Boric acid: 15 ways to use for therapeutic purposes, drip into the ear - instructions

Boric acid: 15 ways to use for therapeutic purposes, drip into the ear - instructions

A substance with a crystalline structure called boric acid is widely used for various diseases of the body.

A weak solution of boric acid is actively used in medicine as a drug. A concentrated solution is used in industry as a technical tool.

Boric acid in powder, with glycerin, boron alcohol: indications for use

  • The multifunctional drug is available in the form of powder, alcohol and ointment. Preparations with disinfecting effects are prescribed to both adults and children.
  • What is the difference between boric acid and boron alcohol?Boric acid is a white powder without a characteristic smell. Dry substance is poorly dissolved in water and is most often used for lotions for external skin injuries. Boric acid solution It has an antiseptic and antifungal effect.
  • Boric acid diluted with alcohol is called boron alcohol. Transparent fluid with 70% ethyl alcohol is used as an antimicrobial agent. The main application is treatment of inflammation and discomfort in the auricle.
  • For purulent foci, used for processing wounds. Alcohol solutions are instilled in various dosages or applied to gauze tampons.
  • For local use, combine With glycerin. Actual at diaper rash, pediculosis, collapich in women.
In powder
In powder

Is it possible and how to bury boric acid in the ear with otitis media: Instruction

  • Boric acid helps to cope with otitis media. You can drip the product in any convenient way - using pipettes, cotton swabs, special bottles.
  • Before dripping it in the ear, it is necessary to clean the auditory passage of sulfur. A cotton wool moistened in hydrogen peroxide is suitable. 3-4 drops of a warm agent are buried in a sore ear. It is enough to support the bottle in your hands before use.
  • After instillation, you need to lie down for a quarter of an hour, after which remove moisture with a cotton wool. To consolidate the effect the auditory passage is closed with dry cotton wool.

How to warm your ear with boric acid: compress recipe

In the absence of temperature at otitis media, a warming compress is applied to the ear:

  1. Moisten a rectangular layer of several layers of gauze in a solution of boric acid, squeeze excess fluid. Put on a sore ear freed from the hair.
  2. A piece of polyethylene is superimposed on top of the bandage, followed by a layer of dry cotton wool.
  3. The last fixing layer is dry gauze.

To fix the warming compress, you can apply an arbitrary bandage around the head. The warming compress is left for a couple of hours, then removed.

For the ears
For the ears

Is it possible to treat the wound with boric acid?

  • A solution of boric acid treats wounds as On the surface of the skin, and on the mucous membranes.
  • The tool is applied to the wound using a cotton or gauze swab, soaking the injured surface.
  • With a weak concentration, boric acid does not irritate the wound, but in comparison with similar drugs it has more low antibacterial activity.

Is it possible to wipe your face with boric acid?

  • Low -concentrated solution of boric acid Used to cleanse and bleach the skin of the face. Drowned cotton swab in boric acid Eliminates oily sheen, cleanses the skin of pollution and infections, dries the foci of inflammation.
  • After several procedures with boric acid, the skin of the face can react with intense rash, but after a week the face will become noticeably cleaner.
  • To whiten the face boric acid It led to the desired result, we recommend using a substance in combination with other components.
For cleansing
For cleansing

Recipes for effective face -based face lotions:

  • Boric acid from age spots on the face - 1 tbsp. Mind oatmeal, 1 tsp Dry boric acid, a pinch of drinking soda and fat kefir to thicken the face mask. The prepared mixture is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour.
  • Boric acid from acne - 1 g of boric acid, 5 ml of hydrogen peroxide, 1 \\ 4 cups of water, 5 ml of glycerin, 1 tsp. alcohol. Mix the lotion and use 2 times a day to process the skin of the face.

Is it possible to rinse with boric acid the eyes of people and animals, how to dilute boric acid to wash the eyes?

  • A solution of boric acid is used to treat various varieties of conjunctivitis. 2-% water solution is used when washing the conjunctic bag.
  • When suppuration, the eyes in animals for washing use an aqueous solution of boric acid - 5 g of dry powder per glass of water. For each eye they use new sterile bandage.

Boric acid to remove unwanted hair on the body: Recipe

  • With the help of boric acid, you can remove unwanted hair on the body with minimal expenses and time. For the home procedure you will need 3-% solution of boric acid.
  • Using a cotton pad, a solution of boric acid is applied to the skin daily for several weeks. The active substance has a negative effect on the follicles, leading to refinement and withering away of the hair.
You will need a cotton pad
You will need a cotton pad
  • Boric acid is ineffective with a hard hairline. But with the edge of the face, the solution will cope faster.
  • The effect of smooth skin remains on 3-5 months. Then the cosmetic procedure needs to be repeated.

Boric acid from warts

  • Boric acid is used as a remedy for warts.
  • With systematic application, the overgrown destructive cells of warts begin to die and decompose.
  • It will take time to completely eliminate the growth.
  • For an effective result at home, a multicomponent solution is prepared.

