Anti -cellulite oil massage with your own hands at home: recipes. How can you buy anti -cellulite oil for body massage in the Aliexpress online store: catalog, price

Anti -cellulite oil massage with your own hands at home: recipes. How can you buy anti -cellulite oil for body massage in the Aliexpress online store: catalog, price

Recipes for making homemade anti -cellulite oil and an overview of purchased products.

If you want to always be in shape, carry out anti -cellulite wraps and massage. Now the pharmacy has a large number of brushes and devices to combat orange crust. They work perfectly with oils.

Homemade anti -cellulite oil with pepper

Of course, many women spend huge funds on the purchase of skin care products. But this is not necessary, you can prepare a substance to combat cellulite yourself. Moreover, all components can be purchased in the store very cheap. As a result, the butter with butter will cost several times cheaper than a product of dubious quality purchased in the store.


  • 60 ml of grape seed oil
  • 5 drops of orange and rosemary
  • 5 ml of tocopherol
  • Tablespoon of ground red pepper


  • Pour the base oil (grape seeds) into a clean bottle with a dispenser and add tocopherol with oils.
  • You can purchase a packaging of vitamin E capsules in a pharmacy, this is tocopherol. Shake the substance thoroughly and enter the pepper.
  • Shock the bottle again. Leave it for a week in a dark place.
  • Strain the liquid to remove grains of pepper. Use to massage problem areas.
Homemade anti -cellulite oil with pepper
Homemade anti -cellulite oil with pepper

Anti -cellulite orange oil with your own hands

Orange fights well with fat deposits and helps to get rid of unsightly hillocks on the legs and buttocks. Orange oil stimulates metabolic processes in the skin. It can be combined with cinnamon and ether Lavender.


  • 50 ml of castor oil
  • 50 ml of olive oil
  • 10 ml of orange etherol
  • Spoon of dry orange zest
  • Vitamin A packaging


  • Pour a castor and olive oil into a plastic bottle with a lid, shake the mixture.
  • Enter the orange etherol and squeeze the contents of the packaging with vitamin A.
  • Shake again. Pour the orange zest. This remedy copes with the orange peel perfectly and scraps the skin.
Anti -cellulite orange oil with your own hands
Anti -cellulite orange oil with your own hands

Anti -cellulite oil citrus: recipe

This tool is being prepared simply and quickly. As a basis, you can take any baby oil. Johnson or Bebzhen is suitable. Try to purchase oils without smells.


  • Oil bottle Johnson Baby
  • 10 drops of rosemary oil
  • 10 drops of grapefruit oil
  • 10 drops of an orange broadcast
  • 2 ml of vitamin E


  • In a clean bottle, enter the base - Johnson Baby. In small portions, introduce etheroli lastly pour in vitamin E.
  • It can be purchased in capsules or already in the form of a liquid.
  • Shake the bottle thoroughly. It is necessary that there are no shifts.
Anti -cellulite oil is citrus
Anti -cellulite oil is citrus

How to buy anti -cellulite oil for body massage in an online store

Now it’s enough just to purchase oil against cellulite in any store. But its composition is characterized by the content of stabilizers and emulsifiers. This can adversely affect the condition of the skin and cause an allergic reaction.

Rules for acquiring anti -cellulite oil:

  • Pay attention to the expiration date. Since in the online store there is no way to see the date of manufacture, ask the manager.
  • Be sure to study the composition of the product. The orange perfectly breaks down fat, stimulating the metabolism. Red pepper removes toxins and toxins. Cinnamon with mustard heat the skin, helping to reduce edema and alignment of the skin.
  • Pay attention to the bottle and dispenser. It is best if it is a dispenser like liquid soap. So, you can economically spend the product.
Anti -cellulite oil for body massage
anti -cellulite oil for body massage

Aliexpress: Catalog, price

Aliexpress offers a huge selection oil to combat cellulite. In most cases, these are products that help fight orange crust with massage. Such funds contain orange, grapefruit, mandarin, ginger and cinnamon. Cocoa oil also copes with bugrous skin.

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Aliexpress: Catalog, price
Aliexpress: Catalog, price

Which massage oil is better for anti -cellulite massage: reviews

Now the market has a huge amount of funds to combat cellulite. The most popular of them are the funds of well -known companies.

Overview of oils from cellulite and reviews:

  • DNC oil. It is implemented in a package in which there are three bags of the product. It is worth noting that half of the bag was enough for customers to carry out one procedure. That is, the rest of the product has to be stored in an open bag, which negatively affects the quality of the product. It reacts with air. The product includes a lot of essential oils, among which geranium, orange, lavender and cinnamon are essentials. But in the end, the product almost does not smell. After massage with this oil, there is no redness and special softness of the skin.
  • STYX "Anti -cellulite". All reviews about this tool are positive, a bottle of 100 ml. It closes with a comfortable lid with a valve, which allows it not to pour out and is spent economically. After using the product, a pronounced decongestant effect is observed. The skin becomes fit.
  • Weleda. An inexpensive tool that is sold in a 100 ml bottle. The dispenser is not the most successful, since the funds pour a lot and can be spilled by accidentally turning the bottle. The smell is rich, and the texture is very fat. It is not absorbed immediately. Quite effective, as it contains the etherol of geranium, rosemary and sage. Reduces swelling. Many buyers are satisfied with this tool.
  • Natura Siberica. According to reviews, the consistency remedy is not much like oil, it is rather a cream that moisturizes the skin well. Contains orange, lavender and cocoa. It helps a little from cellulite, as it does not warm up the skin and does not eliminate swelling.
  • Home oils. The most inexpensive and effective are home remedies prepared with the use of basic oils and etherol. They do not contain preservatives and dyes. In addition, the concentration of useful components in them is quite high.
Which massage oil is better for anti -cellulite massage
Which massage oil is better for anti -cellulite massage

To get rid of cellulite, it is not necessary to purchase expensive means. Anti -cellulite oil can be prepared independently.

Video: Anti -cellulite oil

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Comments K. article

  1. I like to use scrubs against cellulite myself from coffee, or I order on a phytomarket. To tell you the truth, to do it very frozen ... And there the price is pleasant, and the quality is good. Scrubs, I think, is the best weapon against orange peel, but you should not get involved either-2-3 per week is quite enough)

  2. I still had no problems with the vessels on my legs, I did the massage itself with a brush, with oils and after a couple of weeks of active massage, cellulite passed, I broke it. But now this year only honey wraps, and the serum anti -cellulite before and after, the month of use and cellulite passes, but only drink more water and exclude harmful food.

  3. I like the lymphatic drainage scrub Hors force. It has orange and mint oil that help get rid of cellulite

  4. Vika, make wraps with a Hors force gel with a horse chestnut. Cellulite will quickly pass and even a couple of cm will go in volume

  5. I liked the serum before and after the cellulite. Eliminates the effect of “orange peel”, swelling, sagging, prevents sagging of the skin and the appearance of vascular stars. Serum has an instant and stable lifting effect. The legs became fit and not a drop of cellulite.

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