9 effective ways to get rid of water delay, fluid in the body: salt, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6, natural diuretics, sleep, physical activity

9 effective ways to get rid of water delay, fluid in the body: salt, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6, natural diuretics, sleep, physical activity

If there is a delay in water in the body, then it is necessary to adhere to the correct diet. Read other tips in the article.

Every second, a person loses a specific amount of liquid. For example, pairs are produced with breathing - they have water molecules. Sleeping makes the body lose a lot of fluids when it is hot or during physical exertion. For the production of enzymes in the digestive tract, water also needs water. But most of it is removed by the kidneys.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to correctly and when to take vitamins and minerals to absorb". You will find understandable step -by -step guide.

So that the body can compensate for the loss of water, it must receive it in sufficient volume. But there are many pathologies that lead to the fact that the body cannot delay water inside the cells. For example, with diabetes of glucose diabetes, it is excreted by the kidneys, dragging water along. A pronounced dehydration develops. This article describes how to cope with water delay. You will find 9 effective ways. Read further.

How to get rid of water and fluid delay in the body: 9 effective methods

Water delay in the body
Water delay in the body

Remember: There can be many causes of water retention in the body. You can take some actions to get rid of its surpluses, but this will not solve the problem if you have it. Therefore, it is important to first consult a doctor for advice and only then start treatment. Do not self -medicate! It is dangerous to health and life.

If you have visited the doctor and the diagnosis is made, the treatment is prescribed, then you can simply help the body in eliminating excess fluid. It happens that you just ate many salty products the day before, and in the morning swelling appeared. In these cases, something can be done to get rid of excess water and swelling.

Here are 9 effective ways to cope with water delay:

  1. Consider less salt
  2. Increase magnesium consumption
  3. Increase vitamin B6 consumption
  4. Eat products rich in potassium
  5. Add natural diuretics to your diet
  6. Consume more protein
  7. Have a quality dream
  8. Drink enough water
  9. Go in for sports

More details described below. Read further.

Eat less salt: the reason for the delay in water in women and men

Salt is made of sodium and chloride. Sodium is associated with water in the body and helps maintain water balance. If you often eat food with a high salt content, for example, a lot of processed products, the body can retain water. This is one of the main reasons for the delay in water in women and men. Therefore, advice, if you are tormented by edema, is eat less salt.

How much salt should you consume? The recommended diet can vary depending on the circumstances, but in general:

  • In healthy people-about 2-3 g per day
  • In people with high blood pressure, diabetes, renal failure-about 1-1.5 g
  • The athletes have about 3-4 grams.

Athletes need more salt, since the amount of sodium and other trace elements are lost due to more abundant sweating.

Interesting fact: Trying to reduce salt consumption, keep in mind that almost every food that you do not cook at home has an additional amount of salt. Examples are: packaged products, sausages, dairy products, seasonings and sauces, canned food (vegetables, fish), smoked meat and fish, etc.

Increase magnesium intake: how to remove water retention in the body?

Magnesium is another mineral that should be present in certain quantities to provide the optimal balance between electrolytes and liquids. It is involved in more than 300 enzymatic reactions that support the normal functioning of the body. A number of studies confirm that magnesium consumption can help remove water retention in the body. Therefore, increase magnesium consumption.

  • Specific studies have shown that 200 mg Magnesium per day will significantly reduce water retention in women with premenstrual symptoms.
  • It also had a positive impact on other classic symptoms of menopause, such as mood swings, bloating and fatigue.
  • Magnesium can have similar advantages in men, although modern studies are concentrated mainly on the fairer sex.

Products rich in magnesium:

  • Raw nuts (hazelnuts, cocoa beans)
  • Whole grains (oatmeal)
  • Green sheet vegetables (spinach, broccoli, parsley)

Magnesium can also be taken in the form of a biologically active additive.

Increase vitamin B6 consumption: why is water retention in the body developing?

Water delay in the body and vitamin B6
Water delay in the body and vitamin B6

B vitamins - These are several interconnected trace elements. It was found that the consumption of vitamins from the group, especially vitamin B6, reduces water delay. Why is water retention developing in the body if this vitamin is not enough?

