100 interesting facts about animals around the world, Russia, about which you did not know: the list

100 interesting facts about animals around the world, Russia, about which you did not know: the list

In this article, we will talk about what interesting and amazing facts there are about animals in different habitats.

The animal world is very interesting and mysterious. It still has so many unknown. Often, even the animals known to us do not cease to surprise. We decided to tell the most interesting facts about animals.

Animal hearing - interesting facts: List

An animal hearing
An animal hearing

Hearing is the ability of animals to perceive sounds, in fact, like people. Some species of animals can even hear such frequencies that a person simply cannot catch. This applies to ultra and infrasound. Close -ups are used as geolocation. He helps them navigate in flight. Dogs also hear ultrasound. That is why they catch a soundless whistle. There is even evidence that whales and elephants can use low frequencies for communication. Let's analyze other interesting facts about animals with you.

  1. The mantis has an ear between the legs
  2. Poultry people have no ears, but at the same time they can hear
  3. Medus also has the ability to capture infrasounds with a frequency of 8-13 hertz
  4. Chameleons do not have an external and middle ear, but at the same time they hear sounds in the range of 200-600 Hz
  5. Elephants and butterflies can catch sound even in 1 hertz. At the same time, the range of a person starts from 20
  6. Forest elephants can hear their relatives even if they are from them 2.5 kilometers
  7. Osminoi has no hearing at all
  8. Turtles can hear, but only water. Land representatives of the species are almost deaf
  9. Indoor flies hear very well. They can even buzz on the tonality of the f-Major
  10. Ants are able to perceive sounds far beyond the boundaries of human capabilities, in particular, in the ultrasound range

Facts about animal vision: List

Animal vision
Animal vision

Interesting facts about animals can be found about vision. We do not often think that in animals it can somehow differ, except that only about some features that everyone is in hearing. Nevertheless, the vision of animals is quite different from the human.

  1. Sea skates are able to watch in two directions at once.
  2. Monkeys, despite the fact that they are genetic relatives of a person, see him better three times.
  3. Deep -sea fish have the ability to see in absolute darkness. This is due to the too dense arrangement of sticks in the retina. It is 25 ml/sq. Mm., Which is 100 times higher than that of humans.
  4. Cats can see in the dark due to the fact that their pupil can expand to 14 mm. Dogs also see three times better than a person without light.
  5. Dogs have a visibility of 240-250 degrees. This is 60-70 units higher than human capabilities.
  6. The angle of viewing of the dove is 340 degrees.
  7. When the horse raises his head, he sees almost around, but it is worth lowering it and half of the view is lost.
  8. The ability of a fly to the speed of changes in personnel is 300 per second. Compared to a person, this is 5-6 times higher.
  9. Bellyan butterflies have the opportunity to distinguish images of 30 microns. A person, in turn, can distinguish three times less.
  10. The bar is able to see a small rodent at a distance of up to five kilometers.
  11. The sharpness of the vision of the falcon is also amazing. It can see at a distance of 1.5 kilometers of target at 10 cm high. Even if it moves at high speed, this does not reduce the severity of his vision.
  12. Cockroaches are able to distinguish even the smallest objects, and at a very high speed. It is able to notice the movement of 0.0002 mm. Therefore, you should not even try to kill the cockroach with slippers, it will still be faster.

Facts about animal nutrition: List

Food of animals
Food of animals

Zoologists around the world are studying animal nutrition. There are a huge number of animal species in the world and all of them differ in lifestyle and nutritional ways. Products are also different. Let's find out what interesting facts about animals regarding their nutrition.

  1. Tigers experience problems with finding nutrition. As a rule, in 90% of the attempts ends in failure. To catch prey, they have to try hard.
  2. When the leech drinks blood well, then it may not eat after that for 7-9 months.
  3. Some types of snakes eat 3-4 times a year. When they swallow a lot of prey, then digestion takes several months.
  4. Animals are not always able to observe a measure in nutrition. For example, vultures are sometimes able to overeat so much that then they cannot take off.
  5. Hares eating vegetables with great hunting, for example, carrots and cabbage. But only few people know that they love parsley most. And this also applies to rabbits.
  6. Crocodiles are responsible for their nutrition. Their jaws are not able to chew food, and therefore they have to swallow large pieces. Moreover, it is difficult to tear off a piece from fresh meat. Therefore, they wait for a while until the prey begins to decompose.
  7. Penguins can safely drink salted water. Their body is able to remove excess salt. In this they are helped by special glands.
  8. Some species of animals are consumed per day of food by mass about 20-25% of their own.
  9. Hedgehogs, if necessary, can eat vipers. The poison of these snakes is not dangerous for them.
  10. Some animals require almost continuous nutrition. For example, if the mole does not eat 15-17 hours, then it may die.
  11. Avocado is deadly for dogs.

