11 best ways to remove unwanted hair on the face: description, advantages and disadvantages

11 best ways to remove unwanted hair on the face: description, advantages and disadvantages

The person’s face is the part of the body that is paid to first of all when communicating. The presence of undesirable hair on the face makes it visually unattractive, so many people try to get rid of excess hair with various methods.

In the modern cosmetology industry, there are many ways that solve this problem. Some of them are able to forever save the face of such a defect. Which way of removing unwanted hair is suitable for you, what is the advantage and disadvantages of each method will help to determine this article.

11 best ways to remove hair on the face

At the moment, the common methods for removing unwanted hair on the face are:

  1. plucking
  2. burning
  3. epilation
  4. shaving
  5. waxing or thread
  6. use of cream for depilation
  7. shaving
  8. laser removal
  9. electrolysis
  10. bleaching
  11. cosmetic compounds slowing hair growth

Before you choose the method of influencing the problem, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the skin: its sensitivity, type and tendency to allergic reactions. It is worth paying attention to the density of the hairline - the color and structure of the hair. It is also recommended to consult a doctor before the procedures, establish the cause of the hairline in unwanted places, consider the possible consequences after exposure to the hair growth zone.

Pinching hair with tweezers

  • Plucking hair with tweezers is very painful and requires a certain stamina to pain. It can be used by those people who have a few vegetation on their faces, thin and rare hair. If you need more abundant hair elimination, it is better to abandon such a procedure.
  • You should know that this method does not eliminate unwanted hair forever - after a while hair growth will be restored, and their density may increase. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the skin at the time of manipulation, pluck the hair only on clean skin, and avoid areas with inflamed areas.
  • The disadvantages of this method include: the need for regular conduct, soreness, risk of skin infection.
  • There are positive aspects: the speed of the method, accessibility, local hair removal. It is worth noting that you can pluck hair not only with tweezers - the eastern women used hard for these purposes a thread. Now there are many similar devices: springs, forceps, elastic bands.
Pull out
Pull out

Wax hair hair removal on the face

  • Wax hair hair removal on the face is more effective than the previous method, but no less painful.
  • Mostly attributed: Action for a long period, hair removal along with the bulb, exposure to a zone with a wound hair coating, home use, cheapness. You can purchase materials for such a procedure in any cosmetic store.
  • Wax hair hair removal is easy to do independently. The main thing is to carefully prepare the skin and act according to the instructions on the packaging of cosmetic wax. It is important to know that for these purposes you can not use ordinary wax. There are different forms of cosmetic wax release: special wax plates, tablets, containers with wax.
  • Before use, the wax is heated in a water bath or in special devices. Then, the spatula is applied to the place of exposure, wax plates are glued to the zone of vegetation. A few minutes after cooling, the wax layer breaks with a sharp movement of the arm. Excess hair from the face is removed along with it. The elimination of the hair of the hair must be carried out in stages: first remove hard hair, and then the remains of thin hair. So the procedure will be less painful.
  • At the end of epilation, lubricate the zone of exposure to cream from skin irritation. The result of smooth skin after wax hair removal will last for two weeks.
  • Negative sides of the method: Soreness, individual intolerance to the drug, the inability to use with short stolen hairs.

Removing hair with a razor

  • The fastest and easiest way to remove the hair from the face is to shave them with a razor. Shinying hair is a painless procedure, but not durable and not safe manipulation.
  • The skin of the face at the time of hair shaving can get cuts and infection infection. And shaved hair becomes tougher and quickly grows again. This method is not recommended for those who refuse to shave regularly.

Outcolving hair on the face

  • Outcolveing \u200b\u200bhair on the face using hydrogen peroxide Our grandmothers were also engaged. In those days, this was the only effective procedure for those who did not want to use tweezers and a razor. It must be understood that this method does not remove the hairs, but only masks them.
  • Upon closer examination of the hair, it remains noticeable. However, this technique can also be used by those who have thin and short hairs: Hydrogen peroxide will make rare hairs less noticeable. The hairs will have to be unclaimed often, since the dark roots of the overgrown hair will be visible.
  • This is not to say that such a frequent effect of an aggressive tool on the skin is harmless - irritation may appear.

