Aliexpress: The rating of strollers 2 in 1 and 3 in 1. The lightest strollers for newborns: an overview of Aliexpress. What is the difference between strollers 3 in 1 and 2 in 1 from transformers?

Aliexpress: The rating of strollers 2 in 1 and 3 in 1. The lightest strollers for newborns: an overview of Aliexpress. What is the difference between strollers 3 in 1 and 2 in 1 from transformers?

Review of strollers 2 in 1 and 3 in 1 on Aliexpress.

Now there is a huge selection of strollers. Transformers are mainly popular, as well as 2 or 3 in 1. In this article, we will tell you how they differ and we will give a rating of the most popular strollers that can be purchased for Aliexpress.

What is the difference between strollers 3 in 1 and 2 in 1 from transformers?

For the past few years, the dollar exchange rate has grown significantly, so young parents seek to purchase a stroller as cheaper as possible. Because even the most affordable option is currently not cheap. That is why the number of purchases of strollers on Aliexpress.

Despite the fact that these are quite voluminous and bulky goods, many sellers are captivating free delivery, as well as low prices. But at the same time, the low price can not always guarantee the quality of the stroller. Therefore, we will tell you which strollers should choose on Aliexpress, And what you need to focus on. Please note that opinions regarding the best strollers are separated.

A stroller with a cradle
A stroller with a cradle

Many mothers believe that a stroller-transformer is an ideal option. It is one chassis block, which, through simple manipulations, transforms into a walking model. That is, in such a stroller, the upper part is only one, which, due to the presence of brackets, as well as loops, can rise, go into a cradle or into a walk.

Systems 2 in 1 are the main part - a metal frame with wheels, on which two blocks are attached. That is, you can decide on a choice, it will be a cradle or a walking block. These are two independent, separate parts that are removed from the stroller, and are installed on it. But recently, many young families have cars.

Accordingly, 3 in 1 strollers have gained great popularity, they are nothing more than a common frame with wheels, on which three blocks can be attached: it is a cradle, a walking block, and a car searem. That is, if you do not have a car, then buying a 3 in 1 stroller does not make any sense. Because you and your child are not traveling anywhere. Although many parents are worried about the security of their child, they often carry the baby to examine a taxi pediatrician. Accordingly, it makes sense to purchase a system of 3 in 1 with car seats in order to safely transport the baby.

Stroller 2 in 1
Stroller 2 in 1

Rules for choosing strollers for aliexpress


  • The main aspects that are worth paying attention to when choosing a stroller of 2 in 1 or 3 in 1 is the material from which the base is made. That is, the mechanical block itself, on which a variety of cradles or walking blocks are installed. Please note that this frame should be quite durable, made of reliable metal and covered with special paint, which will prevent corrosion of metal parts.
  • A prerequisite is the presence of brakes. Turning front wheels, which allow you to quite easily control the stroller, are also very popular. They make it more mobile and allow you to walk even on off -road.
  • If necessary, in many models, these rotary wheels are blocked, when installed in a normal direct position. This is necessary when moving along snow -covered streets, since rotating wheels only interfere with the transportation of the child.
  • Recently, the most popular have become strollers on three wheels. This is really a very convenient option, because the front wheel rotating, that is, mobile, which makes the stroller very maneuverable and easily controlled.
  • Of course, the most reliable are German strollers, but the price category of such goods is quite high. The most reliable and heavy are English strollers. Portuguese strollers are distinguished by a large number of various additional functions than English and German ones cannot boast of.
  • But all these products have one big drawback - this is their price. Therefore, not everyone can afford something similar. If you like quality goods, but are not ready to pay a lot of money, you should look at the stroller for Aliexpress. Below we will give a rating of the most popular strollers 2 and 3 in 1 on Aliexpress.
Stroller 2 in 1
Stroller 2 in 1

Aliexpress: rating of strollers 2 in 1 and 3 in 1

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Golden Baby. It is possible to choose a color, as well as a complete set. You can choose like all three blocks, so purchase only one. That is, in the kit you can purchase a walking block, a cradle, as well as car seats. According to buyers, a stroller for their money is simply wonderful. But many noted a number of shortcomings. Among them is that such strollers are cold. That is, there is no insulation inside. This is just a frame that is stretched on top of the cloth. Many noted the small size of the stroller, it will be enough for a short time, since the length of the cradle is not very large.

Accordingly, a child of more adulthood is unlikely to be able to lie in it because of his height. But many also noted that there is no bag for a stroller, as well as a raincoat. Accordingly, this will have to be purchased separately. But there is a cute mosquito grid with lace and ruffles. Keep in mind that the wheels of this stroller are inflated, quite wide, which is very great for Russian snowy winters. The stroller drives along such a snow road just great.

