Aliexpress Uzbekistan - how to order: step -by -step instructions. How to use the Aliexpress website in Uzbekistan?

In this article, we will tell you how to buy it correctly Aliexpress in Uzbekistan.

Aliexpresshe has already gained immense popularity in Russia and is now actively gaining other countries. No, he worked there before, but was not too popular. Since the site is actively developing and everyone heard about it, the inhabitants of other countries began to pay more attention to it. Thus, great interest Aliexpress causes in residents of Uzbekistan. Let's figure out how to buy here and what features are correctly.

What kind of site Aliexpress, how does it work and what are the pros and cons?

Home Aliexpress
Home Aliexpress

Aliexpress is a large Chinese supplier of goods from different sellers from China. The site appeared on the international market about 10 years ago and during this time managed to become a megapopular and largest of all existing sites in the world. Among its advantages stand out:

  • Low cost of goods. If you compare prices with other online stores, you can immediately notice how much prices are different here. This is due to the fact that the purchase is carried out directly from the factories themselves and therefore there is no need to make additional wrapping and use the services of intermediaries.
  • Transactions protection. On the Aliexpress a special protection for buyers has been developed. She works very simple. The buyer first pays for the order and the money is reserved in a special account. The seller will receive them only after confirmation that the package came and everything is fine with it. If problems arise, then you can always open a dispute and demand your money back.
  • Range. China is a very large country. Accordingly, there are a huge number of sellers on the site. Buyers are offered not only familiar goods, but also those that you will not find in ordinary stores.
  • The opportunity to bargain. This is one of the features of the site. At the moment, no online store can offer you such a service.
  • Personal Area. The interface of the site and personal account itself is made as simple and understandable as possible. Yes, undoubtedly, beginners always have many questions on it, but at the same time you can understand it quickly.
  • Payment Methods. In order for customers to pay for purchases, it is allowed to use different payment methods. These are bank cards, and electronic wallets and much more.
  • Package Tracking. Relatively recently, the function of tracking parcels was built into the personal account. So now you don’t even need to use special services, and everything can be done in one place.
  • Ratings, reviews. Each seller has his own rating, which he earns as he works at the site. The higher it is, the better the seller. Moreover, after receiving the order, each buyer is allowed to leave a review, so it is always fashionable to find out what advantages and disadvantages the purchase has.
  • Discounts and promotions. More Aliexpress buyers love for permanent sales. There are always a lot of them here and if you go to the site every day, you can find a lot of interesting discounts.

Despite the fact that it seems Aliexpress it looks perfect, but it has certain disadvantages.

  • First of all, this concerns the translation. The fact is that all the names of the goods and descriptions to them are translated using a computer, and not by people and sometimes very strange phrases are found. At the same time, the meaning can still be disassembled, but it is not always convenient.
  • You can only communicate with sellers in English. Although this is already difficult to call a disadvantage, since a car transmission was built into the messages. So if you contact the seller in Russian, he will still be able to see the translation, as well as you.
  • The dimensions on the site should always be chosen carefully, since the tables of sellers are very different, and small ones are mainly sold here. So you definitely need to look at the tables and take off the measurements, as well as read reviews.

How to register and get a discount on the first order for Aliexpress in Uzbekistan?

If on the site Aliexpress Another currency that you do not need was opened, then set up the currency in the upper right corner, as shown below.

Currency setting on the Aliexpress website
Currency setting on the Aliexpress website

To start making purchases on Aliexpress, first you need to create a personal account for yourself. We will consider the option when when registering is immediately given a discount coupon. So, let's start:

  • To begin with, on the right, perhaps in the center on the main page we click on a special message about the coupon for the first purchase. This action is not constant. It happens from time to time.
Get a coupon
Get a coupon
  • You will open a page with a greeting and a message that to get a coupon you need to write a code from a picture. We do it and click "Get a coupon"
Make a coupon
Make a coupon
Registration for Aliexpress
Registration for Aliexpress
  • Further, the system will offer you to enter your account or create a new one. Since we do not have accounts yet, we choose "Registration" And the questionnaire will open for registration
  • Here you need to indicate the name, surname, email. In fact, there is nothing unusual in registration, except that all data are indicated by English letters
  • In the case of mail, everything is clear, it is always written like that, but problems can arise with the name, since not everyone knows how to write certain letters
  • In this case, a special service for translite is called, which is called that
In translite
In translite

In the screenshot, we see its main page. You need to enter the desired text into the empty window and select the translation key " In translite«.

After filling out the questionnaire, you will receive a confirming link to the mail, you need to press it and the window will open, where you set the login and password, click " Confirm«.

  • When you indicate all the information, click "Profile settings", fill out the necessary data and registration will end.

How to fill out the delivery address to Aliexpress in Uzbekistan?

  • As soon as you go to your new account, we immediately open "My Aliexpress". This is your personal account
  • Here you need to specify the address for delivery of parcels. To do this, go to "Delivery addresses"
Add the address
Add the address
  • Here we press the button to add the address and open the form to fill in English letters, translating into
Questionnaire for the address
Questionnaire for the address

Here, in fact, it is not necessary to indicate anything unusual, but still there are certain features.

  • Firstly, the data should be complete. This applies to the name. According to customs rules in different countries, delivery is possible only if there is a full name in the address.
  • Secondly, when entering the street, houses and apartments, all words can be written completely or reduced, but in any case, they should be written in English letters. The name of the street is completely indicated. Street, house, flat. Can be reduced. uL., Dom., KV.. The main thing is that the address can be understood by your mail.
  • Thirdly, if you live in an area that is not in the list on AliexpressWe choose "Other" And indicate its name in the line with the city.
  • Fourth, if you live in a village or village, then do not forget to add the name of the area in a line with the city.
  • Fifth, the index should always be correct. If you do not know how to write it, then it is better to go to the site of the Post of Uzbekistan and look at it there.

