Acetylcholine is a mediator who can maintain balance in the nervous system

Acetylcholine is a mediator who can maintain balance in the nervous system

Acetylcholine mediator: Why does a person and other living beings need him? How are acetylcholine and nicotine interconnected? Where is acetylcholine produced and how does it work?

Acetylcholine - This is one of the main mediators in the nervous system. But there is very little information about the mediator Acetylcholine, written in an understandable language. Wikipedia and other sources tell about neurotransmitters with many complex terms, which are hard to understand the first time. In this article, we will try to tell about acetylcholine in a simple and understandable language.

What are neurotransmitters? Neurotransmitters are such chemicals that transfer information in the human nervous system. That is, the information between the nerve structures, in this case, is not transmitted using an electric impulse, but precisely thanks to special molecules that swim in the intercellular fluid. These molecules are called mediators.

You need to immediately tell about the most important properties of acetylcholine for a person. It directly affects memory and performance. The higher the level of acetylcholine, the higher they are. And the second important function of the mediator is the process of falling asleep. We fall asleep when we have very few acetylcholines. If you cannot fall asleep, you probably have a high level of acetylcholine. This may be due to the fact that you moved a lot or even worked. Why will we tell below.

Acetylcholine molecule
Acetylcholine molecule

The opening of the Acetylcholine mediator

Acetylcholine became the first mediator to discovered by scientists. And the German pharmacologist did it Otto Levy. In his amazing experiment, Acetylcholine stopped the frog's heart.

  • Experiment with an acetylcholine mediator and frog hearts

The scientist took two frog hearts and immersed them in a physiological solution. And the peculiarity of the heart of the frog is such that they can beat for a very long time in a special physiological solution. Then he began to annoy the vagus nerve, which came out of one of the hearts, electric shock. The heart slowed down its rhythm (this should happen).

After that, the scientist scored a little liquid in the syringe near his heart, and poured this liquid into the vessel where the second heart beat. The second heart also slowed down its rhythm.

Experiment Otto Levy
Experiment Otto Levy

For the opening of acetylcholine, and with him neurotransmitters in general, Levi was awarded Nobel Prize. They say that the experience with frogs dreamed at him at night. Moreover, the dream was repeated twice, the first time the scientist did not understand what he had dreamed of.

Acetylcholine and nicotine

Acetylcholine neurotransmitter It is important in the sense that it is his molecule that copies nicotine. In general, almost all drugs are similar in the structure of molecules to different neurotransmitters.

  • Nicotine Replaces acetylcholine.
  • Opium and heroin Copy another mediator - dopamine, which is also called the "hormone of happiness."
  • Ecstasy Consumes serotonin - one of the hormones of pleasure.
  • Alcohol No mediator replaces its molecule, but its effect on metabolic processes in the brain is very strong. Due to alcohol, the level of dopamine rises, although not as much as because of opium. And alcohol complicates the work of the GABA - a neurotransmitter who is responsible for calm, concentration and training. That is, alcohol “turns off the brain” and acts immediately on two systems of mediators.

There is a drug that blocks the craving for nicotine - this Tabex with active substance by citizin. There is a more modern drug Chax With the active substance, dumplings. The molecules of these substances are connected to acetylcholine receptors in those places where acetylcholine are attached in healthy people or nicotine in smokers. As a result, the craving for nicotine disappears. However, medicines for those who want to quit smoking are not required, there is everything in the human body to cope with this problem.

In addition to the smoking, there is also chewing, sniffing and even sucking tobacco. Nicotine can be absorbed through the skin. The action of nicotine plasters is based on this. There is also a nicotine spray and chewing gum.

Acetylcholine molecule copies not only nicotine from tobacco. For example, substances agonists or “substitutes” of acetylcholine are still in belladonna and durman. The action of these plants on the human body is even more destructive than that of tobacco.

A dope can cause hallucinations, tachycardia, photophobia.

But any poison in small dosages becomes a medicine, and drugs made of dope and belladonna are used to relieve pain, spasms, to check vision and for some other purposes. For example, the main purpose of the drug Bellastyin - anesthesia for stomach ulcer. But with such drugs you should still be extremely careful and try to avoid them. In addition to many side effects, they cause persistent dependence.

A drug that duplicates acetylcholine
The drug that duplicates acetylcholine

In general, nicotine and substances similar to it in plants are toxins. Plants use them as a neuro-paralytic poison from beetles and other pests that they want to enjoy them. Nicotine acts on insects like a deadly poison, they are smaller and more vulnerable than people. In a small amount of nicotine, even in ripe tomatoes, a little more in the leaves of tomatoes and potato leaves. And so that insects do not encroach on garden plants, you can use tobacco powder. It is also used as a fertilizer.

Where is acetylcholine produced?

Acetylcholine is produced in neuromuscular synapses near the spine. And it is developed in response to movement, in response to stress, and in general almost constantly. That is, if you decide to move your finger, then signals passed along your nerve fibers. For example, the signal passed, from the finger to the spine (axons or processes of nerve cells are really sometimes so long). In response to this, the nervous synaps near the spine was developed by the Acetylcholine mediator, which made your finger bend.

