Reading techniques - teachers' recommendations: methods, exercises

Reading techniques - teachers' recommendations: methods, exercises

In this article, we will talk about how, together with the child, you can improve the reading technique and teach him to read more words per minute.

Reading speed is important for each student, and for adults it is quite useful. The slower the child reads, the more difficult it is for him to absorb the material. Moreover, some children have problems with understanding the text. As practice shows, students who are slowly reading in the middle classes are not too well studied. Therefore, each teacher, and even more so the parent, must pay special attention to training the reading technique.

Reading techniques - teachers' recommendations: methods, exercises

Reading technique
Reading technique

It is believed that the training technique is required for the child if the reading speed is below 120-150 words per minute. In fact, this is the pace of colloquial speech. Such results can really be achieved, but for this you need to try.

Perhaps this is through the development of the following criteria:

  • Increase in the frequency of reading. If the child will read more, then he will gradually do it faster
  • Expand the angle of peripheral reading. That is, the child should see not only one line, but also develop a lateral reading. Then he will be faster to understand the text
  • Increase attention stability. It is difficult to read with restless children
  • Improve the RAM, that is, the child must learn to catch the essence from the text
  • Improve articulation

In pedagogy, different methods are used to develop reading speed and every parent can use them for classes with children.

Method 1. buzzing reading

Teachers use buzzing reading. That is, before the start of each lesson, students are given the task of reading. They do it for five minutes. So, the teacher gives a signal and children begin to read. The same thing can be done at home. So, several times a day, ask the child to read out loud.

In this case, the teacher does not control what exactly the child read and whether he understood the meaning of the text. This is done simply to increase the amount of read. Gradually, the child’s pace will accelerate and he will read more.

Method 2. Table of syllables

Sloven table
Sloven table

For a more convenient reading, a child should learn to perceive syllables as a whole, because they are the basis for reading words. Exercises are easily performed using special syllables tables. The technique of N. Zaitsev is very popular. Or write such syllables yourself.

When everything is prepared, invite the child to perform different tasks:

  • First, ask for read a line or column with a specific letter
  • Then you can ask to read syllables arbitrarily
  • Ask to find in the table a specific syllable
  • Ask to make words from syllables

To get started, use the simplest tables and only then move on to complex ones. That is, for starters, take such syllables in which two letters, and then take three or four.

Method 3. We expand the angle of view

During reading, it is important to consider how many letters falls into the field of view of the child. To train attention and make the child see more letters, you can use several exercises.

  • Schultte tables.They contain numbers from 1 to 30. They are randomly. The child needs to find all the numbers in order in 30 seconds and show them. The exercise is repeated every few days, but only other tables are already offered, that is, the numbers are already located differently in them.
  • Find the word.The meaning of this exercise is almost the same as that of the previous one. Write a few words on a piece of paper, but not very long. On other sheets, write the same words one by one. Then show the child each word separately and he must find each of them.
  • «Pyramid ".Write down the words in a column with a different number of letters. At the very top, write the shortest and then move on to the long one. Divide each word into two parts and write them not close to each other, but at a distance. With each subsequent line, increase the distance.
  • The first-next.For training, take any text. The child’s task is to read the first line syllable and the last. The text itself is not required to read.
  • Reading frame.Make a strip of cardboard with a small slot. In the slot, letters from the line should fit. The width is enough for three or four letters. Give it to the child to use it to read it. So far, let the frame remain in this form, and then it can be expanded.

Gradually, children begin to memorize which words are often found and already perceive them as a whole. That is, they no longer read the words, but simply call them. This allows you to save a lot of time while reading, and it is useful for the mind. So this skill must develop.

Method 4. "Lightning"

Option of lightning exercise
Option of the exercise "Lightning"

Show the child a word for a short time. Do not wait until he reads it. Give, for example, three seconds and remove. Exercise is performed using cards with words, or a presentation with automatic viewing is created on the computer. Time is tuned there and just put it for 3-4 seconds. This will be enough.