10 amazing facts about animal breathing: List

Breath of animals
Breath of animals

Breathing is vital for every living organism. It allows you to saturate the body with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from it. In each mammalian, the respiratory system is represented by light and respiratory tract. The number of breaths and exhalations is already determined depending on the size. As you know, some animals may not breathe for a long time and this is precisely because their respiratory system absorbs a lot of oxygen.

  1. Even elephants can stay under water for several minutes. Only they do not remain completely without breathing. They stick out the trunk above the water and it looks like a periscope
  2. The platypes can remain under water for one minute, but sometimes they can do it for up to five minutes
  3. Loose under water can hold their breath up to 30 seconds
  4. Afalins do not breathe under water on average 7.25 minutes, but the longest period, which they can spend under water is five minutes
  5. Walruses can be under water for about ten minutes
  6. Killer whales are immersed under water for up to five to six minutes
  7. The raincoat battleships have volumetric respiratory tract and therefore they gain air, as if into a reservoir. This allows them not to breathe up to six minutes
  8. Beaver underwater can be about three to five minutes, but some researchers claim that this time may be 15-20 minutes
  9. Swowals dive from half a minute to 12 minutes
  10. The northern floods are able to spend under water for up to 8-20 minutes. In extremely rare cases, this time increases to one hour or more

Interesting facts about animal language: List

Animal language
Animal language

Usually we do not think about what sounds the animals pronounce, and even more so they mean. But in fact, they have a certain semantic load. Moreover, animals communicate in their own language, they just have a different form of communication than people. Let's find out what interesting facts about animals regarding their language.

  1. Cats meow only on people. On each other, they will not do this. They use other methods - body language and hissing. But they meow only with people. So they communicate.
  2. Meadow dogs can be considered real intellectuals of the animal world. By the way, they can call you fat. Researchers have proved that these dogs communicate in a complex animal language. They can describe any predators, and in detail. The same applies to people. At the same time, they can say all in one cry in a few seconds.
  3. The beetles of the Loaders use the ABC Morse. To coordinate in tunnels, these bugs use a system resembling a morse alphabet. They knock their heads on the upper part of the tunnel to create an echo and transmit their messages. By the way, they often live in the wood of houses and at night you can hear the corresponding knock. From here their name went.
  4. Elephants have different voices. It seems to us that the screams of animals are not different, but this is not so. Andrea's biologist Turkalo proved that elephants have their own votes.
  5. Chickens and eggs communicate with each other. Many mothers talk to the kids in the tummy, but it would be strange if they answered. But the chicken eggs answer a leash. The chicken inside barely audibly begins to tweet about a day before hatching. The hen is crazy to him, and makes cute, but sometimes terrible gestures to calm the baby.
  6. Slengenovy. Many pedantic people are offended when they hear slang. Babuins also feel it. They even conducted research on them, showing normal and invented words, and some with errors. So those that were invented by the Babuins determined 75%with an accuracy of 75%.
  7. A person may not hear a talk of toads. Frogs from Southeast Asia, Huia Cavitympanum can communicate with each other with ultrasound, which is not heard by the human ear. Scientists believe that frogs have learned to communicate because they live in areas where water is rapidly flowing and other frequencies are easier to hear.
  8. Dolphins know the second language. Dolphins can speak in a dream and in a completely different language. For example, they remember the songs of whales, although when wakefulness they never imitate them. But in a dream, sounds have a great resemblance.
  9. It is believed that parrots make sounds thoughtlessly, but there are facts that confirm the opposite. So, one gray parrot became famous for the ability to distinguish colors and identify abstract concepts, for example, size and difference. Some parrots have a huge vocabulary for them. The most famous cases are registered in the Guinness Book of Records. So, one parrot learned 800 words by the time of death.
  10. Fish use the language of gestures. They do not clap fins, although it would be interesting. For example, coral perch use sharp movements to coordinate the actions of the pack when searching for food. They put traps and, when there is prey, they sharply point to it with their noses, and then they begin to dance as if to tell everyone about it.

