The magical properties of cinnamon: signs, rituals, talismans, tips and recommendations. The magical properties of cinnamon in history

The magical properties of cinnamon: signs, rituals, talismans, tips and recommendations. The magical properties of cinnamon in history

In this article we will talk about the magical properties of cinnamon and how to improve our life with its help.

Do you know that the magical properties of cinnamon have been used by people since time immemorial? It was so appreciated that the ancient Romans equated only 350 g of this seasoning to 5 kg of silver! If you are interested not only to enjoy the taste and aroma of cinnamon, but also to change your life for the better, we offer to plunge into reading.

Cinnamon in history: the magical properties of cinnamon in the early eras, signs

To begin with, we propose to plunge into history and understand how the magical properties of cinnamon were appreciated before. The very first mention of this spice belongs to 2800 BC! You can find it in the Bible. According to her, Moses used giving enlightenment Cinnamon as an ingredient for creating a world. Such a world was honored to be anointed by high persons.

Interesting: Thus, we can conclude that cinnamon is the oldest spice in the world.

  • They especially loved her egyptians. They believed that cinnamon protects against evil spirits And helps a person gain your true path. It is possible that therefore, cinnamon as an ingredient for a embalming substance accompanied the deceased to the other world.
  • In Rome Many millennia ago they believed that cinnamon is capable of case the gods. That is, she acted as a kind of person cleanser, A means to cancel sins.
  • Greeks Firmly tied cinnamon with a bird Phoenix. They believed that this bird burns in cinnamon leaves. And, therefore, her ashes, from which she is then revived, is mixed with cinnamon. That is, the spice was perceived as a magical remedy giving update.
  • Chinese And they completely believed that cinnamon gives immortality. And if not the body, then the spirit is for sure. In their opinion, this seasoning was capable of pull fame, luck, greatness.
Phoenix birds growing from ashes, according to beliefs, awarded cinnamon with magical properties
Phoenix birds growing from ashes, according to beliefs, awarded cinnamon with magical properties

The house smells of cinnamon: the magical properties of cinnamon, sign, talisman

How do the magical properties of cinnamon manifest, if its aroma regularly inhale in its home? It is believed that he radiates powerful vibrations, which affect the room in the room extremely beneficial.

There was even such a sign: if the house constantly smells of cinnamon, a person will be lucky. People have noticed this incredible feature of seasonings from time immemorial. Perhaps this is due to the fact that a similar aroma is somehow magical awakers man. Namely, gives him Taste for lifeOpens second wind.

Once people used this wonderful smell to take control of your mind. The Egyptians, for example, included cinnamon not only in the composition of the embalming drug, but also in incense. It was noted that the cinnamon smell exacerbates the mind, expands the facets of consciousness.

Important: even the most seemingly impossible becomes possible along with a wonderful cinnamon aroma.

Aromatherapy helps to fully feel the magical properties of cinnamon
Aromatherapy helps to fully feel the magical properties of cinnamon

Given the legend of Phoenix, magicians attributed cinnamon to the elements of fire. And, as a result, they endowed her protective properties. And so that these properties intensify repeatedly, they burned the seasoning together with sandalwood, Mirra.

Also believed in the magic of cinnamon, people advised to wear talisman-Medalon In order for a wonderful aroma to be always there. You need to add a few drops of cinnamon oil to it. The pendant itself must correspond to the elements of fire, that is, to be red, yellow or orange.

This color is ideal for aromaculon with cinnamon
This color is ideal for aromaculon with cinnamon

The magical properties of cinnamon to increase wealth: tips, signs, talismans, rituals

Most often, the magical properties of cinnamon are used to increase prosperity. It was not for nothing that she was called "Cash seasoning." It was believed that tea drinking It serves as a sign of financial revenues with her. It is advisable to still present as bright as possible a picture of improving the financial situation.

You can treat yourself and "Money coffee", cooked in the Turk with the addition of coffee, sugar and cinnamon. Visualization can be done at the stage of falling asleep to the beginning to brew a drink.

It is also recommended to store cinnamon at work. For example, you can put a dalisman wand in your desktop. Such a step should attract monetary successes related to work.

Important: in this case, it is necessary to keep such a talisman secret even from colleagues. That is, putting a wand on a prominent place on the table is a bad idea.

The talisman hidden will also help in a wallet or wallet. Small strait stick In tandem with a leaf of mint will have a powerful effect on cash flows.

If you want to increase finances for all family members, it is recommended to resort to the ritual during the appearance increasing moon. Before going to bed, you need to collect all the money in the house, a little bit it with seasoning and put it under your pillow. Immediately after waking up, the money is recalculated At least 3 times.

It is advisable to place the cinnamon in a wallet with a large number of departments so that it does not stain the money
It is advisable to place the cinnamon in a wallet with a large number of departments so that it does not stain the money

The magical properties of cinnamon to attract love: talismans, rituals

The magical properties of cinnamon were often used to normalize personal life. It was believed that the seasoning was capable of awle passion, renew the relationship. Or lead to new, If any are only planned.

Cinnamon, according to the belief, can also attract Tenderness and romance In the relationship. In Austria, by the way, the seasoning symbolized. It was even customary to give it to the girls in bouquets with flowers.

To check this, you can create such a delicious amulet with your own hands as cinnamon rolls. The recipe itself does not play a role - the main thing is that the composition includes cinnamon. But you should pay attention to the form - it should be hearts. During the baking worth turn on romantic music, recall the corresponding moments from life. It is recommended to add cinnamon exclusively clockwise.

