Why acne jumps in the same place: reasons, signs, treatment, prevention

Why acne jumps in the same place: reasons, signs, treatment, prevention

Acne in the same place: causes, treatment, prevention.

Scientists have long proved that human skin is a mirror reflection of internal processes. Therefore, if some pathological changes begin in the human body, then this immediately affects the skin. And more precisely, acne appears on them.

Sometimes they are painful, sometimes very inflamed, and sometimes purulent. Their type and size most often depend on which pathology caused their appearance. About why acne appears in the same place we will talk in our article.

Why acne jumps in the same place: reasons

The causes of acne in the same place

A painful red pimple, periodically appearing in the same place, is a fairly big problem, especially if after himself it leaves a long enduring spot. If you are also familiar with such a problem, then it is likely to make an appointment with a local doctor. As a rule, in this way, a sluggish inflammatory process manifests itself, which gradually destroys any organ.

Most often, the cause of this problem is pathological changes in the digestive system. If it works incorrectly, then this leads to incomplete digestion of food as a result, to severe intoxication of the body. The more harmful substances in the body accumulate, the more often a painful pimple will appear in the same place.

Other causes of acne on the same place:

  • Gynecological problems. As practice shows, in this case, acne appears on the face in the area of \u200b\u200bthe chin and nasolabial folds. It is this area of \u200b\u200bour skin that reflects the condition of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus. Therefore, if they begin to work incorrectly or simply inflamed, then this leads to the fact that a solid subcutaneous pimple without a white top appears in the mentioned places.
  • Hormonal disbalance. This problem very much violates all metabolic processes and this leads to the fact that the pores of the dermis are clogged more intensively. If a person does not cleanse the skin in time, then sooner or later it is inflamed and covered with painful acne.
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system. In this case, acne appears in the nose and between the eyebrows. Thus, the body signals a person that he does not have enough substances that are needed to properly work the heart and blood vessels.
  • Climate change. The human body is very poorly tolerates any cardinal changes. Therefore, if he, without gradual adaptation, moves from a warm climatic belt to the cold, then against this background, immunity is very much reduced. If it does not help his protective forces rise to the desired level, then this inevitably leads to the appearance of skin problems.

Why jump acne in the same place: signs

Signs about acne

Probably, each person at least once in his life heard the statement that a pimple on his nose indicates that someone fell in love with a man or woman. Whether no one undertook to check this sign.

But people who believe that the Universe even in this way can warn about future changes in life claim that even a tiny pimple can make it clear how to move on.

Signs about acne:

  • A pimple on the nose indicates the appearance of a secret fan who has not yet dared to admit his feelings
  • If a pimple regularly jumps on the chin, it is likely that very soon you will meet your future husband
  • If the subcutaneous tubercle appears on the beard more than one, then this indicates that you will soon find several real friends
  • A pimple on the nose warns that the human internal forces are running out and it is time for him to return his psycho -emotional state
  • A pimple constantly appearing on the forehead is a harbinger of problems at work. The more painful it will be, the more strength you will have to spend, but then in order to solve everything

Acne in the same place for several years: how to cure, get rid of?

Recommendations that will help get rid of acne

I immediately want to say that in order to get rid of a pimple appearing in the same place, you must first understand what caused the inflammatory process. If the problem does not have a cosmetic nature, then you definitely need to make an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, a cardiogram of the heart and be sure to visit a gynecologist. If you have problems with these organs, then you will need to carry out specific treatment and at the same time tidy up the skin.

Recommendations that will help get rid of acne:

  • If a pus appears on your face, then you definitely need to stimulate the output of the pus out. If you do not do this, then after some time a strongly inflamed pustule forms under the ugly top, in which pus will be located all the time. Therefore, without putting it off in a long box, begin to apply Vishnevsky ointment to subcutaneous inflammation.
  • Also, if desired, you can use zinc ointment. It will need to be diluted with water, and then carefully, using a cotton wool, apply to an inflamed area. Such a tool will help to very quickly block inflammation, and when the pus comes out to enhance the regeneration in the dermis cells.
  • To combat acne on oily skin, it is best to use streptocide ointment. It will simultaneously dry the dermis, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and reduce inflammation.
  • If the local effect does not have the desired effect, a person can be prescribed to a person oral tablets of Roaccutan. They have powerful anti -inflammatory properties, which allows you to block inflammation from the inside.

Pricing prevention measures

Pricing prevention measures
Pricing prevention measures

Remember, the most effective prevention that prevents the appearance of acne on the face is a healthy lifestyle. If you eat right, lead an active lifestyle and give the body enough time for sleeping, then it will work as a clock and as a result, you will look perfect.

If you recently get rid of the problem, then adhere to the following rules:

  • In no case do not go to bed without removing makeup
  • Periodically do facial gymnastics or light massage that promotes blood flow to the skin
  • At least 2-3 times a month, make steam baths that contribute to the disclosure of pores (the procedure is contraindicated for people with porous dermis)
  • Enjoy yourself to wash yourself with decoctions with anti -inflammatory, regenerating and healing properties
  • Regularly apply masks on the face that help restore the skin
  • Completely exclude harmful products and sweets from your diet
  • Do not forget to supply your body with vitamins and minerals

Video: why acne appears on the face - the truth and myths about the appearance of acne

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Comments K. article

  1. I do not believe in any signs, it is either a body that works incorrectly, or the follicle became inflamed.

  2. I also heard the theory that if a pimple appears in the same place, then this is some kind of organ, there is even a breakdown in the zones. Not sure, to be honest. It is clear that everything is interconnected and internal problems come out through the skin, toxins are the same ... Therefore, I periodically drink Enterosgel with the course and pimples disappear. He removes all the muck from the body like a sponge, therefore the skin becomes cleaner.

  3. I recently had such a problem as acne. I got rid with the help of a pharmacy lotion retasol. A very effective tool.

  4. I know that a pharmacy retass helps with acne. I bought my daughter when she had teenage acne. And the face became surprisingly clean.

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