Spider-spider of plasticine-Peter Parker, on the wire frame: step by step master classes

Spider-spider of plasticine-Peter Parker, on the wire frame: step by step master classes

Step-by-step master classes that will tell you how to make a spider-spider of plasticine

To sculpt from plasticine is interesting not only for babies, the hero of our article today is a spider-man of plasticine, a real superhero and just a cool character. If there is such an unusual craft on your shelf, then everyone who see it will admire it.

We offer you two interesting master classes at once, which will explain in detail how to make a person a spider from plasticine.

Spider-spider of plasticine: Peter Parker with his own hands

If you decide to repeat this master class, then your spider-spider of plasticine will turn out to be like a figure in the photo below.

Man spider from plasticine
Spider-man from plasticine
  • You need to take a rather large piece of blue plasticine. If the plasticine is small in your pack, then you may need two sets at once.
  • We knead the plasticine well in the hands.
  • Then, dripping it on the table or board, we make a “sausage” from it, such as in the photo below.
  • After that, cut the resulting cylinder with a knife in half.
Man spider from plasticine, starting work
Spider-man from plasticine, start of work
  • We take one of the resulting blanks, and cut it with a plastic knife again, only now along. A piece of plasticine should be cut to about the middle, as in the next photo.
  • No, these will not be the legs of our man spider, as you might think. From this workpiece you will get a body and hands.
We begin to sculpt the body and hands of a spider man
We begin to sculpt the body and hands of Spider-Man
  • Dilute two pieces of plasticine at the site of the cut. You need to work carefully so as not to tear any part.
  • We give our details, which will become the hands of a spider-man of plasticine, a rounded shape.
  • We simulate, smoothing your torso, arms and shoulders with your fingers.
The body and hands of a man of a spider of plasticine
The body and hands of a spider-man of plasticine
  • We align the place where the middle of our section was, and where the neck will be.
  • We put the hands of a spider in parallel to the body.
The upper body
The upper body
  • Now we will take up the lower part of the body of a spider-spider of plasticine.
  • We take the second half of the cylinder from blue plasticine, and as for the first time we cut it with a knife in half. Only this time the incision should be longer, the “sausage” of plasticine should be cut into about two -thirds.
  • From this workpiece you will get the legs of a spider-man.
Human blank spider
Spider-man's foot blanks
  • The main thing is to make the incision even so that the amount of material is the same for each leg.
  • We give the future legs a rounded shape.
  • We carefully smooth the plasticine so that there are no stripes and irregularities.
The lower part of the body of a person spider from plasticine
The lower part of the body of a spider-spider of plasticine
  • We connect the two parts of the body together. Our spider-man from plasticine is already beginning to acquire his recognizable features.
  • To level the joints, you need to put the blanks with these places on the table or board and crush.
  • After that, we connect the details among themselves, squeezing them well with each other so that they hold tightly.
Combine two parts of the body
Combine two parts of the body
  • Now we need red plasticine. Take a piece and open it in your hands.
  • From red plasticine, you need to make a rhombus with slightly rounded edges, such as in the photo below.
Costume of man spider from plasticine
Pider-spider suit of plasticine
  • We attach our workpiece to the body.
  • This is a recognizable detail of the costume, without which our Spider-Man would not be a spider man.
We attach a red insert to the costume of a spider man
We attach the red insert to the costume of Spider-Man
  • We form the future neck of Spider-Man.
  • From red plasticine we sculpt the hands and attach them.
  • To stick the hands with a qualitatively, take a knife for plasticine and cut a piece of blue plasticine at the end to make an even edge.
  • Then make a recess in which parts of red plasticine will be inserted.
  • We make the neck and hands of a spider man

We make the neck and hands of Spider-Man:

  • Cut the pieces of blue plasticine at the ends of Spider-Man's legs to make an even edge.
  • Then make a round hole in a sharp toothpick as shown in the figure below.
  • Blind the boots from red plasticine, insert them into the holes in blue plasticine and press them.
Human legs spider from plasticine
The legs of a man-spider of plasticine
  • A spider should flaunt on the chest of our character. Make an oval of black plasticine.
  • Then roll the thin strips that will be paws.
We sculpt a spider on the chest
We sculpt a spider on the chest
  • The finished symbol that a man-spider of plasticine, made by yourself, will look like this.
Spider on the chest
Spider on the chest
  • When the body is ready, we begin to sculpt your head.
  • First you need to roll a figure from red plasticine, in shape resembling a chicken egg. The narrow part will be a chin.
  • From black plasticine we make two small ovals that will be iridescent of the eyes.
  • Then, from white plasticine, we sculpt two more ovals of a smaller size and attach them to the irides of the eyes of black plasticine.
We sculpt the head and face of a person spider from plasticine
We sculpt the head and face of a spider-man of plasticine
  • At the bottom of the head, we make a recess with your finger so that the neck is tightly entered there.
  • We fasten the details with each other.
  • Spider-spider of plasticine made by yourself is ready!