You can make a lot of conclusions from this simple description:

  • The easiest conclusion is that active movements and work increase the level of acetylcholine and interfere with falling asleep.
  • Another conclusion is that acetylcholine mobilizes the body. Therefore, if you need to do important work, even mental, then physical activity will help you.
  • It is interesting that acetylcholine is produced not only when you deliberately decided to move, but also in nervous and restless persons. The more alarming a person, the higher he has an acetylcholine level.
  • If you decide to quit smoking, then playing sports will make your process of weaning faster, but more tangible. What we do not use is atrophied. And the smoker of acetylcholine has little produced. If you move a lot, then give a large load on this system.
Creation and destruction of acetylcholine
Creation and destruction of acetylcholine

Acetylcholine life cycle

We explain some terms in the previous scheme:

Kholinacilase - This is an enzyme that catalyzes, that is, accelerates and enhances the reaction of acetylcholine. It is created from two substances of acetic acid and choline. Scientists have not yet been able to distinguish cholinecelamilasis in its purest form. Its number can be judged by indirect signs: the number of acetylcholine and the speed of its accumulation.

In the production of holiacetilasis, a very important role plays vitamin B1which is also called thiamine. Tiamin, as a drug, is indicated for use for its deficiency, sometimes during pregnancy, with heart failure, severe liver diseases and other disorders. Tiamine supports the processes associated with the work of insulin and stimulates the production of the mediator acetylcholine.

Tiamin is available in the form of a solution for injection and in the form of tablets in combination with other B vitamins B. These vitamins are indicated for neurological disorders, physical damage to the nerve tissues, alcoholism, chemical poisoning and some other conditions.

A drug with thiamine
A drug with thiamine

M and n holinoreceptors. Receptors are structures that catch a certain substance, in our case, the mediator acetylcholine. It often happens that the mediator is one, and several receptors on which he affects are several at once. Acetylcholine affects nicotine and nutmeg receptors.

  • Nicotine receptors There are in skeletal muscles and in autonomic ganglia. The agonist, that is, the substance replacing acetylcholine in them is nicotine. These receptors are completely blocked with deadly snake venom Kurarin.
  • Muscarine receptors In large quantities, you can find in smooth muscles and in the brain. Muscarin can replace acetylcholine in them - the poison of Mukhomorov, Belena and other nightshade plants. And the poisonous atropine blocks these receptors.

Acetylcholine and the balance of emotions

Smokers know that they need a cigarette to calm down in order to cheer up in the morning. Nicotine helps them think about complex tasks and vice versa to start active physical work, in which you do not need to think much. The same role in the human body is played and acetylcholine mediator.

It is interesting that in addition to chemicals, acetylcholine production and affects genes. Someone got enzymes and synapses that provide them with a large amount of acetylcholine. And someone has a relatively little this neurotransmitter. The skew both in the other direction is not very good.

  • With an excess of acetylcholine A person has a great memory and a living mind. But at the same time, he cannot calmly calm down, insomnia torments him.
  • With a lack of acetylcholine A person is calmer and more restrained. But it may seem that he lacks liveliness of the mind and speed of reaction.

The level of acetylcholine depends not only on genes. The lifestyle plays its role. Especially physical activity. Psychological attitudes, especially anxiety and strong stress, also play their important role.

Acetylcholine plays the same role as motor oil in the engine
Acetylcholine plays the same role as motor oil in the engine

Acetylcholine dopamine and Parkinson's disease

Acetylcholine mediator is difficult to consider without his connections with other mediators. An example of improper interaction of acetylcholine and dopamine are the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

Parkinson's disease - This is an incurable disease at the moment, which is manifested mainly in old age. Although there is early parkinsonism since 30 years. A characteristic feature of such patients is a constant trembling of the limbs, difficulties in coordination of movements. Even sit on a chair or go up the steps for such people.

The cause of Parkinson's disease is exhaustion and dying of cells in the brain that produces the Dopamine mediator. As a result, there are great difficulties in order to send a conscious impulse to the muscles, control over the body is weakened. But the activity of the mediator acetylcholine remains the same. As a result, there is a trembling characteristic of Parkinson's disease.

They try to smooth this condition with various methods: blocking the synthesis of acetylcholine or artificially increasing the level of dopamine. But all these drugs are serious and have many side effects. For example, the activity of acetylcholine reduces the cyclolas, and dopamine increases the levadop.

With Alzheimer's disease, Which also happens with the elderly, acetylcholine, on the contrary, is not enough. And for them, drugs that increase acetylcholine are used. These drugs help fight dementia and failures in memory of the elderly.

Parkinson's disease
Parkinson's disease

Acetylcholine mediator and VSD

The diseases that we wrote above, Parkinsonism and Alzheimer's disease are poorly studied, and require further research. Another mysterious disease that, in our opinion, is associated with the mediator acetylcholin is VSD or vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Diagnosis of VSD Therapists put it very often. According to various sources, this violation suffers from 25 to 70 percent of people. Especially often, VSD occurs with hormonal restructuring in adolescents or women during menopause.

It is believed that VSD is a disease that arises due to the fact that a person does not coincide “need” and “want”. For example, you are traveling in a trolley and very tired. You relax in the seat and almost fall asleep, but the next second you remember that people are looking at you and force yourself to start. This is repeated several times. The balance of neurotransmitters and the tone of blood vessels is changing. It tires. As a result, hypertension may occur or, vice versa, pressure drops.

Acetylcholine - An important link in the autonomic system. According to the results of recent Russian studies, stress (which is considered the main cause of the ISD) causes the release of a large amount of acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is considered a neurotransmitter of peace, but after severe excitement or stress, it is much larger than usual. If compensatory systems do not cope and some imbalance in the autonomic system is obtained, then this leads to the well-known symptoms of the ISD. However, about the mediator Acetylcholine and the connections between the autonomic and the nervous system are now more questions than answers.

You may be interested in other articles on our website about hormones and neurotransmitters:

Video: Acetylcholine mediator, its functions and nicotine - a detailed lecture

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