How to quickly get rid of cellulite? Effective anti -cellulite products, thermal procedures, exercises, diets

How to quickly get rid of cellulite? Effective anti -cellulite products, thermal procedures, exercises, diets

If you want to defeat cellulite, you must clearly understand that you will have to wage a complex and comprehensive struggle. Otherwise, your attempts will not make any sense. There is no gold tablet from cellulite or exercise, performing which you will forget about such a problem.

How to prevent the appearance of cellulite?

Many will answer that it is enough to keep weight within normal. In fact, the answer lies much deeper. Confirmation of this is thin young girls, on the feet of which there is a cellulite.

Important: in simple language, our skin should eat well, blood circulation should be a good and subcutaneous fat layer should not exceed the norm.

To do this, it is necessary to affect the skin both outside and from the inside:

  • proper nutrition
  • physical exercises
  • cosmetics
  • massage

Proper anti -cellulite nutrition

Direct your nutrition to get rid of excess weight (if it takes place) and the removal of toxins and toxins from the body. So, eat correctly and balanced.

Forbidden products in anti -cellulite nutrition

  • alcohol
  • soluble coffee and black tea
  • sweet
  • pasta, white rice
  • fat, spicy, salty
  • fast food
  • mayonnaise
  • chips, crackers, canned food
  • carbonated drinks

Principles of anti -Culular nutrition:

  • prepare meal or bake
  • do not overeat
  • eat depending on your activity for the day. If you plan to sit at home, eat less heavy food, more vegetables. If you plan to spend the day actively, you can eat more calorie. The meaning is not to let the body accumulate fats
  • drink 2 liters of clean water per day
  • do not eat at least 2 hours before bedtime
  • eat in a balanced

Anti-cellulite nutritional products

  • fresh vegetables and fruits. Improve metabolism, remove toxins from the body
  • red berries
  • rye bread
  • cereals
  • fish and other seafood
  • olive oil
  • dried fruits
  • legumes
  • chicken protein
  • freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices

Important: do not think that you should eat only the products described above. Your task is to exclude forbidden products and add more help of helping products to the diet.

Diets to help the struggle against cellulite

Anti -cellulite diets are not aimed at starving or eating one product for several days.

All of them are aimed at ensuring that your nutrition is balanced without prejudice to health. Although it is worth noting that they are quite low

I gained the most popular and positive reviews diet, developed Nicole Ronsar, the author of the book “How to win the cellulite. Strategy and tactics of successful combating cellulite. ”

Diet Rules:

  • drink from 2 liters of purified non -carbonated water per day
  • a complete rejection of dairy products, sugar, salt, alcohol, tea, coffee
  • accurate compliance with the menu

The diet is designed for 10 days.

The first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth day. Only raw vegetables and fruits. Without restrictions in quantity. Choose fruits with the least sugar content: apples, pineapples, mangoes, kiwi, oranges. Breakfast: raw fruit. Lunch: fresh vegetables, vegetable salads, seasoned preferably with olive oil. You can add a little sunflower or pumpkin seeds; Sesame, almonds. Dinner: one fruit, a dining salad with the addition of soy, beans, wheat sprouts.

Second day. Only fruits.

Day fourth, sixth, eighth, tenth. Fruits, boiled vegetables, silent cereal cereals (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat).

Important: if you feel malaise during a diet, then refuse it. It will be enough to follow the rules of proper nutrition described above.

Anti -cellulite massage at home

Anti -cellulite massage is done in order to improve blood circulation in the skin.

It will not be difficult for you to do a massage yourself:

  • simple massage Using a massage brush. After taking a contrast shower, rub dry skin in problem areas for 5-10 minutes. Repeat the procedure daily;
  • honey massage. Take a couple of teaspoons of natural honey (the exact volume depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe problematic place), essential oil (orange, grapefruit, tangerine). Mix honey and oil at the rate of 4-5 drops of oil per 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply the mixture to the palm of your hand and massage the problem area with light pathetic movements. After a few pats, the skin will become sensitive and reddening. You do everything right if you see white cereal flakes on the skin in a few minutes. Do such a massage several times a week.

    Important: after any massage session, an anti -cellulite or soothing agent must be applied to the skin.

Thermal procedures to combat cellulite

The most common thermal procedures are baths, contrast shower, wrap.

