7 years of marriage: What is the wedding, what is it called? What to give to her husband, wife, friends, children for a copper wedding for 7 years? Congratulations on the anniversary of the copper wedding 7 years beautiful, touching, cool in poetry and prose

7 years of marriage: What is the wedding, what is it called? What to give to her husband, wife, friends, children for a copper wedding for 7 years? Congratulations on the anniversary of the copper wedding 7 years beautiful, touching, cool in poetry and prose

Gift options for a copper wedding. Congratulations in verses and prose for a woolen wedding.

After the wedding, many couples change in the family. Now the husband considers himself a master, and his wife is the guardian of the family hearth. The most interesting thing is that over time, couples get used to each other, and relationships change for the better. Spouses become more patient to each other's character characteristics.

Why is a wedding of 7 years of life together called copper or wool?

If you celebrate the 7th anniversary of your wedding, then you are lucky. Not everyone manages to cherish this magical date. Such an anniversary is called copper or wool for a reason.

Reasons for the designation of a copper or woolen wedding:

  • Copper is very soft, and a roth of metal, respectively, the relationship of the spouses is quite plastic. That is, husband and wife can influence each other and adjust behavior.
  • The current through copper wires is perfectly carried out, therefore, the relationship is flexible. Any request of one of the spouses finds a response.
  • Wool is a very warm material that will warm in a winter cold. So the relationship after 7 years of the wedding is warm. In pairs they try to warm each other and protect from problems.
  • But with improper care of wool products, they kickered and become unusable. Therefore, it is necessary to be patient with each other.
Why is a wedding of 7 years of life together called copper or wool?
Why is a wedding of 7 years of life together called copper or wool?

What to give for a copper wedding for 7 years to a family of friends: gift ideas

As for all anniversary, thematic gifts are relevant. Usually they buy products from wool or copper. Gift options are actually an unlimited number. A little fantasy is enough.

Gift options:

  • Collectible copper coins
  • Copper cup or ashtray
  • Woolen plaid
  • The same woolen sweaters for spouses
  • Paired copper pendants
  • Copper pot, if someone is in a couple of hiking
  • A set of copper cups for vodka
What to give for a copper wedding for 7 years to a family of friends: gift ideas
What to give for a copper wedding for 7 years to a family of friends: gift ideas

What to give for a copper wedding for 7 years to your beloved wife: gifts of gifts

It is necessary to prepare in advance for this anniversary. Be sure to think about gifts for your lover. It can be something thematic or necessary on the farm.

Gift options for the wife:

  • Woolen scarf or stoop
  • Turk of copper
  • Tray for the cake
  • Fruit dish
  • Cup holders
  • Malachite box (it contains copper)
What to give for a copper wedding for 7 years to your beloved wife: gifts of gifts
What to give for a copper wedding for 7 years to your beloved wife: gifts of gifts

What to give for a copper wedding for 7 years to her dear husband: gift ideas

The husband is an dear person, so do not forget to give him a surprise.

Gift options:

  • Copper plate belt
  • Cigarette case
  • Lighter made of copper
  • Copper pipe for smoking
  • Hookah
  • Pocket copper watches
  • Flash drive or mouse (there are many copper elements inside)
What to give for a copper wedding for 7 years to her dear husband: gift ideas
What to give for a copper wedding for 7 years to her dear husband: gift ideas

What to give for a copper wedding for 7 years to children: gift ideas

If your children celebrate the seventh wedding anniversary, rush to make them great gifts. If possible, they should be paired.

Gift options:

  • Mittens for husband and wife
  • Scarfs and hats made of wool
  • Rings made of copper
  • Home slippers made of sheep wool
  • Dog wool
  • Woolen vests
What to give for a copper wedding for 7 years to children: gift ideas
What to give for a copper wedding for 7 years to children: gift ideas

Beautiful congratulations on a copper wedding 7 years for friends in verses and prose

If the spouses organize the holiday, and you have decided on gifts, then be sure to prepare a few beautiful lines. You can purchase a card and read congratulatory verses.


Seven is a great number. I wish that the amount of happiness increases by as many times as you live together. Despite the fact that copper is not the most expensive metal, it is quite plastic. I wish this to your relationship. Live in the world and in happiness.

For 7 years now you are together. How much has managed to happen over the years, but you are still young and happy. Only now your relationship has become warmer as wool. I wish you to live 5 times more and mark a golden wedding.


You have lived for seven years
Let's tell you "Hurray"!
And it is clear to everyone that does not
For you, friends, barriers.

For years, let the family
Your marriage will not end.
You value your family
Which was given a start!

