Fauna of Asia - a list, types, description and photos of the largest and most unique Asian animals

Fauna of Asia - a list, types, description and photos of the largest and most unique Asian animals

In this article you will learn which animals are the largest in Asia. In addition, get acquainted with unique animals that live only in Asia.

Which animal is the largest in Asia?

A huge number of different animals live on the territory of the largest part of the world of Asia. Since there is no clear biogeographic line between Europe and Asia, the term “animals of Asia” is a conditional concept.

In this article we will talk about the largest and most rare animals in Asia. There are many animals related to this category.

To the question of which animal is the largest in Asia, the answer is simple - indian elephant.

From its close relative of the African elephant, Indian is less than the size of the ears, the absence of tusks in females and less weight. The Indian elephant weighs an average of 5 tons, African - about 1 ton more. You can also distinguish an Indian elephant from African by a hump on the back and convex crown.

You can meet the Indian elephant in Asia in the wild on the island of Sri Lanka, in India, on the islands of Indonesia and in the countries of Southeast Asia.

The Indian elephant people have long been domesticated. People hunt these elephants, tame them in order to use the power of a large animal in the household. And once on Indian elephants they moved during military operations.

Meeting an Indian elephant in the wild is not so simple. Since these animals avoid open areas, they like to stay in the jungle. In hot times, elephants love to dousise with water, they can also easily swim along the river. With the help of the trunk, they show off themselves with dust, so escaping from flies and other parasites. They feed on grass, young shoots of trees, fruits.

Elephants live either one by one or small family groups. In the herd, the leader is an old female. When the elephant is born, the group moves much slower than usual, until the elephant is into the rhythm of the family. Newborn elephants weigh about 100 kg. It is noteworthy that they are born with wool that falls out later.

Female of the Indian elephant with a cub

Elephants are protected by law and listed in the Red Book. Unfortunately, elephant hunting flourishes. There are those who want to have an elephant to work in the farm. But they also hunt elephants in order to get valuable tusks of males.

In the zoos you can also see the Indian elephant. They have long performed in circuses. Despite the fact that the elephants are well tamed, in captivity they rarely give offspring.

The largest animal Asian

Large animals in Asia: List

In Asia, there are also many other large representatives of the fauna. Some of them are completely safe for a person, it is better not to face one with others in one in the wild. Consider these animals and their features.


Haur is the largest representative of the artsistic cards in the wild. The weight of this animal can reach 1 ton, and height is about 2-3 m. Males per third larger than females. Herms of Gaurs live in the forests of India, Nepal, Malaysia, Burma.

Important: Gaura live in small herds in which females, young, calves and 1-2 males are located. The largest male is the leader of the herd. These large animals are very strong, they are not afraid of tigers.

The largest Asian bull

Gaur bulls are characterized by a dark color of wool, females and calves have a lighter wool. They feed on forest vegetation. In the hot season, the main part of the day is spent in the shade of forests. Gaur’s mating season falls on November-March. The calf carries 9 months. Sometimes old and exhausted males leave the herd and live their lives with hermit.

The number of Gaurs is rapidly reduced due to the development of lands by people. In national parks and zoos, Gaura can rarely be found. Scientists conducted an experiment to cross a cow and Gaura. The experiment was unsuccessful.

In countries where Gaura live, people have learned to dominate these animals. A family who has many home Gaurs is considered rich.

Female and male Gaurov

Indian rhino

Among the Asian rhinos, the largest representative is the Indian rhino. Its weight ranges from 1.5-3 tons. The horn has a length of about 60 cm. The skin of the Indian rhino is very thick, it seems that it is armor.

Important: The Indian rhino has a relatively small brain among animals of such sizes. The weight of the brain of this animal is about 400-600 g.

Indian rhinos feed on leaves and grass, although they can digest more fibrous food. Rhinos live one by one. At the same time, males do not guard their territory poorly, and often another enters the territory of one rhino.

In order to extract food, rhinos can enter the villages. At the same time, they can cause great harm not only to agricultural land, but also often pose a threat to people's lives. This animal can become very aggressive and runs quickly.

The population of Indian rhinos is reduced due to hunting for them. People hunt Indian rhinos for several reasons:

  1. The first reason is the protection of their land from the animal.
  2. The second is a horn hunt that is used in non -traditional medicine.

