Excess fluid in the body: causes, methods of excretion, products that help eliminate water from the body

Excess fluid in the body: causes, methods of excretion, products that help eliminate water from the body

Excess fluid extremely negatively affects the condition of the body, let's determine how to withdraw it.

To maintain vital activity, our body needs to regularly receive a certain amount of fluid. However, sometimes this fluid in the body becomes too much, and this, in turn, leads to edema, problems in the work of the kidneys, the appearance of excess weight, etc.

Despite the fact that the problem of excess fluid is very unpleasant, it is possible to cope with it simply. To do this, you only need to adhere to several tips, change your diet and mode.

Excess fluid in the body: Causes

Our body is arranged in such a way that, subject to proper nutrition and regime, excess fluid It is displayed quite simply, quickly and without our intervention in this process. However, there are a number of reasons why the fluid can linger in our body.

Among the main ones, one can highlight:

  • Excessive use of fluids before bedtime. At night, the kidneys, like other organs in the body, work at a slow pace, so they do not always manage to process the large amount of water received. As a result, a swollen face, legs, etc.
  • The lack of fluid in the body. Yes, it’s right, it is the lack of water that provokes its excess. The kidneys are so? Because without receiving daily the daily rate of fluid, our body begins to feel its deficiency. And he copes with this deficit as he can - begins to delay water in the body.
We display the excess
We display the excess
  • Salt consumption in large quantities. As you know, salt retains water. Therefore, the more you eat salt, the more you drink and “lay off” unnecessary fluid in the body.
  • Abuse of alcohol, fatty foods and diuretic drinks, agents. All these reasons, one way or another, give our body false information that it loses too much fluid and therefore it will begin to stock up on the body in the case of a lack of water in the body.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Sometimes the fluid in the body is delayed due to a lack of physical activity. Most often, legs suffer from this.

Excess fluid in the body: how to remove?

Fighting excess fluid in the body is not too difficult, but this will need to completely reconsider your lifestyle, diet and physical activity.

  • You need to start the fight with excess liquid with proper nutrition. Therefore, first of all, exclude from your menu all semi-finished products, fast food, too salty dishes, as well as conservation. All this food will contribute to the detention of water in the body.
  • Be sure to drink at least the necessary minimum of clean water daily-1.5-2 liters. Please note that it is pure water, and not tea, juice, compote, etc. In this case, your body will not receive stress and will not begin to store fluid.
  • Consume more fiber, as it helps to remove excess water from the body, and also improves digestion and accelerates metabolism.
We lose excess
We lose excess

Fiber is contained in such products:

  • Greens
  • Wheat bran
  • Porridge
  • Nuts and dried fruits
  • Bananas, apricots, etc.
  • Exclude completely or, although reduce the consumption of drinks, which contains caffeine

When the nutrition problem is solved, it is worth recalling the need for physical exertion.

  • Of course, ideally you need regularly play sports. To do this, you can visit the gym or go to fitness. However, those who for some reason cannot or do not want to engage in the hall can replace such training on foot, pool, cycling. It is not necessary to exhaust yourself with classes, it is enough to give your body a small load.
  • You also need to do a little charging daily. Drawing charging at least 15 minutes. On the day you significantly improve your condition and well -being.
Sports and food are important
Sports and food are important
  • Well, for those who work in the same position, especially sitting, just need to change their position at least 3 times per working day. In their free time (short breaks, lunch, etc.), try to walk a little, lie down, etc.
  • There is another procedure that helps to remove fluid from the body - massage. Of course, this is not a cheap pleasure, but in combination with proper nutrition and charging, massage will help you get excess water much faster.

Also, unloading days will help to remove excess fluid from the body. But you need to remember that they will bring benefits only if you will carry them out correctly. Remember, the fasting day is spent no more than 1 time per week and does not imply starvation.

  • You can "sit" a day on Kefir. At the same time, it is not necessary to give preference to a low -fat product, since we pursue the goal of bringing water, and not to throw off extra kg.
  • Day on oatmeal porridge. You can cook porridge both in water and in milk. You can eat it in unlimited quantities, but try not to salt it.
  • Day on vegetables, fruits and pumpkin juice. You can eat apples, pears, carrots, beets. It is better to drink pumpkin juice, diluting it with boiled water.
  • Day on the watermelon. The watermelon perfectly removes excess fluid, however, not everyone can eat it. For example, people who have kidney problems are strictly forbidden to eat a lot of watermelon.
  • Consider the fact that with any option of fasting day you must drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day. Before carrying out such unloading, it is better to consult a gastroenterologist, since not all people are suitable for such a way to remove excess fluid due to the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
We display the excess
We display the excess

Also, as auxiliary procedures for excretion of excess fluids, they can act:

  • Campaigns in the bathhouse, sauna. During the visit to these places, a person sweats quite much and, accordingly, loses the fluid accumulated in the body.
  • Baths. In order to take a useful bath, fill the container with hot water, add 0.5 kg of salt and 250 g of soda to it, as well as a few drops of lavender oil and grapefruit for aroma. Lie in such a bath, relax and spend 15 minutes in it. After drink a cup of green tea, but without sugar and go to rest in the bed for several hours. At this time, you’ll get well, so after you will need to take a shower again. Keep in mind that 1 hour before and after the procedure can not be eaten and drink.

Excess fluid in the body: products that contribute to the excretion of water

Once there are products that contribute to the detention of water in the body, it is logical that there are those that contribute to its excretion. Filling your diet with such products, you will accelerate the process of excretion of excess fluid.

  • Greens, especially parsley.
  • Ginger, preferably fresh. Such a product can be added to tea, to other dishes. It not only helps to remove fluid, but also improves immunity.
  • Celery, especially seeds. Such a product can be added to dishes as a seasoning or brewing, insist and drink a decoction.
  • Asparagus. It is useful that it has a lot of fiber, which, as you already know, helps to remove excess water and toxins from the body.
  • Lemon. It not only helps to cope with our main problem, but also enriches the body with vitamins, reduces blood pressure.
  • Tomatoes. These vegetables are excellent natural diuretic. The main thing is not to use them too much so as not to get the opposite effect.
  • Cranberry, fruit drinks. In this case, it is worth noting that the fruit drink should be natural and without adding sugar.
  • Tea, decoction of chamomile, mint. Decoctions of these herbs not only remove excess fluid, but also soothe nerves, relieve inflammation.

Also, on the Internet, you can find a lot of tips for breeding excess fluids that relate to a hard diet. Such a diet assumes that you will eat only kefir, vegetables, fruits with a diuretic effect and slightly boiled meat with fish. Is such a diet effective? Maybe. However, she has too many contraindications, so “sitting” on it can only after consulting a doctor and a nutritionist.

It is not too difficult to remove excess fluid from the body, however, it is much easier not to allow its accumulations. Therefore, try at the first symptoms of the problem to adjust your nutrition, daily routine and add a little more physical activity.

Video: excretion of excess fluid from the body

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