The causes of dark circles under the eyes. How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes?

The causes of dark circles under the eyes. How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes?

In this article I would like to answer the question "How to deal with circles under the eyes?" But in order to decide on the method, you need to understand the reason for their appearance.

We all know the proverb that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. And, of course, I want to see this mirror shiny, beautiful and healthy. Dark circles under the eyes clearly do not fit into this list, giving us a tired or even exhausted look. Many women are faced with such a problem, preferring to immediately apply a ton of cosmetics to the problematic place. But is it right, and what steps should be taken?

Why the skin under the eyes is dark: the causes of dark circles under the eyes

  • It happens that the venous mesh is simply close to the surface of the skin. The skin itself is not able to hide the net and, moreover, due to facial activity, is constantly in motion, stretches. If the skin is light, then moisture in it contains less, it is thinner and delicate. In people with such a feature, circles under the eyes are often present from childhood as an anatomical feature. Also, age or heredity leads to such a phenomenon


Important: it is completely useless to be treated with folk remedies in this case, but the services of a cosmetologist can be useful. For example, massages or leather treatment with a laser will act positively.

  • A rather common cause of circles is regular lack of sleep, overwork. All this is called chronic fatigue syndrome. A thick layer of cosmetics and rows of coffee cups can visually hide such a phenomenon, but after washing the problem becomes, as they say, on the face. And in this case, it is simply necessary to establish your mode-sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, walks in the fresh air, infrequent sitting at the computer. Violation of all this is a kind of stress for the body, so taking sedatives will not hurt
  • Incorrect nutrition is very affected by the condition of the skin. Smoked, fried, salty, sharp dishes in excessive quantities will necessarily imprint. Even late tea drinks affect negatively. And, of course, the absence in the diet of the proper number of vitamins and minerals. Toxins accumulate in the blood, in the skin - and now you will not have time to look back, how circles will begin to darken under the eyes. Of course, you can’t do without putting the diet here
  • Smoking and alcohol, if you relate to your habits, will become a catalyst for edema and skin inflammation. The body has chronic intoxication, and this cannot but result in a change in appearance. Even coffee can adversely affect the skin, if you use it overly

  • Incorrect skin care will also turn into the appearance of dark circles. It is very sensitive under the eyes, so even too hot water, stretching during washing, applying the cream can influence negatively. What can we say about the use of low -quality cosmetic products! The composition of such products leaves much to be desired and often causes allergic reactions. Think about how to buy cosmetics from dubious manufacturers, and do not forget to cleanse the skin after makeup
  • Swift weight loss can also result in the emergence of dark circles. The women who have experienced for their figure, who managed to get rid of a large weight in a short time, risk. In this case, the skin will necessarily sag under the eyes, forming in bags, and circles will appear under the bags. Do not forget about a violation of metabolism that can occur after holding a strict diet. What can we say about dehydration, which often happens with diets
  • Often circles signal the diseases that the body has encountered. By their color, you can even determine what exactly the reason

So, blue circles are the result of poor blood circulation, reddish - allergies and kidney problems, yellowish - problems with liver, oversaturation of slag and toxins. In addition, yellow is often a consequence of stagnation of bile. Pain in the right hypochondrium, bitterness also suggest about the disease of the liver.

Problems with the pancreas are accompanied by discomfort in the left hypochondrium, nausea, constipation or diarrhea. Problems with the thyroid gland or diabetes also manifest in the form of circles. Diseases of the upper teeth, sinusitis, anemia, helminthias - here is a list of diseases. ”

Dark circles under the eyes as a result of heart disease and kidneys

Let's dwell on diseases of the heart and kidneys in more detail as a result of the occurrence of circles under the eyes.

