.

This product can be given to children. Pediatricians note a positive effect on many physical indicators of the child's body.

What is the difference between natural Greek yogurt from ordinary, simple?

Natural Greek yogurt
Natural Greek yogurt

Classical Greek yogurt is made of concentrated cow, goat and sheep’s milk. It has a consistency of dense cream. It has practically no liquid in it. This is a natural and delicious product.

It is worth knowing:

  • Ordinary yogurt is well from skim milk. This reduces the indicators of the content of beneficial minerals.
  • Simple yogurt can be prepared using milk powder and natural thickeners.
  • Yogurts entering the sale have a different expiration date. The longer it is, the more confidence we can say about the content of preservatives. It is difficult to be sure of the usefulness of such a product.

In a natural sour -milk product, living dairy bacteria are preserved for the entire expiration date. There are no taste stabilizers, thickeners and, of course, milk powder in the recipe. The addition to taste will be pieces of fresh fruits, berries, jams. A quality product is more expensive. If Greek yogurt is sold at the price of usual, then this is just a fake for the original.

How does Greek yogurt differ from sour cream?

The difference lies in the technology of production. Sour cream is cream and sourdough, Greek yogurt - milk and leaven. In fact, these products have many more differences.

  • Sour cream is a more fat product of 15-20%, homemade is 60%, and in yogurt-3-10%.
  • There is a difference in taste. In sour cream, it is more sour. Jogurt can be replaced by sour cream in some dishes so that they turn out to be less high -calorie. For example, pancakes decorated with Greek yogurt and pieces of fruit will be no worse in taste. And for borsch it is better to use sour cream. It is used more often as a seasoning for the main dishes or for the preparation of sauces.
  • Yogurt can be used for the preparation of sauces, but also remain like the basis of the dish.
  • Sour cream is often used in baking. It turns out lush butter and tasty sand dough.

The difference exists in the expiration date. In these products, it is not very large, and inappropriate storage contributes to the growth of bacteria that spoil them. Sour cream can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three weeks, and Greek yogurt - no more than two.

How does Greek yogurt differ from kefir?

Greek yogurt differs from kefir
Greek yogurt differs from kefir

If we consider the method of preparing Greek yogurt and kefir, then there is no difference. Both are obtained by fermenting milk with fermented milk bacteria. But it is in them that the difference is.

  • Kefir contains a larger range of bacteria, and Greek yogurt - only 2 species.
  • In addition, there are yeast in kefir, which affects its taste. He has more sour.
  • By the end of the expiration date, kefir becomes slightly carbonated.
  • And in kefir there is a small proportion of alcohol. In a fresh product, it is 0.2 % per 1 liter. You should not be afraid of this, because within 20 minutes after consumption, this amount will be removed from the body. Given this, we can say that kefir should be carefully consumed by people with gastrointestinal disorders.

Kefir is a drink, and Greek yogurt is eaten with a spoon. The more serum from the preparing product will be merged, the thicker it will be. The defended and merged kefir in consistency is similar to soft cheese, and yogurt outwardly resembles a thick sour cream.

Everyone has their own preference in choosing sour -milk products. Do not deny yourself, try something new. Perhaps Greek yogurt will appear among your favorite products.

Video: What is the peculiarity of Greek yogurt? | Dairy expert. Savushkin product

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