10 most delicious recipes of cabbage cutlets: preparation in a simple way, made of cavernous cabbage, sauerkraut, with the addition of beans, potatoes, minced meat, mushrooms, oatmeal, cheese, in a slow cooker

10 most delicious recipes of cabbage cutlets: preparation in a simple way, made of cavernous cabbage, sauerkraut, with the addition of beans, potatoes, minced meat, mushrooms, oatmeal, cheese, in a slow cooker

In this article, we will consider the 10 most delicious recipes of cabbage cutlets, which will diversify and decorate your menu.

Today's topic will be especially for lovers of home cuisine, namely about aromatic and juicy cutlets. Vegetarianism has recently covered many segments of the population, so we want to share the recipes of cutlets, which are based on cabbage. And believe me, such delicious treats can easily overshadow even meat dishes. Moreover, knowing the correct technology and some tricks, you can not even understand the main component.

The most delicious and simple recipe for cabbage cutlets

Each housewife has some secret ingredients in the arsenal, which make the dish special and memorable. But the basis of such a treat is certainly a primordial and simple recipe. Therefore, we suggest starting with him.

  • Write down the following recipe:
    • cabbage - 1 head up to 500 g;
    • manki - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • paning crackers - in fact;
    • medium -sized bow - 2 pcs.;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • sour cream or mayonnaise-3-4 tbsp. l.;
    • salt, ground pepper and a mixture of favorite spices - to taste;
    • oil - in fact.
  • Remove unsuitable leaves, rinse the cabbage and jerk excess moisture well. If necessary, remove and cut off all the spoiled places. Then, cut the cabbage with large pieces and place it in already boiling salted water. Toming on low heat you need no more than 5-7 minutes.
  • Throw cabbage into a colander and leave for a while that the water escaped. For the best effect, you can squeeze the leaves slightly or put them on a paper towel so that it absorbs moisture residues.
  • Chinch the onion as smaller as possible, and chop the cabbage into small strips. As an option, you can use a meat grinder, but with a large nozzle. It is not worth using a blender, since it can excessively pure the products.
  • Now mix all the components into one composition (except 3-4 tbsp. Len cream) and leave for 15-20 minutes so that the semolina swells a little.
  • Form cutlet balls and dip on both sides in breadcrumbs. You can mix in the same coefficient with flour. Or add a little sesame seeding. This is the benefit for the body, and you will bring a certain unusual dish.
  • Fry, like ordinary cutlets, 3-5 minutes until golden on both sides. And so that they become more juicy and lumping in the mouth, put them out a little in the oven at a temperature of 110-120 ° C. It is enough for 10-15 minutes, just do not forget to water with sour cream. And sprinkle before serving with chopped herbs.
The easiest recipe for cabbage cutlets
The easiest recipe for cabbage cutlets

Color cabbage cutlet recipe

Colored cabbage is a kind of relative of an ordinary white vegetable and green broccoli. By the way, she absorbed the benefits from both representatives. In addition to the incredible benefit for the intestines and our immune system (after all, there are a lot of vitamin C in it), regulates the menstrual cycle in women and acts as a prophylaxis from a stroke. This is only a small part of such a useful vegetable.

  • Only some components are needed:
    • curly vegetable - 1 head up to 400 g;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • salt and spices to taste;
    • greens - optional;
    • oil - in fact.
  • Take the inflorescences from the forks of the head and rinse well under running water. The vegetable must also be given preliminary cooking, but not more than 3 minutes. Otherwise, cabbage is simply turned into porridge.
  • By the way, to make it easier to work with her, lower it into boiling water with a corsher. And then with his help and leave to cool. And excess moisture is also dragging like that, because it is impossible to squeeze cabbage.
  • Now arrange a bush and turn the inflorescences in mashed potatoes. We repeat once again that the blender is not suitable for such a vegetable. The cabbage is too soft and it turns out to be too air consistency, which will lose the desired taste.
  • Add all other ingredients, but pour flour last. By the way, do it gradually so that lumps do not form.
  • Fry in oil from both sides until golden. Time should not exceed 2 minutes at the average power of the burner.
  • In the oven, such cutlets or a couple are not withstanding, otherwise they will collapse. Before serving, you can sprinkle with chopped herbs.
No less delicious cutlets are obtained from colored cabbage
No less delicious cutlets are obtained from colored cabbage

Sauerkraut cutlets: recipe

If you want to diversify your menu or just spend a large sauerkraut supply, then this recipe will help you. By the way, any cabbage is suitable for this dish, in any way of sourdough. Even if it has added carrots or other vegetables.