Important: desired days to create delicious talismans - Wednesday or Friday. The moon should be growing.

The talisman can serve and a love letter written by special ink. In their composition, in addition to some coloring pigment, you need to add cinnamon and basil. Writing such a letter is a whole ritual. It is worth doing it considering as much as possible On the object of adoration.

Such buns in the shape of a heart will help cinnamon show their magical properties
Such buns in the shape of a heart will help cinnamon show their magical properties

The magical properties of cinnamon for the fulfillment of desires: rituals, tips

Since the magical properties of cinnamon wear a purely positive color, you can use the seasoning to make wishes. For example, you can try to get a hint from the Higher Forces about what you need to do to fulfill a dream.

For this, you should wait for rainy weather. As soon as large drops begin to appear outside the window, you need to pour cinnamon on the left palm And go out into the street. Put a palm in the rain It is necessary for a short while. Then, returning under the roof, you need to try to understand what is similar to the resulting pattern. This will be a hint regarding desire.

You can use such a ritual that does not imply the expectation of rainy weather forecasts. For its implementation, it is necessary to go out in the early morning in any weather to the street or balcony, holding the seasoning in the left hand. Then you need to properly hang on the palm of your hand So that the cinnamon scatters in different directions.

Important: a prerequisite is the maximum focus on the performance of desire.

You can also use the ritual with White ordinary candle. It is needed on it write a wish with a needle formulated in the present tense. The candle is then necessary flavor And flavor cinnamon. Then the candle is needed set fire to And until the moment of its complete burning out visualize Desired.

Cinnamon and white candle - a good magical combination for the fulfillment of desire
Cinnamon and white candle - a good magical combination for the fulfillment of desire

The magical properties of cinnamon for good luck in business: rituals, tips

The magical properties of cinnamon apply to a large extent to human success. If he wants to not only earn more money, but also be able to climb the career ladder, get the approval of colleagues, the cinnamon will also be useful.

For example, if there is any important event at work-a meeting, let's say-it is worth preparing ground seasoning and shoes. Before the exit, you just need pour into the left shoesin which a trip to work is planned, cinnamon. And you need to do it clockwise.

If the activity is related to oratory, you can sweeten the task in every sense. Before the performance, it is desirable bite, abundantly flavored with cinnamon.

Important: just do this a few minutes before the performance.

If it is planned important deal or simply purchase, Need to pour in the palm of your hand, seasoning. A small amount is enough. You also need to take a little dried mint. And then it is just grind All this in the palms, clearly imagining how any expenses and efforts pay off many times.

Crown treats will attract good luck during performances
Crown treats will attract good luck during performances

The magical properties of cinnamon for self -improvement

The magical properties of cinnamon are very useful when a person it is a decline in vitality. In this case, he will help him a lot aromatherapy using cinnamon oil.

Thanks to her, it will turn out magically:

  • Open in yourself creative skills. If there is a lack of inspiration and there is a shortage of ideas, it is time to urgently resort to cinnamon magic.
  • Get rid of excessive self -pity. A similar problem is familiar to many, and because of it it is often impossible to move on.
  • Become lighter. The aroma of cinnamon helps to get rid of negative thoughts and irritability, to clarify consciousness.
  • Wall the mind.Many complex tasks can be resolved under the influence of this seasoning. Aromatherapy or delicious cinnamon drink - And the necessary thoughts themselves will climb into the head.
  • Increase self -esteem. Without this point, there can be no talk of any self -improvement. The cinnamon amazingly increases self -esteem, Strengthens faith in their strength.

Important: cinnamon has an amazing ability to get rid of the fixation on failures, life. In a word, at those moments that are decently distracted from self -improvement.

Cinnamon tea is a delicious magic
Cinnamon tea is a delicious magic

Cinnamon in the house: the magical properties of cinnamon as a charm for home, to protect against the evil eye

The magical properties of cinnamon can be safely used as a charm for the home. For example, you can often find advice on adding a crumbly spice in the water that the floors are washed. This step will allow clean the aura of the dwelling, will contribute to the establishment in it atmosphere of peace, comfort. And, of course, it will simply saturate the air with a beautiful aroma.

But the rest of the cleaning time can improve the atmosphere. It is believed that the combustion in the premises of the embodiment of purification white candle Significantly improves the microclimate in the family. It is a kind of beautiful charm from bad thoughts The owners of the house and from the evil eye from the outside.

Important: you just need to take care of the presence of natural cinnamon oil.

This oil is lubricated in a small amount of an ordinary candle. It is preferable that it be made from wax. Also, cinnamon oil can be combined with pine butter, cedar, eucalyptus. Notes lemon, sandalwood, myrrh, chamomile and laurel They will also help protect the home from negativity.

To get rid From the evil eye, Also recommended since morning give very little cinnamon to myself. It is better to choose a chest area, but so that no one sees a seasoning.

The magical properties of cinnamon as a means from the evil eye have long been known
The magical properties of cinnamon as a means from the evil eye have long been known

You can treat the magical properties of cinnamon and, for example, related to it. However, it is likely that it makes sense to listen to centuries -old folk experience. In any case, the fragrant seasoning season will definitely not hurt!

About what the magical properties of cinnamon are and about the rituals associated with them, we suggest watching this video:

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  1. Thank you very much for the wonderful advice and information!

  2. Thanks

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