Important: The rhino horn is considered a valuable medicine in non -traditional Asian medicine. Therefore, rhinos are often destroyed in order to extract its horns.

Indian rhino


The most predatory representative of the animal world. The mass of the tiger can reach 400 kg. Such a large animal on the day needs to eat a lot of meat. This makes the tiger hunt other animals. Basically, tigers hunt large prey, but in some cases they do not disdain birds and small animals.

Important: Tigers are very dexterous, strong and fast. They carefully guard their territory. Even bears, who are also not weak representatives of the fauna, try not to fall into the territory of the tiger.

The tiger can easily jump a fence of several meters or quickly run away with a cow in his teeth. The female gives rise to 2 to 4 tigers every 2-3 years. A month later, young tigers begin to eat meat. Mother keeps them with him, for 2-3 years teaches to hunt. Little tigers know how to climb trees, but then they lose this skill.

Like many other animals, tigers are listed in Red Book of Animals.


Two -humped camel

A two -horned camel is also called Bactrian. In nature, bactrians can be seen in two places - in China (in the Gobi deserts, Taklimakan) and Mongolia.

Two -humped camels live in dry steppes, in deserts, in canyons with rare vegetation, in arid places. It is easy to draw conclusions that the camel power is scarce. Two -humped camels feed on grass, they can also eat thorns that no other animal on the planet can eat. If there are nothing at all in the habitats of camels, they eat bones, as well as the skin of dead animals. They drink infrequently. In conditions of lack of water, they can drink 1 time in 2-3 weeks.

Important: Camels, defending themselves, can spit in the offender. Sometimes, having seen danger in a person, a camel can spit it in it, but this happens quite rarely.

A feature of two -humped camels is their endurance. They can endure the weight of up to 500 kg. People have long domesticated camels. Warm clothes are made from their wool, milk and fat are used in cooking, and the local population makes fuel from camel litter.

Two -humped camel (Bactrian)


Banteng is a rare appearance of a wild bull. It is very easy to distinguish females and males. Females are much smaller and elegant than males of bow. Both females and males have white spots on their feet, like stockings. The weight of some bans can reach 900 kg. Average growth - 1.5 m.

Unlike the Gaurs, Bantengs do not strive for proximity to water. On the contrary, they prefer dry area. If people are interfering with gravity, they graze at night, and during the day they hide in the thick of the forest. They live in groups of an average of 20 individuals, the head is at the head of the male, who fertilizes all females in the herd. Some bantengs go down into bachelor herds.

Important: Banteng is a very modest and quiet animal. They prefer to hide behind the trees and in the bushes. In addition, they are harmless. Bantengi do not bring harm to people.

However, even these harmless animals are listed in the Red Book, as people hunt for meat and sale. Bantengs also suffer from predators such as a red wolf. Old, sick individuals and young animals are especially vulnerable.

Bantenga female with a cub

Nilgau (blue antelope)

Important: Nilgau from Hindi's language translates the “blue bull”. In India, Nilgau is compared with cows, so the animal is considered sacred.

People do not hunt for Nilgau even because their meat is tasteless. However, these animals were in the list of rare species on the planet. Nilgau's main danger is predatory animals.

The habitat of Nilgau is the plains or hilly areas of India. Animals are active in the morning and evening. They feed on grass, leaves and other vegetation. To get to the branches with juicy foliage, Nilgau can stand on the hind legs.

Nilgau reaches a height at the withers of 120-150 m. Weight-100-200 kg. Males have horns, females are sprayed. You can also distinguish between males and females by color. In males, Nilgau has a black and blue color, and the females have a brownish. It is noteworthy that females give birth to 2 cubs at once. Less often - one at a time.


Snow Bars (Irbis)

It lives in Central and Central Asia. The beautiful dense fur of the snow leopard has always attracted hunters, which led to the edge of the disappearance.

The habitat of the snow leopard is mountains and a rocky area, the animal is perfectly adapted to these conditions. Snow leopards live in pairs. The female insulates the lair with wool, and then leads from 2 to 4 cubs.

The snow leopard is a predator. He hunts for various small and large animals, basically, these are mountainous presents.