Consider several options for funds from warts with boric acid:

  • 3 g of dry aspirin, 1/3 cup of ethyl alcohol, 3 g of 3 percent iodine.
  • Mix 100 ml of ammonia with 2 g of boric acid and aspirin in 3 tablets.

Each of the funds is applied using a cotton wool directly to the wart.

Treatment of browned and colored boric acid depriving

  • Boric acid is used as antiseptic with lichen. Local application of the drug dies fungal disputes on the skin, which with regular use allows you to get rid of the fungus.
  • Boric acid quickly kills the infection and prevents the further reproduction of bacteria. Since the substance has the ability to accumulate in the tissues, it will take time to remove it from fabrics.
  • The affected areas of the skin is moistened twice a day with a prepared solution of dry boric acid.
  • Boric acid solution recipe for the treatment - 100 g of dry powder of boric acid, 1 cup boiling water. Stir and give time to brew. Apply a cotton swab. In the process of treatment, the spots should gradually clarify.

Boric acid in chickenpox in children

  • For chickenpox, boric acid is used to rinse the oral cavity.
  • On a glass of warm water 1 tsp. 2-% Boric acid solution. The action is similar to the soda solution and furatsilin. It is enough to repeat 2-3 per day.
  • Boric acid is not used for processing the rash for chickenpox.
Children will help with chickenpox
Children will help with chickenpox

Boric acid from the fungus of the foot and nails

  • Boric acid is used with excessive sweating.
  • Dry powder of boric acid is used as puffing with increased sweating of the legs.
  • The product eliminates excess moisture and acts as an antiperspirant.
  • If on the feet no skin damage then with sweating is recommended make baths from vinegar and boric acid.

Foot baths with boric acid with sweating, from smell: recipe

  • In a basin with warm water, we dissolve 100 ml of vinegar and 30 g of boric acid (3 bags). The duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes.
  • You can repeat the bath in 5 days. For an effective result, boric acid is used complex with other antifungal agents. After the bath of the foot, the legs are moisturized with cream.
They will help with sweating
They will help with sweating

How to fall asleep powder of boric acid into shoes against the smell?

  • The fungus on the legs It causes an unpleasant odor of shoes. Boric acid powder disinfects not only legs, but also shoes. With increased sweating of the legs, it is recommended to use a means for all types of closed shoes, regardless of the frequency of wearing and the quality of materials.
  • For safe effects on the skin, it is enough to pour into each boot 1/4 tsp Boric acid powder. Mechanical shake distribute the product along the entire length of the insole. The exceeding the dosage can lead to to rashes on the skin.
  • Pour the boric acid powder into shoes not only during its use, but also in the off -season. Available tool effectively disarms bacteria and Eliminates an unpleasant odor.

Boric acid rinse: recipe

  • Boric acid is used for disinfection of the oral cavity for tonsillitis and other infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. At home, mix boric acid with soda - 0.5 tsp. On a glass.
  • Rinse will help rinse purulent clusters and reduce discomfort in the oral cavity. Major workers use rinsing with boron alcohol for prevention during epidemics.
  • Rinsing the throat with boric acid: recipe. To prepare a weak solution, it is enough to stir 1 tsp. Dry boric acid per glass of warm water. Since the product is poorly dissolved, it is necessary to mix longer and more thoroughly.
Pain in the throat
Pain in the throat

Boric acid douching with thrush

  • At home, boric acid is used for douching with thrush. After hygienic procedures, a weak solution of boric acid is gained in a sterilized rubber pear, is introduced into the vagina and the contents are produced.
  • For one reception is enough 200-300 ml of liquid. Previously, boil water and cool to a comfortable temperature.
  • Symptoms will help to relieve vaginal suppositories with boric acid. In a glass of water, a teaspoon of substance is bred. A cotton swab is wetted in a prepared solution and introduced into the vagina.
  • With a launched thrush, it is advisable to change the swabs every 2-3 hours. The course of treatment is 7 days. The procedure is carried out twice a day. For more effective treatment after douching with boric acid, it is necessary to lie down for 10-15 minutes.
  • In the pharmacy you can purchase boric acid in jelly capsules. For the treatment of thrush, one capsule in the vagina is administered overnight at night. With proper dosage, the substance easily penetrates through the mucous membrane, does not cause irritation, helps balance the vaginal pH level.
  • Itching with candiosis can be eliminated if wash with boric acid. In a glass of warm water, stir 0.5 tsp. dry powder, stir and use as intended after taking the bath.

Boric acid for psoriasis

  • At the progressive stage of psoriasis, they are prescribed lanolin -based ointments or another fat mixture with a small concentration of boric acid. In this case, the acid is triggered as antiseptic and exfoliating agent. Previously, it is necessary to check the reaction of the body to the drug in a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin in a small concentration.
  • Boric acid with psoriasis at home: mix 1 protein of eggs, 10 g of fish oil, 15 g of petroleum jelly, 10 g of boric acid, 50 g of tar. Use the tool for affected areas, store in the refrigerator.
With psoriasis
With psoriasis

Is it possible to wipe the skin with boric acid in front of the injection?

