Biography in verses by man, woman, birthday, anniversary, for corporate parties

Biography in verses by man, woman, birthday, anniversary, for corporate parties

A selection of comic biographies in verses for holidays and events.

Biography in verses man

Biography in verses man
Biography in verses man
Biography in verses man
Biography in verses man
Biography in verses man
Biography in verses man

Biography in verses by man:

I myself was born in December,
Twenty -first day,
The dragon appeared in the year
And in the constellation Sagittarius.
The character is the year of the dragon,
Very strongly influenced
He became an adherent of the law,
And he suffered for the truth.
This happened more than once
It is difficult for honest people to live
I had to die twice,
I do not forget this.
After all, there will always be people
Who wants to harm
But such are not judges to me
I know who I should be.
I do not wish about the sad
For a long time to talk now
Talking about the banal,
Irritate often.
I’d better tell you a little
What did life give me in general,
Myself was brought up strictly,
And praise to parents.
I am a commercial vein,
Gave Sagittarius the constellation a sign,
And having gone in the trade in trade,
I believe in my zodiac.
However, I will start from birth,
There was then still "stagnation"
He is worthy of respect
Brezhnev was then the head.
Lived all the same family,
Then the Soviet Union was
We were one country
And the people richly lived.
To get an education,
We could have everything for free,
Only there would be a desire
And they will take you everywhere.
I studied at school like everyone
And the school passed
Collected potatoes in the field,
And he acquired a specialty.
I worked at the factory,
I started the machine with CNC,
Experience, skill has gained,
And he later became a driver.
And I also played in VIA
With the ensemble of the factory,
In it, I knew the art,
The music is now familiar.
Happened to serve the Fatherland,
The army gave a lot,
I almost lost my life there,
But fate saved me.
He served, returned home,
"Perestroika" began,
I got into cooperation,
My life has improved.
I got a patent
Gorbachev issued a decree,
I began to use the moment
And he worked on order.
What is it to be rich
I know since then
Many have become sworn enemy,
Once rich, it means a thief.
At least worked honestly too,
They could not understand me
Why live wonderful
And from where I could take everything.
"Perestroika" and freedom,
I gave a lot to people
At the same time, there is a big country,
He brought to the collapse.
"Putsch", popular unrest,
There are many innocent victims in them,
Everything is worthy of regret,
Do not forget us days.
Gorbachev resigned,
Yeltsin replaced him,
And in politics amendment,
He did what was the strength.
The Union of the former began to crumble,
Potted to fluff,
New era.
I started like yeast.
So the country where I was born
Again gained freedom,
The native people were proud of
Independence has come.
Rejoiced the people, but still
Apparently I was waiting for the other
Everything has become more expensive,
The Sejm did not justify hopes.
Change of money, "Pyramid",
Illegal capital,
And corrupt femid,
From all, the people are tired.
However, I started talking
And he left the main thing,
I myself worked as before,
And in life there was further.
It became difficult for everyone with work,
The language raised the question
My main care,
There was money - the son grew up.
I myself had to
Think where to get what,
A lot to ride
For others, the "supplier" is to become.
But she lived comfortably,
My dear family,
I earned specifically
And I am proud of all this.
There was a strange incident,
They divided everyone again
For politicians the desired,
The people began to suffer again.
We were divided into citizens,
Or residents of the country,
The Russians were identified by the Russian
They did not need us.
By color and documents,
Began to give people to people,
Unpleasant moments,
We only had to survive.
He continued to work further,
On the free field I am,
My experience came in handy for me
Honestly, I will tell you friends.
I still worked on the cranes,
Metal drove into Liepau,
I earned a lot of money,
Bedes still did not know.
In general, I achieved a lot
Like a lot has seen
I have always been proud of this
Alien did not fit into life.
What had he had shared with people,
Good, honest respected,
Sometimes how was everything angry
I lost something in my life.
I loved my family family,
For those who helped nearby,
Life loved his one
And he didn’t interfere with others.
Our time rushes quickly,
We entered the new century,
If destined to happen,
A person will be happy.
But for happiness we will have to
Fight to the last strength
And not all of us succeed,
To prove that he lived honestly.
Two thousand four per year,
Latvia entered the Alliance,
Status may be honorable,
What awaits us all now?
It’s bad that they decide for us,
What should we do, where do we live,
The borders are opened to us,
But we can’t be slaves!
I got married with Angela
In the eighteenth year,
I parted with life the former,
And now I praise fate.
I respect God strongly,
He gave me a lot of gifts
I continue the path through life,
Badr, happy and healthy!
Sincerely Sergey Sokolov.


And here I write a letter and tell you, I want
A little about yourself in the joke, so that you remember the stab.
And you will like my biography not in vain
I’ll tell a couple of stories, but you don’t take me out in a lie.
Born cleanly, without jokes, a baby without any brokenness,
The thing, however, was alone - there was a big head.
This was not a problem, because my mother is a doctor, I have,
And so stolen from the hospital, in the sun they carried like birds.
And a couple of times I lay like that, but I got a little,
His healing rays warmed the soul from longing ...


You are our brother, the best friend -
Your life is rich - look around ...
Guests at the parade, everyone is very happy
That Kolyan is fifty today!

Your fate is like a book - we will open it:
Important events - we recall your life.
Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in the sixty -seventh!
Stork again - flew to your house!
Laptev family - friendly, large -
In early December - everyone was waiting for you
Seryozha, Vitya, Sasha, and sister Marina!
Fifth - again fate - gave her son ...
The future paratrooper - weighed - 3 kilos
To the registry office from the village - it was far away!
The fourth was born, the ninth was entered ...
And as the winner - they called it - Nikolai!
The family was simple - their house and garden
There are a lot of households - all kinds of trouble ...
In the Sarapul school - studied English
And like everyone else at that time - I dreamed about sausage!
Somehow frightened - you are a huge bumblebee
And on your foot - you spilled jelly ...
Nurse in the hospital - began to blow on the wound
And you have a hand - put on her chest ...
The pioneer was - and without unnecessary words -
You have always been to Kolya - everyone is ready to help ...
His comrades - tried to support
Well, like such a friend - we can’t respect us!
Time passed, you have a husband - flew - year after year
He served in the army - he passed fire and water -
Did not fail friends, conscience and oath -
The medal was awarded - for valor ... and courage.
He ate buckwheat in the army, sprinkled with condensed milk
From the Tors - these two dishes - you have in the liver
You say so loud - already frost on the skin
I'm shell -shocked - now everything can be!
On the heart years of service - settled without embellishment
The motto of all the paratroopers is "No one except us!"
Who is your honor and duty - sprinkled with lead -
That's not to forget the Auggan - enchanted by the scar ...
In the zero years, as for the poet Muse -
On the day of the Airborne Forces - you are from the Caucasians - took the watermelon
And you keep a tradition - hit your foreheads
Having checked them for strength - greeting friends!
Your fate of your road - did not fit exactly
From the first nail - to the Broker House -
Even the strongest - it happens at the limit
But you stubbornly walked - to your high goals!
The Opening branch is your pride
You devote to people - you are in good conscience:
And difficult for teenagers - in schools you help
And even Jiu-Jitsu-you know perfectly.
Then you are the organizer again!
That trip to the bathhouse is our initiator!
It is not a pity for friends - neither fidelity nor money
Afghan movement - appreciates your care!
And of course proud - you are your family -
Grandchildren, children and a golden wife!
Well, what else from life - can you ask?
Just be healthy and happy to be!

