What is the difference between French, Dijon, Bavarian, granular, white mustard from ordinary Russian, horseradish, Basabi: photo. What mustard can be made of mustard powder: recipe

What is the difference between French, Dijon, Bavarian, granular, white mustard from ordinary Russian, horseradish, Basabi: photo. What mustard can be made of mustard powder: recipe

Many people think that mustard is something sharp, burning and, in principle, not for them. But most of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe existence, for example, is a quino mustard or mustard with notes of coffee, does not even come to their minds.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Is it possible to warm or soar your legs in mustard at temperature, coughing?".

In this article we will talk about the types of mustard, about the variety of her tastes. You will learn how this or that mustard differs. You will not have any questions left, and the new view of this product, which is open to you, will cause a trip to the store. Read further.

What recipes are prepared for mustard in different countries?

Mustard is one of the few products that are warmly loved not only in our homeland, but also beyond its borders. It turns out that this seasoning can be found in absolutely any country, whether it is Germany or France. However, each country brought important changes to the recipe, giving the product an even more unique taste. What recipes are prepared for mustard in different countries? Here are a few interesting nuances:

  • The American mustard is characterized by a bright yellow color, due to the overwhelming amount of turmeric and sugar in its composition.
  • When preparing English mustard, powder is mixed with apple juice or sidrum, to obtain the desired consistency.
  • According to the ancient Bavarian recipe, mustard should contain pepper, as well as juniper or ginger juice.
  • Italian mustard or bridge is made by adding white wine, honey and a large number of whole or tires.
  • Creole mustard consists of grated horseradish and pickled grains of Indian fragrant.
  • German (not Bavarian!) Contains notes of coffee and burning chili pepper.
  • The recipe for the Orleans product contains grape juice and natural white vinegar.
  • Residents of the Provence prefer foodperying red pepper, honey and garlic.
  • Donskaya or Gardal is characterized by the presence of brinated cucumbers in the composition.

About the difference between different types of mustard is described below. Read further.

Dijon French grain mustard: how differs from ordinary Russian, photo

Dijon grain from the classic, ordinary Russian mustard, first of all, differs in consistency. The first thicker due to large grains of mustard, Russian has a uniform paste format. Dijon is one of the most popular seasonings in France, so it is often called French. Here is a photo of such a "sauce":

Dijon French grain mustard
Dijon French grain mustard

Important: Dijon, like any other mustard, can today be found in the form of homogeneous pasta, as well as in the format of powder and dried grains. However, in the original recipe, whole grains are used, therefore, in this case, it is precisely the Dijon whole -grain.

Dijon mustard has a soft taste, a pleasant smell of wine and essential oils of mustard grains. While ordinary Russian, bitterness and pungent smell are inherent. In addition, the original Dijon mustard does not contain fats and sugar, only a small amount of olive oil, due to which it is considered less high -calorie than Russian. In the composition of Russian oil, and at the same time vegetable, is one of the key components. However, finding the original on the shelves of Russian stores is not so simple. Increasingly, the so -called "Dijon" can be seen in large quantities.

What is the difference between Dijon mustard and French, granular, grain?

In addition to the Dijon mustard, which is produced in Dijon, there is another soft grain or granular mustard, the roots of which come from the old town of MO in the department of hay and Marna. She is also considered French. However, this mustard is produced not only in the Moscow Region, but also in the same Dijon and Bordeaux. A mustard paste is made of seeds imported from Canada, with the addition of spices, salt and water. Nevertheless, the main ingredient that gives mustard a unique taste is red wine vinegar.

Bavarian mustard: What is the difference from ordinary Russian?

Bavarian mustard
Bavarian mustard

A mustard paste from Bavaria has many species and subspecies based on the degree of product sharpness. In the West, Germany is preferred by an acute seasoning, and the inhabitants of the south are content with the sauce of the beam. Nevertheless, the Bavarian mustard is still less vigorous than the usual Russian. This is its main difference.

The most common pasta has a sweet, spicy taste. At home, mustard is mainly consumed in combination with Bavarian or Munich sausages. For the preparation of pasta, the grains are first fried, and then roughly crushed. In the final product, crushed grains are noticeable with the naked eye. For sweetness, use honey or apple syrup.

What is the difference between white mustard and yellow, ordinary Russian?

To begin with, it should be explained that the so -called “yellow mustard”, which is in the same way, is among the people, in fact, the saptsky or sisai. However, only the peoples of the CIS call it “yellow”, the name “white mustard” was rooted among the inhabitants of Europe.

It is worth remembering: Do not confuse the white mustard variety with Sisa, which is called "White" in Europe!

