How to deal with liquid in the knee joints, why an excess fluid appears in the knees, how to get rid of fluid in the joints: drug methods and recipes of traditional medicine

How to deal with liquid in the knee joints, why an excess fluid appears in the knees, how to get rid of fluid in the joints: drug methods and recipes of traditional medicine

The knees are large joints of the human body, which we crush with all our weight. Despite their strong fixation and natural protective mechanisms, they are also subject to various diseases, as a result of which synovial fluid can accumulate in them. If such a nuisance happened to you, then you need to immediately seek medical help.

Why does excess liquid appear in the knees?

The body is a clearly debugged mechanism, and if a failure occurs in the work of any organ, then this often leads to all kinds of complications. Closing fluid in the knee joints (the so -called "stagnation of liquid" - synovitis), for example, it is most often a consequence of various kinds of damage:

  • the infection entering the joint or hypothermia against the background of the previous injury - stretching, rupture of ligaments, injury of meniscus
  • fracture of the bones of the joint
  • hemoarthrosis (when hemorrhage occurs inside the joint)
  • bursit (inflammation of the perioset bag)
  • all kinds of arthritis and gout
  • lupus erythematosus
  • hemophilia (blood non -possessability).

According to statistics, synovitis affects people over the age of 55 years. The symptoms of the disease are expressed, first of all, by the swelling of the knee joint (sometimes very significant - up to deformation), pain (at first stupid, but with time - growing), a violation of mobility, sometimes an elevated temperature of the whole body with the redness of the affected joint. If the synovitis becomes chronic, then all these symptoms become less pronounced. And if the synovitis is reactive, then it is generally very similar to allergic manifestations.

If you observe these symptoms, and even after the above damage to the knee, urgently run to a specialist and do not forget to tell in detail about your medical history.

The correct diagnosis, like treatment methods, can only be determined by a qualified physician - therapist, traumatologist, orthopedist or surgeon. As a rule, after listening to the patient’s complaints and study his anamnesis, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound or x -ray, as well as a general blood test.

Methods of treatment: How to get rid of fluid in the joints?

The first step towards recovery is ensuring complete rest For the injured knee and the imposition of an elastic bandage on it.

  • Doctors use either to remove accumulated fluid special syringe With a long thin needle, or surgical intervention is performed - as a rule, using local anesthesia.
  • To remove the pain syndrome, you may need painkillers, And to combat the inflammatory process and speedy healing - ointments (non -hormonal and hormonal) and the introduction of antibiotics into the joint.
Remove excess fluid
Remove excess fluid

Immunostimulating drugs, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapeutic procedures and massage are also prescribed.

If for some reason the patient does not receive proper assistance, then the complications may be the most unpleasant: strong deformation of the knee, wear of cartilage, complete loss of joint mobility, which entails its replacement for an implant.

How to get rid of excess fluid in the knee with folk remedies?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of liquid in a knee without medical help - there is nothing to try, because you can do so harmful to yourself.

We treat folk methods
We treat folk methods

But you can lightly alleviate your condition in the following ways:

  • Create a mixture of one glass of grass and 200 g of pork fat, which to rub into the damaged joint.
  • Opening iodine grid - but only after consulting with an endocrinologist.
  • Mix chicken yolk with coarse salt in a proportion of one to one, apply to the knee and wear a bandage for the long time.

Prevention for synovitis

To protect your knees, you need to follow a number of simple advice of specialists:

  • people professionally involved in sports or experiencing strong loads need to be systematically consulted with orthopedists.
  • if you have been diagnosed with any articular disease, then it must be treated in time and correctly treated.
  • throughout life, it is necessary to maintain the condition of the joints under control, choosing the appropriate exercises.
  • you should monitor the weight so as not to overload the joints.

Video: the simplest way to get rid of fluid in the joint

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