Biography in verses for a woman

Biography in verses for a woman
Biography in verses for a woman
Biography in verses for a woman
Biography in verses for a woman

Biography in verses for a woman:

In the city of Klin, in the suburbs,
Svetlana was born.
She was surrounded by love
Therefore, it has become such a spiritual.
The childhood was quite modest,
Like many girls of the Union:
From study and holidays at home
To bliss with a filling taste
Light loved books very much
And especially the Lira touched.
The poetess did not become great,
But the apartment breathed with poems.
And then the professions are not in abundance,
Only adults were an example.
And Svetlana on the first attempt
I stepped on the path of an engineer.
And she found friends in this university,
That through the years everything is the same in touch,
And fell in love in my third year -
Alexander, as in a fairy tale, is beautiful.
Gave the love of two sons,
What is support for mom today:
The eldest is the master, and the youngest writes,
And the whole family lives without discord.
Life then led away from the factory,
Where in the case of a diploma of the institute.
And another job happened
On which at the beginning it is so difficult.
This is an experience, now - the boss,
At the same time, there are worries:
Up to different calls at night
And responsibilities until Saturday.
Congratulations on such an anniversary
And we wish good luck everywhere.
May dreams become more likely
And they will fill all the everyday life with comfort!


In the village of Pokrovsko-Glebovo,
In the cold February,
Lilya-girl was born
To the joy of the whole family.
Beloved with his sister
So was named
To bloom like Lilia,
Beautiful and white.
The girl’s girlfriend grew
Talents are full.
Dance, sang, first
In all matters was.
I wanted to become a musician -
I played on Alt.
No one could assume
What to be big trouble -
The war came. And in the terrible year
To distant lands,
Leaving his dear shelter,
The family left.
How many terrible days were! -
As in any house.
Father died, two children
Leaving his wife.
I found out the need, cold, heat,
But she was young
And therefore before the war
She did not flinch.
I went to dance in kindergarten
And sing to the hospital,
And in the drama circle to meet
Love, that forever.
And the war ended.
Returned to the edge of her native.
Fate brought her beloved again
And she called the "wife."
And they lived together with the whole family,
Huddled in crowded
With his mother and sister
Almost in Konura.
And soon the daughter was born
From their love is big.
But life that began in happiness,
It ended in trouble.
Away from mom, from sister,
Completely in a foreign land,
I lived alone. And win
I should have fate!
How difficult it was to survive
She is at 23 years old
That bowl of grief and insults
What fate brought!
But life flowed and the daughter grew up,
And it was necessary to live.
She worked day and night she
Need to win.
After all, you need to sew a dress with a daughter,
Put and feed,
And buy a violin to my daughter,
To teach music.
And so worked day after day,
Sometimes forgetting yourself.
So far one wonderful day
The daughter of her grandson gave birth.
And then everything went upside down,
After all, the grandson, like the light in the window!
Having left Kyiv’s house -
She is already in Moscow.
Diapers, nipples, sliders,
Then pho-but, clarinet.
And endless calls:
- Did you come for lunch?
By the handle to school for a lesson
And for the exam with him.
And how many worries there were with him -
We know one!
But there were years. And the grandson grew up,
The service is behind.
It’s time to translate the spirit
After all, the great -grandson is ahead.
But no! What is there! Without worries
She cannot live.
What ate, where he slept when he came -
Everything needs to be reported.
Almost so - already in tears,
Plaimous soul.
And constant fear in the eyes -
As children? Like a sister?
From these all their problems
I could get old
But you look, meanwhile,-
Nice to see!
Fresh, beautiful, young,
Good and cheerful.
In their mature years,
Like a girl.
So energetic that always
I envy her.
She will have time to do everything
And everything is always “with her”.
Will have time to remove, wash,
Clean and sew up
The advice will have time to give the wise,
To the theater, go to the cinema.
And how it works! -
All my life is advanced.
And how cooks - the whole country
He talks about it!
And everything burns in her hands,
And the laughter rings her,
Sings, dances - everything is on "ah!" -
He speaks with poems.
She was always like that
Talents cannot be taken away.
But nature gave her
Your main talent is mother.
And this is her essence and the meaning -
Everything for their children.
In her face, the features merged
All the best mothers.
Not many in life have been lucky,
Like Larika and me.
Her care and warmth
We feel everywhere.
Our debt before mom is so great,
That you can’t find a word
To tell, at least a share in them
What I gave us!
But not in everything and not always
We give joy to her -
And sometimes we grieve
And we quarrel with her.
But still it is more expensive for us
There is no one in the world!
And if they chose mothers,
We would choose her!
And today, on a bright day,
We came to her here,
To congratulate the anniversary
Her heart.
To wish her health,
Success, long days,
To tell her "thank you"
From her two children.
To ask for forgiveness
For every tear,
To give a smile,
What is always to her face.
Our dear, close person,
Be happy always!
We will try forever
Do not upset you.
Be healthy, be for us,
You are long!
Mommy, how do we need you
You know yourself.
And how you need us,
What is significant for you -
Everyone knows about this, apparently
Relatives and friends.
And for whom the soul hurts
You have all more.
Who is sitting with you here? -
Your grandson, sister and me.
And there are no words
To explain it.
And therefore from us three
I want to hug you.
And the rest are all words
Let friends speak.
We will only kiss


Simple girl from life,
What walked forward, but slowly.
Loved to believe in the power of thought
And quietly, she was waiting for fate.
She loved, understanding
That will not touch the cute lips.
And did not leave expectations
But the voice of the heart is too rude ...
She waited, lived with a smile
And she wanted to give something into the world
The soul played with a drunken violin,
Serving that you can’t see happiness.
I swallowed the air very eagerly
I chased the past far away.
Tverwing: “Doesn't love?! Well, okay…"
At least it was not easy for her to live.
Hope was sown with sadness,
Giving everything ...