Cream for depilation

  • A more modern way to get rid of hair on the face is removing them using a special cream for depilation. It is good because it does not cause pain absolutely, it is easily used at home and quickly eliminates an external defect.
  • The cream can be bought at any cosmetic store. The composition of the cream often includes substances that care for the skin at the time of depilation: restoring skin regeneration, slowing hair growth. The chemical formula of such a cream destructively affects the hairline. But before use, it is still worth a test to an allergic reaction.
  • This cream is budget option for eliminating hair on the face. It must be understood that it eliminates only the visible part of the hair, and its bulb will remain soundless, and after a while - the hair will be restored. The advantages include: accessibility, ease in use, slows down hair growth, does not make overgrown hair tough, and cares for the skin.
  • It is important to do depilation only with delicate creams, intended specifically for the front areas and do not replace them with compounds for other parts of the body.

Laser hair removal

  • The latest technologies in the cosmetology industry allow you to forever get rid of excess hair on the face with a laser. But such a manipulation has its restrictions: its the effect is visible only on dark hair.
  • The laser beam captures and destroys only the bulb of dark hair. It is useless for people with a light hair color to conduct laser hair removal. In addition, it cannot be implemented independently in a home environment, you will have to allocate time for going to a cosmetological salon. Sometimes the complete elimination of hair can take several sessions.


  • Electro -power is an acting way that helps to say goodbye forever with undesirable vegetation on the face. A widely known procedure in many cosmetic salons and clinics. However, it is not budget. Its use has certain risks. Therefore, the choice of a specialist should be approached extremely seriously. Sometimes incorrect conduct of this procedure causes the formation of spots, scars and scars on the face.
  • The course of the procedure looks like this: they act on a hair on a thin needle penetrating into the skin. This helps to stop hair growth, until its disappearance is completely disappeared in the desired zone.


  • Counts The most effective method of combating excess vegetation in the face area today. Photoepilation helps to eliminate the problem forever.
  • This manipulation is safer than the above modern methods. It eliminates the piercing of the skin - it is based on the effect of light on the hair follicle. Suitable for all hair types. The exception may be people whose the skin is sensitive to light: There is a risk of getting a bore at the time of the session.
A photo
A photo

Using a trimmer

  • It is performed using a special apparatus with nozzles in the form of blades, allowing you to quickly remove excess hair on the face. This device more accurately cuts hairs than a razor and captures them better than tweezers, which makes it possible to use it to eliminate short processes.
  • Trimmer - ideal for correcting the shape of eyebrows and removing vegetation from small areas. Thanks to the nozzles, it easily copes with the task in hard -to -reach places. Manipulation with it does not require much effort. Sensitive leather trimmer it can cause irritation.

Shugaring or sugar depilation

  • Sugar depilation is carried out similarly, wax depilation. The composition for the procedure can be made independently or purchased in the cosmetology department. Despite the simplicity of use, depilation of sugar has its own subtleties removal of unwanted hair on the face. Apply a sweet composition only against hair growth, and to remove, on the contrary, strictly in terms of hair growth, slightly pulling the skin.
  • Sugar depilation - the procedure is painful, After its use, it is necessary to calm the skin of the face, lubricating with any oily cream.
Sweet hair deprivation
Sweet hair deprivation

Masks to eliminate excess hair

  • The principle of operation of these masks is that they thin the hairs - make them brittle, prone to loss. There are many similar compositions: professional cosmetic and home -made masks.
  • Such funds do not immediately save from the hairline, but act gradually. But if you systematically use these masks, you can get rid of the defect forever. Thanks to natural ingredients in masks, such cosmetics are considered sparing in the fight against hairy. Due to the fact that it is easy to make it yourself is the most budget option for removing hair on the face. Among the ingredients of masks there should be such natural components: turmeric, saffron, poppy, nettles, hyacinth, dope. It should be remembered that some natural substances can be toxic for the skin - it is necessary to observe proportions and use them with caution. Also, instead of masks, you can use various compresses and lotions of tinctures of the above natural ingredients.
  • Separately, it is necessary to highlight compress from soda solution, Which also copes well with the elimination of vegetation. It is recommended to leave it at night. It perfectly slows down the growth of unwanted hair, thinks their structure. After applying a compress with soda solution, apply a nourishing cream for the face to the exposure.

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Video: 9 natural ways to eliminate hair on the face

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