  • Boric acid is used as antiseptic and disinfecting solution. An alternative option for processing the skin in front of the injection. In the absence of alcohol in a home medicine cabinet, boric acid will be able to cope with external disinfection.
  • The product does not irritate the skin like With lubrication, and when rubbing. It is enough to moisten a cotton swab with boric acid and wipe the desired part of the body.

Boric acid instead of nail degreaser

  • Boric acid is a good alternative to nail fatter. An alcohol solution effectively removes any pollution and degreases the nail plate before applying varnish. It is not recommended for use on an ongoing basis, as it has the ability to accumulate in the body. Additional plus of boric acid - prevention of fungal infection.
  • It is suitable for removing varnish 3-% solution. The tool is available in every pharmacy at a democratic price.

Is boric acid dangerous for humans?

  • Boric acid has a number of contraindications. You can not use the drug for treatment without a doctor’s prescription. With an overdose of the active substance, many undesirable symptoms appear in the body.
  • Side effects of boric acid: A large concentration of the substance in the kidneys has a poisonous effect on the body. Consequently - raw on the skin, stool disorder, headache. With multiple rubbing the surface of the skin, swelling appears, skin exfoliation, redness.
It has some danger
It has some danger
  • Boric acid cannot be applied to the skin in an acute inflammatory process. In the case of rashes, the drug is applied pointwise, on separate areas.
  • After contact with boric acid, you need wash your hands thoroughlyto exclude getting into the eye. When using a dry substance for lotions, it is extremely undesirable to inhale the sprayed powder.

Boric acid, contraindications

Contraindications to the use of boric acid:

  • weak work of the kidneys;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • allergic reaction to the drug;
  • preschool age.

Boric acid poisoning: symptoms

  • From the lack of smell, taste and irritating action, many underestimate the negative effect of boric acid.
  • Danger occurs with prolonged contact with the substance.

Chronic poisoning with boric acid is subject to:

  • industrial production staff;
  • babies in contact with dishes treated with boric acid;
  • gardeners and gardeners working with insecticides;
  • adherents of treatment with folk remedies.

Symptoms of poisoning are manifested by different symptoms, depending on the age and method of entering boric acid into the body.

Chronic poisoning
Chronic poisoning

Symptoms of intoxication with boric acid include:

  • nausea, vomiting, stomach pain;
  • violation of concentration and ability to think;
  • rash on the skin, pallor of the skin;
  • tachycardia, pressure surges, heart rhythm disturbance;
  • convulsions, nervous overexcitation, inhibiting the reaction.

A blood test, physical examination, anamnesis helps to identify an overdose. With the concentration of boric acid in the blood of more than 70 %, the body receives fatal poisoning.

What is the difference between a drill from boric acid?

The drill is one of the forms of boric acid obtained as a result of synthesis. In boric acid, the concentration of the boron is 17 %, the storm contains 11 % boron.

In order not to confuse two similar substances, you need to know how the drill is different from stormy acid:

  • When adding to the water, the storm settles to the bottom, and boric acid forms a film on the surface.
  • The solution with boric acid is slightly acidic, and with brown slightly alkaline.
  • Unlike Bura, boric acid when rubbing with fingers gives a fat plaque.

Boric acid is actively used in treatment. The drill is more often used for sowing and the fight against insects.

What is better hydrogen peroxide or boric acid?

  • Among the antiseptic agents, hydrogen peroxide and boric acid have a similar effect. Drugs are in one price of category, so to understand, that it is better to peroxide hydrogen or boric acid, you need to know a few key differences.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is used for disinfection of capillary bleeding and purulent wounds. Used to rinse the respiratory system for douching in gynecological diseases. The substance has no contraindications for use.
  • Boric acid has found application in ophthalmology, prescribed by dermatologists and ENT specialists. It has a number of restrictions for use. Boric acid, in comparison with hydrogen peroxide, has more weak antiseptic properties.
  • Boric acid is often used to treat otitis media. In this case, hydrogen peroxide can only be used for cleaning the ear shells.
  • Gardeners use hydrogen peroxide for disinfection of seeds from pathogenic organisms. A solution of boric acid is used as a growth stimulator - for a good ovary of fruits.
Often used by gardeners
Often used by gardeners

Where can you buy boric acid?

  • Boric acid has several forms. The solution has an affordable price and is always available pharmacies. Sold in glass bottles.
  • Dry powder They sell fertilizers, construction warehouses in stores. Packing from 10 g to 5 kg.

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Video: Boric acid use

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Comments K. article

  1. Boric acid is unlikely to help get rid of warts. A more effective tool is verrukacid. This is a special drug that recommend eliminating papillomas and warts.

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