Cucumbers in Korean for the winter: a classic recipe with carrots, garlic and sharp pepper, with mustard in powder and grains, with tomatoes and sweet pepper, grated grated, with vegetable assorted-the most delicious recipe

Cucumbers in Korean for the winter: a classic recipe with carrots, garlic and sharp pepper, with mustard in powder and grains, with tomatoes and sweet pepper, grated grated, with vegetable assorted-the most delicious recipe

From cucumbers you can prepare an excellent salad or vegetable mix. And how to cook you will find out from the article.

Cucumbers in Korean are a great option for a winter snack. It turns out such conservation of an unusual taste and is distinguished by the presence of many different spices and spices in it.

If desired, cucumbers in Korean can be harvested for the winter with other vegetables, so the taste of the twist will be even more rich and summer.

Cucumbers in Korean for the winter: a classic recipe with carrots

To prepare such a winter snack, you will need the most affordable products, which for the season, for sure, have every housewife in the house. Despite ease of preparation, the snack is very tasty and unusual.

  • Cucumbers - 1.8 kg
  • Carrots - 5 average pcs.
  • Garlic - 1.5 heads
  • Sugar - 130 g
  • Salt - 65 g
  • Apple vinegar - 240 ml
  • Olive oil - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Black, red pepper, coriander, carbon fencing, Mayran, basil.
  • First you need to prepare the main ingredient of the twist - cucumbers. It is advisable to use medium -sized vegetables and not overripe for the preparation of conservation, since in the latter the seeds will be too large and hard, they will have to be removed. So, wash the vegetables, remove the peel and cut into circles.
  • Carrots need to choose sweet and juicy, dry vegetables will not give a snack of the desired taste. Clean and wash the carrots, grate on a special grater for carrots in Korean or on a regular coarse grater.
  • Clean the garlic and chop the slides.
  • Put all the vegetables in a large pelvis and shave the specified spices and spices. Also add all the other ingredients to the container and thoroughly mix the vegetable mixture.
  • Vegetables will be marinated for about 6 hours. After a couple of hours, juice will appear in the container, it is in it that they will be pickled.
  • Glass containers must be sterilized, it is best to use small jars for such winter snacks.
  • Lay out a vegetable mixture on sterilized containers, do not forget to send the juice to the jar and the released juice.
  • Close the cans and send them to a permanent storage.

Cucumbers in Korean with garlic and sharp pepper for the winter

To prepare this snack, you do not need to use carrots and any other vegetables, except cucumbers, chili and garlic pepper. The cucumbers are obtained quite spicy with a rich taste.

  • Cucumbers - 2.2 kg
  • Garlic - 2.5 heads
  • Chilli
  • Sugar - 220 g
  • Salt - 65 g
  • Vegetable oil - 200 ml
  • Apple vinegar - 300 ml
  • Oregano, Mayran, parsley dried, paprika
We are ready for winter
We are ready for winter
  • Cucumbers need to choose not large and young. Wash the vegetables, cut into 4 parts, cutting the ends.
  • Put the vegetables into the basin and pour water for a couple of hours.
  • Clean the garlic and cut with slices.
  • Chile pepper finely chop. Use such an amount of pepper that is acceptable for you, so that the appetizer turns out to be the best of acute. It is desirable to work with this product in gloves, since its juice can burn the skin.
  • Drain the water from cucumbers, pour oil, vinegar into the container, add all the other ingredients and thoroughly mix the contents of the pelvis.
  • You need to pickle vegetables for 6 hours., At the same time, do not forget to stir them periodically.
  • Fasten the glass container and send a vegetable mixture to it.
  • Next, place all the cans with a snack in a wide basin, pour water into it. It should be so much so that it reaches almost to the edges of the cans.
  • We sterilize the banks in this way for 10 minutes, and then close.
  • After cooling the jar, rearrange for a permanent place of storage.

Cucumbers in Korean with mustard in powder and grains for the winter

Mustard gives conservation a special taste, which is why it is so often added to various winter snacks. Cucumbers in Korean were no exception, many hostesses are happy to use this recipe to prepare a delicious twist.

  • Cucumbers - 2.5 kg
  • Garlic - 10 cloves
  • Powder mustard - 15 g
  • Dijon mustard - 10 g
  • Sugar - 125 g
  • Salt - 65 g
  • Refined oil - 220 ml
  • Apple vinegar - 370 ml
  • Black, white ground pepper, paprika, dried dill, coriander
  • We will pickle cucumbers with mustard, without grinding them, so it is recommended to choose the smallest and smooth vegetables. Wash the vegetables several times under running water.
  • Clean the garlic and chop with slices.
  • Pour oil and vinegar into a container with cucumbers, mix the products. Add all other ingredients and mix the contents of the pelvis again.
  • You need to pickle vegetables for 6 hours., Not forgetting to mix them.
  • Fasten the glass container.
  • Lay out cucumbers with the resulting marinade.
  • Next, carefully rearrange all the jars into a large wide basin, fill it with water and strap the container after boiling for about 15 minutes. Ignoring double sterilization according to this recipe is not advisable.
  • Close the container with lids and leave at room temperature for a day.
  • After moving to a permanent storage, preferably on the cold.