The human body uses pyridoxin (vitamin B6) to perform more than 150 processes that improve the absorption and processing of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, vitamin B6 takes part in the work of the immune and nervous systems. With a lack of this trace element, kidney disease, liver pathology and other gastrointestinal organs develop. Because of this, water delay may appear. The body does not cope and accumulates water.

Studies about lack vitamin B6 Mostly associated with women with PMS. Many women watched a few days before menstruation - swelling and adding a couple of kg. - This is water. Therefore, it is important, especially for women, to increase the consumption of this trace element.

Products rich vitamin B6:

  • All types of meat (mainly turkey and beef)
  • Raw nuts (pistachios)
  • Fish (tuna)
  • Avocado
  • Seeds (sunflower, sesame seeds)

Follow food, use foods rich in vitamins and trace elements, and then the body will cope with its work perfectly.

Water delay in the body - what to do: eat foods rich in potassium

Potassium is a mineral that is of particular importance for regulating the activity of muscles and nerves. It also plays a vital role in regulating the balance of fluid in the body. What to do if there is a delay in water in the body? Eat products rich in potassium.

  • If sodium “introduces” water into the cells, then potassium “pumps” it.
  • For this reason, a balance between sodium and potassium consumption is required, and a modern human menu is concentrated mainly on products rich in the first element.
  • You can influence this imbalance by adding mineral springs to your diet.

Products rich in potassium:

  • Avocado
  • Spinach
  • Sweet potato
  • Salmon
  • Pomegranate
  • Banana

Everything is simple, eat products rich in potassium, and water will be excreted from the body. Even more useful information below. Read further.

How to remove water retention in the body when losing weight quickly: add natural diuretics to your diet

Cucumbers help remove water delay in the body when losing weight quickly
Cucumbers help remove water delay in the body when losing weight quickly

The consumption of diuretic products is important, since they help in the detoxification of the body. But they can also play an important role in getting rid of excess water. Sometimes what we perceive as extra pounds is actually an inflammation caused by the delayed liquid. Therefore, it is important to monitor health and observe the rules of a balanced diet. Thanks to this, you will get rid of inflammation. How to remove water retention in the body quickly? Add natural diuretics to your diet.

You can include the following products in your menu:

  • Cucumbers: They have a high water content and contain coffee acid, which helps reduce water delay.
  • Apple vinegar: Helps to balance the level of potassium, which can be changed due to delayed liquid.
  • Green tea: It is a natural diuretic and antioxidant, it also helps to burn fat.
  • Dandelion: One of the most powerful plants to remove excess water from the body.
  • Parsley: Another plant rich in vitamins and minerals is a natural diuretic.
  • Some fruits, such ka to watermelon and orange, they are able to remove excess water from the body, but they are not in the list, since they contain a significant amount of carbohydrates and sugars.
  • Caffeine is also a natural diuretic, but excessive consumption can dehydrate the body.

Important: Natural diuretics do not help burn fat directly. They allow you to lose excess fluid, which can quickly affect weight.

First 7 days You can lose up to 4 kg, depending on how you ate before you include some of the products in your diet. After this period, even if you add additional diuretics, you should not expect any additional weight loss. The next step to achieve the goal - additional weight loss is to reduce the consumption of calories from food and drinks or the introduction of additional physical activity to increase energy costs.

note: If you have heart disease or kidneys, or hypertension, you should first consult a doctor before turning on any products, especially if you already accept the prescribed diuretic.

Eat more protein: water delay mechanism in the body

Protein deficiency can also contribute to the accumulation of water in the body. Here is a description of the water delay mechanism in the body in this case:

  • A special type of protein called albumin helps to maintain the required amount of fluid in the blood, exerting a certain pressure.
  • This process prevents the accumulation of excess water in the tissues.
  • With a lack of protein, the pressure drops, which, accordingly, leads to the accumulation of fluid, swelling throughout the body and a particularly characteristic delay of water in the abdomen.

Signs warning of protein deficiency are weakness or problems when performing easy physical exercises, as well as daily physical activity. There are problems with building muscle mass or even difficulties with concentration. This problem can be prevented using a variety of diet, including protein. Such a substance is very important for our body. Eat more protein.