I am glad to welcome everyone in this room!
Thanks to all those who came to support.
Colleagues have now told about themselves
Let me tell me about yourself.
I came to the competition to show myself
What I have achieved, I want to tell.
After all, school, work, children, family
Here is my real life.
I am talking about
That the whole earth is our common home,
Our good house, spacious house,
We all live in it from birth!
I was born in the frosty December,
To joy, to everyone, and most importantly - to the family.
Mom thought about the cradle -
Who will her daughter be? She did not know then
That I will choose a teacher's way,
And I can’t turn this from this road.
Then, in the walls of this school
I gained a treasure.
Was a diligent student
Was an example for the guys.
My teacher at school,
Well, as if God, like a sorcerer.
She is an object for imitation
With all my heart I reached for her.
After graduating from school, I hurry in the pedagogical school,
I really want to gain knowledge.
But I am not enough for me - I need an institute,
They will give more wisdom there.
In the meantime, she studied at the institute,
My family appeared.
My girls are my joy!
For them, I create comfort in the family.
And this is my best reward
I give the warmth of my soul to my daughter.
I received a diploma
The family got.
And to Dezhevsk School
Gathered to work.
Beautiful school there,
Good team.
I will be a teacher -
That was my motive.
I teach kids a year and two.
Here are 10, 20 years old, I am.
Some leave and take others.
My release is my release in 2017.
I in the world of words foresee beauty,
The students lead there.
I master new programs.
I rush to perfection
But not for personal glory.
And in order to leave a trace
In the soul of my children and give them light.
My class now is my family.
I know a lot about my children.
I am with them in joy, and in trouble,
And in everyday school fuss.
I try to instill love for children to creativity,
And many of them are active in this.
In various Victory competitions again and again,
And this is not a secret
I read new items, I publish myself,
I always participate in competitions are always different.
Certificates, diplomas and diplomas
For work, gratitude and my reward.
Here I am a methodologist, the head of Mo
I have been heading it for several years.
To the colleagues of the task, they are a report to me.
Reports, conferences, many worries!
(Speech on a year of ecology)
More winter, more snow,
But you can’t rest.
The director our order gives:
Open ecology, consider us a year!
And we set off on the road
To swing and in Sarayevka to wave.
It will not be difficult for us,
After all, our help is needed there.
There is a spring plan on vacation:
Clean the shores is the task.
And then we have no time to sit down-
In cleaning the territory we will find good luck.
What does school mean for me?
I will answer everyone unequivocally:
“School life is my fate ...
My fate ... and not otherwise. "
And I hope - years pass.
Having graduated from school, leaving us
And the guys will say about me:
"Our teacher is just a class!"
Of course, it is impossible to defeat everyone,
But it is not difficult to participate in the competition!
And let the cherished dream come true,
And, of course, kindness will win!


Born the first of the children
There were two sisters behind me,
And a sense of duty from the first days
The baby was condemned to me.
Has always been "big" and the eldest,
I kept the answer for everyone,
And, if that, what is soak,
My head suffered.
Our father left the world early.
I, the eldest, was only six,
And childhood disappeared with him,
I had to urgently grow up.
And mom is a young widow,
Worked day and nights,
To keep three children,
Unable to despair!
We all did not let her down,
And they helped her in everything,
The care of the nursery was surrounded
Carrying only positive to our house
Studying was easily given to us,
But the mother led to control everything,
So that no one is inferior
Your status in the class - nobody!
Then we graduated from universities
Everyone got families,
Sons and daughters gave birth to
And they harnessed the family!
So life goes in works, worries,
Hardening from childhood came in handy,
And each of us three,
Mom's grave bowed!


I smell of pies and borscht,
Only occasionally - French spirits ...
I like to go not to the club - but in the rain,
Dreaming under heavenly tears ...
I do not like the words "glamor", "outfit",
I do not measure people on new cars.
And the appearance is not too important to me.
The soul is always important - not a style and a word ...
I know what emptiness is ...
I live for fifteen years unchanged ...
And I know what beauty is ...
And what is the trouble of my poems ...
I wanted to meet the prince ... but to him,
At a minimum, a princess was needed ...
And the princesses to me is useless
Like a glory for a mediocre poetess ...
I just wanted a house, family,
Children, love, hopes and comfort ...
Partially everything came true, I do not pour tears,
But without love it’s so sad for some reason ...
I smell of pies and borscht ...
But what to do, I like to cook ...
And someone, after reading, shrugs his shoulder
And it will continue to lie, and idle talk ...


I'm not an angel, not a villain,
Not mediocre, not talent,
Not a princess, not a plebeian,
I am the fate of the comedian ...
I love applause
Ramp lights and glare of the eyes,
I love compliments
And scraps of delicate phrases ...
I'm not afraid of the word fun
Let me like immodest,
And the genius does not doze in me,
What I am not ashamed of ...


Do not judge me strictly
There is no guilt in anything
I do not want to live wretched
And I won’t do it ...
I don't know how to think gray
Give me bright colors,
And sometimes too bold
I throw a cry: “Don't be bored!” ...
Quiet daily dominoes
So it does not attract me
Someone is spinning for a long time
Someone rotates others himself ...
Life - Theater, circus, cinema,
Who burns, who is living,
But without colors, all the same
The life of miracles does not promise ...


I'm tired of gray life with a routine,
We took out quiet and winter longing,
I don't want to be covered with a web
Forgetting, having indulged for centuries ....
I'm tired of hiding my charisma,
I would like to saddle Pegas
And, with humor, surrendering to optimism,
All about yourself to descendants to tell ...
So, I'll start ... I won’t lose from me,
But I can hardly find disadvantages
Who looked in my eyes, he will not forget
How good I am (if I am silent) ...
Smart and charming is not in moderation,
IQ is such that anyone will surprise
Yes, in something ... old-fashioned, probably
But in some ways-a modern individual ...
And how I cook ... it's just a fairy tale:
Dumplings, pilaf, hot and manti,
And even if there is only a sausage in the house,
I will lay it out for beauty for beauty ...
Talented in everything: I sing, I play,
The organizer of all sorts of ideas,
When I straighten my “wings”
Then I conquer friends with the energy of friends ...
Well, what should I add here,
Ah, yes ... I love guests to gather,
I can dilute everyday life,
But most importantly, I can rhyme ...


I didn’t come out much.
And in the question of "beauty",
You do not judge me strictly
All this is the life of vanity ...
I do not strive for the victories of this,
It is important for me to be myself
The main thing for me: family and children,
And be a tiled fate ...
Your compliment “licked” invisibly,
The line is gallantna, as always,
There is no fiery, of course, smoke,
Sorry, I'm not the same "star" ...
Years flew so fast,
Half a life is almost lived,
And there are no concessions in nature
At least cry, at least laugh along the way ...


I'm like a drug like a drug
I'm like hot chocolate
You leave, but it pounds you
Such a breaking that is not happy ...
I'm like champagne, like whiskey,
Or maybe just like cognac
You leave, but wander close
After all, without me, no way ...
I am like a cold, the body breaks,
Like a heat, because everything inside is on,
You leave, but the soul remembers everything
Return again strives ...
The intensity of passions, and thoughts curl,
We are coming at a time and two,
Poems like hard labor are beating
And tender words pour ...