Video: Spider-Man from plasticine, master class

Spider-spider of plasticine on a wire frame-a step-by-step master class

This master class is more complicated than the previous one. Firstly, we will use the wire frame, and secondly, there will be more small details.

Another feature is that if in the first master class we told how to blind Peter Parkerwho was the first spider man, then in this we will sculpt Milesa Morales.

Fans of films and comics know that Miles Morales is the second Spider-Man, who appeared after the death of Peter Parker, and that he is an African American. Later it turned out that Peter Parker was alive, or rather he returned from a parallel measurement. And both heroes began to work in pairs. Outwardly, our spider-spider of plasticine will turn out as in the photo below.

Do -it -yourself spider
Do-it-yourself spider-spider
  • The main color for modeling is black.
  • Our spider-spider of plasticine will be on a wire frame. And we offer this frame as in the next photo. From thin aluminum wire twisted in the middle.
  • For the hands we will also use a piece of wire. It will be straight, and we will insert it later.
Frame for a person of a spider of plasticine
Frame for a spider-spider of plasticine
  • To start modeling black plasticine, you need to make blanks that we will plant on the wire.
  • These blanks are needed for the head, neck, torso, pelvis of arms and legs. They should be as size as in the photo below.
Black plasticine blanks for a person spider
Black plasticine blanks for Spider-Man
  • We put the parts on the wire. The body is piercing through. But the pelvis should be attached under the body, and then pressed the wire into it and thoroughly smear the frame with plasticine.
  • We put the legs, neck and head on the frame, piercing plasticine through and through.
We collect parts for a person with plasticine spider on the frame
We collect parts on the frame for a spider-spider of plasticine
  • To make a hand for hand, we penetrate the body through aluminum wire. Then we plant our blanks of black plasticine on this wire.
We make hands on the wire frame
We make hands on the wire frame
  • Smooth the contours of the body of our figure.
  • To do this, it is convenient to use special tools for plasticine or spoonfuls and files from a manicure set.
  • The legs of the Spider-Man are a little bend at the knees.
  • Ahead on the knees we put additional pieces of plasticine, which will create an additional thickness at the place of bending of the wire.
A spider of a wire frame can be bent
Spider-Man on the wire frame can be bend
  • Theoretically, such a spider-spider of plasticine can be given any pose. But with us he will just stand on a stand on a slightly bent legs.
  • We begin to sculpt sneakers. To do this, we put two balls of red plasticine on a wire sticking out of the legs, a little compressed so that they resemble shoes.
We put red boots on the frame
We put red boots on the frame
  • To make a realistic top of the sneakers, we make two small “sausages” of plasticine of the same red color and attach them to the upper part of the shoes.
  • To make the sole, you need to blind two flat oval cakes from beige plasticine and put them on the wire.
Sole for boots
Sole for boots
  • After sticking the sole, take a small knife and cut the edges of the sole along with the edges of the red details of the shoes. So the border of the sole will turn out more clearly, and sneakers will look more realistic.
  • After the sole, the platform is strung on the wire, on which the spider-spider of plasticine will stand. It should be massive enough. In our master class, a blue color was chosen for the platform.
  • The ends of the wire that will stick out of the stand must be gently bend with pliers.
Platform for plasticine figures
Platform for plasticine figures
  • To make the shoes look realistic, draw small details. We remove the pieces of plasticine in that part of the boots where the laces will be located.
  • We make overlays from beige plasticine to places that will be under laces and on the heels.
  • Then we make grooves and put small strips of black plasticine in them.
We sculpt from plasticine small shoes
We sculpt from plasticine small shoes
  • We attach fingers from red plasticine to the hands. We attach the thumb separately, and make the other four from one piece of plasticine, drawing between the fingers of the line.
The fingers of a spider man
Fingers of Spider-Man
  • On the chest with a sharp end, we draw a spider.
  • Then we make strips of red plasticine and put them in the resulting grooves.
Human sign of a spider on the chest
Sign of Spider-Man on the chest
  • To make the eyes, first, circle their future circuit with a sharp tool, then make small recesses with a spoon for plasticine.
  • At the contour of the eyes, we attach the red strip.
  • And in the middle we put oval parts from beige plasticine.
The eyes of a man of a spider of plasticine
The eyes of a spider-man of plasticine
  • Our Spider-Man will be in clothes. For pants, gray plasticine is suitable. We cut out the rectangles from it so that they repeat the shape of the body of our figure. We attach them and smooth them.
  • We draw small details with a sharp end with a sharp end: folds on clothes and a belt.
  • The jacket will be bright. Roll two “sausages” of plasticine one orange, another green color. Put them on the shoulders of Spider-Man, like a scarf. After that, heat the plasticine.
The clothes of a spider man
Spider-Man clothes
  • We make a jacket from green plasticine, for this we cut out the rectangles of a suitable size and repeat the contours of the body of the figure.
  • From orange plasticine we make a hood.
A spider -man jacket
Spider-Man jacket
  • It remains to draw small details on clothes and a spider-man of plasticine on a wire frame is ready!

Video: Spider-Man from plasticine. Second Spider-Man Miles Morelas

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