For acceptance anti -cellulite bathAdd sea salt to the water. This is a rather passive way of combating cellulite and can only be effective as an addition to others.

Important: a contrast shower improves blood microcirculation. Take a shower by changing the water temperature from hot to cool and vice versa.

After the bath and the soul, it is good to grind with a special massage brush.

Due to its effectiveness, the wrapping procedure has gained particular popularity.

Buy or make yourself a special anti-cellulite cream, apply it to the problem area, wrap it with cling film, lie under the blanket for 30-40 minutes. After thoroughly rinse.

Anti -cellulite procedures outside the house

If you do not want to defeat cellulite at home, you can choose salon procedures to quickly get rid of cellulite:

  • myostimulation. The procedure is the effect of electric current on the muscles. Excess fat is burned and cellulite leaves. You can call this procedure a passive training. To achieve the effect, you need to go from 10 sessions;
  • anticellulite massage. Massage with or without special devices aimed at improving blood circulation in problem areas. The course is 10-15 sessions;
  • wraps. The procedure that you can do at home. And you can entrust professionals. The result will be after a few sessions;
  • mesotherapy and ozone therapy. The procedure acting from the inside, as drugs or ozone are administered intradermally, struggling with cellulite. To achieve the effect, 2-3 sessions are needed, which will be periodically necessary to repeat. The effect after the procedure will please you very much;
  • pressotherapy. In this procedure, the fight against cellulite exerts pressure by air. Using the procedure, metabolism improves, as a result of which the skin becomes smooth and elastic. 10-15 sessions are usually enough to obtain the desired effect;
  • Water procedures. As a rule, such procedures mean a banal visit to the sauna. Undoubtedly, blood circulation improves, but you will not achieve the result in this way in this way. This should rather be an addition to any of the above.

Exercises for quickly getting rid of cellulite

Important: exercises for riding cellulite are not aimed at pumping muscle, but at improving blood microcirculation, activation of the outflow of the elevator:

  • we bend the left leg at the knee, take the right back and do not bend. Hands on the knees. The back is straight. We are waiting for 30 seconds and a little spring pelvis. Change the leg and repeat
  • legs together, arms forward. Squat slowly 10 times
  • we lie down on your back, we put our legs on something above the level of the body. Strain the buttocks and raise the pelvis up several times
  • we lie down on the right side. We raise the left leg up 45 degrees and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat several times and change the leg
  • we lie down on the stomach, raise our legs as high as possible, and then spread them to the sides.

    Video: Exercises against cellulite

How to prepare anti -cellulite creams, oils, scrubs, gels at home

Coffee scrub.

The most popular scrub for correction of the figure. The easiest recipe: mix ground coffee with shower gel. During the adoption of the shower, massage the problem areas well. A good effect can be achieved by a combination of honey and coffee. Mix 4 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of coffee. Massage the skin with the resulting mass for about 15 minutes.

Anti-cellulite cream.

Mix 2 teaspoons of your cream for body, 10 ml of olive oil, a few drops of orange essential oil. Rub the skin of the skin daily.

Honey gel.

Heat 30 g of pink water, add 3 g of gelatin, 3 g of boric acid, a spoonful of honey and 50 g of glycerol. Mix well and let it brew for 5 hours. Apply to problem areas.

Massage Oil.

Mix 200 g of sesame oil, 2 drops of patchouli and ylang, 4 drops of pink oil, 1 drop of juniper oil, 1 drop of juniper oil. Such oil can be used after each bath or shower. Massage until the oil is completely absorbed.

The fight against cellulite is a complex process. Follow all tips and achieve results!

Video on the topic "How to get rid of cellulite" from Tatyana Rybakova.

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Comments K. article

  1. All these massages and procedures do not really help to lose weight, I personally have a zero effect from them! There is no time for sport, studying and earnings yet, but I want a beautiful figure. I think to take a capsule for losing weight models in a pharmacy eighteen plus, I heard a lot about them. Gorky Polecu extract will help me eat less, but this is my main problem, and there the weight will go to decline. Many capsules have already helped to build a good figure!

  2. I did massage with a dry anti -cellulite brush, after making wrap with anti -cellulite serum Twins TEK to and after. Serum stimulates subcutaneous fat splitting. Increases vein tone, and improves skin blood circulation. Regular use also gradually regenerates the skin and renews epidermis cells. Cellulite and sagging of the skin left.

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