Adrenaline - Instructions for use

Adrenaline - Instructions for use

Adrenaline is a hormonal drug of animal origin used to restore sharply decreasing blood pressure. For the production of the medication form of this hormone, it is extracted from the adrenal glands and brain of cattle. But, recently, the synthetic analogue of this hormone is increasingly used - Epinephrine.

Adrenaline form of release

For medical purposes, a solution of hydrochloride and hydrtorty is used:

  • 0.1% solution of hydrochloride. Used for injection and is produced in ampoules of 1 ml. Can also be purchased in 30 ml of bottles
  • 0.18% solution of hydroparty. Produced in 1 ml of ampoules and is used as a solution for injection
Epinephrine is a synthetic analogue of a hormone of fear
Epinephrine is a synthetic analogue of a hormone of fear

Hydrochloride - White powder (sometimes with a pink tint) with a crystalline structure. To prepare a solution for injection, chloride acid and preservatives such as chlorobutanol and sodium metabisulfite are added to it.

Hydottat - White powder (sometimes with a gray tint) with a crystalline structure. The solution obtained from this powder has great resistance and is identical to hydrochloride in its properties and action.

Also in pharmacies you can purchase this tool in the form of homeopathic granules D3.

Adrenaline indications for use

When you need adrenaline
When you need adrenaline

The described hormone is a neurotransmitter. Its main task is the transfer of electrical impulses from nerve cells and neurons to the muscles. With the introduction of synthetic adrenaline, the active substance begins to excite fibers of the nervous system.

Due to which there is a narrowing of blood vessels in the abdominal cavity and the expansion of blood vessels in the brain. At the same time, blood pressure begins to rapidly increase.

The drug is used in the following cases:

  • With a sharp fall in blood pressure, which can lead to death
  • With an attack of bronchial asthma to relieve symptoms of this disease
  • With an acute allergic reaction to the use of drugs
  • When the heart is stopped and its bioelectric activity disappears
  • With a sharp decrease in blood sugar
  • With an overdose of insulin
  • With an increase in intraocular pressure
  • For a solution during inhalation during otolaryngological diseases
  • With fibrillation of the heart
  • With anaphylactic shock due to insect bites
  • With severe bleeding
  • With surgical operations
With severe bleeding, adrenaline is also indicated
With severe bleeding, adrenaline is also indicated

Since the action of Epine phryne is shortly prolonged with the help of novocaine and other medicines with a similar action.

Adrenaline dosage

  • With bronchial asthma: Droppers 0.3-0.5 mg of adrenaline. Such therapy can be carried out three times a day after 20 minutes between procedures
  • With anaphylactic shock: The solution is administered intravenously by 0.1-0.25 mg. If this is required, then after such an injection a dropper is placed with 0.1 m/ml of this drug after 10-20 minutes no more than 3 times a day
Stop heart - adrenaline one of the possibilities to launch it
Stop heart - adrenaline one of the possibilities to launch it
  • Upon cessation of heart activity: intracardiac 0.5 mg (in modern practice, due to the recommendation of the European Association of Resuscitation, practically is not used) or intravenously 1 mg (in diluted form)
  • With open glaucoma: 1 drop of 1% solution twice a day
  • With severe bleeding: Locally with the help of tampons moistened in this solution
  • With spinal anesthesia: injection 0.2-0.4 mg at a concentration of 5 μg/ml of the drug

Adrenaline for children

Epinephrine should be used with great caution. When cardiac arrest in newborns, it is administered intravenously slowly at 10-30 mcg per kilogram every 3-5 minutes.

With anaphylactic shock, it is administered drunkenly or intramuscularly 10 μg per kilogram of the body. If necessary, this procedure is repeated up to three times.

With spasm of the bronchi, the drug is administered drunkenly 10 mcg per kilogram of the body. This procedure can be carried out if necessary every 4 hours.

Side effects

As a “side” effect of this drug, a strong increase in power, speed and performance is noted. That is why adrenaline is considered a doping in sports. An increase in the concentration of this hormone in the body leads to dizziness and the "narcotic" effect.

Adrenaline in sports is considered doping
Adrenaline in sports is considered doping

With the release of adrenaline without real danger, a person may experience extreme anxiety and irritability. Its blood sugar increases. But, since this energy remains unclaimed and does not find a way out, some processes within the body are violated.

A long increase in the level of this hormone in the blood can lead to heart failure. With the introduction of Epinephrine in the body, it can:

  • Accelerate blood pressure
  • Getting astray
  • Increase in heart rate
  • Breast pain

If the above -described side effects are manifested during the introduction of this drug, then you can normalize the effect of the body by blocking the receptors responsible for this. This can be done using "Ozidan" or "Anaplin".

Adrenaline contraindications

The use of this drug is contraindicated in:

  • Aneurysm
  • Chronic increase in pressure
  • Tachyarrhythmias
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
  • Atherosclerotic lesions of the vessels
  • Hypersensitivity to Epinetrin
With atherosclerotic lesions of blood vessels, epinephrine cannot be used!
With atherosclerotic lesions of blood vessels, epinephrine cannot be used!

In anesthesia caused "Cyclopropan", "Chloroform" or "Fluorotan" Adrenaline input can provoke arrhythmia.

To treat patients with advanced age, this drug must be extremely careful.


When the epinephrine is introduced, there may be more permissible dosage of tachycardia, heart rhythm, vomiting, headache, heart attack, brain hemorrhage and death.

With the manifestation of symptoms of an overdose, the input of this product must be stopped. It is necessary to urgently introduce alpha-blockers (with an increase in blood pressure) or beta-blockers (for arrhythmia).

Arrhythmia frequent side phenomenon with an overdose of adrenaline
Arrhythmia frequent side phenomenon with an overdose of adrenaline

Adrenaline or prednisolone with anathemical shock
If the allergy manifests itself acutely enough, then in the first -aid kit there should be funds by which it will be possible to avoid detrimental consequences. Adrenaline spasms the vessels to prevent new edema, and Prednisolone is used to relieve an allergic reaction.

Adrenaline: tips and reviews

Oleg. Probably, many saw in films as a person colitis of this hormone and then “turns” the mountains. Of course, there are a lot of fantasy in such films. But, if adrenaline is considered a doping in sports, then of course he provides some actions to increase strength. And his frequent shortage can provoke apathy, fatigue, depression and other problems. Therefore, in order not to “stab” this hormone go in for sports. It is physical activity that provokes adrenaline emissions. Hormone, which is extremely necessary for our body.

Elizabeth. They say there is adrenaline dependence. A person always wants to take risks, make dangerous tricks or hunt wild animals. But, also the level of this hormone can be increased by clarification of relations with other people. The swearing also increases the "lack" of adrenaline in such people. And if they replenish the dependence on this hormone in this way, then most likely they need to seem to be a psychologist.

Video: Adrenaline. Hormone action and fear. His control | The main element

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