Facts about pets life: List


People began to notice interesting facts about pets relatively recently. In fact, pets began to be brought up for too long. In any case, wild animals exist much longer. So, for example, cats began to live with people in 3600 BC, and the dogs dominated only 30 thousand years ago. However, even after so many years, we constantly notice something new behind our favorites. So, we present you the top 10 interesting facts about pets.

  1. When the dogs want to get more attention from the owner, they can pretend to be sick
  2. Cats sleep most of life. In any case, about 70% for sure. If you translate it in the clock, it will turn out up to 16 hours a day
  3. Hamsters prefer alcohol, not water
  4. The brain of a cat and a person is identical by 90%
  5. Dogs are able to show jealousy when they see that the owners show attention to other animals
  6. Когда кролики счастливы, то они могут подпрыгивать и перебирать в воздухе лапами
  7. Cats are able to turn the ear 180 degrees to better hear everything that happens around
  8. Dogs learned to travel to the subway and even understand when to go out to get to food
  9. Rats are afraid of tickling and begin to laugh during it during it
  10. Dogs feel great time, that's why they always ask for a walk and eat at one time in the morning

Interesting facts about the animal coast of the Black Sea: List

The Black Sea coast has a diverse landscape. There are simultaneously hot areas and snowy peaks. These places are very fond of tourists for beautiful nature and rare animals and plants. A lot of reserves are open here, where rare animals are guarded. A wild cat is considered a symbol of the coast, because not everyone can feed him from his hands. Let's learn interesting facts about animals of this area.

  1. Dolphins are able to develop a sufficiently high speed, but it does not exceed 30 km/h
  2. Foxes live on the coast and they are almost manual. They almost do not hunt, because on the shore and hills you can always find food
  3. Dolphins live in flocks, where each individual is a relative. They help each other, for example, support the younger ones above the water level so that they do not choke. They are able to save people.
  4. If you want to know how old the bear is, count the rings on the cut of his root tooth. At the same time, the animal is capable of speeding up to 140 km/h.
  5. The roe deer can drop the horns in the beginning of autumn, and in February new ones grow. They are able to jump up to eight meters in height, and therefore without problems overcome barriers.
  6. Others can spend a long time under water if they feel danger.
  7. Male dolphins can give gifts to females during marriage games. So, for example, they easily get bouquets of algae from the bottom.
  8. Lyings are very plastic animals and therefore they can fit in any gorge. As evidence, the lagons where these animals live.
  9. Nutria because of the warm climate of the coast, they can live in water and in the forest. Females find a couple on their own. To do this, they observe the males for several months and only then begin to provide attention.
  10. Altai squirrel from the Black Sea coast is distinguished by the color of wool from the rest. The fact is that it is black. Thanks to this color, it can pretend to be other animals to fight off the attention of predators.

Interesting animal tundra: Facts

Interesting facts about animal tundra also make you surprise. Tundra is considered one of the amazing places where a variety of animals live. Let's find out what features they have.

  1. Wolverine is the largest of all existing caresses on land. They are used to living loners. They seem not very strong and tough, but this impression is deceptive.
  2. The Canadian lynx is the North American mammal. She looks twice as much as a cat. At the same time, the main time of the day of this animal is night. She runs very quickly, but gets tired quickly.
  3. Arctic hares live in a polar area. These are large white rabbits that create holes in the snow. The female can bring offspring up to eight hare.
  4. The red fox is the largest of all. She loves to live where people live. It is white or brown. She lives in a hole with her parents has not yet found a couple. These foxes are also called fiery for their bright wool.
  5. White bears due to global warming are forced to constantly change the habitat. By the way, they, despite the white wool, have black skin.
  6. The northern deer Caribu are small in size. They have sharp hooves to extract a lichen that they love very much. Depending on the season, the deer changes. They are soft in summer, and in winter they are solid.
  7. The snow owl is one of the largest. She has snow -white feathers that can be striped with black or gray. The owl in the film Harry Potter is just from the snowy ones.
  8. Greeting is the largest of all falcons. Featers can be in color from white to brown.
  9. The Arctic fox or arctic fox feeds on small animals. She finds a couple and remains with her forever. She has a white fur in winter, which becomes brown by summer.
  10. The sheep is more associated with sheep. It has long curved horns, as well as warm and soft wool. They usually have a black or brown color, but in rare cases, white representatives of the species are found.