Really in life - laughter,
I love humor, laughter,
And therefore everywhere and everywhere
I always have success!
Only I am not a poet, I am a woman!
And under the canopy of poems ... picturesquely,
I continue to write mixedly
Sprinking into the poems of Strichnin ...


There are two of me ... One cannot play ...
Everything in it is from the heart or from the heart ...
She, like trembling, goosebumps on the skin
You do not rush to condemn for this ...
Everything is serious in it: thoughts, look and speech,
Eyes in the eyes ... you will get bogged, like in honey ...
How candles crackle in the evening,
They are burning, and you are already delirious ...
The second is light, cheerful, crazy,
Walking in the leg with humor forward,
Rhymeed game amusing
To something will certainly lead ...
There are two of me ... there is sadness and there is fun ...
But there is a choice: Il Il again ...
In one, the witchcraft was welded,
In another, they mixed with air of fire ...


I appeared like a vision
And flashed like a hurricane,
Or maybe I ... only a dream,
And our meeting is just a deception ...
Souls are beautiful impulses
Fluids in the air are circling,
We need motives for poetry,
From them, our hearts tremble ...
I'm talking to you with poems
They have intrigue, there is peace
What happens between us?
Who am I to you? Who are you?…
My soul and you are a piece
We were swallowed by the excitement,
But this ... only poems of the page,
Everything else is only a mirage ...
And in a reverent impulse of passion
We write lines and words
Perhaps I will bring happiness
Or maybe - on the floor of the head ...
The intensity of emotions, thoughts curl,
And we are not writing for show -offs
Poems like hard labor are beating
Fixed boldly from languages \u200b\u200b...


Good thoughts, to life, the desire,
Boredom has been declared a cruel boycott,
If an insight comes to me,
I am entertaining myself and the people ...
Many are in consolation, and people are drawn,
To know in communication the joy of know,
Only sometimes they will condemn behind the back
Like, I strive to show myself ...
Life is short to spend on disputes,
Let me refrain from comments,
There will not be conversations.
Instead of an answer, I will only smile ...
Candles, burning, lit up housing,
Give heat to us in the fireplace firewood,
With humor, together from boredom, they save
In rhyme, the words woven with sadness ...
With a brush with color coloring, despondency,
I found a means from longing for myself
I have many friends and from now on I
I fly my soul, composing poetry ...


I am woven from the rules and conditions,
And I can’t break myself anymore
I'm so afraid of beautiful preface
That I immediately turn back ...
Europe and the Caucasus came together in me,
And the Middle Eastern gene gives strength,
Many have been convinced here more than once,
That I am a drink with a tequila taste ...
East and south intertwined
And laid out a strict imprint,
You can’t see the soul of my break,
But the mystery of riddles attracts ...
Thanks to everyone ... for the warm words,
For the lyrics of poems, for the adherence,
From your words ... the head is spinning,
And he wakes up poems to write a desire ...


Do not try to understand the woman
This is not given even a g-g.
Personally, I am a fan of rhyming,
So I am sophisticated by little ...
Otherwise, the same as everyone
In some ways incomprehensible, of course,
I am on the runway,
Studying your life slowly ...
I have not been given much to know much,
And not everything I have time in my life,
Only so, apparently, it is destined
That I burn myself with poems ...
And it's not in popularity.
No matter how you react to me,
On the asphalt I draw chalk
What I call the word "life" ...

Biography in verses for birthday

Biography in verses for birthday
Biography in verses for birthday
Biography in verses for birthday
Biography in verses for birthday

Biography in verses for birthday:

Autumn light quiet, on the day,
Warmed by solar heat,
The girl was born,
To the joy of mother with her father.
They called Luda's daughter
Their joy felt everywhere
They were proud of their baby
From happiness, their eyes glowed.
(photos in infancy)

This is Luda in kindergarten,
Here with neighboring children,
It digs here in the sand,
Here for a doll sews scarves,
Ay, yes clever baby
Here she is leafing through the books
All Lyudmila is good
It grows up slowly.
(photos in accordance with the description)

Years went.
I did not know the worries
Our Luda was growing up.
Here is the school,
First grade,
The student is here with us.
(photos of younger school)

Luda learns approximately
School years are flying,
Class second, fourth, fifth
Flies quickly,
Soon the call is the last call
For Lyudmila, nicknames.
(photos of school years).

Graduation ball,
Our Luda Beauty,
Many boys already like her,
The life path in front of her is open,
Maybe become a famous star?
Due to his nature is wonderful,
Luda decided to become a teacher.
(photos of student years).

In paradise, from the Yabloneva,
Having tasted the secret fruit once,
Eva became the wife of Adam,
Since then, the people have married.
Since then people have been playing weddings
Lies at the basis of their love
And this day is the happiest
You can’t repeat it again.
So Luda and Sasha got married,
The people danced at your wedding.
(photos from the day of the wedding)

Everything is smooth in the young family,
Equip the house
Here we bought a TV
Here they hung a carpet
Everything is beautiful, everything is in order
The clean room is spacious.
(photos of home life).

Once a Christmas Eve at the most
At night, God gives Natalia a daughter!
The young father is happy
She brought her a beautiful bouquet.
From the maternity hospital, a daughter with her mother,
I took the happy most
Gene brought them home
They began to live a big family.
(photos in the maternity hospital).

His daughter
Given the Investor Julyash.
The baby turned out to be glorious
Everyone is happy
Replenishment in the family,
She began to raise a girl
To teach the mind to the mind.
(photos of children).
The daughter has grown
I have already gone to kindergarten.
(photos in kindergarten).

New Year's carnival
I collected everyone near the Christmas tree.
New Year has a cheerful holiday,
Very glad of the kids
Santa Claus brought gifts
In chorus, everyone shouting cheers!
(photos of the New Year).

And our Natalie has a birthday
She is 30 years old today.
Everyone carries gifts, congratulations
Husband brought her a large bouquet.
(photos from the 30th anniversary)

Our Natasha is at work
Here she is in high esteem.
(photos from work).
My daughter grew up at Natalia

And gathered down the aisle
On the autumn day
The wedding took place at the end!
(photos from the wedding of children).

Our Natalia - 45
Baba berry again.
(photo from the anniversary).

For many days of good, cute
It was in Lyudmila's life.
Here the grandchildren appeared
Years of life all circled.
(photos of different years, grandchildren)


The lives of the pages formed in a significant book,
We suggest you look back.
The boy was born on June twenty -second,
He was awarded the proud name - Bulat.
The sixties were tending to sunset,
A special time is the era of stagnation in the country.
In childhood, everything was easily given to Bulat,
He was active, obedient and quite happy.
At six he has already become a schoolboy. He made knowledge reserves
And he was used to studying not to regret his strength.
Grinded, grew up, but after the tenth grade
I did without any problems in KHTI.
New knowledge. Lectures and seminars.
He set high goals again and again!
Only now the heart was silent and there was no pair -
There was no one whom he could call a loved one.
It happened, our Bulat fell in love once!
Met a look with the beautiful Guzel ... and disappeared!
Thoughts were only with her! And everyone will understand it,
Who at least once in his life felt passions of the intensity!
And, although the girl had a lot of fans,
Nothing could interfere with this love!
I could make it blossomed in my soul
And I paid her attention to him!
The year is ninetry. Spring. Twenty -third of March
A couple in love became a happy family!
They themselves coped, without support and start,
With the difficulty of every life, with any problem!
The children appeared in the family. The daughter at first,
Well, in the two thousandth and long -awaited son!
In the life of Bulat, Guzel remained ideal,
For the sake of her, he was able to climb to the top!