Golden Baby
Golden Baby

WiseSonle. The seller stated that the stroller is 3 in 1, but in fact it is an ordinary traffic stroller with a car seare. There is no separate walking block in this kit, it is one, combined. That is, the cradle, along with a walking block, which with the help of several simple movements is laid out and is done a little more and wider. The back also rises and the foot cavity is stretched. There is an opportunity to choose fabric upholstery or leather -aligned upholstery. This is an ideal option for the off -season period when it rains. In such a stroller, the wind will not blow out, the child will not freeze. But for the summer it is hot, it is better to choose a fabric option. Among the advantages of the stroller is low weight, light aluminum case.

It has only three wheels, front rotary and rear, large inflatable wheels. This option is not very suitable for snow winter due to a small wheel size and a rather flimsy frame and control unit. But this is one of the best options for the off -season and slush. Therefore, it will become just a find for residents of the southern regions of our country, where there is practically no snow winter, a sluggish, wet weather with dirt lasts a rather long period of time. The stroller is very easy to understand, folds. It is possible to transport in the car. Car Seatslo is included. Many mothers noted that the stroller for that kind of money is very good, functional. Unfortunately, there is also no bag, but there is a stand for a bottle, bracelet, as well as a raincoat.


Babyyoya. This option can be called universal and all -terrain vehicle, because in fact the stroller is intended for travel. It develops easily, very lightweight, small weight. It is possible to throw back the back almost 180 degrees or raise it. In addition, the hood is regulated, which can be closed in rainy weather or completely open in sunny times. The main advantage of the stroller is that it folds to small sizes. The kit includes a small clip cover, thanks to this, it is very convenient to take the stroller with you on travel. This is just ideal for parents who love not only walks, but also various travel travels, airplanes or trains.

The price is quite affordable, it looks much more reliable than the cheapest stroller. But this is not the most suitable option for newborns that were born in winter or late autumn. Such a stroller simply cannot ride in the snow, ice and is quite cold. That is, with thin walls that are not insulated with anything. Such a stroller will definitely blow. But if your child was born in the summer, then this is a pretty good option. This is a great option for those who have children more than 1 year old and you plan to travel with them all summer, spring and autumn. In this case, the stroller will become simply indispensable. All parts are fabric, removable, there is the opportunity to wash them.


The lightest strollers for newborns on Aliexpress

Basically, small weight strollers are acquired by people who love to travel, as well as for walking in the summer. A stroller of small weight allows you to lift it along the steps even with a child inside, which significantly facilitates the fate of the mother. Now on Aliexpress a huge number of strollers for walking are also presented, which are folded to the minimum size.


  • One of them is yoya Plus Baby Yoya. A great option for the off -season, as well as summer. The wheels are small, plastic. Therefore, in winter, it is quite difficult to ride such a stroller on ice. Many buyers noted a very beautiful design. It is possible to buy a stroller with Mickey Mouse's ears for girls that you look very pretty. It folds quite easily. Many parents note that older children can add such strollers on their own. Of the shortcomings - a hard couch. Therefore, many acquire a separate mattress for this stroller. The kit has a cover on the legs, as well as a large hood and a mosquito net. This is an ideal option for traveling, as well as for walking in the summer.

    yoya Plus Baby Yoya
  • Pouch. This stroller is great for walking in the summer. Its weight is 7 kg, folds to absolutely small sizes. Therefore, it can be easily transported in the trunk of any car or even in the back seat. In addition, the mattress is created from a special material that breathes, and allows you not to start moths inside, and also does not cause allergies in a child. The fabric in the stroller is quite dense, but allows you to breathe and penetrate the air. Not suitable for winter, but ideal for summer time. The kit has a wide hood, a convenient sunbed, as well as a mosquito net and protection on the legs.

  • SLD stroller. It differs from previous models in that the rear wheels are much larger than the front. The front wheels are rotary. The kit has a cloak on the legs, as well as a wide visor that can be adjusted. A convenient option for travel, as it folds in the form of a cane. In addition, a convenient basket made of mesh. Accordingly, it will not work to load with some heavy products. The weight of the stroller is slightly more than 8 kg. Also suitable for walking in the summer.

    SLD stroller
    SLD stroller

When choosing a walking option, to focus not only on weight and price. The fact is that the slight weight of the stroller suggests that the frame is quite thin or made of super light materials, most likely from aluminum. Accordingly, the thinner the frame, the less safe and durable is such a stroller. Therefore, saving funds on such a product, you automatically reduce quality, and purchase not very durable goods.

But if you need a stroller that will not be used daily, but only for traveling in a car or for transporting a child on an airplane, for relaxation, then such strollers are ideal. If you plan to ride in such a stroller all summer, spring and autumn, then choose heavier models that differ in high cost, as well as a very strong frame.

Video: strollers on Aliexpress

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