Recommended daily protein consumption can vary, but the minimum values \u200b\u200bare 0.8-1 g per kilogram of body weight.With regular physicism, these values \u200b\u200bmust be increased. For athletes, the recommended consumption varies within 1.5-2.2 g per kilogram of body weight. That is, if you play sports and weigh 70 kg, the recommended protein consumption per day will between 105 and 155 grams.

Products rich in protein:

  • All types of meat
  • All types of fish
  • Eggs
  • Cottage cheese
  • Kinoa

Interesting fact: Dairy products, such as cheese, contain a large amount of protein. In this case, they are not recommended, since a large amount of salt is always added to them.

Why after drinking water throws into sweat: it is important to get enough sleep

After drinking water throws into sweat
After drinking water throws into sweat

High -quality sleep (at least 6 hours, without a break) in our time becomes a rarity, and this can be the reason for the possible maintenance of water. A lack of sleep can cause a number of reactions that force the body to retain fluids. One of these reactions is an increase in the level of hormone stress cortisol.

Therefore, many people have a question: "Why does it throw in sweat after drinking water?". All because the body is in stress, the cortisol is increased. Bodies and systems are not up to normal work. If the water comes, then it is immediately excreted. The kidneys may not cope with this, so other systems work. In order for the body to work without failures, it is important to get enough sleep.

  • 6-8 hourly sleep for 24 hours It can be very useful, especially if the body is subjected to regular stress due to diet and physical exercises.

It is important to establish drinking mode. Read more more.

So that there is no delay in water in the body, drink a lot of water

How much water you need to drink depends on factors such as personal weight and age. The calculation is performed as follows: 30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight. Example:

  • If you weigh 70 kilograms, then it is useful for you to drink 2.1-2.5 liters per day.
  • When determining which limit to choose, consider: climate, physical activity and sweating.

When it is difficult to increase the amount of water per day, and I don’t want to drink, the method that always works is in addition 200-400 ml every 2-4 days.

Interesting fact: Drink more water is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. The consumption of more fluids will not only help get rid of excess water in the body, but also naturally reduce the need for other unhealthy products and high -calorie drinks.

Therefore, so that there is no delay in water in the body, drink a lot of water. Read further.

Which contributes to the delay of water in the body: be physically active

Physical activity helps to remove water from the body
Physical activity helps to remove water from the body

Long -term standing or sitting is an unconditional prerequisite for the development of edema and swelling in the limbs of the body. This contributes to the accumulation of fluid in tissues and cells. Physical activity plays a major role in the loss or prevention of this type of water retention in the body.

  • Exercises improve blood circulation. Accordingly, water and lymphatic fluid are better excreted.
  • In addition, thanks to sweating, the body is naturally cleansed of excess water.

What is useful:

  • Walking and hiking help not only to lose weight, but also to reduce the accumulation of excess fluid, especially in the lower extremities.
  • The lift of the legs can also be useful, but this does not need to be abused.
  • If you work 6-8 hours a day in a fixed position, then getting up from the chair and movement for several minutes, three to four times, will help to significantly reduce the accumulation of water.
  • The most effective option is exercises that load the whole body. It can be a statical: “bar” and others.

Important: Even small changes in lifestyle can significantly affect the delay in water and edema.

To begin with, you can try to make minimal changes, such as adding vegetables and/or protein to each meal. Adding food additives containing magnesium and b vitamins, can also be an important step in a positive direction.

Keep in mind that making various changes can take some time, and the result will not come immediately. If the problem is associated with the imbalance of sodium, potassium or magnesium, then the results of the changes will be noticeable within a few hours or 1-3 days, depending on the seriousness of the problem.

The expected changes from the introduction of physical exercises and activity can take more time, but are the best investments in the long run and will contribute to the achievement of sustainable results.

Advice: If, after making the proposed changes, the water retention still does not disappear, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and take additional measures to solve the problem.

Nevertheless, making changes to a healthy lifestyle is the best option for solving the problem in the long run, since the recommendation of a doctor in relation to diuretics will help to temporarily alleviate the condition, but not forever eliminate it.

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