Snow Elbrus and Khan Tengri were able to submit!
Ask - from where? And here is the answer to you!
This is a "crystal well" - live water,
Probably there is probably no water all over the world!
Everyone who is nearby is nearby,
Young, very active, healthy, strong!
This source was opened with Ayrat -
The most reliable partner and brother's brother!
Near the spouse ... they cannot be one alone!
We pronounce the Bulat, imagine Guzel.
Time is flowing ... In the book new lines are written ...
All for two - both successes and every goal!
Together forever! They were rallied by hopes and plans,
And the problems only made a couple more.
A friendly family is opening new countries,
The map calls - so many places interesting on it!
Since childhood, Bulat is the winner! He beats all records,
After all, from an early age, the boy judo was engaged!
How are we proud that he is just an ACS Snowboard,
And no one can stay on the ice!
Democratic father, the kindest, reliable,
He does not hold children in the mittens of the hedgehogs.
With dad you can make shiny plans,
After all, he will support any of the new ideas!
We talked so much about the former neighbor ...
Well, Bulat, we could keep silent today!
Next to you is in the anniversary and spouse and children,
Well, all those you can call friends!
You are amazing! Sincere and artistic!
You remain in your fifty!
Let everything work out perfectly,
Let not one of the barriers stand in the way!
Let it never bring health to a hundred years!
Believe in your success and to the tops of the treasured go!
Let Guzel give happiness, surrounds with love,
Let only good wait for you to two ahead!
And on the planet Earth, wonderful itself,
Let there be no places where you have not been!
Let your character are stubborn in business!
And let everyone raise the glass for all this!

Biography in verses for the anniversary

Biography in verses for the anniversary
Biography in verses for the anniversary

Biography in verses for the anniversary:

Years, years like birds
They fly away into the distance, to the dawn.
In memory - relatives,
Images of distant years ...

Children's photos of the jubilee.
Distant, sweet childhood,
Mom's hands, father's knees ...
I would find such a remedy
So that there is no end of the end of the end!
A good girl sat down
Submissively looks at the lens,
I managed to correct the pigtails
And grab your doll.
Brosolia childhood,
Games are demanna.
He remembers the heart a lot.
Eh, there were times!

School photos.
The school years are wonderful,
How quickly they fly!
I will remember, of course,
School Brotherhood guys!

Komsomol (pioneer) young,
Black -eyed!
How good it is
This ... (name) is a soul!

Pervomaisky demonstration.
And this is a demonstration:
Songs, laughter, applause,
Balls, and banners,
And the columns of the demonstrators.
Although many years have passed
There was a trace in the memory!

In the family.
What is a family for a person?
Where they are waiting for you and love you
Where warm souls will warm
Lovely, dear people!

Photo on the porch of his home.
On the porch of the home
Everything is familiar and familiar.
Here - the beginning of all the beginnings
This is a life pier!

Photo of the anniversary with her husband.
Beautiful couple, reliable pair!
In life, they will always support each other.
It is not without reason that our proverb considers
That husband and wife - like two boots!

Photos of the children of the anniversary.
Children are your continuation
Life is brighter with them, richer,
Friends of a friendly decoration -
This is the only way, and not otherwise.

Photo of the anniversary with relatives.
Native people ... Closer and more expensive
There is perhaps no one in the world.
And let not go off the star like a star
In the birthday windows are warm, good light.

Photo at work.
Those years do not get forgotten!
We will remember again
How we knew how to work
How could they relax!

Photo of the anniversary with the team.
Not terrible to you
Neither heat nor snow
With friends,
In the circle of colleagues!

Photo of the anniversary on vacation.
On the background of a mountain landscape
A cool lady is just a class!
And we will not even believe
That you worked among us!

Photo of the anniversary in the garden.
Your favorite garden
It requires a lot of worries.
Everything is always in order for you:
Greenhouses, greenhouses, beds.
And the flowers are fragrant,
The garden is decorated with.

Photo of the anniversary with grandchildren.
"My years are my wealth!" -
No wonder people say.
But still the main wealth -
Grandchildren. It's just a treasure!

Photo of the anniversary.
Good and artistic,
Sociable and pretty,
It is sometimes unpredictable -
All these words are about you!


Today is your anniversary - 40 years!
Beautiful and quite solid age!
Have reached certain victories,
The boy was - a man became serious!

No wonder ancient wisdom says
That a man has three tasks in life:
Build a house, and plant a tree,
And to grow a son - it cannot be otherwise!

The task number is to build a house!
Well, the house is ready and surrounded by a fence,
Flowers Carpet luxurious under the window
And the faithful dog bypasses the yard by a patrol.

But with arithmetic, you are not at all in the ways,
And what happened, my friend, look:
You carried a dream about two floors,
But it turned out not two, but three!

Task number two - there is no doubt!
Having spread the branches, white birch,
Rustling foliage, sends you hello,
Not succumbing to blizzards and frosts.

Task number three - everything is fine!
A son is growing, he is already fifteen,
A cheerful voice under my daughter
So it is nice to wake up in the morning!

How not to twist, but to continue your family -
There is no task more important for a man,
From the case - to multiply the population -
There was no reason to refuse!

Another is a famous postulate
Who claims to be a man,
Be a Slav, Jew, or Asian,
He is composed of the “husband” and “rank”.

And here everything is decided here
And there is no reason to worry at all
And my husband has become a long time ago,
And completely not offended by the rank!

You have a wonderful family
Beauty wife, and joyful children,
Cozy house, work and friends,
And the best parents in the world!

God did not deprive you with health,
I did not offend luck and luck,
The mobile, bright mind awarded,
You learned a lot, understood and saw.

And yet, most importantly, and there is nothing more important,
Most valuable, from century to century -
What is among storms and life stones
You just became a good person!

Wonderful son and loving husband,
Brother devoted and reliable friend,
You give warmth and affection for everyone around
You will always help everything you can!

Caring, attentive father,
In the work - AS, and in the vacation - not a mistake,
You received a crown of recognition
Among people and loved ones and acquaintances!

On your glorious anniversary birthday
We congratulate you from the heart!
Live, and, multiplying the achievement,
Do not know evil, betrayal and lies!

Let your gray ones not become cadres,
Thoughts and words will be elegant,
The road is even, clean, smooth, it will be,
And in the morning there will be a clear head!