If a person does not touch the snow leopard, then he is not afraid, does not show aggression. But sometimes in the hungry years, Irbis in search of prey is selected for settlements hunt pets.

Snow Leopard

Video: Wild nature and animals of Asia

What animals live only in Asia?

Asia attracts with its exotic traditions and customs. However, its unique nature is no less interesting. In the next selection, you will find out which animals live only in Asia and nowhere else.

Komodsky Varan

The largest lizard in the world got its name in honor of the island of Komodo, which is located in Indonesia. The size of this predatory lizard is horrified. In length, Komodsky Varan reaches 4 m, and its weight can exceed 150 kg.

But much worse not the sizes, but the features of this lizard. So, for example, Komodsky Varan eats everything that comes across in his way. At the same time, the lizard does not need to make efforts. It is enough to bite your victim.

Important: Varan saliva contains a poison that leads a victim to slow death. Varan pursues a bitten victim, simply following her. Within three days, its extraction dies from blood poisoning.

Varan feeds not only lively, but also carrion. In addition, Komodsky Varan can eat its own offspring. And even attacks a person. A meeting with this animal can turn out to be tragically, so it is better to observe a huge reptile from a safe distance in zoos.

Varan Komodo


Big panda or bamboo bear is an animal that is popular all over the world. The reason for this was the interesting black and white color of the panda and their playful character.

Panda live in China, in this country Panda is considered a national treasure. Panda live where bamboo grows, in mountain, deciduous and mixed forests. They feed on bamboo, the walls of their stomach are able to process wood food.

Unlike other bears, pandas do not hibernate, but remain active throughout the year. They do not build constant Ninge, instead of choosing secluded places under the rocks.

Panda live alone, the exception is the period of mating. Panda hatches offspring for only 6 weeks. As a rule, Panda has 2 cubs at once. Panda's mother loves to play with her cubs. Sometimes she even specifically wakes them up to play. In captivity, pandas can live up to 30 years.

Giant pandas


A nasach monkey is a shy animal that is known to many thanks to its not very pretty nose. But in fact, the nose is important for this monkey. By the length of the nose, the male rank in the herd is determined. And the main male always has a lot of females, as if in a harem.

Important: When a nosach monkey sits, she has a large stomach. Due to this feature, the inhabitants of the island of Borneo called these monkeys the Dutch. The local population found a similarity between the Dutch-colonizers and monkeys-nonsense.

Monkeys-nosachi are very sociable animals. They communicate with each other with different screams. They live on trees, feed on wood vegetation. They can also swim well.


Sunny bear

This bear also has other names-Biruang, Malay Bear, Bear-Sobaka. The smallest representative of the bears. Its length ranges from 1.4 m, and the weight is not more than 65 kg.

Important: A horseshoe -shaped spot of orange color flaunts on the chest of the bear, for which it was called sunny.

The coat of the sunny bear is smooth, short. This allows the animal to endure the heat without difficulty. Despite the small size, one cannot call a sunny bear a calm and peaceful animal. The bear has huge claws and a long tongue with which he ruins the nests of the termitects. Also hunts for birds, lizards. The best other bears climbs trees. It also spends most of his life, rests and seeks food.

Malay bear

Red panda

Red panda, or small panda, is much smaller than his famous relative - Big Panda. But in many ways these species are similar. Like giant panda, Malaya Panda lives one by one, only during the marriage games of the female and males meet. The female Krasnaya Panda is born three cubs who are next to a mother under 1.5 years old. Small panda also feeds on bamboo, but unlike a giant panda prefers juicy and young shoots. Also, red panda eats small animals, fruits and berries.

Red Panda leads a night lifestyle, and in the afternoon he loves to sleep in a secluded place, curled up in a ball. Small panda clumsily moves on the ground, but deftly and quickly climbs trees.

Important: In honor of the Red Panda, the famous Firefox browser is named.

Red pandas are on the verge of extinction due to hunting them. The fur panda is popular.

Red panda

Cheprane tapir

The Cherac Tapir is the largest representative of tapirsi, who lives only in Asia. In the wild nature of Cherac Tapirs, you can find in Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia. Rather, meeting these animals is not so simple, because they lead a night lifestyle.

