Anti -cellulite diet. Menu for every day, 10 days mode

Anti -cellulite diet. Menu for every day, 10 days mode

Cellulite, or “orange crust” on buttocks and hips, although it is considered a normal phenomenon for women, still causes certain discomfort. There is no such person who would not want to look beautiful. Lumps and tubercles on the skin in famous places put a cross on beauty.

Therefore, you need to try to get rid of cellulite. Fortunately, today there are a lot of ways to do this. One of them is an anti -cellulite diet.

Against cellulite

Most doctors do not consider cellulite a disease. Typically, the skin is covered with an “orange crust” in girls at 20-25 years old during pregnancy or after it. There is a simple test that can help in determining this problem. To carry out it, squeeze the skin on the hip with your hands. If a compressed crust resembles an orange, then this is the first sign of cellulite development. If the dimples and tubercles cover the skin, even when it is not compressed, then these are no longer the symptoms of the problem, but the real cellulite.

Important: the reasons for the development of “orange peel” are various hormonal changes, stresses, peripheral blood supply disorders, a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition and smoking. Excess weight, according to the latest data, does not directly affect the development of cellulite.

Anti -cellulite diet: menu for 10 days

It is believed that such fatty products as lard, margarine and oil are provoked by cellulite. In addition, they adversely affect the condition of fat metabolism in the skin of dishes prepared with frying.

Important: in order to help the skin in the fight against cellulite, it is necessary to provide it with moisture. To do this, you need to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day.

At the same time, most of the water must be drunk in the morning. After eight in the evening, it is better not to consume water. Otherwise, it can provoke the opposite effect.

During an anti -cellulite diet, you need to include fruits in your diet. Conductive substances from them will help to remove toxins from the skin. In addition, plant foods are rich vitaminsthat the body needs for the correct conduct of metabolic processes.


Important: good in the fight against cellulite and the “beneficial” fats of Omega-3 and Omega-6. Fresh salads are better to season with olive oil. Also, in the diet, you need to include fish of the salmon family. It is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3.

But from flour products, sweet carbonated drinks and fast food, you need to refuse. They not only have a bad effect on appearance, but can also cause a violation metabolism. Which is also one of the causes of cellulite.

One of the most popular ten -day diets against cellulite today is diet of the famous American cosmetologist Nicole Ronsar. She suggested using fruits and other plant foods to combat “orange peel”.
Exception: grapes and bananas.

The menu of a 10-day diet against cellulite: odd days (1, 3, 5, 7, 9 day)

  • For breakfast: fruit salad seasoned with lemon juice
  • Dinner. Vegetable salad with vegetable oil. For greater nutrition to the salad, you need to add nuts and sprouted wheat grains.
  • Dinner. Fruits and vegetable salad with sprouted grains.

Menu of a 10-day diet against cellulite (second day)

Fruits in finished form or in the form of salads. Nicole Rensar advises to use kiwi, papaya, mango, pineapple and/or avocado. But, in a diet adapted under a Russian person, you can include apples, pears, strawberries, black currants, grapefruit and other fruits and berries that can be bought in any supermarket.

A 10-day menu against cellulite (4, 6, 8, 10 day)

  • Breakfast. Fresh fruits and vegetable salad.
  • Dinner. Buckwheat porridge cooked on water, a salad of fresh vegetables. Steamed vegetables.
  • Dinner. Fresh vegetables and rice porridge. You can add vegetables cooked steamed to it.

Anti -cellulite diet: a complex of vitamins

A pineapple

To combat cellulite, you need to increase in your diet the number of products rich in vitamins A, B, C and E. If you think that you can’t raise the amount of these vitamins, then buy biologically active additives (dietary supplements) or complexes of drugs containing such These vitamins.

In addition, in the fight against cellulite, it is necessary to increase the number of minerals such as zinc, selenium and phosphorus.

For women from 35 years old, the best vitamin complexes will be

  • "Vitrum Beuti"
  • "Leot Womanlife"
  • "Inneov"
  • Dad of network companies with advice of an experienced distributor

Preparations for cellulite

One of the factors in the development of cellulite is insufficient blood circulation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe buttocks, abdomen and hips. Can help solve this problem "Troxevazin". This Venoprotective gel helps to increase blood and lymph circulation in problem areas. The active substance of this drug can even affect the vessels located deep under the skin.

