White, pink noise for newborns for falling asleep of a child: what is it, why is it necessary, is it useful or harmful? White noise: how to use, how to act on the psyche of the child? How to buy a white noise generator for Aliexpress? Is the noise of the hair dryer harmful to newborns?

White, pink noise for newborns for falling asleep of a child: what is it, why is it necessary, is it useful or harmful? White noise: how to use, how to act on the psyche of the child? How to buy a white noise generator for Aliexpress? Is the noise of the hair dryer harmful to newborns?

Unfortunately, for more than two millennia of its existence, humanity has not been able to discover a universal way of lulling children. The article presents answers to frequently found questions regarding the method of quick falling asleep using “white noise”.

What is white, pink noise for a newborn and why is it needed?

The method of “white” noise is based on the laws of physics, observations of man-munologists and pediatricians.

Let's start with physics. No sound can be considered any sound or a set of sounds that, as a rule, have different strength and frequency. In a big account, noise is an integral part of our life.

By analogy with the color spectrum, the colors were fixed behind some noises (see photo).

Noise spectrum
Noise spectrum

How to explain the concept of "white noise" by human language? Imagine a huge orchestra. The musicians begin to play by the wave of conducting wand. However, each of them plays only one, its own note. As a result, the listener simultaneously hears all the sounds that his ear can distinguish. This sound vinaigrette is a “white” noise (BS).

Do we hear the “white” noise in everyday life? Yes, constantly.

So, the natural "white" noise includes

  • the sounds that we hear during the rain,
  • the rustle of foliage in the wind,
  • the noise of the sea surf
  • blood noise in veins, etc.

In everyday life, we also often encounter a “white” noise when we hear:

  • the sound of a working vacuum cleaner, fan or hair dryer,
  • the sound of a television, radio receiver, not configured to the wave,
  • the sound of water pouring from a shower nozzle, etc.

How does the white noise "work"? The fact is that most of our organs, including Hearing, are in an active state during our sleep. Accordingly, as soon as our hearing aid captures the change in the sound background, and the brain converts these changes into sound, consciousness passes into the “wakefulness” mode.

In this case, the BS smooths out the emerging sound changes, absorbing any oscillatory movements. Accordingly, due to this, sleep quality improves. In fact, BS is an ideal disguise. About other influences of BS on the human psyche is described in the next part of the review.

“Pink” noise (RM) sounds softer compared to BS. It consists of a mix of sounds of high and low frequencies. In addition, the RS is distinguished by a certain frequency - each octave sound seems to be fading.

  • The natural “pink” noise is attributed to the sound of heart beating - one of the first main sounds that the child hears in the womb.
  • To the artificially created RS - the sound of a flying helicopter, etc.

If BS calls you or the baby a persistent feeling of rejection, try using RSh.

Pediatricians and Somnologists recommend using white/pink noise if:

  • the baby has to fall asleep in a new place;
  • the kid was overexcited and cannot cope with his own emotions (you see, to demand control over emotions from the newborn crumbs is simply stupid);
  • if new sounds appeared in the environment surrounding the baby (for example, the sounds of a perforator or drill behind the wall);
  • if the baby has a slight physical malaise;
  • if the baby has problems with sleep cycles, and he wakes up every 20-40 minutes, etc.

How the white, pink noise acts on the psyche of the child: benefit and harm

White noise: benefits and harms
White noise: benefits and harms

Important: the reaction to the noise of each individual individual is unpredictable! The constant long -term effect of BS can provoke an increase in blood pressure and cause headaches. In addition, a constant noise effect with sound power of more than 50 dB can significantly worsen hearing.

So, BS, however, like any other noise, causes stress.

In order to cope with a stressful situation and restore homeostasis, the body begins to actively produce a hormone cortisol.

The release of cortisol into the blood affects the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is responsible, including for sleep in a deep phase.

In addition, the monotonous BS is familiar to the baby by the sound of blood movement, which the baby heard, being in his cozy “house”.

Pink noise is also similar as possible to the sounds that the baby hears in the womb:

  • heart beat,
  • sounds accompanying the work of the intestine, etc.

Accordingly, the comfortable for the baby is by no means deaf silence, but the environment filled with sounds. But sounds should be extremely familiar, "relatives." And then they will be a powerful remedy that triggers the “complacency” regime.

White noise for children's sleep - the sound of a mother’s womb for newborn, the noise of rain, water, sea, trains: pros and cons of

An unconditional plus of the use of white/pink noise is the quick launch of the baby's complacency mode.

Minus: addiction effect. As a consequence, a grown up baby can be quite difficult to abandon the habit of falling asleep/sleep under white/pink noise.

How to use white, pink noise for newborn, babies, infants?

  • The noise source should be at a distance of at least 1 m from the baby's place of sleep.
  • The noise level should be no more than 50 dB. If the baby has a tantrum, which is accompanied by loud screams, the sound level of BS can be higher than 50 dB. However, as the baby calms down, the sound must be reduced.
  • If the baby has problems with sleep cycles, noise needs to be turned on 10-20 minutes after the crumbs falls asleep.

Is the noise of the hair dryer harmful to newborns?

For the baby, it is not the noise of the hair dryer as such, but level The noise of the hair dryer, which is 80 dB. If you are going to use a hairdryer as a source of “white” noise, you will have to include it in the next room, since the safe level of noise is 75 dB, and a comfortable one is only 50 dB.

How to buy a white noise generator for Aliexpress?

Trade platform Aliexpress It offers many devices that facilitate the lives of young parents, including white noise generators.

If you are a beginner on Aliexpress, be sure to read the registration rules on the site.

In addition, you will be interested to know how to find goodsthat you are interested in, and how to place the first order.

To find the BS generator directly, go to the site Aliexpress and in the search bar enter the request sleep Sounde Machine or sleep Helper.

In the first case, in addition to BS generators, the system will automatically select and offer your attention a device for measuring the noise level (noise meter). And in the second - Birusha and devices for the fight against snoring.

Standard household devices to improve sleeps offer Aliexpress sellers
Standard household devices to improve sleeps offer Aliexpress sellers

A standard household device to improve sleep has:

  • mechanical volume control;
  • timer for automatic shutdown of the device;
  • records of various sounds of natural "white" noise.

Such devices are quite light and convenient to take on the road, since the power supply can be both a standard power grid and batteries.

The cost of the device varies between 20 cu

White, pink noise - an ideal sound for children, for sleeping: reviews, Komarovsky

The effectiveness of the use of white/pink noise, like any other sedative, is extremely individual.

For some, the “white” noise becomes a panacea from sleepless nights or a restless daytime baby. Others remain dissatisfied with the result.

Below is a discussion of the white noise method on one of the thematic forums.

Parents' reviews about the white noise method
Parents' reviews about the white noise method

Dr. Komarovsky has his opinion regarding the conditions of healthy children's sleep. The pediatrician, beloved by many mothers, advises paying attention to the freshness, humidity and air temperature in the child’s room.

The method of white/pink noise Dr. Komarovsky does not comment, leaving a solution to the issue to consider parents.

Important: Before using white/pink noise, eliminate the cause of the baby's poor health. White noise cannot relieve physical pain from colic or teething.

Video: perfect white noise for sleeping and meditation

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