Health Savings, do not miss the luck,
Do not scare off, strive for the peaks again,
Solve successfully complex tasks,
And carefully keep your love!

Love for their native land, for family and children,
To the shine of the stars, and the rainbow of flowers,
To what is more expensive in the world!
Love is the basis of all the foundations!

We pour, friends, champagne in glasses!
Let joy spilles as a river!
There are many good words here.
Toast for you, our beloved, dear!

Biography in verse for corporate parties

Biography in verse for corporate parties
Biography in verse for corporate parties

Biography in verse for corporate parties:

I am sometimes a forest spruce
In the pubescence of winter skin,
Obsessed with only an absurd goal
Smile all the passers -by gullibly.
I sometimes visit the New Year's Diva:
Like garlands, eyes, makeup is all -flowing,
All is entangled completely loud tinsel,
Definitely with a sticky wave of last year's gossip.
I am less often than: I am less often:
Naked in the shower, on the eve of the landfill,
And in the wicked coniferous curls of non-stable
From a broken toy, the fragment is miserable!


I am a girl with a soul on the contrary ...
Two hearts beat in the cage of the ribs cramped.
One of the flame, the other is eternal ice.
I can only be honest in verses ...
By life, windy, but in love is true.
For everyone - a mockery, a crafty coquette ...
I am a dark angel, a bright Satan,
Unpredictable, like a Russian roulette.
I know a bitter-sweet taste cheating
And the indifference of the cold space,
Instant hobbies sweet captivity
Against the backdrop of fidelity and constancy.
I am a daughter and mother, a mistress-wife,
Frozen flame and burning ice.
My syllable is a bow, my soul is a string.
I am TEOP (but read - on the contrary!)


Eighty -eight meters
I have long centimeters.
When communicating, it is very polite,
If necessary - wink!
And also beautiful, slender,
I can play tennis
The truth is that it is a desktop
It makes no sense to hide.
Therefore, I am so honest
I am smiling not for a lie
And for the good world wonderful.
Be it snow, and be it rain.
And in winter I go to the sea
And I swim oh-hoo ...
In this I only see benefit,
For health, for everything!
I do not judge strictly about people,
I do not look in someone else's pocket.
So that there was a lot of money -
I will clearly fulfill my plan:
I will drop seaweed
And I will send it to the esophagus,
It has hungry Indians
Attack my stomach.
And for boring bliss
Sunny grapes,
After this coquetry
I am glad to everyone and everyone.


He is me, this is a mirror of my soul.
He is not the one for whom he gives himself,
He is not the one who he calls himself,
He is different, he lives for others,
He is a stranger in this world of "happy" people,
He is a hero for others, for himself he is mediocre.
He is sad when joyfully everyone,
He laughs when anxiety is in the heart,
He does not sleep when the night is in the yard
He will fall asleep when the sun wakes up.
He has a little problems like everyone,
He decides them himself, he is not sorry for mercy,
He lives one day, he draws his face,
So that no one would see his compassion.
And you do not need to listen to this sweet poison,
This drunken dope from his lips of pale scarlet,
He will deceive you, you never believe you,
Those tears that flow from his eyes with a light brown.
He entangles all the web of shadows,
Bright, joyful days of this life tired,
He lives for others, for himself he is someone else's
And he is nobody for you, just a wanderer crafty.


Beginning of life
Eighty -second year,
Tenth January, winter, ice.
City Hospital,
Doctors, obstetricians,
Finally he was born under the sign of Venus.
A well -fed boy
To the delight of parents,
Like the sky, the eye is piercing.
The appetite is good
Health too,
The voice is such that you can deaf.
They brought home
Put in the crib
They fed it well to sleep sweetly.
But it was not there,
The character is bad,
He acted on the whole family on his nerves.
The time flew by
Grounded a little
They led a baby into the kindergarten of his son.
The kindergarten did not like,
Educators, too,
Life, little by little, began to seem difficult.
Then the school,
First grade,
There is nothing to talk about, so I'm passing.
Senior classes,
Absenteeism, party
The first time cigarettes, the first time booze.
In general, it was not bad
I will say more: "I liked it"
Life seemed good, seemed right.
As time has shown,
I was wrong,
Alcohol dragged on, drained more and more.
I didn’t get married
Time passed,
I do not regret at all, although a piece of life was erased.
Unsuccessful marriage
Was successful in one
A daughter was born, but then a verse about her.
In general after the divorce,
The booze continued
A rampant life, a continuous party.
Soon I am tired of
I decided to tie
He began to get used to a normal life.
About a year passed
I met her
The one that gives me happiness, the one that gives heat.
So far, that's all
Told how he knew how to
Do not criticize much, this is only my destiny.


She is on the platoon all the time
And constantly screams,
Let the tantrums are not in fashion -
This will not harm her.
She laughs and cries,
All together - what is the point of waiting?
She is sick, not otherwise -
This is easy to prove.
She is so sincerely glad
When they laugh at her,
Thinks this is a reward
By the God of Given days.
And in the head of thoughts a heap,
It doesn’t have time to say.
Some kind of inner gunpowder
Gives her the power to convince ...
“What a stupid,” you say.
I do not argue, but you will not change, alas,
I was born like that ...


Since childhood, I have been known as a simple bully,
We wandered, he was a prankster.
I found flaws in people
They pressed them to sore spots.
I didn't want to be a hoot and a cord,
From an early age, I am used to theft.
My dear Daddy's Darling
I exchanged my home for prison.
Mute peace of mind,
I am Buyan, mischievous and hut.
I was given parting words in life
A knife-hood and sharp cornflower.
All the words that are called magical,
Suddenly disappeared at the age of fourteen.
When I sat behind bars with similar ones,
I destroyed my etiquette.
I am a dudes, a hanger and a drunkard,
I have long been used to the sky in the cage.
My life is a solid absurdity,
I am a prankster, hut, mischievous.


Do not look my bottomless eyes
You want to give a damn about the soul
Do not look into the eyes of sorrow full
Anyway, they don't know the truth in them
Don't look that sometimes I cry at night
And I trust all secrets to the moon
But I also mean something in this life
And what exactly can I decide only to me
Don't look that I don't meet guys
I do not say "love" to anyone
I just never play
And I don't sing other people's songs
Do not look at someone else's soul-
Nothing is visible in the dark
I will not violate my rest-
Occasionally, you will break it!


I came to this world as a ball from the ship,
Yes, the age did not guess in her.
I came to this world with the soul of a rebel.
There is no other thing here.
The eternal stranger dubbed me here,
Eternal echoing past years.
I came to this world with Nagan and Finka,
Yes, the age did not guess in her.