Interesting facts about marine animals: List

Sea creatures
Sea creatures

Sea animals are very diverse by species. What you just can not meet in the sea depths. Each of them has its own characteristics. Let's find out with you what interesting facts about the animals of the sea.

  1. Dolphins of pink are found in the Amazon. There are no more than these anywhere
  2. The longest inhabitant of the sea is the jellyfish of the lion's mane. She has tentacles of 37 meters
  3. In a blue whale, the heart has the size of the average car. It makes nine blows per minute
  4. Giant squid can reach 18 meters in length. In sperm whales on the body, whalers often find deep scars from the suction cups
  5. The smoother of the ocean is a shrimp. If a flock moves to the submarine, then they can “blind” it sonar
  6. Kit does not produce fountains, it is exhausted by jets of carbon dioxide, and spray is obtained around it
  7. Salmon and trout as such do not exist. They received a collective name from more than three dozen fish of one family
  8. Dolphins have good communication. Each of them has its own name in which relatives turn to them
  9. The octopus has only two legs. The remaining six tentacles act as hands. If in the struggle he loses the tentacle, then he grows up a new
  10. When the fish float against the current, they need less energy than in calm water
  11. Fish can develop marine disease. During it, they experience dizziness and lose their orientation
  12. Piranhas attack people rarely, despite the established opinion
  13. Sea turtles always cry. This allows them to get rid of salts in the body, and the lacrimal glands act as kidneys
  14. If the goldfish always keep in the dark, then they will become white
  15. Many fish change the floor throughout life. Some deep -sea have male and female organs

Animal deserts: Facts

Animal deserts
Animal deserts

Animals living in the sugar desert are included in the list of those who have successfully adapted to difficult climatic conditions. That is why they are included in the list of the most interesting animals on our planet. Interesting facts about animal sugars are quite amazing, because each living creature there is unique and almost anywhere else.

  1. Tushkans are very small animals. Their length usually does not exceed 4.4 cm. At the same time, they can weigh up to 3.8 kg. These animals live for 2-3 years. They are able to develop speed to 24 km/h and jump very high
  2. Fenec fox is distinguished by large funny ears. They reach up to 20 cm in height. At the same time, their maximum weight is up to 1.6 kilograms
  3. Varanians are able to gain weight up to 79-91 kilograms and reach 2.6 meters long. They grow well in warm weather, and are cold -blooded
  4. Ostriches can reach a weight of up to 120 kg, and females - up to 100 kg. Their largest speed is up to 70 kilograms. They have very sharp hearing and vision
  5. Palestinian scorpions are the most interesting animals in the desert. They are known by different names. Such representatives of the species cannot be found anywhere in other places
  6. Addax antelope is considered an endangered view
  7. Bunnels belong to the Scarabi family. They are able to process the manure 250 times more than their weight during the night. They are three types and are included in the ten most hardy
  8. Gazelle Dorax weighs from 15 to 20 kilograms. They live in pairs in severe conditions, and in favorable conditions - herds
  9. Dropders weigh camels from 400 to 600 kilograms. This applies to males. Females weigh a little less-300-450 kilograms
  10. Horned vipers are found in various colors. They have a thin black tail and large eyes. They are called horned thanks to the processes on the head

Interesting facts about taiga animals: List

Animals Taiga
Animals Taiga

It is believed that there are not many animals in the taiga. However, even though there are more than 40 species of animals there, there are predators, rodents, and herbivores among them. In addition, the habitat has more than 260 species of birds. In the area of \u200b\u200bBaikal, butterflies and beetles live, as well as other insects. If a person is lost in the taiga, then he should pay attention to them, because they have a lot of protein. This is especially true for ants, earthen worms and larvae.