  • Heart problems occupy the first place in terms of frequency of influence on the appearance of dark circles. Violation of the lymph and venous outflow directly affects this. The skin cannot get enough oxygen if a person suffers from coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, heart disease.
  • If you know that you have at least a tendency to such a disease - do not delay a visit to a doctor. After all, if the symptoms have already begun to appear on the face, then the problem is progressing. The correctly prescribed course of treatment will save both the primary source of the problem and its investigation
  • However, you may have a local venous pathology-this is when the walls of the vessels expand in the maxillofacial branch, becoming fragile and thin. Take a closer look at the nose and cheeks-with such a pathology, crimson-red spots will appear on them. If you have mercharosis - the expansion of capillaries - you can fight this using cosmetic procedures
  • Problems with kidneys are an equally common cause of formation under the eyes of dark circles. So, with acute renal failure, the genitourinary system practically cannot function properly. And react to this primarily, oddly enough, skin vessels that expand
  • However, do not panic, because kidney problems are not necessarily deficiency. For example, bruises are also formed in chronic diseases, which, nevertheless, are sluggish - pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, nephroptosis

This can be diagnosed by the wave -like development of the disease, that is, when bruises and edema either appear, then disappear.

“Important: you should not panic in the case of bruises, however, if bruises appear synchronously with urination problems and disappear with them, you must consult a doctor. Otherwise, you can get yourself something more serious in the form of renal failure. ”

Is it possible to get rid of dark circles under the eyes of folk remedies

Folk remedies of treatment often have a more powerful effect than medicines. Of course, only if the result of the appearance of circles did not become any disease.

  • If you need to get rid of the problem in a matter of hours, use a miraculous mask of white bread and milk. Please note that you need to get rid of bread crust. Hold the bread pulp in milk until the gruel is formed. Apply this gruel to the skin under the eyes, and keep it there for 20 minutes. After this period, moisten a cotton swab in milk and remove their gruel. Carry out the described actions regularly
  • Cottage cheese greatly helps eliminate defects near the eyes. Just rub it and put it on the problem area. You can wrap the gruel in a bead of dense gauze, or you can put it directly on the skin, gently distributed along it. Keep the cottage cheese for 20 minutes, and then remove it with a cotton swab moistened in cold tea. Tea will suit both black and green

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes in home usuals

  • Tea generally helps excellently. You can make compresses from cold tea, or you can simply apply the remaining bags. It is enough to keep such compresses on the face for a couple of minutes. If you prefer not a bag, but an infusion, then make sure that it is strong. Repeat the procedure three or four times, each time wetting cotton circles. Make the compress itself as follows: 5 grams of tea leaves, pour 50 milliliters of boiling water, wait half an hour and strain the solution
  • Walnut mask will be very nutritious. It will need a small amount of pre -chopped walnuts, a tablespoon of butter, a couple of drops of lemon juice. Juice can be used and grenade. After 20 minutes, the mask is washed off with water
  • Dark circles are remarkably removed with the help of a chamomile infusion. Dill is suitable as an alternative. Take 10 grams of plants and pour 10 milliliters of boiling water. Let it stand for 10 minutes, then strain. In general, you need to make two solutions - hot and cold. The gauze compress alternately popped into one or another solution alternately for 10 minutes. And so do a month, repeating the procedure every day.
  • If there are cornflowers at hand - excellent! Prepare a solution of 10 grams of these flowers flooded with 200 milliliters of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes, strain. Tampons also hold on the skin for 20 minutes
  • You can create a cream on your own. For him, we will need crushed leaves and stems of parsley - only about 10 grams. Rub them with the same amount of butter. As soon as you see that the mass has become homogeneous - apply. You need to use before bedtime
  • Another recipe in which you can use 10 grams of parsley: mix it with the same amount of cottage cheese and 5 milliliters of milk, apply it to the face and rinse literally after 5 minutes with cool water. The result is noticeable soon - literally after a few sessions

“Important: compresses will give the fastest result in combination with contrasting washing. However, make sure that the water is moderately cool and warm. If you carry out such washing up to 8 times, skin elasticity will increase, blood circulation will improve and, as a result, circles will disappear. ”

Facial facilities: potato, cucumber, strawberry

Whitening masks help to get rid of not only circles under the eyes, but also from age spots, unhealthy face.