I did not dream of ships as a child,
Distant travels and countries -
Was stupid and small: not round earth
Manila, but cosmic secrets.
Night sky for me a peacock tail
Judged in the fate of the famous participation,
I saw in each of the burning stars
To my star of good community.
Was small and stupid and hardly noticed
In charming eternal flickering
Cold sorrow, extinguished stars,
Luminaries of unnecessary evil piles.
And now I don't look there at all,
Having lowered to the ground and humus,
Where the faded star fades,
So previously cherished by me

Biography in verses that make you think

Biography in verses that make you think
Biography in verses that make you think

Biography in verses that makes you think:

I'm old -fashioned ... I like dresses to the heels,
Honor and shyness, and medicine without bribes ...
Good songs, gifts with your own hands ...
Feelings forever and, of course, the wedding in the temple ...
I am old-fashioned, and the role of the business woman is alien to me ....
I do not choose the benefit ... True friendship.
I do not know how to judge by the volume of currency ...
The sky is always grateful for the days and minutes.
I am old -fashioned, I read prayers at night ...
In them, I ask all the children to all the kids and mom.
I do not go to restaurants and clubs cool ...
I observe how night stars glow ...
I'm old -fashioned, I like chamomile in the field ...
I believe in love, from which goosebumps are on the body.
I know that a strong man is not a “false macho” ...
I don’t hide tears in my eyes from emotions ...
I'm old -fashioned ... I can’t find silicone in me ...
Believe, love and forgive - above new laws ...
Fashion dictates ... But I am free from the dictations.
I am hopelessly happy ... I'm old -fashioned ...


I ate so many vegetables
What has become a vegetable.
My voice disappeared ... how and what
Ask for help?
And, it seems, I see the light in the window,
But he is not happy.
And, it seems, the pulse beats in me,
But it falls sharply.
I am inanimate, but I live
With a smile of children.
I'm not called for the holiday
Neighboring friends ...
But they call me when
The trouble happens.
And I'm running around the wires
But the current bites ...
I did not wait for promises
They gave - believed.
And to the questions "How are you?"
I will say confidently
Which, as usual, is the best.
Let them envy!
Who does not forgive me success -
It looks solid.
And I'm going to the red light,
In the rain, without an umbrella.
I don't drink, I don't know cigarettes,
Do not eat drugs
But only the strength, in the soul,
Alas, end.
And does not take 4G,
Though the network is trying ...
And if the pain finds me -
I will pretend to be a vegetable.
Here indifference sings -
To a cry for help ...


I learned to leave beautifully!
I learned not to ask to stay!
I learned to cry only at night,
And walk and smile sweetly during the day!
I learned to hide my feelings!
I learned not to scream from pain!
I learned to pretend that I believe the falsehood
Although I do not believe a single word!
I learned to be silent in silence!
I learned to live, not seem!
I learned to not be offended by people!
And I still know how to forgive them.


And my accumulation is in the pillow ...
In her tears are bitter, I am smoking.
It hurts, dreary, stuffy ...
She will tolerate and I endure.
I am not a Spartan, not a brave warrior,
And not a man, and not a hero ...
And I would like to hug children calmly,
Yes, to live with your back ...
Do we need a lot of women?
Just be loved and love.
Without window dressing and serenade,
And to be reliable to be reliable.
And the heart loves - not for a while.
Feelings are doomed to eternity.
And if with those love, and with those -
That's just a side of the crazy spring ...
Now responsibility and reliability -
Get fantasy or vice ...
To leave and cross out there is an opportunity,
But loneliness is the result.
And I will cry tonight,
My family does not hear yet ...
And in the morning I will be with a smile for sure
After all, I am the shore of accumulation.
But no one wants to kidnap
My safe from bitter, salty tears.
But to see a rainbow in life,
I fell in love with the rain seriously!


I am normal. I am an earthly woman.
I can cry, it hurts me.
I don't know about everything in the world
And I can be offended involuntarily.
And it happens: "I just forgot ...",
And also: "I'm sorry, I didn't want to ..."
"I'm tired ..." or "I was cold ..." ...
I am normal. As everybody. Soul and body ...
Please love me like that
In knitted socks, with a cup of tea,
A little naive, absurd, funny ...
Dear, I am ordinary, earthly.
Just pity me a little,
If you lost your mood ...
Take care of, not look so strictly.
I'm tired of difficulties already ...
You love me, but not for something ...
Just. Shaggy, simple ...
And when you are sad, look at the photo,
Remember how I kiss you ...
And then I will open the whole world
For you! For the best in the world!
I will be gentle, passionate,
There will be kisses at dawn ...
I will give the universe for this!
I will give everything that you dream about!
Waterfalls! Rainbow! Dawn! ...
Only love. And you will know all this!

Biography in verses for relatives

Biography in verses for relatives
Biography in verses for relatives

Biography in verses for relatives:

Brother for the anniversary

I look at the brother at you - you are so fresh - and so young!
You are fifty today - and there is a great occasion -
Gather around: relatives, friends - that everyone would have fun,
Indeed, in the sixty -eighth year - you were born.

Was very glad then vagi - with his wife Venus,
Indeed, in September they have two - the son was born the first.
"Similar to mom!" - The neighbors said about you -
Since then, they have been proud - in the lower fuckers - the baby Nursil.

You have always been to your parents - a golden child,
And soon they were born in the family - two more sisters.
And we always lived together - fun and amicably!
You helped the household - and was always obedient!

You grew up a village guy - it’s always ready for work !!!
Mowed the grass, chopped firewood, grabbed the cows!
And he went reluctantly - sometimes to study at school -
But you were fond of sports - hockey and football!

Like an older brother - you could - and regret it - and fight so strictly -
I remember driving me on a sled - when I broke my leg.
He was always there - he defended me - from heat and snowstorms!
And the hooligans in my direction did not even look ...

The memories are only bright - about each of our summer -
We rode on a motorcycle - and on a bicycle.
To each other with physics and Russians - often helped,
Do you remember how we are photographs - showed in the bath?

You are always an example for me - and you were support !!!
He graduated from college - and in the army - he worthy of serving.
Then you met Rufia, the family became more -
Allah gave you: Lenaru, Renata and Ruslan!

My brother is always stubborn, I know your character -
You are pedantic, punctual and very careful ...
You in the nineties - from scratch - raised your business -
All that you have achieved together is the fruit of your start!

Today everyone - of course - will support as one!
You are a great friend - the best son is a wonderful family man
You can cook barbecue - and pilaf for all for lunch,
Yes, and Latifa - knows for sure - that you are a good grandfather!

For Husky - Riche you are always a gentle master !!!
You can say from all sides - my brother - you are perfect!
There is only one moment - let everyone here -
You won’t wake Nursil - when he sleeps tightly!

Let only joy and success - they are called!
Let all the hardships and misfortunes will pass!
It will be warm, it will be comfortable - on your heart !!!
I wish you great health! And the birth!


35 husband

Pay your native - attention!
How the table is gorgeous ...
After all, to you - my brutal,
Birthday came.