The blue mustard differs with strong bitterness, and burning depends on the place where the culture grows. White does not have special burning and aroma as such. Usually, when preparing mustard paste from white grains, seasonings are additionally added so that it is not fresh. Another difference of white from Saypto is the rude taste of the first. In addition, white mustard can be described as “non -butter”, as well as the so -called “yellow” or ordinary Russian, as “burning”.

What is the difference between RAPS and mustard?

RAPS is exclusively black grains, in contrast to mustard culture, which has several shades of grains: from yellow to dark brown. This is the main difference. In addition to this grain of rapeseed, for the most part, are used for the manufacture of various oils. Mustard seeds are used as the basis for sauces, and also applicable in conservation.

What is the difference between Dijon granular mustard and Bavarian?

One of the most common types of Bavarian mustard is a piquant, spicy paste made from crushed seeds of white mustard. Caramel syrup gives the sweetness of the sauce. The Dijon granular taste is also piquant, but not sweet, since it includes acidic juice of immature white grapes. In addition, during the preparation of Dijon mustard, high -quality black seeds are used from the fields of eastern France.

However, the Bavarian paste recipe also has its own characteristics, and this is one of the main differences. Mustard is processed thermally. First, it is boiled, and then boiled to obtain a denser consistency.

English mustard: how is it from Russian

According to European standards, mustard should be in moderation of acute, which does not fit into the concept of our traditional feast. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Russian dining room mustard differs from English not only by ingredients, but also by the degree of severity.

  • A mustard paste in Russia is carried out on the basis of low -powered remains of grains of mustard with the addition of vinegar.
  • The British, according to an old recipe, use either Sizui mustard or white.

However, the main feature of the mustard prepared in England is its color-lemon yellow, which is obtained by adding turmeric and flour. It is impossible not to mention apple juice or cider, with which the resulting mixture is diluted, giving it the desired consistency.

What is the difference between American mustard and Russian?

American mustard
American mustard

American mustard is considered the most liquid in the world, while the Russian has a rather thick consistency. But this is not the main difference.

Is the creation of such a consistency to the Americans to season street food? Probably not. However, the combination of yellow mustard with pink-red sausages definitely causes appetite. Having taken this note, the cooks tried to make the taste of the product as brightly and more saturated. Mustard is made of white grains by adding sugar and vinegar, due to which a soft and piquant sauce is obtained.

What is the difference between mustard and horseradish?

Perhaps the most primitive difference is that the Russian table horseradish is white, and the mustard paste contains all kinds of yellow shades. Moreover, mustard is made of seeds, and horseradish is made from the rhizome.

However, storage resistance in these two seasonings is different. Fuck retains its pristine, nucleant taste for 4 hours, later it becomes less spicy. In addition, table horseradish prepared without the addition of preservatives is kept only 16 days. Home mustard loses taste and aroma after 45 days. However, the benefits of mustard and horseradish are equivalent. It is believed that seasonings have a positive effect on immunity and metabolism.

What is the difference between Basabi and mustard?

Basabi differs from mustard
Basabi differs from mustard

According to the acuteness scale, mustard is inferior to the seasonings of other countries and has a less sharp aroma. In addition to this, Basabi, like horseradish, is made from the rhizome, but only a Japanese plant is an eutrem. Therefore, Basabi is sometimes called Japanese horseradish. Thus, the main difference between this seasoning from mustard is the manufacture of a sauce from the rhizome, and not from the seeds of the plant of the same name.

What mustard can be made of mustard powder: recipe

Mustard mustard
Mustard mustard

There are many interesting types of this product that not only you want to taste, but also cook with your own hands. However, not all products can be found in the Russian segment. Therefore, we propose to prepare a mustard from the ingredients that are in every house. Here is the prescription:

You will need you to make mustard:

  • Mustard powder - 60 g (Take the one in bags, one will be enough)
  • Water (boiling water) - 120 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Dining vinegar - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Sugar - 0.5 teaspoons

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Pour the mustard powder into a deep plate and break all the lumps.
  • Gradually pouring boiling water, mix the mass until smooth.
  • Add vinegar, salt, sugar in the indicated amounts and interfere until the ingredients dissolve.
  • Cool the product before tasting, putting for about 20 minutes in the refrigerator, you can serve. The cooking process takes 10 minutes.

If you are a lover of unchanged classics and do not find for yourself anything more suitable than your native dining room mustard, then you will like this recipe.

Video: Three types of mustard. What is needed for Dijon, Russian, Bavarian, English mustard - all in the description

Video: Recipe. Dijon mustard (French).

Video: Homemade grain mustard is the best sauce for the festive table. I always surprise the guests!

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