How to care for lips in summer and winter: recipes for homemade masks and scrubs, recommended lip oils

How to care for lips in summer and winter: recipes for homemade masks and scrubs, recommended lip oils

It is not difficult to care for the lips correctly. You can read about how to do this in the article.

What factors affect the condition of the lips?

Proper care is the key to the beauty of the lips. Tender, neat and slightly chubby lips always attract the eye. If your lips dry and bleed, then you carefully take care of them.

The following factors influence the condition of the lips:

  • Your diet
  • Lips care
  • Environmental temperature
  • Other external factors (sea water, strong wind, excessive humidity)
  • Passionate habits
  • Age
  • Diseases

If you cannot influence the ambient temperature, then with the help of properly selected cosmetics and care products, you can improve the condition of the lips.

There are certain rules for winter and summer lips care. They will be discussed in the article

Why lips crack and peel off: reasons

Lips can crack for several reasons:

  • Lack of collagen
  • Lack of vitamins
  • Unstable nutrition
  • Bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol
  • Excessively cold or dry climate
  • Disadvantage of water in the diet
  • Toothpaste

In more detail about the causes and treatment of cracked lips, see the video.

How to care for lips in winter: the specifics of winter lips care

  • Winter lip care is significantly different from summer. In winter, due to the cold, the skin of the lips cracks, peels, begins to bleed and dry out. Especially if you have a habit of licking them. Lips in the cold season are especially necessary for nutrition and moisture
  • If possible, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime to protect the lips from the cold at least with the help of a scarf
  • Winter care for lips includes all the same procedures as the summer. These are: masks, scrubs, peeling. The difference is only in the ingredients

  1. In winter, it is very important to protect the lips from the cold. The most ordinary hygienic lipstick copes with this. In addition, she still has a beautiful skin
  2. It is not recommended to get involved in lip gloss in the winter. It has a lot of wax and moisture, so it hardens in the cold, and your lips dry
  3. Instead of hygienic or ordinary lipstick, use special lip balms. They cope well with the moisturizing of the skin, protecting it from cold and overdrying just like hygiene lipsticks. But unlike hygienic lipstick, lip balms are of different colors and shades
  4. Refuse persistent lipsticks. In winter, they can greatly harm your lips. If there is a need to use such lipstick, then before applying it, smear your lips with a colorless balm. He will soften his lips
  5. Regularly do lip massage. Honey is perfect for this. So more blood will come to your lips, and they will look much better and fresh

Moisturizing lip masks with cocoa: how to do it?

Cocoa contains many vitamins and antioxidants, and sour cream - beneficial fats. Cinnamon oil enhances blood circulation. All together is a nourishing mask for lips with cocoa, sour cream and cinnamon oil.

What is required:

  • 1 tbsp. Cocoa powder without sugar
  • 0.5 tbsp. sour cream
  • 2 drops of cinnamon

Mix all the ingredients and apply to the lips for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Effect: lips become softer, the color is saturated. Peeling disappears.

Also, in addition to cinnamon oil, any citrus oil can be added to this mask.

Nourishing mask for lips with honey: 3 best recipe

You can describe the benefits of honey for beauty for a very, very long time. One thing is clear - its benefits are invaluable. So why not use honey as a lip mask?

The simplest lip mask from honey:

  • Apply honey to the lips with a layer of harmful thickness
  • Hold the mask for 15 minutes. If the honey begins to drain, subdue it with a napkin
  • Wash off with warm water

Effect: even such a simple mask is able to nourish your skin and make it more beautiful and fresh

Cottage cheese-honey mask for very weathered lips:

What is required:

  • Fat dwarf, but you can store
  • Honey

Mix honey cottage cheese in a ratio of 1: 1, applied to the lips and washed off after 15 minutes.

Effect: such a super strong food will return a luxurious look even strongly weathered lips

Mask from honey and carrot juice

What is required:

  • 2 tsp honey
  • 0.5 tsp. carrot juice

The ingredients are mixed and applied to the lips. You can keep such a mask for a long time. Carrot juice is absorbed into the lips, only slightly sugared honey will remain, which can be used as a scrub.

Effect: lips acquire a pleasant bright shade (depending on the original color), become very soft. The contour of the lips is clearly visible, the need for eyeliner disappears

Summer lips care: how to care for correctly?

