Crafts - a model of the globe, a globe of plasticine with your own hands with a child: step -by -step instruction, description, video, photo. How to make a globe of plasticine and wire, thread in stages? The best crafts of the globe with your own hands: photo

Crafts - a model of the globe, a globe of plasticine with your own hands with a child: step -by -step instruction, description, video, photo. How to make a globe of plasticine and wire, thread in stages? The best crafts of the globe with your own hands: photo

From this article you will learn how to make a globe from plasticine with your own hands.

We all met at school with the globe of our land. Do you know that the globe can be made with a child of plasticine? How to do it, we will find out in this article.

Crafts - a model of the globe, a globe of plasticine with a child: step -by -step instructions, description for the 1st grade of the school, photo

Plasticine globe for grade 1

Modeling the globe of plasticine is entertaining and useful for a child in the primary school of the school. So he will quickly study the continents and oceans on Earth.

In the 1st grade, it’s enough for the child to know where the oceans and continents are located, so we sculpt with it a globe of 2 colors of plasticine:

  • First, sculpt a round ball of blue plasticine.
  • We roll out green plasticine with a thin layer, look at the real globe and recreate the continents, tearing off pieces of plasticine of the desired shape from the general tortilla.
  • Put the continents to the blue ball.
  • The globe for first -graders is ready.

How to make a globe of plasticine and wire: description

Plasticine globe indicating the continents, oceans, mountains, deserts

In high school, primary school, the globe of plasticine should carry more information.

To work on the globe of plasticine, you need:

  • Box of plasticine
  • Wire
  • Earth geographical atlas for example

Let's get down to work:

  1. From a piece of blue plasticine, we sculpt a round ball - this is water on our Earth, it is the oceans that occupy most of the surface of the globe.
  2. From the white piece of plasticine, we stick the surfaces of centuries -old ice at the North Pole and the island of Greenland, and Antarctica at the South Pole.
  3. From the green piece of plasticine we create the contours of the continents: Eurasia, Africa, Australia, North and South America.
  4. On the continents of brown plasticine, we sculpt the largest mountains: in Eurasia - the Himalayas, in Africa - Kilimanjaro, in North America - the Cordillera, in South America - Andes.
  5. We apply a large water-cutting ridge with light brown plasticine on the mainland plasticine.
  6. We show yellow plasticine on the mainland Africa Sahara desert.
  7. We make a stand from the wire, attach the planet from plasticine to the stand - and the globe of the Earth is ready.

How to blind the globe layout, planet Earth from plasticine, thread in stages?

To make a globe of threads and plasticine, we need:

  • Blue or blue woolen threads
  • White woolen threads
  • Green plasticine
  • White plasticine
  • An ordinary ball that is inflated
  • Green paper
  • A disposable cup
  • PVA glue
  • Glue of a stronger action
  • 6 skewers equal to the diameter of the ball
  • A little alabaster
  • A little synthetic winterizer
  • 2 buttons
  • A needle with a thread
We wrap the ball with threads in different directions
We fill the hollow frame of threads with foam, and apply the continent from plasticine on top

We start work:

  1. We inflate the ball, tie it, grease it with petroleum jelly, then it is easier to extract.
  2. Open PVA glue, spread the blue thread with glue, and wrap the ball in different directions, set aside to the side, let it dry.
  3. From the wire we form a frame for our future globe, wrap it with a white thread.
  4. We make an axis for a globe of 6 skewers glued together with super glue. When the skewers are stuck, we wrap them with a white thread.
  5. Now again we take the ball, wrapped in threads dried on it, pierce it, and we get it through the hole.
  6. The frame of threads for the future globe is filled with synthetic winterizer.
  7. Insert the axis into the frame.
  8. We sculpt on the frame of the globe continent from green plasticine, the North and South Pole of white plasticine.
  9. We fix the frame from the wire onto the axis, sew the buttons on top and bottom to the axis to hold better.
  10. We wrap the glass from the outside with green paper, fix it with white threads. We fill half the glass with dry alabastr, dilute with water to a thick gruel, insert the end of the frame from the wire, and wait until the alabaster hardens. The globe is ready.

The best crafts of the globe with your own hands: photo

Globe of plasticine and cereals

A very original and useful craft - a globe of plasticine and cereals: buckwheat, semolina and other cereals. They note mountains, highlands, eternal ice on the continents.

Globe of plasticine, cast -up from the nucleus, mantle, earth's crust

The globe of plasticine, blind, starting from the nucleus, mantle, the earth's crust, the surface of the oceans and land.

Globe of paper, watercolor colors indicating the animals that live on our land

In kindergarten, children, together with the teacher, will be interested in making a globe with toy animals. We make the globe inside the hollow. To make it, we stick 4-5 balls of paper on the ball when the paper dries, we puncture the ball and take out. On a dried globe of paper, we paint the ocean with blue watercolor paint, the green continents, glue animals from the toy set, respectively, where they live.

Globe model cut out of an apple

The globe model can be cut out of an apple, orange, grapefruit.

So, we learned to make a globe of plasticine and other improvised means.

Video: how to make a globe from a plastic bottle

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