  • Prepare:
    • 500 g of sauerkraut;
    • 0.5 cups of flour;
    • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    • 1 egg;
    • 1 onion;
    • several twigs of parsley and dill:
    • 0.5 tsp. soda;
    • spices - to taste, and in demand for frying.
  • A big plus is that cabbage can be used with any expiration date. No, within a reasonable understanding, of course. For example, if the workpiece has acquired too sour taste, then it can be washed under water and put into cutlets.
  • It is not necessary to cook it. Go right away to the bow. Its chink as smaller as possible and send it to the pan. The secret is in the preliminary frying - then the cutlets themselves will come out more aromatic.
  • Fry literally 2-3 minutes and throw cabbage. Tash everything over low heat without a lid for 5 minutes, stirring periodically.
  • Mix the flour with soda and shift the cabbage with onions into this mixture. Match the egg here and mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Add greens and spices. Keep in mind that it will be more convenient to work with a spoon.
  • Warm up the pan and lay out one spoon of mass. Fry over medium heat until golden.
  • Thanks to the soda, they are quite lush, and sugar interrupts the acid of cabbage, so your households will not guess about the main component. Especially if you also serve on the table with sour cream or your favorite sauce.
For frying, even sauerkraut with carrots is suitable
For frying, even sauerkraut with carrots is suitable

Lenten cutlets of cabbage and beans: recipe

Such cutlets will be able to diversify your menu not only during the Great Lent, but even on the festive table. Moreover, a fragrant sauce will help to make these cutlets not only unusual, but also a little even piquant.

  • Record the ingredients:
    • cabbage - 0.5 heads (about 600 g);
    • beans - 500 g;
    • tomatoes - 4 pcs., You can replace 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
    • salt and pepper - to taste;
    • garlic-2-4 cloves, optional;
    • walnuts-100-200 g, depending on your taste preferences;
    • a pinch of nutmeg - on the tip of a knife, is not necessary;
    • oil - in fact.
  • As you can see, the components to madness are simple and economical. The only thing that beans need to be soaked in the evening so that it gets drunk well with water. By the way, you need to do this only in cold water! And do not forget to pre -sort it out of garbage and unsuitable particles.
  • This will accelerate the cooking process, but it needs to be stain for about an hour to achieve a crumbly state. In the process of cooking, we monitor the level of water, since it often boils. After all, the product should prepare without a cover, over low heat.
  • After cooling, grind it in a blender or a bit. Although with proper cooking, the beans are excellent even with a fork. Cut the cabbage into arbitrary pieces and blanching 3 minutes, maximum - 5.
  • Put on a colander so that the glass is water and squeeze the cooled vegetable well. Now cut into small pieces and add to the beans. Choose spices at your discretion, you can also throw a little chopped greens. She will never be superfluous.
  • Now cut the cloves of garlic and fry it, ideally, in olive oil. But a plant product is also suitable. Take the garlic and fry the crushed tomatoes without a peel in the same oil.
  • By the way, in order to clean the tomatoes from the skin, you need to pour them with boiling water and insist for 1-2 minutes, and then throw them into ice water for 30 seconds. Just do not forget to make a small incision in the middle of the vegetable in the form of a cross.
  • Stew tomatoes for 5 minutes, adding salt and pepper to them. It also does not hurt to throw a bay leaf for the aroma, but after stew it will need to be removed. If you replaced tomatoes with paste, then it must be diluted in a glass of water and also extinguished with spices.
  • Now proceed to the formation of cutlets. For greater aroma, you can put fried garlic into the minced meat and be sure to throw chopped nuts. It is in them that the main secret is hiding. Let a little, but purely for the smell and unusual taste, they should be present. Moreover, the nuts also hide high energy value.
  • Despite the fact that there is no egg or flour in the composition, cutlets are well fastened and not scattered. Add half the tomato, mix and form the tags. If desired, it will not prevent them from rolling in flour. Fry from both sides until golden crust. Water stewed tomato paste and sprinkle with herbs.
Such cutlets can be eaten even during the post
Such cutlets can be eaten even during the post

Changent cabbage from cabbage with the addition of potatoes

Another dish that can act as a lean side dish. Only in such a situation it will be necessary to exclude the egg, but you will need to add a little potato fluid. Although let's do everything in order.