In summer, lips are subject to high temperatures, as in the case of low ones, leads to drying out.

  • In the flight period, it is especially important to monitor the water balance in the body. Because of the heat, the moisture evaporates faster than we would like
  • If your lips dry, pay attention to food. Add more fresh vegetables, fruits, greens to the diet
  • It is recommended to use hygienic lipstick if your lips still cracked. In severe heat, do not wet your lips. You will aggravate the appearance of cracks on them

Lip scrubs: benefits and harms

  • Lip scrub is a necessary thing at any time of the year. It perfectly exfoliates the keratinized cells of the skin of the lips, so that the lips themselves acquire an even surface without cracks. Also, scrubs make their lips perfectly, making them juicy and beautiful
  • Only very rude scrubs can cause harm. For example, with large sea salt. It is not recommended to make scrubs if there are cracks on your lips. In this case, the cracks of the wounds will only become more
  • In general, lip scrubs are very useful at any age. In his youth - to maintain the beauty of the lips, in maturity and old age - to rejuvenate lips, because the scrubs significantly improve blood supply

Sugar lip scrub: how to do it?

Sugar lip scrub can be made from one sugar, and in a mixture with honey or cream or various juices.

Sugar scrub:

  • A drop of water is added to sugar, mixed
  • With massive movements, the mixture is applied to the lips. Massage lasts 5 minutes
  • The mixture is washed with warm water

Effect: Dead skin particles are removed, lips become smooth

Exactly the same action has and sugar-honey scrub:

What do you need:

  • 2 tsp honey
  • 2 a pinch of sugar

The ingredients are mixed and quickly applied to the lips with massaging movements for 5-7 minutes. The scrub should remain on the lips for another 10 minutes. During this time, sugar completely melts.

Honey scrub for lips: tasty and healthy!

Honey scrub for lips has many different options. The most basic is a scrub of pure honey. Cream, essential oils, sugar, juices, vitamins can be added to it. Med is applied with a thin layer on the lips and gently massages them for 10 minutes.

Effect: such a scrub is very useful. There are a lot of vitamins and minerals in honey, so a lip scrub from honey not only nourishes and moisturizes the lips, but also makes them more elastic and smooth. After such a scrub, the lips will keep a healthy look for a long time.

What oils to use to care for the lips at any time of the year?

You can feed and moisturize your lips not only with masks, but also with oils. The most useful lip oils:

  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn
  • olive
  • persian
  • wheat germ oil
  • coconut
  • cacao butter
  • shea Butter
  • avocado oil
  • pink

If the oil, coconut, cocoa and avocado oil are usually difficult to find, then olive or sea buckthorn oil can now be bought almost everywhere. They are very useful not only for the lips, but also for the body, hair, skin of the face. These are universal oils. They can be used both in a mixture with each other and each separately.

The effect will not be long in coming. To achieve the optimal result, it is recommended to include the use of lip oils on an ongoing basis in their cosmetic procedures.

Home lips care: tips and reviews

So, the main tips:

  • use hygienic lipstick at any time of the year
  • get out of shine and lipstick in the cold
  • use scrubs, but only on the lips without damage and cracks
  • the ideal option for year -round use is oil
  • honey is your best friend in lips

Inna, 31 years old, Perm

Hello, my name is Inna. All my conscious life I suffered from the problem of dry lips. What I just did not do: I bought balms, and I drank vitamins, and made masks. And all to no avail. The lips peeled and began to crack. Then I decided to start using coconut oil regularly. A lot of good is written about him on the Internet. After the first application, my lips stopped drying in general, even the wounds healed in the morning. Now I always use this oil. It saves in the cold, and in the heat. I recommend to everyone!

Karina, 20 years old, Norilsk

I really like to use various scrubs for the lips. After numerous samples, my favorite became the honey-sajar. Very simple and budget. And most importantly - effective. I haven’t found anything better yet as a scrub. I also love oils. The best, as for me is olive. By the way, I also sometimes add it to a scrub. There are no problems with the lips now. I am very pleased.

Video: How to make lips smooth?

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Comments K. article

  1. In summer and winter, the skin on the lips can dry out and crack. Although in winter this problem more often happens. In such cases, I lubricate my lips with Videstim. The ointment helps a lot. She moisturizes and heals the cracks.

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