The anatomical structure and functions of the human eye: features, scheme with designations, description. Anatomical drawing of the eye of a person

The anatomical structure and functions of the human eye: features, scheme with designations, description. Anatomical drawing of the eye of a person

Eyes - are our assistants in the knowledge of the world, thanks to their functionality, we can visually perceive any pictures of objects, etc. Next, we will study the anatomical structure and functions of the human eye.

The visual system is unique, complex. For more than one year, scientists were needed to find out how it works. With the help of a paired body, you get about 95 percent of information about the outside world.

People have the opportunity not to see their eyes themselves, but through the visual organ. According to the functionality, video information can be transmitted through an important component of the eye - the visual nerve, and even with the help of chiasma, optic tracts, which are located in certain areas of the occipital part of the brain shell. The image is also formed there, which stands before the eyes. It is these parts of the visual system that play a leading role in the functionality.

Human eyes: Features

It is interesting that a person has two eyes, this is to get 3-D pictures.
The extreme right of the visual organ is responsible for coverage of the right side of the image, and the left for the left. And the image from the right eye is transmitted to the left hemisphere, and from the left to the right. After the information is connected into one whole.

With any violations of this functionality, a binocular review is upset. More precisely, a person develops double in the eyes. You will see completely different images, this will significantly lower the quality of life.

But we are not talking about, then we will further study the structure and functions of the human eye in detail.

Eyes work on the principle of a camera, where the lens is cornea With crystal and pupil. With the help of a lens, an automatic focusing of images on retina. Thanks to the retina, pictures are remembered, and then the “photographs” enter the brain processing.

Look below anatomical scheme of the eyeball, there you can find information, for which each part of the eyeball is responsible.

How are human eyes arranged?

The eye consists of:

  • from organ of vision
  • part organ of vision Enters eyeball and visual nerve
  • muscle motor system
  • lacrimal apparatus
  • the eye sockets in the skull, where the eyeballs are located.
The external structure of the eye
The external structure of the eye

The structure of the eyeball structure of a person

The structure of the eyeball of a person
The structure of the eyeball of a person

See clearly how the eye apple is arranged above. As you can see, the scheme is complicated, but thanks to its detailed description, you will easily deal with it.

  • The first is going Rogovitsa -a dense and transparent film that covers the eye. In this shell there are blood vessels of blood vessels, thanks to it, refraction. The cornea is in contact with the sclera. This shell, unlike the cornea, is opaque.
  • Then you will see the front camera of the eye - The plot shares of the iris, cornea. There is a liquid in the chamber.
  • Round rainbow It has a small circle inside, similar to a hole - a pupil. It serves to reduce, relax the pupil and consists of muscle mass. Also, the iris can be a variety of shades of colors. In different people, it differs, it can be blue or green. Thanks to this part of the eye, the light stream changes.
  • A small dark circle in the iris is pupil.Its size changes depending on the illumination. With the bright sun, the pupils narrow, and in the evening - expands.
  • Next is going Crystalik,he is the "lens" of the eye. In terms of quality, it has elastic properties, transparent, changes its shape to make sharpness. The lens is considered the optical component of the eyes.
  • Substance in the form vitreous bodyit looks like a gel, is located behind, thanks to it a certain rounded shape of the eye is preserved. The vitreous body takes part in the eye system of metabolism. Refers to the optics of the eye.
  • Photoreceptors, nerve endings that are available in retinathey have high sensitivity to light. Nerve cells produce rhodopsin, after which the light energy is converted into the motor energy of the nerve tissues. Therefore, a reaction of photochemistry arises. Also, nerve endings due to high sensitivity to light contribute to the development of peripheral vision and vision in the dark.
  • Another important organ of the eyeball - sclera,on an opaque structure, it borders on the cornea. Six muscles are attached to this shell, which are responsible for the movement of the eyeball. There are also many vessels and nerve fibers in the sclera.
  • Immediately after the sclera is located the vascular shell. Thanks to it, blood flow inside the eyes occurs. When the ailment develops, the vascular shell has the ability to become inflamed.
  • Transmission from the nerve fibers of the eyeball into the brain occurs in terms of means optic nerve.

Building scheme of the tear system of the eye

Next, look clearly, the external structure and functions of the human eye, with what muscles it is set in motion.

Building and work of the eye
Building and work of the eye

On top of the diagram is presented work of the lacrimal system, this system involves: lacrimal channels, tearful bags, tearful meat, lacrimal tubules (see the scheme). Thanks to these components, a person can cry. Also, the cornea and its purification occur for centuries.

The picture shows that the eye of a round shape, the approximate size of the eyeball in adults about 23 millimeters.

The organs of vision are in the skull, in eye sockets, and outside it is served to protect the eyelids, eyelashes. From the inside, each eyelid is covered with a conjunctiva, from the outside with a skin cloth. Inside the eyelids there is muscle mass and cartilage. Thanks to the glands on the inside of the eyelids, the surface of the cornea is washed with lacrimal contents. From the inner edge of the eyelids there are tearful channels.

The structure of the muscle system of the eye

There are in the eye sockets eight muscles, six of which are responsible for the movement of the eye itself, four of them are straight, two - oblique (raise the upper eyelid, and also the orbital muscle). Muscle fibers, in addition to the last two, come out of the eye socket, form general tendon ring. The tendons form a tourniquet with the nervous membrane and act on fibrous plate, she is responsible for the closure of the upper orbital slit.

Below the image is a detailed structure of the motor muscle system of the human eye. Thanks to the external muscles that are indicated in the picture, as the oculomotor muscles, the visual organs are able to move. Therefore, people can easily translate their eyes from side to side, look at any objects or creatures that attract their attention.

Muscular system of the human eye
Muscular motor system of the human eye

It is interesting that the eyes have auxiliary protection organs that can hide them from adverse factors. Eyelids - not only capable of covering the delicate shell ( cornea), and are also an auxiliary tool for the outflow of tears and moisturizing the outer shell of the eyeball. Tears are necessary for a person as moisturizers of the cornea and they also carry out a bactericidal effect, washing off the dust, sorcerers from the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe cornea.

The most interesting thing is that without a final analysis of the perception of visual information in the brain, in its shell, namely, in the occipital zone, a person will not perceive the picture. For complete information without a brain, you can not do.

The structure of the optic nerve of the human eye

With the help of the optic nerve, nerve impulses from light stimuli are transmitted from the retina to the visual center located in the crust of the occipital part of the brain.

Below in the figure see the scheme of the visual analyzer.

  • The perceiving part of the image is an eyeball.
  • The paths conducting the visual impulse are visual nerve, chiasm, visual tract.
  • Subcortical centers (on the diagram under the number 5).
  • Visual centers in the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres.

How are the eyes arranged?
How are the eyes arranged?

How to draw an anatomical pattern of an organ of vision?

Nowadays, human anatomy has been studied thoroughly, because there are many accomplices by which the human organs can easily be drawn, including visual ones. Below is an example of a drawing where there is a structure of human eye. According to this image, you can find out the structure and functions of the human eye.

Anatomy of the visual organ, scheme
Anatomy of the visual organ, scheme

Video: Human Building and Functions

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