What is the difference between children's kefir and an ordinary, adult?

What is the difference between children's kefir and an ordinary, adult?

Nowadays, in supermarkets a wide variety of lactic acid products. This article will talk about children's kefir. More precisely, we learn the difference between a children's kefir and an adult. And is it worth it to buy ordinary kefir at all.

Everyone is familiar with the taste of kefir. It is also known that the drink is considered one of the most useful dairy products. Of course, it contains a large number of components that are useful for our body in the form of vitamins, trace elements. There are: Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe + A, B1, PP, C, B2. The product is used to feed babies from six months of age. Only for feeding it is undesirable to use ordinary kefir, you need a children's one. The body of children is somewhat different from an adult. Therefore, children under three age are recommended to take only a baby drink. Next, we learn the difference between a children's kefir and an adult.

What is the difference between children's kefir and an ordinary, adult - what is a children's kefir?

Sour-milk products are introduced to babies from 6-8 months of age. And parents stop the choice on children's kefir. It is for the nursery, because the technology of cooking the product and much more, differs from the process of production of adult kefir. And the body of the baby may not withstand the acidity and saturation of the taste of ordinary kefir, problems with the gastrointestinal tract will arise. The difference between a children's kefir and an adult lies in the features of raw materials, production technology, taste, quality.

Kefir for children
Kefir for children

The product for baby food is not the same acidity as ordinary. Kefir for babies is produced with low acidity, so as not to irritate the intestinal mucosa, stomach. Even in a sour -milk product there are vitamins useful for the children's body. Produce a drink at higher temperatures than an adult, because the line for cooking sour -milkers Children are different from ordinary.

Raw materials for children's kefir choose only the highest varieties. Therefore, parents should not worry and doubt the quality of the product. If the temperature regime of storage is observed and the shelf life has not expired, then you can safely give crumbs a children's kefir without fears.

For a children's diet, the presence of dairy products in the menu is important. A drink for children is made by fermentation of milk: fat -free or whole. The product of the product includes protein compounds, milk saturated fats, such vitamins as: D, B, C, A. Important components: CA, Fe, Mg. Children's kefir is useful in that it helps to improve the operation of the immune system, the proper functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, helps to absorb vitamins into the intestinal walls, blood cells. Thanks to the drink, the appetite of children is enhanced.

IMPORTANT: The drink is recommended to be used immediately after opening. Thus, kefir will not gain parasitic bacteria. Doctors say that re -proposing kefir from open packaging is undesirable. Especially if it is stored incorrectly. On the packages it is written that they store the product closed, at temperature mode: 0-6 degrees.

Nutritionists say that children's kefir has a great difference compared to ordinary. It is prepared taking into account the needs of the child. As already mentioned - and milk for the drink is special, only of excellent quality.

Sour -milk product has a low fat content and small acidity. Indeed, in young children, enzyme substances are just beginning to form. It is difficult for children to stop fatty foods. An ordinary drink can cause discomfort in the tummy or even inflammation of the pancreas. Children's kefir give babies up to three years of age, and then you can already switch to ordinary. Not everyone. Each has individual characteristics of the body, they must be taken into account.

The difference between children's kefir and adults

The difference between a children's kefir and an adult is not only in taste characteristics, but also of other factors. We’ll talk about this further. The drink has many positive effects on the baby's body. Therefore, neglecting kefir in different power systems for children is extremely imprudent. It has a positive effect on microflora in the intestines of babies, destroys many bacteria of harmful effects on the body, enhances the body's resistance, gives a charge with positive energy, restores nerves, is auxiliary material for the absorption of minerals, vitamins and other substances.

Kefir - composition

When they begin to introduce complementary foods, the capabilities of the food system and the body as a whole should be taken into account. The kids are in the process of growth and all the systems of the body have not yet fully debugged their work, because the food should be of excellent quality. Kefir for children is not made with such a level of acidity as ordinary, and the price of the product will be higher. Indeed, for him, the highest quality raw materials are used and it is more difficult to produce.

Differences in children's kefir and usual:

  • To prepare children's kefir, milk fermentation is used. And when they make a product for adults, they use fermentation of milk, yeast.
  • Children's kefir has low acidity, children cannot be consumed too sour products, the thin walls of the intestines and stomach will irritate.
  • For a children's sour milk, only selected products are used. For kefir, only high -grade milk is suitable. And ordinary kefir is made from different varieties of raw materials.
  • Kefir for children after production undergoes many control checks. The controllers actually check its suitability in the production process and at the end, and also check the composition of the raw materials. And adult kefir does not always meet high standards.
  • The taste of children's kefir is a little sweeter than an adult, it is gently drunk, does not irritate the stomach.
  • The cost of kefir for babies is higher, because it is more costly producing and source products for kefir. Therefore, it is better to buy children to buy this product.

Children can use different types of children's products, more precisely from different manufacturers with various bacteria, probiotics. Thanks to kefir, the desired balance of bio-, bifido-bacteria, which are useful for the immune system, will be formed. Only kefir with additives is better to give after three years.

The difference between children's kefir and an adult, which product to choose for children?

Who thinks that the difference between a children's kefir and an adult is minimal is very mistaken. Many believe that the children's product just has another inscription and packaging. This is not at all so, the children's drink has a completely different taste, it is easier to absorb by the gastrointestinal tract of the child, and there are more useful components for baby food.

It is prepared under other temperature conditions, different raw materials are used. For this, a completely different production line was created. As already mentioned, the initial products for kefir have the highest variety.

How to choose high -quality kefir for young children?

  1. You can not take children's kefir if it is stored in the sun or without a refrigerator. After all, kefir is stored at low temperatures so that bacteria does not disappear. Otherwise, there will be little benefit from him.
  2. In kefir, there can be no harmful preservatives, chemical dyes, flavors, and stabilizers for children.
  3. Choose only a fresh drink, for this, see the date of manufacture, the shelf life.
  4. Pay attention to the packaging box. If it is stepamant, with scratches, dents, cracks, abandon kefir.
  5. See the inscriptions on the package carefully, because they indicate for what age it is suitable. If you choose for the baby, pay special attention to the selection of the drink.

IMPORTANT: When you open kefir to the baby, try to apply it right away. Do not store it even in a package in a cold place for a long time. The most useful product that was not stored for a day.

Children's kefir (18 photos): From what age you can give a child, feeding a baby from 6 months to a year, how best to do home

Important notes for mothers: 

Most often, feeding babies are conducted in the evening. Kefir for children is one of the best drinks, fruit berries or fruits are added there. Another drink can be combined with a yolk of boiled egg, low -fat cottage cheese., Cookies.

  • It is better to eat kefir with a spoon or drink from a cup, to drink from a bottle with a nipple it is undesirable, it is uncomfortable for children.
  • Do not give the babies a cold drink directly from the refrigerator so as not to catch the neck, you still can not overheat the product. All its valuable properties will disappear.
  • Kefir in the diet of children is not to quench thirst. For these functions, it is better to use other drinks.

From the children's kefir from the manufacturer, you can also independently prepare a home drink. He is preparing in one day. It is enough to pour 26 milliliters of the finished kefir into boiled milk at room temperature, to leave in a warm place to roam. It will turn out a thick kefir.

More on our portal, read the following articles on this topic:

  1. Fifteen useful properties of kefir;
  2. How to drink kefir correctly? Is it possible to drink kefir at night?
  3. What is the difference between kefir and yogurt?

Video: Differences in the children's kefir from the usual

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