Guests everywhere - with a parade
Everyone is torn - toast to say ...
I ask you - don't count ...
He is exactly 35 ...

You were born - in Uzbekistan
In his native jizak - matured
Well, now - you live - in Kazan
You are a husband, father and businessman ...

You have two wonderful son
Iskander and Islam ...
Well, the Leysan is my beloved
You are affectionately - call - talls ...

Hardworking, strong spirit
After all, your name is Ibrahim ...
Nearby - Life Blizzard
Flies like a warm day alone ...

My fate, my calling-
I am sharing every moment with you.
For your affection and attention
Beloved, I thank you ...

Your soul is like a generous wind
Can dispel - all tears
So the children are similar to you
My best is on earth ....

I remember- the first dates-
Each donated bouquet
Since then we have been living - my desired
Eleven happy years ...

I could always- surprise beautifully
March 8 - Having handed me -
Basket of juicy oranges
Covering her with tulips ...

I still - in the movie tickets
I keep so carefully, dear.
Thank you- for all the dawn
Blessed by fate!

Dear, beloved - my man
You are an unusual person
In you is an unprecedented force
With you, I melt, like snow ...

You sleep little, you read a lot,
You love full breasts - live
You answer all questions
Well, how can I not love it?

We are wise again - we overcome
All the inappropriateness of fate ...
We understand each other with you
In moments of sadness and longing ...

We do not divide the general happiness
And we breathe like in and Yan ...
We do not measure the general years
Shoulder to shoulder - walk into paradise ...

All women love you so much
You are charming, smart ...
But jealousy heart does not destroy me
If the house is full of rest ...

Love the world all of our - painted
And I dissolve in you
Our children will grow up - they will say ...
Our dad is the best on Earth !!!

Your construction company -
Let it flourish day after day
My beloved, my beloved
Mountains do not care for us ...

You love to travel so much
The warm sea beckons to the distance ...
You are lying and pampering me ...
Like an exquisite crystal ...

We are together - this is our strength
We have a wonderful family
You just be always happy
Happy Birthday to You!


To the anniversary of colleagues and friend
You are leafing through the pages of life long,
Any of the events is in sight.
In the family of Alexei with Antonina
The son was born in the thirty -eighth year.

Six years grew in Chelyabinsk harsh,
And after the crossing they were waiting for you ...
The city of Livna has become your house new,
Where and once went to first grade.

And from the second I had to live with aunt,
In the Moscow school, gnaw at the granite of sciences.
You have been going to new knowledge from childhood,
And only wider interests are circle!

Noticeable to everyone, your character of steel
And from youth the goals are high!
You have become a technologist at the technical school,
Ready to design machines!

And with oxygen engineering
Faced from the most important side.
As a technician, you made decisions,
What were reflected in the fate of the country!

You were a passionate nature,
And the experience meant a lot for you -
Creation of "cold" reinforcement,
Tanks for missile bases!

Superconductivity was studied in the case,
With science cryogenic on you!
And in the army they managed to become a Komsorg,
There is an organizer in you!

With the activity inherent in the Komsomol,
The people were successful with success!
She took up football and basketball
All your part in the village of Russian Brod!

A little later in the group of the elder were -
They entered the MIHM in the sixty -second.
Persistence, determination - in your style,
They were able to achieve the heights with their labor!

In two years - the change of institute,
Work, cryogenic your department ...
There were not a minute on the spot
And succeeded in a hundred new things!

From the presentation of your companions, the companions took off!
And the years did not break the spirit of the fighter,
After all, your principle is still relevant -
For all questions to fight to the end!

You believe, the perseverance will shift the mountain,
And there is no doubt about it!
Asking the question of her beloved Nina,
Of course, they got “yes” in response!

Married, the daughter of Oksana grew up ...
There was seventy -second ... A special year!
Worked, as before, tirelessly,
And in life a new turn was waiting for you!

The goals became even more ambitious
Became the Institute of Kurchatovsky to his family.
Keylin invited you to work together,
You have achieved a lot with him!

Today is the deputy head of the department,
There is no account to achievements behind your back.
The motto is familiar - everything is for the good of the matter,
Family beloved and native country!

Authority, rich experience, communication -
All this you have now!
And we can’t show in one story
You have all the brightness of the biography!

You, Viktor Alekseevich, we will say
No one will solve the question of anyone like that!
You have always been ours, a mentor,
Lead everyone and further


To the anniversary of the doctor from Belarus.

In the village of Nivishchi, in Polesie of the Belarusian
Where the far is endless and the field is green,
On one beautiful hot day July
The girl was alone in the light.

The father was in the interests of multifaceted,
He sewed his clothes soundly like a tailor
Everything in the house could build and set up
And he was controlled with a large apiary.

And my mother did not run from work:
I loved all household chores
Kept accounting, the balances were
She worked as an accountant.

Here is ours Sophia is growing rapidly,
She will go to first grade.
And at home on the household it helps,
And at school he behaves well.

And in the seventy -fourth, warm summer
The school certificate will be presented to her by the director.
Tenth grade. The bell sounds cheerful ...
Today Sofia is saying goodbye to the school!

For the continuation of your education
A medical institute was chosen.
She was looking for a profession by vocation,
To love your daily work.

A sensitive road prompted her heart:
Live for people, treat them and save them.
And mercy for the sick has always been enough
Without these qualities, the doctor cannot become.


Somewhere in the wilds, pieces or thickets,
Emerging from myths and epics,
There is one “real man” -
Husband, father and good family man.

It does not smell like a tobacco,
He is always neat and not mint,
Fresh, from morning to evening it is filled
And the eyes are confident.

He brings millions home
But in everyday life is completely unpretentious:
Pasta means pasta ...
And do not give any gravy!

He is silent until he is asked
But he is understandable, I don't know who -
The cabinet will open, look and brings
An hour later an evening manto.

He brings up children
And he doesn’t drink, “like this”, never.
The woman who is next to him,
Only yes will hear from him.

Memory is very trained -
Remembers everything that is bought, and where,
Knows all sizes (without a leaf!),
Birthdays of mother -in -law and Tede.

And, not daring even to doubt,
He accepts the news calmly
That today is twice two - seventeen,
At least yesterday it was only six ...

In the morning, making coffee and exercise,
Bringing flowers and a sandwich,
The nail will take, but at least the "fifty",
And, to the joy of a woman, he will score!

And, in general, when something is in the district
It is necessary to get or extract there -
He always has straight arms
And they grow from strong shoulders.

And, in the instead of beer with men
And lying with a remote control,
He repaired sockets with irons
And the wallpaper glues a whistle.

He has a steel lower back
And such a force is just fear!
He loves, like a non -habitable knight,
Take a walk with his wife in his arms.

And he lives, all so reliable,
Like iron, without bends, scrap,
Personifying everything that is possible
And serving as an example with a lighthouse!

And around - grunting, with a broken finger,
Scary from the hero far away
Turning back, swearing
Equal to him, men ...

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