  • Necessary:
    • 4-5 potatoes;
    • 400 g of cabbage;
    • 2 onions;
    • 1 egg;
    • salt and spices to taste;
    • frying oil;
    • 2 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs or flour;
    • 1 tbsp. l. butter.
  • Clean the potatoes and cook until cooked in a separate bowl. By the way, do not forget to salt the water a little. The cabbage is chin in small pieces, and cut the onion in small cubes.
  • In a pan, warm up vegetable oil and throw a bow into it. After reaching golden color, throw cabbage and simmer everything over medium heat for about 15 minutes. But make sure that nothing is burnt. Also slightly salt and pepper.
  • Throw butter, burned potatoes and egg. Mix thoroughly and adjust the thickness of the minced meat. If necessary, enter a little semolina or add a little more oil.
  • Form cutlets and dip in crackers. Fry in well -heated oil until golden.
  • They do not require additional extinguishing, but it is better to eat them hot and with sour cream.
Cabbage goes well with potatoes
Cabbage goes well with potatoes

The most delicious recipe for cabbage with meat minced meat

If you can’t imagine cutlets without meat, but want to cook a large number of servings, and even with savings, then this recipe will definitely save you.

  • Write down the components:
    • any meat minced meat-300-350 g;
    • cabbage of any variety-450-500 g;
    • salt, pepper, spices for meat and other - to your taste;
    • onion - 2 pcs.;
    • egg-1-2 pcs. (see the consistency and glorification of minced meat);
    • frying oil - in fact.
  • It is convenient to take minced meat with purchased, but you can be 100% confident as a home product. To prepare it, you need a small piece of meat or goulash, which you will twist in a meat grinder in 10 minutes.
  • Now go to the cabbage. To get its small pieces as small as possible, pass the cabbage also through a meat grinder, with the addition of cleaned onions. Twisting slowly, since it is possible to secrete juice. He must have time to leave. For a raw vegetable, a blender is suitable, but, again, make sure that he does not make it puree.
  • Mix all the ingredients in one composition with a flat consistency. This minced meat will not hurt to beat off well, then the cutlets will be better. Form cutlets, dip in crackers and fry on both sides until golden color.
  • Put from the pan on paper towels so that they absorb excess fat. After all, a meat product is often a high content of fat. Before serving, put out cutlets in sour cream. To do this, grease the baking sheet with oil, lay out the cutlets and lubricate with sour cream.
  • Store 10 minutes at a temperature of 150-170 ° C. Also, do not forget to add a little crushed greens.
You can not guess about all the components of such cutlets
You can not guess about all the components of such cutlets

Cabbage cutlets with mushrooms instead of minced meat

An interesting combination, which will also increase the nutritional power of this product. Just keep in mind that the mushrooms have coarse fiber, which is heavily digested by our stomach. Moreover, mushrooms in total with cabbage can cause bloating. Therefore, it is better not to give such cutlets to children.

  • Prepare:
    • mushrooms of any kind - 400 g;
    • cabbage - 0.5 kg;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • manki - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • milk - 100 ml;
    • greens and spices - to taste;
    • turmeric - 0.5 tsp;
    • red pepper - on the tip of a knife;
    • sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • vegetable oil - in fact.
  • We start with a fine cut of each product. And try to chop everything with small squares of the same size. After that, in a preheated pan, fry the cabbage a little for 5-8 minutes.
  • When the liquid is evaporated, add milk, and continue the extinguishing. Tash another 15 minutes without a lid. Put in a bowl. Now fry the bow and mushrooms. Also before the evaporation of all the liquid.
  • Mix all components. Mix and leave for 30 minutes. During this time, the semolina will swell a little, and the minced meat will come out more thick. But to roll them into the ball will not work, so spread in the pan with a spoon.
  • Fry from both sides over medium heat until golden crust. Before serving, mix sour cream with chopped greens and water hot cutlets.
Cabbage cutlets with mushrooms is better not to give children
Cabbage cutlets with mushrooms is better not to give children

Incredibly simple recipe for delicious and diet cabbage with oatmeal

If you follow the figure, then such cutlets will certainly be like it. Moreover, they can be prepared and steamed, thereby increasing the benefits for the body.

