A call or a knock on the door, and there is no one there: interpretation of signs

A call or a knock on the door, and there is no one there: interpretation of signs

Did you hear a knock on the door, but there is no one there? What to do, read in the article.

Usually people are happy to accept everyone who comes to visit. And a knock in the hallway, in the doorway, in most cases is not perceived somehow wrong. However, most often people who come ahead of time call or send a message that they will come. But what to do if there is no one after knocking in the entrance. Could this mean something bad?

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Fear from superstition for years was fixed in the consciousnesses of people. Many people immediately begin to think about the evil spirits that tries to get into the house through the door or window. What does such a sign mean? The interpretation is described in the article below. Read further.

What does the sign mean - a call or knock on the door, and there is no one there: interpretation

Sign - a call or a knock on the door, and there is no one there
Sign - a call or a knock on the door, and there is no one there

In ancient times, it was believed that the entrance opening is a transition to another world. It is through him that some magical forces are trying to get inside. Most often, their intentions are unkind, so do not open if you hear a bell or knock, but there is no one outside the door leaf. What does such a sign mean? There are several common interpretations associated with this fear:

  • According to the classics, the sign indicates specific difficulties on the life path. And if you open the door, then let the trouble into your housing.
  • There is an interpretation that on the threshold there may be the spirit of the former tenant of this house. Now for some reason he is not able to find peace. The knock indicates that you are asking for help. To delve into details, it is better to contact experts. The problems are that the soul can harm a person itself without wanting.
  • If the apartment has a sick person, most likely, he will no longer be able to get better. A good idea will go to the doctor. The sign is a warning about the presence or exacerbation of the disease.
  • Even a knock may indicate a news. Listen to the sound. Deaf indicates negative news, sonorous - good.
  • According to esoterics, this method is used by evil spirits to get inside apartments and houses. And they will be able to do this if you open it. Therefore, it is better to ignore the "signal". To protect yourself, you can say that the guest came to the wrong address.
  • The most dangerous sign is a triple knock. He points to the death of one of the inhabitants of the house.

Signs have other values, for example:

  • Everyday problems
  • Loss of work
  • Moving

Usually these difficulties are small, and they pass quickly. More interpretations:

  • According to another belief, the knock indicates an imminent pregnancy. Perhaps happiness reports his phenomenon.
  • If an old man or a sick pet lives in the room, a knock speaks about their death. This is a warning that they will leave soon. In most cases, the sound comes from the lower half of the door. In a private house, a knock can also occur on the door of a pet house.
  • The soul of a friend or relative who lives very far can be tapping. Perhaps he will die soon or already died and came to say goodbye to you.
  • If the knock on the door, and other extraneous sounds, bother you regularly, probably you will have to move out of this apartment soon. A certain otherworldly force is trying to drive you out. You should not be afraid, it will not harm you in any way, only helps to move.
  • A knock in the door is also a symbol of damage or other magical actions aimed at you. Try to determine who exactly wants to harm you in order to protect yourself from evil intent.

Note: Mystical forces most often work at night. The reason is that when a person is sleeping, he is weakened, it is easier for him to harm or make him do what they need.

Does the time of day affect the interpretation of signs when a knock on the door is heard, and there is nobody there: what does a knock mean in the morning, night?

Much depends on the details, for example, the time of day. Interpretation of signs when a knock on the door is heard, and there is no one there:

  • The sound before lunch or in the morning indicates simple and ordinary troubles, which may limit yourself to a broken plate.
  • At lunchtime, an extraneous sound indicates a scandal among family members.
  • Evening knock indicates financial instability, difficulties at work, collapse or dubious transactions.
  • Higher forces try to protect you from rash acts, because they will cause all troubles.
  • The most dangerous sound is considered at night. He indicates heavy losses or even the death of a loved one.

Advice: A knock in the door is a warning, not a prophecy. They are trying to inform you about the troubles that can be avoided if you make the right decision.

What to do if you heard a knock on the door, and there is nobody there?

Knock on the door, and there is no one there
Knock on the door, and there is no one there

To begin with, drive any bad thoughts from your head. Superstitious personalities are considered the easiest prey who are ready to believe in all bad things. They just pull the negativity on themselves. What to do if you heard a knock on the door, and there is nobody there?

  • First look at the eye. If there is a person there, you can open to find out what he needs (be careful with scammers, robbers and other people with ill -worthy thoughts).
  • If there are no people in the entrance, do not open the door.

If it turned out that you opened, but there are no people in the entrance, perform the simplest, but effective ritual:

  1. Go around all the premises in the apartment with a church candle (3 times).
  2. Say prayer words - "Our Father is even thou", it’s good to say "Living in help". You can also read strong prayers from evil and evil people, enemies - It helps a lot.
  3. Sprinkle all the premises with baptismal water, pay special attention to the corners.
  4. Drinking, mentally draw a cross on the front door.