As soon as you indicate everything, save the data with a special button. Now you can go shopping.

How to find the right product for Aliexpress in Uzbekistan?

Now, we are returning to the main page of the site again Aliexpress in Uzbekistan and you can start looking for goods. There are two main search methods, as in any other store - a catalog and a search line.

Search line
Search line

The catalog works very simple. On the main page of the site, only popular categories of goods are displayed. If you bring the mouse cursor to one of them, you will see a more detailed lists. If you find here what you like, then choose and go to the catalog. Or choose "See all" And you will be redirected to a full heading.

  • The search line also works without troubles. You can write the name of the product in Russian and click on the search button. All the goods suitable for a request will be highlighted.
  • Usually in the catalogs there are thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of goods. Agree, it is simply impossible to view everything. Therefore, to find faster more suitable things, be sure to sort them using special filters.
  • At the very top of the page, you can sort the goods according to the rating, price, with free delivery and so on. By the way, here you can even choose a specific brand that you like best.
  • On the left, the choice is already made according to the specific characteristics of things. For example, for clothes it will be sizes, color, drawings, fabric, style and much more.
  • You can still look at the sales of the site. Every day there are many discounts here. You can find all relevant offers on the main page.

How to place and pay for an order for Aliexpress in Uzbekistan?

After choosing a suitable product on Aliexpress study the seller and reviews about him and the thing itself. If nothing is alarming you and you are sure that you can make an order, then proceed to its design.

  • On the page with the product, mark all the suitable characteristics, quantity and method of delivery and press one of two buttons - "Buy now" or "Add to Basket".
Buying goods
Buying goods
  • The first button implies an instant purchase of goods, and the second one allows you to simply postpone the thing and continue to choose something else. In the latter case, when everything is chosen, you just need to go into the basket and press the inside "Checkout".
  • Now the page is loaded for placing an order. Regardless of the method, it will be the same, only the amount of goods will differ. Here you need to check the information about the goods and decide on the method of payment.
  • In fact, only a bank card or something else is proposed. If you decide to use the card, then write all its details and save them in the system. Or just click on "Other methods" And continue placing an order.
Payment Methods
Payment Methods
  • A little below you can see that our discount received during registration is automatically used and the amount for payment is reduced.
  • Now click "Confirm and pay" And you will find yourself on a page where you need to make a payment confirmation or choose one of the available methods and using the instructions of the system to complete the purchase.
Transition to payment
Transition to payment

How to track the parcel with Aliexpress to Uzbekistan?

Immediately after payment, the order with Aliexpress in Uzbekistan, he will be sent for processing the seller. He must pack it and transfer it to the postal service. He is given a special tracking number, which he gives to the buyer, when he confirms the sending for Aliexpress.

  • This number can be viewed through "My orders"if you press near the purchase "Check tracking".
Tracking tracking
Tracking tracking
  • On the new page, you will find a service engaged in the delivery of your product and its track number below. Moreover, at the very top of the page shows the statuses of the tracking of parcels. Therefore, you will always be aware of how long to wait for the order and do not even have to use some additional sites.
  • The order can be tracked on sites:

How to get a parcel with Aliexpress in Uzbekistan?

The standard, free sending of parcels involves their intake to the nearest post office. Actually, the index for this is needed to determine exactly the very same compartment. Here, receiving is already possible in two ways.

  • If the package is very small and crawls into the mailbox, then they will be thrown there and
  • If the package does not fit into the box, then wait for the notification. With him and with a passport, apply to the mail to receive an order
  • If you made a paid delivery, then wait for the courier call when the parcel arrives in your city. You can agree with him about the convenient time

Regardless of what exactly you use the method, always carefully look at the package so that it does not have traces of autopsy and damage. If they are, then open it with a postal worker or courier, and if problems with the goods are detected, make special acts, take photos, videos. You will need them to dispute on Aliexpress. In addition, you can refuse to pick up the goods and it will be sent back to China. And you will receive money back through the dispute.

How to open a dispute on Aliexpress in Uzbekistan?

If with goods with Aliexpressproblems are discovered, a dispute is necessarily opened. This is required to return your money back. To do this, in the list of orders near the goods, select "Open dispute":

Open dispute
Open dispute
  • Put the checkmarks over the goods, to which the dispute belongs.
  • Next, fill out a special form and attach evidence, for example, video unpacking, correspondence with the seller, photographs, autopsy acts. In general, load everything that can prove your case.
  • Then send a request and wait for the seller’s answer.

Details about how to start disputes with sellers on Aliexpress and lead them, we talked here.

How to confirm the receipt of an order for Aliexpress in Uzbekistan?

If the resulting product with Aliexpress it suits you and you have no complaints about its quality, then you should confirm its receipt on the site. To do this, press the order opposite "Confirm receipt".

Confirm the receipt of the order
Confirm the receipt of the order

Farther, put the ticks the goods received, put the stars In 4 places, you can, but it is not necessary to write a review and attach a photo, confirm the action Once again and that's it, now your order is closed as executed.

Confirmation of goods
Confirmation of goods

You will also be invited to leave an opinion about the product right after that. It is not necessary to do this at all right away, you can later, but we still recommend writing reviews, since when choosing a product, other users are guided precisely on them.

As you can see, buy on Aliexpress in Uzbekistan, it is very simple. The main thing is to understand all the features.

Video: How to buy on AliExpress: Instructions

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