  • Write down the following components:
    • cabbage - 300 g;
    • ginger - 15 g (you can adjust the quantity);
    • garlic-2-3 teeth;
    • ovsyanka - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • pepper, salt and favorite spices - in a pinch;
    • greens - to taste;
    • oil - in fact.
  • You also boil the cabbage for 10 minutes in salted water, having previously chopped into small parts. Pass the garlic and ginger through the press, or rub on a fine grater. They can be taken in dried form, but a fresh product has more benefits and guarantees of the quality itself.
  • Twist chilled cabbage through a meat grinder or slightly solve a submersible blender. Mix all the components together and leave for 5-7 minutes at rest.
  • After that, blind small cutlets and proceed to cook them. You can fry them in vegetable oil until golden. But for more benefit to the body, it is better to proto them for a couple of 7-10 minutes. By the way, for this you can use a slow cooker or put a colander in a steam bath.
Cutlets with cabbage and oatmeal for those who follow the figure
Cutlets with cabbage and oatmeal for those who follow the figure

Cabbage cutlets: lick your fingers recipe

An interesting combination that will help make such cutlets even a festive treat. By the way, an interesting fact is that solid cheese in the amount of protein can replace meat, or rather its daily dose. True, for this you need to eat as many as 200 g of cheese product. But in the composition of calcium, zinc, phosphorus and magnesium, the cheese unequivocally circumvents both meat and cabbage product.

  • The composition of the cutlet includes:
    • cabbage - 500 g;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • hard cheese-75-100 g;
    • sour cream - 1st. l.;
    • salt, pepper - to taste;
    • frying oil - in fact.
  • The cabbage is three on a grater, and then we still pass by a knife for more grinding. Then simmer the vegetable over low heat, and when it already “sat down” a little and gave the juice, add sour cream. Fry the cabbage to a caramel shade, then turn off and give it to cool.
  • We rub cheese on a coarse grater. You can throw it into the overall composition of the minced meat, but we advise - put it aside. After all, often when frying, when the cheese touches the surface of the pan, it burns out.
  • After the cabbage has cooled, make minced meat. To do this, mix the egg, cabbage, flour and your favorite spices. Knead well until a homogeneous state.
  • Form cutlets with wet hands. But first, make a pancake, put a little cheese on the middle and roll it in the shape of a cutlet. That is, you will have cutlets with a cheese secret. Roll them in flour and fry 2 minutes on each side.
Incredibly delicious cabbage cutlets with a cheese secret
Incredibly delicious cabbage cutlets with a cheese secret

Tasty cabbage cutlets in a slow cooker

Innovations and various technologies are increasingly settling in our lives. After all, it is not just convenient, fast, but also useful. In a slow cooker, you can cook incredibly tasty and fried cabbage cutlets, and even a couple that will not take you much time.

  • Armed:
    • 1 kg of cabbage;
    • 3-4 tomatoes;
    • 3-6 garlic teeth;
    • 2 onion heads;
    • greenery and spices - at their discretion;
    • 0.5 cups of flour;
    • the same number of breading crackers.
  • Cut the cabbage into arbitrary pieces and pour completely with water. Select the “Extinguishing” mode and leave for 15 minutes. Then just turn off the mode without waiting for the end of the program.
  • Cool the cabbage on a colander and squeeze well from excess moisture. Skip through a meat grinder with a bow. Pass the garlic through the press or rub on a fine grater. Greens are finely chopped.
  • Mix all the components by kneading a dense dough. Dip each cutlet in crackers. Turn on the "Frying" mode. Just wait until the oil warms up well, and then stir the cutlets.
  • Fry 15 minutes on each side. To make the crust more crispy, it is better not to close the lid. During this time, grind tomatoes without a peel in a blender. Recall that in order to remove it, they need to be poured for 2 minutes with boiling water.
  • Add a pair of garlic, herbs and spices to the tomato. You can extinguish it in the same oil in which cutlets were fried. To do this, just switch to the "extinguishing" mode. You do not need to wait for the program to end, just after 15-20 minutes you turn off the assistant. Cover the sauce with a lid and wait for the same amount of time. Sell \u200b\u200bcutlets, pouring them abundantly with sauce.

The kitchen is like a workshop for an artist. Therefore, any recipe that has approached you and for your household can improve. For example, you can even make cutlets from two types of cabbage. And you can submit a standard recipe differently, not just with sour cream, but to prepare a Behamel or tomato-sweet sauce. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

Video: The most delicious recipe for cabbage cutlets in a slow cooker

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