Change the sets every few days. Your task is that the child memorizes them. Only when all the words are remembered, can you make changes. In addition, writing words contributes to the best memorization.

Method 5. "Tug"

Thanks to this technique, children are able to increase the rate of reading. Your task is to read together aloud. The child must try to keep up with you. When several lines are read, give a signal so that the child closes his eyes. After that, he must open them and show a place in the text where reading stopped. In the future, the task can be complicated. For example, make mistakes during reading. The child should learn to notice and correct them.

Method 6. "Hidden letters"

Another way to improve reading technique is to develop the ability to predict words. That is, in order to read them multiply, it takes time, and if you predict, you can save some time.

It is possible to develop reading in several ways in this way:

  • Make cards with words, but make blots for some letters. Then the child will have to guess what the letter is written there
  • Another such task is not to hide, but just skip letters
  • Cut word. Write a word on the card and cut it along. After that, invite the child to read it on the upper or lower part. As for an option, just close half a different sheet
  • Another option, the most difficult - to predict the missing word. Write a well -known expression for the child and miss the word in it
  • Make riddles where the guess is rhyme

Method 7. "tongue twister"

Reading a tongue twister
Reading a tongue twister

To increase the pace of reading, gradually teach the child to read the text as soon as possible. This is not given immediately and you need to train first on one text, and then it can already be changed. That is, at first the child will read quite slowly and each time it will be easier for him. Explain to the child that the expression does not matter, the main thing here is to read directly.

Method 8. "Repeated reading"

With this exercise, the text is also read several times, but only this is done within a minute, that is, with a limitation. Of course, for the first time there will be few words, and then gradually the pace will increase and eventually come to the desired level. It is necessary to read several times. The pace of reading will already begin to improve, and the child will believe in himself and understand what can read better. Then do the same with unfamiliar texts, so it will be much easier for the child to get used to new texts.

Method 9. "Day-None"

It is important to learn and correctly navigate the text. Schoolchildren must learn to read on command. Tell the child “day” and he begins to read, and when you say “night”, let him cover his eyes. Then say “day” again and the child must open his eyes and continue reading from the same place. The exercise is carried out within five minutes. In this case, you can not follow the text with your finger. Then there will be no effectiveness from the exercise.

Method 10. "Lips"

When the child pronounces what he reads, then his reading speed falls. Therefore, do not allow the child to read in silence. He should not say words even with his lips. So, while reading, tell the “lips” command and the child must begin to read to himself. Well, after the team "aloud" you can read aloud.

It is important to understand that when teaching a child, his level of development, as well as temperament, should be taken into account. Each child selects his own method of learning. At the same time, it is important to develop expressiveness in parallel.

SLOSS TELISES for training reading techniques: compilation

Reading technique training is a rather complicated process. As we have already said, it is advisable to use the tables. In order not to make them yourself, we offer you several ready -made options:

Table 1
Table 1
table 2
table 2
Table 3
Table 3
Table 4
Table 4

Texts for training reading techniques: ready -made options

Reading techniques are possible on any texts, but you can use small ready -made options. We offer you several suitable texts for training reading techniques.

Text 1
Text 1
Text 2
Text 2
Text 3
Text 3
Text 4
Text 4
Text 5
Text 5

A lattice for training reading techniques - how to use?

Reading technique is also possible using a special lattice. We already talked about the option with the window, but this one is somewhat different. That is, make a special lattice and apply horizontally on the text. As you read, the grate gradually moves down. The lattice allows you to block some sections of the text, which makes reading more complicated. The child’s task in this case is to mentally make up for the gaps and capture the meaning.

The exercise is carried out for five minutes and then the grate is removed. For a couple of minutes, the child can be given without her.

Reading with a lattice
Reading with a lattice

Video: increasing reading speed by 2-4 times in 15 minutes

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