Cucumbers in Korean with tomatoes and sweet pepper for the winter

Cucumbers in a marinade of juicy tomatoes and sweet pepper are something unusual and very tasty. You need to try to prepare such a twist, because in the end result we get an independent dish, the marinade from which can easily be used to prepare borscht, tomato soups, potatoes and other dishes.

  • Cucumbers - 2.5 kg
  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • Bulgarian pepper - 4 pcs.
  • Garlic - 10 cloves
  • White onion - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 180 g
  • Salt - 65 g
  • Refined vegetable oil - 200 ml
  • Apple vinegar - 360 ml
  • Carrots in Korean for carrots
  • Cucumbers need to be washed and cut into circles, if the vegetables are very large, cut the circles into 2 parts.
  • Wash the tomatoes and cut into any pieces.
  • Wash the pepper and remove from it all the parts unsuitable for food, cut it off by any pieces.
  • Peel the garlic.
  • Peel the onion from the husk.
  • With the help of a blender, chop the tomatoes, pepper, garlic and onions to the porridge state. Add oil to the resulting mixture, all spices and salt with granulated sugar, mix.
  • Fasten the glass container.
  • Transfer cucumbers and vegetable dressing to a large basin and boil for 5-7 minutes. After boiling. At this stage, add vinegar to the container.
  • Put the cucumbers with refueling in each container.
  • Close the containers with lids and let cool.
  • The next day, send to a permanent storage.

Cucumbers in Korean grater: Winter snack

This recipe is ideal for the preparation of cucumbers that have grown not very beautiful, not quite correct in shape, etc. According to the recipe, vegetables are crushed with a conventional grater. Despite the unusual method of grinding, the taste of the finished spin from this does not suffer.

  • Cucumbers - 1.4 kg
  • Carrot - 580 g
  • Garlic - 10 cloves
  • Olive oil - 140 ml
  • Sugar - 80 g
  • Salt - 40 g
  • Apple vinegar - 140 ml
  • Coriander, paprika, marjoran, fencing, basil, pink ground pepper
Grated cucumbers
Grated cucumbers
  • Wash the cucumbers and soak for 2.5 hours. Next, clean from the peel and grate on a coarse grater or grater for carrots in Korean.
  • Clean the carrots, wash and rub the same as cucumbers.
  • Clean the garlic and cut down with slices.
  • In a large basin, mix all the vegetables and add all the other ingredients to them, leave for 6 hours. Marine. During this time, mix the contents of the pelvis at least 3 times.
  • Fall the glass container and put pickled vegetables on it. Send the marinade to the banks.
  • Gently place the container into a wide large pelvis, pour water into it, boil it. Thus sterilize the cans with a twist for 10 minutes.
  • Close the jars with lids and leave for a day at room temperature.
  • The next day, spin on a permanent storage.

Cucumbers in Korean with vegetable assortment for the winter

According to this recipe, we will prepare a real mix of vegetables. The main ingredient, of course, will be cucumbers, and as additional ones you can choose vegetables to your taste.

  • Cucumbers - 5 average pcs.
  • Eggplant - 100 g
  • Bulgarian pepper - 80 g
  • White onion - 55 g
  • Carrot - 55 g
  • Garlic - head
  • Dining vinegar - 4.5 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 55 g
  • Salt - 35 g
  • Olive oil - 50 ml
  • Carrots in Korean for carrots
Vegetable mix
Vegetable mix
  • Wash the cucumbers and soak for 1.5 hours. After cut into circles
  • Wash the eggplant, cut into circles and soak in salt water for 15 minutes. After boil until half -cooked
  • Peel the pepper from the seeds, chop in any way
  • Peel the onion and chop rings, half rings
  • Clean the garlic and cut with slices
  • Peel the carrots, wash and chop with a grater
  • Transfer all vegetables to a large basin. Add all other ingredients there, mix. Put the seasoning to your liking
  • Leave the assorted from vegetables for 4 hours. Every hour mix the contents of the pelvis
  • Sterilize the jars, put vegetables on them and pour a little marinade
  • Next, put the banks in a large container of water, sterilize the container in boiling water for 10 minutes.
  • Close lids, let stand at room temperature
  • Send the cold the next day

Cucumbers in Korean will become an excellent winter snack, which can be served as a dishes independently or, as an additive to the side dish. You can serve such conservation with rice, boiled potatoes and meat.

Video: crispy cucumbers in Korean

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