  • For a potato mask, we will need 50 grams of potatoes, pre -boiled, 25 milliliters of warm milk, 15 milliliters of lemon juice and egg yolk. Everything, with the exception of lemon juice, must be kneaded thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained and put in a water bath for half an hour or 20 minutes
  • While the mass comes to a state of readiness in a water bath, you can do your face - clean it and grease it with lemon juice. When the mask is prepared, apply it to the skin for 20-25 minutes. It is recommended to be covered with a dense fabric. Later, the mask is washed off with warm, and then cool water
  • For a cucumber mask, you will need 50 grams of fresh cucumber and 25 grams of any nutrient cream available at hand. If you are the owner of the skin of oily type, dilute the mixture with 20 milliliters of vodka. All this is infused for several hours, and then applied to a pre-cleared face for 15-20 minutes. Cover the face with gauze. Rinse the mask with cool water
  • A strawberry mask, in addition to whitening the skin, also protects it from ultraviolet radiation, moisturizes and relieves inflammation. Even the early aging of cells is prevented. It is very simple to cook the mask - you just need to knead the berries in mashed potatoes and apply it to the skin. However, if you are allergic to the skin or capillaries are located too close to the surface, select another recipe

Having wiping the ice cubes of ice will help get rid of dark circles under the eyes?

  • Everyone can stock up on a sufficient amount of ice, and it affects the skin sometimes much better than some cosmetic procedures. It is not for nothing that the ice is called the elixir of youth for the skin - it moisturizes, refreshes, supports tone and is able to give you a blush instead of circles under the eyes. Russian women always knew that ice has perfectly affects the skin. Even Catherine the Great washed with ice floes
  • The simplest recipe consists of only one component - mineral water. It is also possible to use ordinary water or infusion of medicinal herbs, pre -frozen. There is a teaspoon of chopped crushed plant on a glass of water. Closed and chilled tea from chamomile, parsley, sage, dill and cornflower
  • Such herbal cubes should wipe the skin of the eyelids twice a day. And if such a procedure becomes into your habit, then know - you carry out a wonderful prevention of the appearance of dark circles and edema
  • A rice broth will help remarkably from the circles. After cooking rice in a large amount of water, pass it through a strainer, and freeze the remaining liquid and use it for wiping once a day. Movement make from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. But keep in mind that rice cubes are stored for no more than three days

Nutrition for flat and light skin: what products to use to improve complexion

  • The diet must be treated no less carefully than compressing skin. Food is simply required to be balanced, that is, containing a sufficient amount of protein, minerals and vitamins. They can be found in fruits, nuts, herbs, vegetables
  • Separately, it is worth saying about diets. Many women sit diligently on them, thinking that they will quickly get rid of excess weight and become healthier and happier. In fact, not all diets are correctly scheduled - many of them do not take into account the characteristics of the body at all. This applies especially to mono-diet that prescribes to use any one product-for example, kefir
  • It goes without saying that the lack of fruits or vegetables will make itself felt. It is also important not to eat incompatible products at a time
  • Be sure to eat fish - it nourishes the skin due to the content of the corresponding oils and fats in it. All these substances are easily absorbed by the body. The meat should not be forgotten either, only low -fat and boiled. chicken, beef, rabbit, seafood - this is what give preference
  • Include cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, soy protein in the diet. Pay attention to the melon, watermelon, flax grain, juices - citrus, beetroot and carrot

Reception of vitamins to improve skin color: which vitamins to choose?

  • C is one of the most important vitamins, as it helps to preserve the youth of the skin, helps the formation of collagen fibers and prevents the appearance of bruises. It is vitamin C that affects the skin the most
  • E - is also considered one of the best. Not only moisturizes the skin, but also protects against ultraviolet rays, which, as we recall, serves as an excellent prevention from the appearance of dark circles. With it, the skin is updated. You can find in vegetable oil, fish, nut, milk
  • A - is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. Contained in carrots, parsley, eggs, tomatoes, melons, peas, prunes, peaches, mountain ash, apricots. But so that all this is well mastered, you need to consume fats
  • B - excellently improves complexion, delays skin aging, moisturizes it, protects against aggressive environmental effects. Contained in oatmeal, buckwheat, sprouted wheat seeds, wheat croup, potatoes, eggs, red fish, green vegetables, fruits, dairy products, mushrooms, almonds, rice, salmon, herring
  • PP, K, D - contribute to the normal operation of the protective functions of the skin, maintaining a good color. You can find in milk, fish, chicken, eggs, cheese, arahis, wheat sprouts

What cosmetics to use to disguise dark circles under the eyes?