  1. Bears do not attack people so often. In fact, they can do this if they feel danger. They feed on insects, lizards, frogs and rodents.
  2. Lays are typical inhabitants of the taiga. They reach the size of large dogs. From above they never pounce abruptly, and sit in an ambush for a long time. The cat is distinguished by interesting behavior. She hates foxes because they are able to steal their prey. For this, the lynx kills the thorns, but it will not be.
  3. Foxes often sleep in the snow and hide their tail. It is very warm and allows them not to freeze. Foxes feed on small rodents. She hunts with mouse, that is, jumps deep into the snow, while the mouse does not suspect anything.
  4. Wolves live in families where the hierarchy is distributed. In the taiga, the wolves are darker and small. They are found in the floodplains of rivers, cuts and bar. They hunt in flocks, and therefore easily fill up any prey. To find food, the flock can pass more than 50 kilometers per day.
  5. The hare always behaves warily. He has a lot of enemies in the taiga. Otherwise, he risks being eaten.
  6. Rushkhol is a representative of the Krotov family. She goes to land only if necessary. The mole moves along the trenches, which he himself digs. The fur of this animal is considered very valuable, which is why it was almost completely exterminated.
  7. The stone is a small deer with up to 9 cm long fangs and it has no horns at all. The animal’s legs are very strong, and therefore it briskly moves. It is found in rocky areas near reservoirs, while she lives alone.
  8. Sables are found only in the taiga. They differ in small size up to 50 cm and very agile. They have a cunning muzzle and curious eyes. Sable is very well adjusted to the terms of the taiga, because it is omnivorous.
  9. Lasks are small animals and at the same time predatory. It is so flexible that it can crawl into the mouse hole or ruin the nest. Her fur is very good, but not valued, because the skin is small and fragile.
  10. The ermine also refers to the martens. It can grow up to 38 cm and weigh to 360 grams. They live near reservoirs and are sedentary. Ermineostas are very curious and not afraid of people, they can consider them for a long time.

Animals of forest zones: interesting facts

Animal forests
Animal forests

Forests are covered with a third part of the sushi of the planet. Their total area exceeds 38 million square meters. km. There are a lot of animals in them. Let's find out what interesting facts about animal forests are.

  1. Bears, despite their weight, run quickly. At the same time, they swim perfectly and climb trees. With all the desire, it’s hard to escape from an angry bear. They are omnivorous and can eat anything. They eat ants very interestingly - they put their tongue into an anthill and wait until the insects are completely twisted, and then they take out their tongue and eat them.
  2. Hedgehogs run all night in search of food, and sleeps during the day. They are not afraid of anyone, only a fox and an owl. In case of danger, they turn into a ball. All winter they spend in hibernation.
  3. Squirrels jump on trees thanks to a fluffy tail. It allows you to control the flight. Lives in hollows, where he makes nests of dry branches. The litter is brought up to three times a year.
  4. The moose has the largest horns that he drops every year. His females are empty, and milk is several times fatter and nutritious than cow. The moose are afraid of bears, and with wolves they cope with horns and hooves.
  5. The wild boars live herds and are awake at night. In the afternoon they rarely rest. A thick skin allows them to move even in the most thick more often. They are omnivorous, and feed mainly on plant roots and insects. In search of food, a lot of land can be dug.

Interesting facts about Australia animals: List

Facts about animals of Australia
Facts about animals of Australia

Australia is not a very large mainland, but it also has a lot of interesting things. Animals are especially attracted. Let's learn interesting facts about animals of this area.

  1. Kangaroo is the most famous animal of the mainland. They live twice as much as people
  2. Koala has the same pattern on the fingers as the fingers of man. Outwardly they do not differ, but under the microscope everything is visible
  3. The largest number of sheep live in Australia. Their breeding and sale of wool is one of the main articles of export
  4. Almost half of the animals in Australia are endemic species. They are no longer anywhere in the world, only here
  5. Snakes are the most dangerous creatures in Australia. On the mainland there are more poisonous representatives of the species. At the same time, there is no antidote from the poison of some
  6. Vombates live here. They live in holes and are no longer found in any area
  7. Australian rainworms can grow up to 1.5-2 meters in length
  8. Kvkka - short -high kangaroo is popular thanks to its selfie in the company. Because of its physiology, the animal always looks satisfied
  9. Another unique animal is the platypus. It multiplies by laying eggs. Hatched cubs they feed milk

Interesting facts about Africa animals: List


Everyone is interested in learning more about Africa. To do this, you can not do without interesting facts about animals of this area. Probably everything was heard about her inhabitants. But not everyone knows only about habits and abilities. The fastest animals live here.