Chepular tapirs have a well-developed sense of smell and hearing, but their vision is very bad because of the flaws of the cornea. Another feature of tapirs is a trunk. Chepular tapirs prefer to stay closer to reservoirs, they can even swim in hot times. They also often lie in mud to remove parasites from the body.

They live in pairs. Females are larger than males. The female bears a baby for a long time, for more than a year. At the same time, she is born only one cub. In checial tapirs, the cubs have a very bright color, but over time they become black and white.

Cheprane tapir


Lori or Dolfty will live only in Asia, it is almost impossible to meet him in the wild. And although this animal cannot boast of a large size, its eye is largest. According to zoologists, Dolgopyat has the biggest eyes among all animals of the planet. His eyes are even more treading than his brain. And at night they have the ability to glow.

Such large eyes are needed in order to see well in the dark. After all, these animals lead the night lifestyle.

Important: Lori can make very long jumps. Lori's jumps reach 1.5 m in height, and even more in length. This helps him to run away from enemies, in particular, Lori’s enemy is considered birds of birds (Owls).

Laurie prefer to live alone. However, with their relatives they shout. However, a person cannot hear these sounds, since they are at an too high frequency. Life is a little studied little studied, since these animals lead a hermit at night. It is also known that this view is rare.

Laurie (Dolgopyl)


The bird got its name thanks to a large narrow on a beak similar to a rhino horn. These birds live in thick forests, but smaller individuals inhabit low shrubs.

A nasal bird is a cautious and smart bird. However, they fly very noisily. More often, you can first hear the sound of a nasal bird than to see its itself. These birds walk well on the ground, but quickly and fly high.

Important: The nasal bird is so careful that it is soaring itself in the nest while the eggs of eggs.

For melting, she uses branches, ground, leaves. He fastens the nest with his droppings. It leaves only a small hole so that the male brings her food. Thus, she trifles offspring for three months. After hatching and nursing offspring, the poultry-sorogue with its growth on its beak breaks the nest and comes out.



Orangan is very similar to a man. No wonder this animal received the nickname "Forest Man." The body of the orangutan is covered with reddish hair, hands are longer than legs, which allows them to deftly move around the trees.

The orangutan spends most of his life on trees, they rarely go down to the ground. Orangutans are sleeping in the nests that are built from branches. They feed on bird eggs, leaves, fruits. When it is raining, the orangutans hide with large leaves.

The female gives birth to one cub. Its weight is about 1.5 kg. For a long time, about 3-4 years, the orangutan eats mother’s milk and is in close proximity to her. Adults are considered individuals who have reached the age of 10.


Golden Takin

A very rare animal that can be found in the Qinlin mountain range in East Asia.

Important: Legends go about the golden Takin. It is believed that the “golden rune” of the legendary Jason was the skin of this particular animal.

The skin of the golden Takina is really amazing. Firstly, it is very thick. Secondly, golden beautiful color. Thanks to the density of their wool, these animals can tolerate bad weather and cold.

Golden Takins live in small groups, eat vegetation, love bamboo. They can stand on the hind legs to reach the top of the tree.

If he feels danger, he makes a sound similar to a cough. Then the whole herd is hidden in the dense thickets of the forest, they lie down on the ground and wait until the danger passes. The main enemies of the golden Takina are snow leopards. However, the most important enemy Takina is man. For the sake of valuable fur and trophy, the number of these animals decreased almost completely.

Golden Takin

Chinese alligator

The color of the Chinese alligator is gray-yellow, the body is covered with growths. He also has a long tail and a squat body.

This species lives only in China. The number of Chinese alligator in the wild decreased due to hunting for it. People killed alligators, worried about their pets. Also, a crocodile could suffer due to the fact that he ate a poisoned rat. Since poisons are used to combat rats. In addition, crocodile meat is a valuable delicacy. And some consider it a panacea from many diseases, including incurable ones.

In captivity, the Chinese alligator survives well, at present attempts to revive this species have been adopted. On the largest continent of the Earth of Asia, there are different conditions for the habitat of a wide variety of animals. Many of these animals can only be found in Asia and nowhere else. The Fauna of Asia is interesting and unique.

Chinese alligator

Video: Asian animals

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