  • Pay attention to the composition of cosmetics - ideal if it includes colagen, caffeine, manganese, hyaluronic acid, green tea extract

Important: Kolagen contributes to the appearance of elasticity in the skin, makes it fit. Caffeine removes unnecessary fluid and raises the tone as a whole. Hyaluronic enhances blood circulation. Manganese also improves blood circulation. Green tea relieves edema.

  • Perhaps the circles are due to the lack of vitamin K or retinol. In this case, they will help to cope with the problem of the cream containing them. They stop a change in skin color, retain swelling. If you use such cosmetics every day for a long time, the result will pleasantly surprise
  • There is one subtlety of applying a concealer, which is simply necessary to know - after applying it, fixing with powder should be carried out. Otherwise, the masking effect will not quite succeed
  • Before applying the concealer, it is worth using a primer with the effect of radiance - it softens blue under the eyes. To lie on the skin of the primer must first in the form of dots, which contributes to the flat layer of distribution in the future
  • It is better to use the concealer of two colors - peach is applied under the eyes, and the yellowish tint is on the cheekbones. They should be mixed - in this case, the color will turn out natural, and the visible blue will hide
  • Gel eyeliner or white pencil, applied to the mucous membrane and to the lower line of eyelash growth, and well -shaped, also allow you to visually hide the darkness under the eyes

Conceler, powder, foundation: what to choose in the fight against dark circles under the eyes?

  • Concealers and correctors are often used to mask dark circles. On sale you can even find a corrector that is able to stay up to 16 hours! The concealer should coincide with the color of the skin or be a little lighter
  • The corrector is worth picking up orange or yellow - such colors will be able to successfully mask the purple hue of circles under the eyes
  • The concealer or corrector must be covered on top with foundation. It should be of high quality, otherwise the pores will clog. It is advisable to choose a dense texture - it is able to hide skin defects well
  • Manufacturers should choose proven and widely known - at least they care not only about the masking of skin imperfections, but also about its care. The composition must therefore present antioxidants, vitamins, moisturizing and nutrients. The same goes for the choice of powder. A good remedy will create the effect of velvety

Important: the powder is designed to fix the previous masking agents, so it should be of high quality, otherwise the makeup will turn out to be unsuccessful.

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes: tips and reviews

Whatever the cause of the circles under the eyes, there are general recommendations:

  • Be sure to consume a lot of water. The norm of an adult is about one and a half liters per day. Take for the goal to make frequent drinking water with your habit. In the hot season, it is recommended to increase the volume of to two liters. Pay attention to ensure that the water is of high quality. It is very useful to add coral calcium to the water
  • Ultraviolet rays quite often cause circles. Try to avoid the skin of direct sunlight, as well as use sunscreen creams, wear sunglasses and hats and hats
  • You can use the hardware massage service in cosmetic clinics or beauty salons. It will contribute to the outflow of unnecessary fluid from problem areas, it will restore the skin with a healthy color even under the eyes. If such a massage is not available, do at least home in the morning, namely, lightly tap your fingertips along the massage lines. You can’t rub and stretch the skin
  • Avoid everything that can cause an allergic reaction of the body - dust, animal wool, poor -quality cosmetics. Often they forget about this, but allergies can also cause formation under the eyes of dark circles

Like to get used to-dark-circles-under-lips

What will the experts tell us? For example, candidate of medical sciences, cosmetologist Elena Simonova advises to listen to his sensations while applying a tonal cream to the skin - so if you feel that it lies unevenly, then the remedy is not for you.

A suitable cream should not even be felt.
It only seems that dark circles under the eyes are a small flaw that will pass by itself. In fact, there are many reasons for the appearance of circles, so it is important to first determine them, and only then eliminate the consequences. Remember that any defect can be removed. It is only important not to be lazy, working on yourself.

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