Experts also recommend tied a red thread to the door. It is important to tie it on both sides of the door. You can use not only the thread, but also the red tape, not its size is important, but the presence. It is advisable not to clean the thread from the door of the apartment.

Advice: In addition to the ribbon, the house, placed in all rooms, can protect the house. It is desirable that candles be installed in front of them.

If you are broken regularly or a knock is accompanied by other unpleasant sounds, this is bad. Protecting against negativity is possible using the following ritual:

  1. Buy 9 candles in the church
  2. Install them in the corners
  3. Light each alternately

If the apartment has less than 9 corners or you do not have the required number of candles, just read the prayer. Pay special attention to conspiracies for all occasionswhich are created to protect from knocking as well. And tell the "guests" that they do not need to come to this apartment.

Why dream a knock on the door: interpretation

If you had such a dream, then they want to tell you something from above. Why dream of a knock on the door? Below you will find a description of the interpretation. Remember the dream itself:

  • If he left a bright and good impression, good news awaits you.
  • If the dream passed heavily and was gloomy, and also frightened you or left a feeling of anxiety, you are warned of difficulties coming ahead.

It is quite difficult to say something definite regarding knocking in a door leaf in a dream. There are hundreds of dream books and each of them has different interpretations regarding such a phenomenon. Attention should be paid to the most famous, for example:

The value of the Dream Interpretation of Wanga -this phenomenon has several meanings:

  • If you have not opened the door, your financial situation will deteriorate.
  • If you got up to open it, obstacles await the goal.
  • If you knocked on the door themselves - unrequited love.


  • A knock means pleasant news related to work.
  • The stronger the dream scares, the more unexpected the news will be. It’s impossible to say for sure, it’s bad or good.


  • Knocking in the door leaf means premature and vain expectations.
  • Most often, this applies to relationships and love affairs.


  • Unworting people are actively trying to interfere with you. Look for them among colleagues, friends or relatives.


  • Soon your life will change. But you must act carefully.
  • If you open the door, financial losses are waiting for you, which will not work.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

A knock on the door, and there is nobody there: can it be a brownie?

Knock on the door, and there is nobody there: brownie
Knock on the door, and there is nobody there: brownie

Yes, maybe this is a house, if you heard a knock in the door leaf, and there is no one there. This is a friendly creature that lives in any apartment or house. Typically, households do not show activity. However, they love to knock on people if they want to warn about something good or bad. In the latter case, they indicate problems that come from the outside.

  • The brownie himself will never harm the owner of the apartment.
  • The maximum that he can do is joke, hiding the desired thing.
  • On the contrary, it will become useful for you, since its activity is a warning.

If the brownie benefits you, you should not offend him. Treat him with cookies with milk. Let him know that he is glad to be his presence. If you managed to appease the brownie, the food will move a little. If things sometimes disappear in the house, but then you find them in unexpected places, this is a good sign. You have a brownie who protects housing, drives away the spirits and tells you about problems in advance.

Can animals help if you heard a knock on the door?

Perhaps it is the animals that will become the best assistants in defense when their owner heard a knock on the door. See how the dog will behave after sound. If the pet did not react in any way, only you heard the sound, and there is definitely something otherworldly behind the doorway. If the dog began to bark in the hallway, but you looked into the eye and did not see anyone, the guest had already left or it was a joke.

But the cat will protect the house if you accidentally let the otherworldly essence inside? Cats know how to drive invisible ill -wishers and are able to protect you. In general, the cat is a defender who does not allow otherworldly forces to approach a person.

We are considering the situation not from the point of view of will: who can knock on the door?

Children can knock on the door
Children can knock on the door

So, who can still knock on the door, except for friends and neighbors? We consider the situation not from the point of view of superstitions. In standard situations, if you knock you on the door, but there is no one on the threshold, it may have the following values:

  • The prank of neighboring children. They sometimes play such games when they knock on strangers and immediately run away. If you do not open the door, they are unlikely to come again, they will not be interested.
  • They knocked on you by mistake. Perhaps, after the knock, the man realized that he was mistaken, he became embarrassed, and he decided to leave before you open the door.
  • Perhaps the guest did not wait for you and has already left.
  • Maybe knocked on the neighboring door (or people living nearby, make repairs) and you mistakenly considered that you knocked on you.

In fact, esoterics believe that you will never confuse the call of jokers and otherworldly forces. In the latter case, the sound will be unpleasant and will cause anxiety. It seems that the knock was inside and outside the house, as well as in your subconscious. It is important to be careful, because they are trying to warn you about something dangerous.

The best advice is to look in the eye after knocking. If there is no one at the entrance, you should not open it, it may be a bad superstition or ordinary joke. Even if a person was, it is useless to open the door, because he has already left.

Video: If you heard a knock on the door, don't open the door

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