Beautiful congratulations on a copper wedding 7 years for friends in verses and prose
Beautiful congratulations on a copper wedding 7 years for friends in verses and prose

Touching congratulations on a copper wedding 7 years for a wife in verses and prose

The wife is one of the closest and loved ones. It is she who will support in difficult times, only she is able to lack at night and care for children. Be sure to please your soul mate with touching verses. Let her cry on this day, but only from happiness.


Divine date - seven years with you and I!
You became my beloved, friend and wife,
I love you immensely, I appreciate, idol,
I want to live unusually with you all my life!

My affectionate flower, my dove are mine,
And all that you want will do for you,
My star, Gori is more and brighter,
Fill your feelings with your beautiful light!


My beloved wife, I am infinitely grateful to you for the happiness and comfort that you gave me. For seven years, you have not changed a bit and still for me you are the most beautiful and desirable. I congratulate you on our anniversary and I hope that over time, a copper wedding will become gold.

You my sun. I adore you and think that 7 years is a decent date. I want you to illuminate me with your smile for many years. Take a gift from me, the best wishes.

Touching congratulations on a copper wedding 7 years for a wife in verses and prose
Touching congratulations on a copper wedding 7 years for a wife in verses and prose

Beautiful and touching congratulations on a copper wedding of 7 years for her husband in verses and prose

The husband is a protector and support for his beloved wife. Despite the fact that most men do not really like sentiments, prepare a few pleasant and beautiful lines for the spouse.


My dear, diamond man,
I have been seven beautiful years - your wife.
And with our common copper anniversary
From my heart I am loving!

Let our happiness be limitless.
And for two - joint dreams.
Let everything be fine in our life.
And remember that everyone in the world is better you!


Dear and precious husband. We have been together for 7 years. All this time you gave me care and support. I am very glad that 7 years ago I answered yes. I hope that we will live together for many more years in happiness and consent.

My beloved and dear man. So we lived together to our copper wedding. I am very glad that I chose you. If now I had the same choice in front of me, I without a doubt chose you.

Beautiful and touching congratulations on a copper wedding of 7 years for her husband in verses and prose
Beautiful and touching congratulations on a copper wedding of 7 years for her husband in verses and prose

Beautiful and touching congratulations on a copper wedding of 7 years for a family of children in verses and prose

If your children have been together for 7 years, do not forget to congratulate them, even if they do not celebrate the anniversary. You can call and say a few warm words or send an SMS message.


Dear children, for 7 years now you are together. We are very glad that all these years you live peacefully and do not quarrel. We wish you to live until a golden wedding in the world and harmony.

Favorite children! We are happy, to congratulate you on this, albeit small, but not a small anniversary. We know how difficult it is to find a common language. But thanks to your patience and the ability to compromise, your marriage is held. We wish to live together until old age and look at grandchildren.


Copper wedding. Seven years, anniversary.
The strongest union is also strong.
Let your feelings rage with an avalanche,
Well, all the days flow under the blues.

Joy to you, incredible happiness.
Money - so you can not count.
Let the house bypass the bad house.
You are inspiration, desire to fly.

Beautiful and touching congratulations on a copper wedding of 7 years for a family of children in verses and prose
Beautiful and touching congratulations on a copper wedding of 7 years for a family of children in verses and prose

Cool congratulations for spouses on wedding day 7 years

If your friends or acquaintances celebrate the seventh anniversary, make a part of the humor to congratulations. Congratulations can be funny and comic. You can sing ditties or pronounce several cool lines.


Buddy, remember how you got married
I fell in love with my bride,
Now you are a friendly family!
And I congratulate my friend!
I wish many victories
Live in the world for many years
So that everything always happens,
I never knew despondency.

Cool congratulations for spouses on wedding day 7 years
Cool congratulations for spouses on wedding day 7 years

Cake for 7 years of wedding: Ideas

If you are planning a celebration in a restaurant, then the easiest way to order a festive cake. There are a lot of ideas and recipes. Regarding the recipe, it can be a honeycock or a biscuit with a cream or chocolate cream. If you celebrate the anniversary in the summer, then you can supplement the cream with fruits and berries. Below are a few ideas for decorating a festive cake.

Cake for 7 years of wedding: Ideas
Cake for 7 years of wedding: Ideas
Cake for 7 years of wedding: Ideas
Cake for 7 years of wedding: Ideas
Cake for 7 years of wedding: Ideas
Cake for 7 years of wedding: Ideas
Cake for 7 years of wedding: Ideas
Cake for 7 years of wedding: Ideas
Cake for 7 years of wedding: Ideas
Cake for 7 years of wedding: Ideas
Cake for 7 years of wedding: Ideas
Cake for 7 years of wedding: Ideas

A copper wedding is an anniversary when you can draw conclusions about how much the family took place. Be sure to congratulate each other and surround the soulmate with care.

Video: Copper wedding

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