  1. African elephants are the most difficult on earth. Almost no one is terrible, because predators are afraid to attack them. The average weight of the elephant is six tons. Only a person can become a threat to his life
  2. Giraffes are the highest animals in the world. They can grow up to 4-5 meters. Giraffe language reaches 45 cm in length, and a long neck allows you to collect foliage from the highest point of trees
  3. Zebra is the most friendly animal. It gets along well with other ungulates and often you can even find a herd with ostriches or giraffes
  4. Surprisingly, even penguins live in Africa. They feel great here and live near the coast, where there are Arctic currents
  5. Although hippopotams are vegetarians, they are very dangerous, especially males. To protect the cub, they can attack a person and other animals. These animals have long fangs and speed up to 40 km/h. So it’s very difficult to run away from him
  6. The skin of the hippos adapted to the African sun. She highlights a special protective substance
  7. Hyenia has the most powerful jaws. Their bite is stronger than a lion and a leopard. This allows them to easily chew even bones
  8. Nile crocodiles are the largest reptiles. Their length can reach five meters
  9. African buffalo are very strong and fierce. They are the first to attack, and to deceive the enemy pretend to be dead. Their horns are so strong that they are not pierced even by bullets
  10. Lions, despite the fact that they are predators - sleep 20 hours a day. Makes them hunt only very strong hunger

Invertebrates - Facts: List

Facts about invertebrates
Facts about invertebrates

Few people know, but 97% of all animal species in the world make up precisely invertebrates that have no skeleton. Interesting facts about animals of this type are diverse. We will consider 10 of them with you.

  1. Despite all the variety of invertebrates, they are divided into 6 groups (arthropods, stirring, echinoderms, mollusks, ring worms, lips). However, even within these groups, their differences are huge, and therefore even scientists cannot name all the families.
  2. Invertebrates do not have a skeleton. But only this does not mean that they are soft. They may have a shell or exoskeleton. The very first thing that comes to mind is crustaceans.
  3. Invertebrates appeared a billion years ago. They consisted of soft fabrics, but then evolution included the formation of an external skeleton.
  4. Invertebrates occupy 97% of all animal species. Today there are several million types of invertebrates.
  5. Many invertebrates undergo metamorphoses. Many invertebrates look like copies of adults. For example, these are the same butterflies that become dolls from the caterpillars and then get their final appearance.
  6. Invertebrates can form colonies. These are large groups of the same species. They share the responsibilities of food, reproduction and protection. Colonies are often found in the sea and can form a large organism.
  7. Sponges are the simplest invertebrates. They are the least evolved and technically considered animals, because multicellular and appear from sperm cells, but without tissues and organs. They usually attach to the seabed and live there.
  8. Almost all parasites are invertebrate. Parasites require a small size to penetrate another organism. That is why they all do not have a vertebra.
  9. Invertebrates have a diverse diet. Spiders eat other insects, sponges eat microorganisms and so on. They also allow you to destroy the carcasses of large vertebrates after death. That is why there are often many different insects on the corpses of animals.
  10. Invertebrates - assistants in science. We would not have much success in genetics without studying this type of creature. For example, thanks to the study of the fruit fly, genes that produce specific anatomical features were identified.

Interesting facts about Russia's animals: List


The world of animals is extremely interesting and diverse. It is unlikely that even a whole life is enough to find out everything about him. However, the most interesting facts about Russia's animals will be interesting.

  1. The annular seal is also a subspecies of seals. Of great interest is how they give birth to offspring. The female creates about ten logs for herself and in them the kids are for about six weeks. Only then they go to the water.
  2. In the raccoon, thanks to anatomy, paws act as hands. He walks the warehouse and climbs trees well. Raccoons differ in that they are extremely lazy. They are afraid to cross even a small river. Shelters do not do their own, and therefore are easy prey.
  3. Wolverine is the most mysterious. It somehow resembles a bear, but someone says that she resembles a badger. She is a glutton and a loner. He won’t even let the same -sex. Wolverines cannot live in captivity and are very aggressive, and therefore they are not found in zoos.
  4. Capercaillie is found throughout Russia. They are able to overcome long distances due to a large scale of wings of 1.4 meters. The bird loves to wake up in the morning and evenings.
  5. Lyings have a cat's gait and step a trace into each other's trace. They do not like foxes and can be torn to tear, and they are afraid of wolves.

Funny facts about animals: List

Funny facts about animals
Funny facts about animals

Of course, it is difficult to argue with the statement that the animal world is amazing and diverse, but some facts are really amazing. We have collected for you the funniest interesting facts about animals.