Troxevazin is produced not only in the form of a gel, but also in capsules for oral administration. They give the same effect.

Other warming ointments are also suitable against the "orange peel":

  • "Aminofillin"
  • "Capsim"
  • "Dimexide"

These drugs can be used in anti -cellulite wraps.

For oral administration, it is recommended:

  • "Merdia"
  • "Cell-U-Loss"

Anti -cellulite diet: exercises against cellulite


It is impossible to get rid of "orange peel" only with diet, vitamins and drugs. It is necessary to “load” the body with various physical exercises. Especially useful are those that can act on deposits in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hips, abdomen and buttocks.

Exercises need to start with a moderate load, gradually increasing it. For a greater effect, you can take 1.5-kilogram dumbbells.

1. One of the most effective anti -cellulite exercises are squats. After several days of ordinary squats, you can go to squats with dumbbells. For this, the hands with dumbbells drop along the body. You need to squat as deeply as possible. When climbing the upper mark, you need to stand on socks and stretch.

Important: the burning effect in the muscles during and immediately after the training indicates that excess moisture leaves the problem areas and the skin becomes elastic.

2. Another effective exercise against cellulite - lugs. The starting position is exactly the same as in squats. But, instead of them, alternate attacks are made by one foot or the other. Unlike squats, such an exercise is better “working” the inner surface of the thigh.

3. Twins. You need to take up the support in front of you. As a support, you can choose the back of the stool. But, in this exercise, it should be precisely the support, and not denot it. Twins to the side are first made by one foot, and then the other. If this exercise seems easy, then you can create an additional load at the expense of weighting. They are sold in any sports equipment store.

4. "Scissors" and "Bike" They are also an effective exercise against the "orange peel" on the hips and buttocks. To fulfill them, you need to lie on your back and make your movements resembling the operation of scissors or pedals of a bicycle.

Important: in addition to exercises for problem areas, it is necessary to include in your complex and such exercises that will act in the rest of the body. For a greater effect in the fight against cellulite, you need to keep the entire muscle system in good shape.

Anti -cellulite massage and wraps

Read a detailed description in the article on our website

Anti -cellulite massage and wraps

Anti -cellulite diet: tips and reviews

Council #1. To combat cellulite, you can use folk remedies. Excellent assistants in the fight against "orange peel" are apple cider vinegar. This tool contains compounds that can “burn” excess fat and regenerate the skin in problem areas. To do this, you can make a lotion based on apple vinegar.

RECIPE. In half a glass of warm water, four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and four teaspoon of honey are mixed. The lotion is applied to the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. In order to be better absorbed, useful substances from this product need to be rubbed for 10 minutes.

Council #2. Various masks, scrubs and wraps are effective against cellulite. With their help, you can tone the skin, give it smoothness and enhance the effect of update. Such funds are especially effective at the early stage of the problem. In addition, scrubs and wraps can be carried out simultaneously. What will enhance the effect of these procedures even more. All about the wraps from cellulite can be viewed here in this article of our site.

Tip #3. You can get rid of cellulite using a vacuum massage. This cosmetic procedure stimulates blood flow to the problem area. Due to which the “feeding” of the skin occurs useful substances, metabolism is accelerated, and fat deposits are removed.


Beautiful body

Hope. After the birth of the first child, I had signs of cellulite. I tried diets, folk remedies and cosmetic procedures. But, without physical exercises, cellulite did not go through. Now I support the muscles in good shape, visiting the gym several times a week. Exercises not only helped to cope with the problem, but also help to keep the body in good condition.

Anti -cellulite diet: video. How to get rid of cellulite forever

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Comments K. article

  1. That's right, the fight against cellulite should begin from the inside. I also adjusted meals. And she did the wraps. She applied the Hors Forsa gel with a horse chestnut, waited for a film and waited 20 minutes.

  2. You can also add a scrub HORS FORS LIMPHODENGENAGE. Scrub the skin before wrapping. Then the effect will be better

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