Dill: benefits and harm to human health, food value, chemical composition, vitamins, minerals, calorie content of 100 grams, recipes of health.

In this article, we will talk about what the dill is useful and what is its advantages for treatment.

Dill is known all over the world and use to create a variety of dishes. The plant can be useful in any form. Even the stalks and arrows have found application. The plant can be used for various therapeutic purposes. Let's find out with you what is so useful in dill and how it can be used for treatment.

Dill: benefits and harm to human health, food value, chemical composition, vitamins, minerals, calorie content of 100 grams

The taste and smell of dill is considered specific, and it does not have any other plant. It was for the aroma that he was so loved by the culinary culinary. Dill - its benefits are high and in many ways this is due to its composition.

Below is the nutritional value of dill per 100 grams.

The chemical composition of the dill
The chemical composition of the dill

The aroma of this plant is due to the presence of essential oil in the composition. In addition, it has many other advantages. For example, only 39-40 kcal accounts for 100 grams of greenery.

If we talk about the vitamin composition, then in dill there are a lot of vitamin C. To get its daily norm, it is enough to eat about 100 grams. It also has beta-carotene, tocopherol and macro elements that are important for the life of the body. If you add a little dill to the dish, then it will replenish iron and phosphorus, zinc and copper in the body, and its active substances will help fight diseases.

Dill - fresh benefits, green, dried dill, decoction of dill for the human body?

What is useful in dill for the body? Dill, whose benefits are large, may even be even better than you think. We all constantly face him, but do not even think about the benefits, but it is very large. For example, essential oils allow activate digestion and improve food digestibility. Therefore, when we eat barbecue with dill, the meat is easier to absorb, does not let the stomach.

  • The dill contains volatile, Which, together with vitamin C and other beneficial substances, allow you to clean the gastrointestinal tract from pathogenic flora, as well as improve its immunity. The plus to all the dill allows you to strengthen the general immunity in the cold season.
  • A decoction with dill is often used for dyspepsia And he can slow down the reproduction of cancer cells. In any case, some of the specialists are of this opinion.
The benefits of dill
The benefits of dill
  • With diseases of the respiratory organs, For example, a cold, dill allows you to remove coughing and sneezing spasms. Moreover, essential oils have an antihistamine effect and can relieve allergies.
  • Women are useful in the period of painful menstruation, since it can act as a spasm. This action has a decoction.
  • Not many people know, but there is a lot of calcium in dill, which is a building material for bones. So people at an older age should eat this greens more often for the prevention of osteoporosis. Another plant contributes to the rapid fraction of fractures and cracks.
  • The composition of greenery includes many flavonoids, as well as vitamins to normalize mental activity. If you eat a twig of dill, then a feeling of anxiety will disappear, and fatigue will become less.
  • If you drink a decoction, then it will have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. It is useful for both men and women who, with age, are already declining hormonal background.
  • Thanks to this plant, you can even bring pressure to normal. Dill calms the nerves, but it can cheer up if required.

Dill for treatment: tips, recipes

The whole plant is considered useful and from any of its parts you can make decoctions, infusions and so on.

Such funds have great utility and they have no contraindications. Essential oil is most in the seeds that, as an infusion or decoction, are the best means from bloating, headache and inflammation in the genitourinary system.

At home, it is easiest to make tincture or decoction using seeds or shoots.

  • To make an infusionTake Art. a spoonful of dry seeds and mix them with boiling boiling water. After half an hour you will receive a soft painkillers and sedative. It is used half a glass twice a day.
  • From a pair of Art. tablespoons of dry seeds and 1 tablespoons of a crushed stem, 20 leaves of raspberries or currants can be made a fortifying agent that leads the body to tone. Put all these components in a liter of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. After cooling, the liquid is filtered and used twice a day a little (2-3 tbsp. Spoons).

Dill for external use

  • Something like ointments are made from dill Or antiseptic agents that are not at all dangerous for health, grinding seeds and making them gruel with water or any oil. But with the help of gruel, you can remove itching and a tumor if you are bitten by an insect. And the compress with it can stretch pus and remove inflammation.
  • You can make a cosmetic product from dill. He is famous for moisturizes the skin, gives it a fresh look and eliminates inflammation. If you prepare a mask or compress from greens, then you can remove pigmentation, and also tighten and improve the skin. In particular, similar procedures in the winter are useful, when the body lacks useful substances and vitamins. In this case, ice cubes from dill will be useful.

Beneficial properties of dill seeds for weight loss, recipes

Losing weight occurs due to the property of dill and its seeds to remove unnecessary substances, toxins, destroys small parasites (helminths), harmful microflora and normalize the digestive process, when the appetite decreases and more nutrients falls into the body from eaten food of a smaller volume.

Recipe for tea with dill seeds for weight loss:

  • In a glass with boiling water, immerse 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dill seeds and let it brew in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours. This is the daily volume of drinking that you need to drink between meals, about half an hour before meals.

Smoothies with dill for weight loss:

  • Grind 3 tbsp. tablespoons of green leaves of dill. Grate on the smallest grater 3 tbsp. tablespoons of carrots. Grind the zest of 1/4 of a small lemon. Add 1 tbsp. spoon of honey. Mix in a blender with 350 ml of water (mug). Drink in the morning 30 minutes before meals, or instead of a snack of 1 portion per day.

The recipe for smoothies with dill leaves for weight loss:

  • Grind finely fresh dill. Approximately 3 tbsp. Pour the spoons with drinking water 1 cup. You can add 1 kiwi, Art. a spoonful of lemon juice, a twig of a crushed celery. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning 20-30 minutes before meals instead of a morning cocktail 1 portion.

The recipe for smoothies with dill and kefir:

  • 1 tbsp. Mix kefir of low fat content with 3 tablespoons of crushed green dill. Add half a small cucumber and 1 s. a spoon of crushed fresh parsley. Drink 1 portion of the resulting smoothie per day. Can be divided into 2-3 doses.

Recipe with dill seeds for weight loss:

  • One Art. Grind a spoonful of dill seeds to a state of 50% powder and 50% whole seeds. In the morning, on an empty stomach 40 minutes before meals, take this powder, washed down 1.5-2 cups of water or a mug. Drink 3 days. After that, you can switch to tea or smoothie with dill.

The course of weight loss with dill should be started with the last recipe. Take dry dashed seed for 2-3 days. Then, for 2 weeks, drink smoothies with dill. Next 1 week of a break and 2 weeks drink tea with dill seeds (upper recipe). Again a week a break and again drink smoothies, a break, tea. We do cleaning with dry dill (the last recipe) 1 time every 2 months.

These recipes will work if you limit yourself in the number of calories consumed, or include them in a diet for weight loss.

Dill: harm to the body

Although dill has great usefulness, its uncontrolled reception is strictly prohibited. Dill, the benefits of which can be harmful if it is too carried away by self -medication. In many ways, the consequences will be determined by the amount of use and form.

If your pressure is lowered, then with too much greens you can faint, since it already reduces pressure. Some people do not tolerate some components of the plant, and therefore you have to be neat.

If for you this spice is new in the diet, then it is better to start using it from small portions and, with the initial signs of allergies, you should refuse.

Video: Dill. Benefits and harm to health

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Comments K. article

  1. Discharged a dill broth now constantly stands the smell of dill everything smells of dill, what to do?

  2. Thanks for the recipes. It will be necessary to try.

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