  1. If you turn on calm music for the cow and start milking, then it will give more milk
  2. Dolphins give each other names and during the acquaintance, present
  3. When the dolphin sleeps, then one eye is open
  4. Squirrels “accidentally” plant a lot of trees, because they often forget where they dig stocks
  5. The little squirrel never remains without adults. If one abandones him, then he will “adopt” the other
  6. Murder Panda in China is punishable by the death penalty
  7. Chickens communicate with the mother-smoke using sound signals. At the same time, when they have not even hatched
  8. Chicken can fly, but no longer than 13 seconds
  9. Drawings on the body of tigers and zebras, as well as noses of dogs and cats are unique. It's something like fingerprints
  10. The butterfly feels the taste through the paws
  11. Elephants can hear not only ears, but even legs
  12. Even if the tiger is completely shaved, it will still be striped

Facts about animals of the Red Book: List

Animals that are under threat of extermination or are already exterminated are listed in the Red Book. It allows you to effectively conduct work on reproduction and protection of an endangered appearance. It presented rare animals and you can tell many unusual things about them. Let's find out what interesting facts about the animals of the Red Book can be found.

  1. Przewalski's horse. There are not many of them left, only about two thousand. A very interesting fact is that several individuals were released into the zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, where they are successfully multiplying. Now about 100 individuals live there.
  2. Amur mountain. It lives with flocks. Usually these are small groups of 6-8 individuals. So far, there are no more than seven hundred of them in the world.
  3. Caucasian mountain goat. These animals mate with the East Caucasian tour. From this, fruitless individuals appear. Partly because of this, the view is dying out.
  4. Athlantic walrus. The roostering of these animals are located in very inaccessible places. At the same time, it is known that adult walruses can grow up to four meters in length, and up to 1.5 tons by weight.
  5. Sea lion. This is a three -meter eared seal. The weight of adult males can reach a ton ode.
  6. White -faced dolphin. It grows up to three meters long. It differs from other representatives of their appearance with the sides of black color and fins.
  7. Amur leopard. There are no more than 40 of them. At the same time, in China, the murder of this animal is punishable by death.
  8. Asian cheetah. Today these tigers are about 10. This is in the wild. And in the zoos there are another 23 individuals.
  9. Amur tiger. The most rare animal of Russia. It is the north and not only the rarest, but also the most beautiful. On his belly there is a layer of fat five meters thick, which does not allow him to freeze.

Facts about animals that you did not know: the list

Interesting facts about animals
Interesting facts about animals

Many interesting facts about animals, in any case are the most popular, are known to the world, but there are those that will really make you be surprised. So let's analyze them.

  1. Medusa Nutricula is an immortal creature, and it is the only one on the planet boasts such a gift
  2. Chau-Chau is the only breed of dogs that has not a pink language
  3. Pink dolphins are found in the Amazon
  4. Ants never sleep
  5. Attacus Atlas is the largest night butterfly. It has a 30-centimeter wingspan
  6. Omarov has a blue tint
  7. Sharks never get sick
  8. Blue whale has a weight comparable in weight with an average elephant
  9. The average hedgehog has about ten thousand needles
  10. At the badgers, the holes are transmitted to the descendants in the coming
  11. Sheep are able to remember people's faces
  12. The smallest fish in the world has a size of 8 millimeters

Sad facts about animals: List


Finally, I would like to tell interesting facts about animals, but a little sad. At the same time, they are so funny that they will make you smile.

  1. Cats are able to recognize the voice of a person, but they do not care about it
  2. If you look at the kwuckle, it seems that they always smile
  3. Roosters always wake up two hours before dawn. They are waking up biological clock
  4. In Greenland polar sharks, a maturity period occurs at 150
  5. Despite the fact that the fish have short memory, some of them are able to recognize faces
  6. Irbis are able to eat up to 9 kg of food per night
  7. Elephants sleep only two hours at night
  8. Foxes have very sensitive languages
  9. Fish can also produce their character. He will depend on their environment
  10. The dimensions always go with dark circles under the eyes. They have them from nature
  11. The scunks during the danger are first trying to scare the dance and only then jump on the enemy
  12. Bumblebees eat sweets to overcome stress
  13. The ducklings consider their mother the one who will be seen in the first 10 minutes after birth
  14. To express romantic feelings, blue sharks bit each other
  15. Mice feel sadness each other and also begin to be sad
  16. Lionesses like lions more with a brown mane

Video: Plague interesting facts about animals. 100 facts

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  1. Most of it was invented on the go. The skill of the bear is 140 km/h mowed

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